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Life Programming - Plenum - 01-30-2014

why are things the way they are? why is my life the way it is?

these questions can often arise when we become confused and lost as to what our purpose here is in this incarnation.

it might seem a leap of faith, but there indeed were Choices and Decisions made before coming down into the body; decisions that were definitive and almost like the laying down of rail-lines, in terms of lessons and progress.

Ra offers a few thoughts:

re: Carla's choice

Quote:60.8 Ra: I am Ra. As we have said, this instrument, feeling that it lacked compassion to balance wisdom, chose an incarnative experience whereby it was of necessity placed in situations of accepting self in the absence of other-selves’ acceptance and the acceptance of other-self without expecting a return or energy transfer. This is not an easy program for an incarnation but was deemed proper by this entity.

re: the actual agreements to be born into an 'unloving' family:

Quote:50.5 Agreements were made prior to incarnation; the first, with the so-called parents and siblings of this entity. This provided the experiential catalyst for the situation of offering radiance of being without expectation of return. The second program involved agreements with several entities. These agreements provided and will provide, in your time/space and space/time continuum, opportunities for the experiential catalyst of work and comradeship.

re: experiences repeating, until we 'get it':

Quote:33.6 The incarnating entity which has become conscious of the incarnative process and thus programs its own experience may choose the amount of catalyst or, to phrase this differently, the number of lessons which it will undertake to experience and to learn from in one incarnation.

This does not mean that all is predestined, but rather that there are invisible guidelines shaping events which will function according to this programming.

Thus if one opportunity is missed another will appear until the, shall we say, student of the life experience grasps that a lesson is being offered and undertakes to learn it.

re: knowing what we are getting 'into' (ie, there is no possibility of an excuse to say that 'this life is too hard', because our society was known in full before we made the decision to come down):

Quote:50.5 There are events which were part of a program for this entity only in that they were possibility/probability vortices having to do with your societal culture. These events include the nature of the living or standard of living, the type of relationships entered into in your legal framework, and the social climate during the incarnation. The incarnation was understood to be one which would take place at harvest.

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so yes, life may be quite confusing at times, and we sometimes get so lost as to 'what the heck am I supposed to be doing or learning here?". And yet, our life is constantly giving us everything we need (the 'tools' and 'experience') to figure out where we should be going, and what exactly we should be doing to fulfill our original life plan.

are there clues? most assuredly.

"8.1 Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, the path your life-experience complex has taken. Consider the coincidences and odd circumstances by which one thing flowed to the next. Consider this well.

Each entity will receive the opportunity that each needs."


"94.15 The archetype of Experience of the Mind reaches not, O student, but with firm authority grasps what it is given."

does life seem confusing at times? most definitely
is it random, and without intent and purpose? most definitely not.

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further reading on incarnational planning:
Journey of Souls by Michael Newton

RE: Life Programming - Namaste - 01-30-2014

Journey of Souls - enjoyed that. I've had both 'past' and 'future' life regressions before reading the book, and there were some striking similarities.

Although I appreciate it would lessen the polarising potential of the incarnation, imagine how useful that feedback from Ra would be for an individual. All of sudden, it all makes sense. Incredibly empowering.

RE: Life Programming - Melissa - 01-31-2014


RE: Life Programming - kycahi - 01-31-2014

I urge every b4th forum member to read at least one Michael Newton book e.g. Journey of Souls. He fills many gaps. In my mind, the Newton volumes and LOO volumes are excellent companions.

RE: Life Programming - Bring4th_Austin - 01-31-2014

This isn't necessarily a direct response to any of these posts, but rather commentary on the issue:

Sometimes understanding the path we've laid for ourselves can help us understand where it is important for us to place our finite amount of awareness and resources. Knowing that we are experiencing something because of some karmic involvement from the past can help us come to a state of acceptance of what we experience. But there are other parts to this sort of dynamic.

One minor point is the vague nature of intuitive perception. In attempting to discover our own lessons or karmic bonds, either through our own faculties or the faculties of intuitives like psychics, there's a chance that what we figure out could be influence by whatever bias is within our faculties at the moment. I consider this a minor point because if we're emotionally drawn to some sort of scenario, whether it's legitimate or imagined, there is something for us to work with there.

But sometimes people can become enamored with the idea of their planned lessons, their past life karma, or the path they've laid out for themselves, and in doing so kind of miss the point of 3rd density, and that is one of faith and choice. If we are experiencing something that we have a difficult time accepting, and we are only able to come to acceptance of it because it was "part of the plan," is that genuine acceptance? Does the fact that acceptance only comes after the condition of being an aspect of our programming mean that this acceptance is incomplete? If we had full acceptance of our circumstances, why would we need to know if it is in our programming or not?

I believe this is part of what Ra was referring to with the analogy of the poker game.
Quote:You cannot remember your hand, their hands, perhaps even the rules of this game. This game can only be won by those who lose their cards in the melting influence of love; can only be won by those who lay their pleasures, their limitations, their all upon the table face up and say inwardly: “All, all of you players, each other-self, whatever your hand, I love you.” This is the game: to know, to accept, to forgive, to balance, and to open the self in love. This cannot be done without the forgetting, for it would carry no weight in the life of the mind/body/spirit beingness totality.

Wouldn't life programming be part of the cards in our hand? If this is the case, then these cards should be "lost in the melting influence of love," where it doesn't matter what the card is - there is acceptance no matter what.

I do think that in some cases, understanding the energies leading up to our circumstances can act as a rung on a ladder towards greater acceptance. But my main point is, in the end, life programming, karmic bonds, energetic patterns; to fulfill or heal all of these things, knowledge of them is not required. What is required is simply acceptance. We can rest comfortably knowing that we will experience what we need to in order to complete the lessons we came here to complete, all we have to do is find acceptance. No matter what anyone's lesson, programming, or karma is, the ultimate goal is the same: seek love in the moment. Do this and your purpose for being here will be met, without any knowledge of what happened before you got here.