To make the Law of One available in German ... - Printable Version

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To make the Law of One available in German ... - Jochen108 - 04-05-2014

... is probably the main spiritual service of this lifetime's mind/body/spirit complex, called Jochen.Shy

Hello dear Seekers, Brothers and Sisters (and all inbetween Wink) Heart,

I am glad to join this community and hope to be of service to some degree.

The Law of One has transformed my life in course of the last 15 months like only few things before. That this knowledge was not available in German seemed to me to be one of the greatest imaginable lacks for the development of spiritual seekers with a native German background and no access to English at the required level. I understood that many of my up to then developed talents and experiences could be seen as a preparation for the service that I am beginning to be able to give now. I felt a call to apply what I had learned before.

If you'd like to take a look at what's up right now in terms of provoding the Law of One in German, please click the following link and you'll see, what we are doing:

I say "we" because, although the translation, blog and publication work is basically just done by myself right now, there are already some seekers that have developed a growing relationship with these activities. Together we are contemplating future activities. The affectionnate communication with Gary and Terry (the LOO translator from Taiwan) and others from the L/L -Team (a very warm greeting to all of you!) helped to shape what we have developed to offer for seekers in, basically, Germany, Austria and Switzerland in terms of written online/offline resources.

But this thread is about my personal wanderer's story and a beautiful opportunity to reflect the ways I've taken amongst the probablity/possibility vortices which the Creator offered in catalystic expierences.

Let me begin with going back to my late childhood and youth where I started to feel a strong connection with Jesus and was involved into protestant community activities which inspired me to take up playing guitar to praise the Lord. RollEyes

Later the music stayed but the doubts into the structure of the main church organizations and presentations of Jesus grew. So even though I had just shortly passed the "Confirmation"-ceremony, I quit the church when I was 18.

A few months later I moved from the south of Germany to Hamburg which provided a great opportunity for me to free my mind in many regards. During that time I began to study astrology and read a number of books that opened me up to alternative perspectives on healing and what i'd generally call "the quality of our time". This led to an immense desire to find my "inner voice". I experimented with different settings and at one point, in a pretty intense way, I left my body.

What then happened was this: One amazing being of love hold me like a small child hanging in his arms, saying "Finally we established contact again. We have been waiting for this for so long. From now on we will always remain connected."

It was a wonderful experience and indeed transformative. And it remained unforgettable. What followed were various, sometimes seemingly opposing steps of an emerging and more and more consciously desired spiritual path. This path led me in the first ten years after this event through healing experiences, yoga & five Tibetans, chanting of Om, entheogenic experiences, one year of Rainbow familiy travelling including Israel, Sinai and Cairo, Reiki, meeting of channelers, channeling experiences, a few semesters of study in anthropology, chanting of Om Mani Padme Hum, shamanic experiences, bhakti yoga, chanting of the Maha-Mantra, spiritual community & ashram living, pujari services, bhajan music, vedic sanskrit scriptures, pilgrimage to India and permaculture.

I have left out other things and more private personal turns which were sometimes, at least at that time, not always what one would call desirable.

When I reached 30 I found it necessary to enter work life and related education in a more stable fashion. With the original goal to establish a vegetarian franchise burger take-away I entered a franchise business management education. The veggie-take-away never manifested and I seem to be stuck a bit with the necessity to earn money and the fact that many businesses and franchise systems seem very often to me to be at best "well-meant or unintentional systems of enslavement". I am trying to grow into green and social franchising if I can't leave the business field altogether.

My dream would rather be to live in a monastery/ashram like situation provided by the Brother and Sisters of Sorrow and perform a small gardening service over there Smile seems I need to experience a little more plain 3D/4D catalyst before I am able to move in.

In spring 2012 my spiritual radar went on again, strong this time. My English had become much better so that this time I was able to understand, what all the, let's say, extravagant people at abovetopsecret were writing Smile I came, once again after seven years, across the link to Tobey's great site I remembered it from back then (when I had looked at it just once and shortly) and it took me again until the end of 2012 to dive into the Ra-Material, but then it made click.

Days and nights without ending was I reading in Ra's transcendental words. And soon I felt a deep desire to make available, to learn and to share the Law of One to my fellow German-speaking seekers.

