My 4d positive experiance - Printable Version

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My 4d positive experiance - David Junior - 07-07-2014

I believe when i was a chilld i was 4d positive, I didnt know at the time but looking back on it i can see now that i probably was.

You see i was a very sensitive kid who could understand adults and could feel bad vibes about, Which was distressing.

Looking back on it i now i understand the colour array of my spiraled soul was white.

Once i could walk and had my own bed i could go to the toilet by myself. But i was scared to do so, You see i couldnt reach the light switch, So i went in the dark. At times i was being chaperoned by a big cat a lion. This put me at ease. At the age of about seven years i started to lose my sensitivity.

At around the age of thirty i realized that the world was a bigger place once again, At this time my colour array was orange. This meant i started to annualized and understand the greater religions without reading about them. After orange came indigo. I also started to believe that trees had a spiritual aura about them, For a while i wished i lived amongst them. This was the beginning of three point one positive density.

Later on in life i started to hear what i called a white noise, Now that i know what it was, I was experiencing heaven and earth coming together. It was a confusing time in my life as i couldnt make head or tails of the mixed up voices i was hearing. At this time i was about three point five positive density and about thirty six.

At around thirty eight i could hear voices and have a ledgable conversation with them, It felt like that the worlds of heaven and earth had completely crossed over each other. In my minds eye i could see that i had one foot on earth and the other on heaven, When they crossed i had to do a turn around just to keep my same footing.

Later on during the same year i was watching tv when Horus in all his glory appeared in front of me, He said hi son. He was dressed in battle dress with leather arm bands and leather sandals. He also wore a ring made from opal. He had an human torso with an jackals head with an hogs hide on top, The hogs hide still had its fangs, So Horus was duel fanged.

Once i understood his spender he started to pull the hide of his head. Once the hide was off his head i could see that Horus had changed, From the eyes back to his neck was all buffalo with horns where his ears were. He said to me who is the conspirator. What he was saying is who is the implant. What i was witnessing was Horus's brother Oh Siris showing himself to me, He had the same battle dress as Horus.

At this time my colour array was green, Before it was green it was yellow. I had also experienced an extra sun and an extra water within ones elements. My numerology chart also changed from fourteen to three for rebirth. I was now truely 4th positive density.

At times i have heard a loud ringing in my ears, I have found out that it means that something has been discovered or is wrong.

Im now forty six and a hell of a lot wiser, Horus has taught me many things including what are we to do about the depletion of worlds resources. Oh Siris has also taught me many things about the negative time/space densities which we can all look forward to.

I now know that we will experience different things when we change densities and sometimes experience the same things it all depends on our beleafs.

Note; Positive density is space/time, A negative density is time/space

RE: My 4d positive experiance - isis - 07-07-2014

thx for sharing! here's my favorite part:

(07-07-2014, 05:44 AM)David Junior Wrote: Horus in all his glory appeared in front of me, He said hi son.

RE: My 4d positive experiance - third-density-being - 07-07-2014

Hello David,

Thank You for Sharing.

I'm wondering about this fragment:

Quote:Horus has taught me many things(...)

Please be careful with those "things". Transient stuff is of self serving nature. You are a Creator for Haven's Sake Smile

I've never had experiences like yours. I hope You are doing Well.

Take Care

RE: My 4d positive experiance - David Junior - 07-07-2014

(07-07-2014, 09:28 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Hello David,

Thank You for Sharing.

I'm wondering about this fragment:

Quote:Horus has taught me many things(...)

Please be careful with those "things". Transient stuff is of self serving nature. You are a Creator for Haven's Sake Smile

I've never had experiences like yours. I hope You are doing Well.

Take Care
Thankz for your response, Im having some difficulty being called a creator, As my only creations are my children. For me my creator is Horus, Who is the original benefactor of this planet.

What Horus has taught me is how a 3rd positive density world and its habitants will survive the depletion of world resources, As i was in great turmoil over this, Since Horus's teach/learn im now at peace. Who ever is worried about this i wish you all peace on Earth.

RE: My 4d positive experiance - David Junior - 07-08-2014

(07-07-2014, 10:45 PM)David Junior Wrote:
(07-07-2014, 09:28 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Hello David,

Thank You for Sharing.

I'm wondering about this fragment:

Quote:Horus has taught me many things(...)

Please be careful with those "things". Transient stuff is of self serving nature. You are a Creator for Haven's Sake Smile

I've never had experiences like yours. I hope You are doing Well.

Take Care
Thankz for your response, Im having some difficulty being called a creator, As my only creations are my children. For me my creator is Horus, Who is the original benefactor of this planet.

What Horus has taught me is how a 3rd positive density world and its habitants will survive the depletion of world resources, As i was in great turmoil over this, Since Horus's teach/learn im now at peace. Who ever is worried about this i wish you all peace on Earth.
Dear 3rd density being,

I think i know what you mean when you say im a creator, Arnt we all of God?

