Price theory of the multiverse - Printable Version

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Price theory of the multiverse - thp1983 - 03-21-2014

What are some of the great ?'s in physics? What is the origin of mass? What is the nature of the arrow of time? The answers are simple. Consider if you will the human brain which is made up of billions of neurons. There are more connections in the human brain then their are stars in our galaxy. Our neurons communicate using electrical impulses. Those electrical impulses travel through the neuron and when they reach the next neuron there is a small gap between each neuron (synapse). At that point the electrical impulse converts into a chemical message to be passed to the next neuron where it will then be converted back to an electrical impulse. That is the nature of thought. That is conversion from energy to matter. That short gap energy is transformed in to multiple universes where your thought plays out all possible and probable outcomes (the many worlds interpretation). These thoughts or impulses also are traveling in a certain direction which explains why we have an arrow of time. The major point to understand is INFINITY and infinity is a hard concept to comprehend. To grasp infinity you must define that infinity as unity (singularity). The first thing in creation was infinity which is an oxymoron but you get the picture. The second thing to happen is infinity became aware. Now you can compare that concept to your creation the moment your fathers sperm fertilized your mothers egg and that moment of conception was your big bang. when that first cell began dividing your universe was expanding and yet it was not aware of itself yet. The moment the brain turned on so to speak, you the creator became aware and began to think. So I ask you, What is thought? What does it mean to take thought. Would thinking not be creating (experiencing) The process of thought is actually being played out in many multiverses that begin and end in a split second. Now think about the purpose of creation. Creation is all about energy and information. It takes energy to get information (experience). Picture a Black Hole consuming everything that nears it even light, so it is consuming all energy and information. Where is this energy and information going? Where does it end up? Could it be possible that it is what powers our cells and body. Could all that energy and info be what is coming out of the mitochondria in our cell. That is where infinity or intelligent infinity comes into play for the scale of the macrocosm to the microcosm is infinite it never ends. It flows like all energy and info flows in a torus shape. The conclusion to my theory is that yours and my ultimate goal is to fully grasp that we can travel the universe through meditation in which we are actually traveling through our thoughts. In fact that is all we are is a thought. The material universe is nothing but an illusion in which we carry out experiencing the possibilities and creating and sub creating for the intelligent infinity or the infinite consciousness. The fact is that we are all one thought in the creators mind and that makes us sub creators and that my friends is what is infinity is. Theory thought by Taylor Price

RE: Price theory of the multiverse - Plenum - 09-29-2014

that is one fantastic outpouring Taylor Price.

(03-21-2014, 03:47 PM)thp1983 Wrote: What is thought?

What does it mean to take thought.

Would thinking not be creating (experiencing) The process of thought is actually being played out in many multiverses that begin and end in a split second.

do we really understand the nature of thought?

sometimes a question (or series of questions) is as stimulating as any answer offered:

Ra Wrote:

1) What is it, my friends, to take thought?

2) Took you then thought today?

3) What thoughts did you think today?

4) What thoughts were part of the original thought today?

5) In how many of your thoughts did the creation abide?

6) Was love contained?

7) And was service freely given?