Maybe you feel as I do, since the Confederation entered my life life has taken on what seems to be speed of light. It is sometimes difficult to appropriately summarize the past and estimate the most realistic scenarios for the future when one is allowing onself more and more to live in the moment. We don't know exactly what will happen and everyone is having an individual experience, but everything is possible, also this one global moment of inspiration that Ra talked about that is ever possible.

Love and Light, dear Brothers and Sisters
I am eager to commune with you, be your sparring partner and friend.

[Image: 640px-Externsteine_pano_2.jpg]
The Externsteine

I am living in Bielefeld right now, the Externsteine, a wonderful natural power place, are not far from here. If you are from "around the corner", from Germany, Austria or Switzerland, even Europe in general: we can always do something together on the physical plane in relation to the Law of One. Don't hesitate to simply write me or comment here with your ideas or suggestions.

Love and Light Heart


Picture source: Daniel Schwen, Wikicommons

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Fang - 04-05-2014

Welcome dude and good luck with german translating, hope you enjoy our discussions of how alles Vergängliche ist nur ein Gleichnis Wink

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Jochen108 - 04-05-2014

Thanks, Fang, and I am sure we'll have inspiring exchanges about das, was ist. Smile

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - sunnysideup - 04-05-2014

Welcome Jochen108 and thanks for sharing your story. Sounds like you travelled a lot so I'd love to hear something about that BigSmile

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Jochen108 - 04-06-2014

(04-05-2014, 07:47 PM)sunnysideup Wrote: Welcome Jochen108 and thanks for sharing your story. Sounds like you travelled a lot so I'd love to hear something about that BigSmile

Thanks, Sunnysideup (inspiring user name by the way!). I more or less lived a nomadic livestyle for most of the time.

When I was about 8 I assumed that my parents (although I love them very much and they both are great teachers in their own way!) must have adopted me. 'They couldn't be my real parents' I thought. So I packed my bag and was ready to leave, when my mother met me in front of the wardrobe, asking "Where do you want to go?". "Well I am leaving, it's time to go." She convinced me to stay for ten more years Blush

When in school I was fortunate to have a French exchange partner who had to repeat the class so I could go twice and managed to go a third time; from then on I became pretty francophil for some time and spent whatever free time I had in France (Feyzin/Lyon, Paris, Bordeaux, Côte d'Azur) and Switzerland (Montreux, Nyon, Alpes). At some point (with about 16 yrs) I included playing guitar on the streets, which allowed for longer travels and meeting great people.

After I had moved out first time to the bigger regional city where I could continue advanced French classes, I moved to Hamburg, the very north of Germany, opposite to where I was born, in the south, about 70km above the Lake Constance. During the time in Hamburg, I gained what I would call, with the knowledge of today, the first conscious access to the magical personality (at least in this incarnation).

Over the course of those and the following years my life developed into a hybrid of continued changes in location either by regularly moving to different areas or plain travelling.

When the Rainbow gathering in Greece 1997 was approaching I became completely nomadic for about one year. I gave up my flat, got myself a small tipi and moved into a tipi camp in Germany from where a great and long travel, by train, bike, car, ferry, van, foot and plane led me first to another temporary Rainbow village in Austria, the European Gathering on Pairo Mountain, to Israel, weeks at the Lake Kinneret, Jerusalem, then together with a beautiful spiritual seeker to another Rainbow family gathering in the stone desert and further on to Eilat, Sinai, Mount Moses and Cairo including the Pyramids and back to Germany.

[Image: image05.jpg]

During this space/time-time/space, and often through the support of very positive, freely giving great souls, I was able to get in contact with my spirit guides, read channelled material for the first time (Pleiades), receive a Reiki initiation, meet channellers, learn other musical instruments, study the Advahuta Gita, "sing" the Koran and see the Pyramids.

It was a great spiritual journey. To follow up with "regular" educational and vocational biographies became increasingly impossible after that BigSmile although I made several attempts and some of them were successful.