As for helping to create evolution such as the animal kingdom, I have had four evolutionary dreams starting with Lizard King. This lizard roamed the jungle some seventy million years ago. It was thirty five foot in length and had a cross walk pattern. Father"Horus" asked us lizards to venture into the sea. This created mammals of the sea.

My second dream was of an sea mammal that breached the surface in turn having fun doing so.

My third evolutionary dream was when Father"Horus" directed us back out from the sea and onto land, I could see that we had front flippers with rather large nails, We then slowly habitated the land thus creating land mammals.

My forth evolutionary dream was when i was walking through long grass, I could see that i had the paws of an lion, I guess i was looking for prey.

RE: My 4d positive experiance - third-density-being - 07-08-2014

(07-07-2014, 10:45 PM)David Junior Wrote: Im having some difficulty being called a creator, As my only creations are my children.

Please do not look at it too literally. We are All Part of infinite and intelligent energy which is extremely creative and flow accross, in and out, over the Entire Creation. We are Focuses of this infinite, intelligent energy, which flew in countless, intelligent patterns/vibrations until We emerges as Co-Creators.
You are a non-material Being/Entity/co-Creator who dwells in this plane of existence (third density) in material form to aid Others, because You Love Them so Much. You have chosen boundaries of material vehicle and veil conditions/forgetting in order to have honor/duty of Serving Others. Your Beingness reaches far beyond this "Illusion" and touches All that exists/Creation/Creator.

Since there's no end to many-ness in Creation and We all are evolving Spiritually to Unite with all that there is, it means that at some point, of what we understand as "time", We will experience all that there were/is/will be - and as was stated this is an infinite process. Paradox in third density.

(07-07-2014, 10:45 PM)David Junior Wrote: What Horus has taught me is how a 3rd positive density world and its habitants will survive the depletion of world resources, As i was in great turmoil over this, Since Horus's teach/learn im now at peace.

In that case I was wrong, I apologize. I'm Glad You've found your Balance. I'm sure in this state You have much more to offer to your Self and Other-Selves.
It's somewhat hard for me to appreciate fully a Spiritual phenomenon since I do not understand what it exactly is. I'm searching this knowledge now.

All Best I have in me for You.

RE: My 4d positive experiance - third-density-being - 07-08-2014

(07-08-2014, 06:34 AM)David Junior Wrote: (...)
I have had four evolutionary dreams starting with Lizard King. This lizard roamed the jungle some seventy million years ago. It was thirty five foot in length and had a cross walk pattern. Father"Horus" asked us lizards to venture into the sea. This created mammals of the sea.

My second dream was of an sea mammal that breached the surface in turn having fun doing so.

My third evolutionary dream was when Father"Horus" directed us back out from the sea and onto land, I could see that we had front flippers with rather large nails, We then slowly habitated the land thus creating land mammals.

My forth evolutionary dream was when i was walking through long grass, I could see that i had the paws of an lion, I guess i was looking for prey.

Your experiences are truly extraordinary for me. As I understand, physical reality with its local laws of evolution are manifestation of non-material*, infinite intelligent energy propagation patterns. Its possible that every "change" manifested in material world is a Significant change in non-material portion of this Illusion (time/space).
What I'm getting at is that You seems to have strong connection with "law of evolution" of this sub-Logoi co-Creation. I'm wondering what was your Work in your original density.

*not as energy in our reality

RE: My 4d positive experiance - David Junior - 07-09-2014

Hi Third density being, You write and explain your self beautifully, I wish I could explain myself that brilliantly, So I will try to answer you with the same gusto.

The very last time I was at home in the negative 5th time/space density I went back to school and studied medicine, I finished school and became a surgeon, This is what ive been told by Gerold Ford my Father. I do have some memory of sitting in the lounge room within our white marble house and listening to our parents telling us stories of the days old, They also taught us magic. There are about a dozen siblings in our house living and being taught what is possible in time/space. One other thing we do in time/space is to teach the lower densities some of the teaching from our Parents, We also help to answer prayers. So in actual fact we are to serve others as well as have the best time possible.

Before I died and crossed into the 5th time/space density "the very last time" I used to captain a man of war called the Bristol, In times of peril she was nicknamed or changed to the Armageddon, I have some recall of some of the battles this ship was in. In one instance the enemy took a pot shot at us and the cannon ball glanced of the gunnels and hit the side of my cheek scaring me, I was lucky. I also had invented a semi turntable that sat underneath our cannons. We also took booty from other ships this feed an over taxed village of Bristol, This was back in the late 1600's and early 1700's.

This time around in the 3rd space/time density I chased the heavy construction as a crane driver and rigger, I could have done better in life if it wasn't for the early bad start I had had, So I promised Father that I would do better once I cross into the time/space negative densities once again.

I do have other lives were I was more of an service to others but that's another story.

I hope I have answered you my 3rd density friend.

P.S What I have been taught is that Man was created in time/space thousands of years before space/time.