Let me list the places I've lived, visited regularly or stayed longer after that and if any of you has a connection to one of them, please let me know: my birth area Laupheim, Biberach/Riss, Rot an der Rot and Ulm, Heidelberg, Jandelsbrunn (Lower Bavaria, Narasimha-Temple, organic farm), Vienna (Center for Vedic Studies, East of Eden Tempelshop), Durbuy (Belgium, Radha-Krishna-Temple), Cologne, Mechernich, Marburg, Weilburg/Lahn, Lüdenscheid, Bad Homburg, Bochum and Bielefeld.

I lived in approximately as many flats/locations as I have years right now which is 38. BigSmile Time to relax a litlle bit.

In 2001 I went to India for about a month, together with an international bhakti-yoga group. We went to Vrindavana, visited some of the many temples in worship of Krishna, Govardhana Hill and Radha Kunda, then went on to the fascinating Jagannatha temple in Puri and finally to the Ganges Delta in Westbengal. To describe it in detail requires a new post.

[Image: 640px-Kusuma_Sarovar_Ghat.jpg]
Vrindavan – Kusuma Sarovar Ghat, source: Wikipedia (GourangaUK); I jumped from the most left "springboard" Smile

It, again, was a fascinating pilgrimage/spiritual journey.

But many people have travelled a lot more, to many more places of this wonderful planet. Today I tend to stay a litlle longer and accumulate the energy that is spent by being constantly on the road. "You don't have to travel around the world to understand that the sky is blue everywhere." the old Goethe said. I have more or less switched to "inner travel" and only move when it is necessary. What I try to maintain is to keep my essential belongings limited to what could fit into a car.

I don't want to appear as someone who likes to talk or in this case write about himself. To reflect my own Wanderer's story in writing, with the perspective of today and together with you, is a great way of reviewing this incarnation though and I am very thankful for the opportunity.

If you or any other reader would like to question in more detail or privately, don't hesitate Blush

Love and Light


RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Melissa - 04-06-2014

Welcome Jochem and thanks for sharing your fascinating life story. 'T was a pleasure to read!

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Jochen108 - 04-06-2014

Thanks, Melissa, I am glad you enjoyed reading it. I'd like to add that every one has and is a fascinating living story by itself or as Ra puts it, a tonepoem Heart

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Melissa - 04-06-2014

Agreed, but I have a rather short attention span so I tend to skip long stories unless it's really pleasant to read. BigSmile

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Jochen108 - 04-06-2014

in that case, thanks again Smile maybe someday I'll make a book out of it, or a graphic novel

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Plenum - 04-06-2014

(04-05-2014, 11:46 AM)Jochen108 Wrote: If you'd like to take a look at what's up right now in terms of provoding the Law of One in German, please click the following link and you'll see, what we are doing:

I say "we" because, although the translation, blog and publication work is basically just done by myself right now, there are already some seekers that have developed a growing relationship with these activities. Together we are contemplating future activities. The affectionnate communication with Gary and Terry (the LOO translator from Taiwan) and others from the L/L -Team (a very warm greeting to all of you!) helped to shape what we have developed to offer for seekers in, basically, Germany, Austria and Switzerland in terms of written online/offline resources.

well, that's great that you're undertaking this translation project.

and even though most people under the age of 20, in almost every country, would be learning English as a second language now, for those older folks who only have one main language, trying to read Ra in the original dense English would present quite a problem.

so it's great that you are making the opportunity of 'Ra' available in a wider form Smile

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Jochen108 - 04-06-2014

Quote:and even though most people under the age of 20, in almost every country, would be learning English as a second language now, for those older folks who only have one main language, trying to read Ra in the original dense English would present quite a problem.

Thanks, Plenum. You are very optimistic about the average English capabilities of Germans ... BigSmile

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Steppingfeet - 05-05-2014

Jochen108, it is so good to see you share of your journey on the forums. Welcome! Smile

You had only hinted at the variety of your experiences previously. It is fascinating to see a more thorough description this time.

After reading this thread, I have decided to take the next five years off. If you wouldn't mind giving me a tour of everything you've seen and done since 18 years old, that would be great. Smile You've lived a life that is difficult to conceive for my less-nomadic self.

Thank you brother for all the time/energy you've invested into translating the Law of One into German. We eagerly await the publication of Book IV, and in sharing of your journey to come.

With love and light,

RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Jochen108 - 05-07-2014

Thanks for you hearty welcome, Gary!

It is one of the most inspiring things for me to discover, after the most inspiring discovery of the Law of One, that there is a wonderul international team working to unfold and unpack that gift that we received. And you have been the cheerful yogi to me, sitting on tip of the iceberg of it Wink Thanks for our encouraging and, again, inspring communications about the LOO and so many other facets of life - be they spiritual or of a more "transient" nature.

Nomadic lifestyle and long travels - today I am living almost the opposite, trying to stay at a place and focus the energy. I'd say there is no need to travel in order to make the inner travel - towards the decision of service and once that is (re)gained travel may mean what it meant for Ra, and actually for Jim, as an example, too: to move where there is call for service.

What would remain to be more fulfilled, which was a daily experience when I was more nomadic, is to live very close with nature. There was a wonderful Ra quote that I stepped on recently. I'll post it, as soon as I find it again Smile I thought: that almost sounds like a foundation motto of a LOO permaculture-natural-living initiative!

I'll use this reply, Gary, to post a general update to all those who might be interested.

The German translation of Book IV is complete, as of today I am proofreading session 83. For all those who are looking for the German translation and didn't find it yet, here is the link to the L/L Library page:

For German readers this could actually as well be an inspiring read: I did also compile a number of texts that are derived from earlier L/L Confederation channelings, which I felt would be important to have as introductory material. Those can be read at

Every other day I am receiving an email of a new seeker. Some of them would like to meet up with others, for example in Berlin. Those who read this and are living in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, or are planning to pass by for some time, and would like to get in contact with other LOO seekers - don't hesitate to send an email or pm to either Gary (and Austin) at the L/L office or me.

Love and Light


RE: To make the Law of One available in German ... - Steppingfeet - 05-12-2014

(05-07-2014, 05:04 AM)Jochen108 Wrote: It is one of the most inspiring things for me to discover, after the most inspiring discovery of the Law of One, that there is a wonderul international team working to unfold and unpack that gift that we received. And you have been the cheerful yogi to me, sitting on tip of the iceberg of it Wink Thanks for our encouraging and, again, inspring communications about the LOO and so many other facets of life - be they spiritual or of a more "transient" nature.

Your emails give me a buzz, my friend. Having a deep and abiding passion for the Law of One seems to form an instant bonding and connection between the most disparate of people. Which isn't to say that you and I in particular are disparate, just that love for the Law of One seems to form bridges across all manner of cultural/ethnic/religious/gender identities.

Your emails/calls have given me fuel for the seeking to be instantly in rapport with someone from Germany because we share a love for this very strange, but very incredible body of philosophy.

(05-07-2014, 05:04 AM)Jochen108 Wrote: Nomadic lifestyle and long travels - today I am living almost the opposite, trying to stay at a place and focus the energy. I'd say there is no need to travel in order to make the inner travel - towards the decision of service and once that is (re)gained travel may mean what it meant for Ra, and actually for Jim, as an example, too: to move where there is call for service.

Indeed. I recall variations of the story where one beginning to awaken to the truth is called upon a quest that leads them from their home to Destination B, and C, and D, only to discover at the end of the line that what they were seeking was "at home" all along.

Meaning wherever we go, the truth is always that it is us that we seek.

Nevertheless, your nomadic experiences are the stuff of my dreams. Smile

Jim has had a vision of himself as an old man wandering as the nomad, but after following, as you point out, the call to service, he's been a deeply rooted tree who seems to have interest in traveling only as far as the errands require.

(05-07-2014, 05:04 AM)Jochen108 Wrote: I'll use this reply, Gary, to post a general update to all those who might be interested.

Sorry about my temporary brain malfunction regarding Books II and III! My post has been corrected.

And a thousand cheers of gratitude for completion of Book IV. Hopefully Edgard will be able to get it formatted soon, and then we'll publish it to the archive website.

(05-07-2014, 05:04 AM)Jochen108 Wrote: Every other day I am receiving an email of a new seeker. Some of them would like to meet up with others, for example in Berlin. Those who read this and are living in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, or are planning to pass by for some time, and would like to get in contact with other LOO seekers - don't hesitate to send an email or pm to either Gary (and Austin) at the L/L office or me.

You're building a beautiful thing, J. We're lucky to be working with you.

With love/light,