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Spiritual Bypassing - zenmaster - 12-26-2013

4/28/11 Robert Augustus Masters: Spiritual Bypassing & Spiritual Fallacies - Mary Allen Show

2/14/12: Robert Augustus Masters Spiritual Bypassing & Deep Inner Work - Adam Steward

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - reeay - 12-26-2013

The book is very well written and great to gain personal insight. Snippet of chapter 1:

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - Melissa - 12-26-2013

He has great energy! Just finished listening to the first vid and had quite a few ouch, lol and a-ha moments.

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - Melissa - 01-05-2014

Lots of interesting, in-depth interviews. Highly recommended for people who feel challenged by, or struggle with, (interpersonal) relationships.

10 Obstacles to Sane Spirituality… - zenmaster - 01-16-2014

Julian Walker, 10 Obstacles to Sane Spirituality……or 10 Portals Beyond New Age Delusion. Wrote:the basic tenets of the New Age belief system can be understood as an elaborate psychological defense system that is actually in the way of the work with which a transformative, healing and sane spirituality is concerned.

Pt. 1: The Dance of Psyche
Pt. 2: What is Truth?

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - Patrick - 01-16-2014

Extreme Relativism
Quote:...By this logic channeling aliens and E=mc2 are claims of equal value with there being no way of saying whether either is actually true. By this logic female genital mutilation is not morally wrong because who are we to judge the customs of another culture – I mean those girls and women might be happier in their context than “free” women in the oppression of our consumerist objectified rat race, right?!


From my perspective, the poor guy is missing the point.

For me, Extreme Relativism is simply that the objects of genital mutilation are the only ones who can judge if it is wrong or not (for themselves).

That said, we would probably be extremely hard pressed to find anyone judging for themselves that being mutilated was rightly done to them.

But from my perspective absolute relativism is perfectly sensical while being greatly misunderstood by us on Earth at this time.

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - zenmaster - 01-16-2014

What he is suggesting is that people put the cart before the horse due to misuse of the notion as an ideology. It is the mere possibility taken for granted without the prior consciousness which is why there is confusion. Basing judgment on that confusion is part of dishonest practices to which he is referring - hence the point he made which he understood all too well.

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - Patrick - 01-16-2014

(01-16-2014, 09:52 PM)zenmaster Wrote: What he is suggesting is that people put the cart before the horse due to misuse of the notion as an ideology. It is the mere possibility taken for granted without the prior consciousness which is why there is confusion. Basing judgment on that confusion is part of dishonest practices to which he is referring - hence the point he made which he understood all too well.

Yes I see it now. I am re-reading the article more in depth. But still I believe he is overgeneralizing; "New Age" as a whole is pejoratively portrayed. I get what he is saying, but I believe the format is not helping the delivery of his message.

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - zenmaster - 01-16-2014

(01-16-2014, 10:07 PM)Patrick Wrote:
(01-16-2014, 09:52 PM)zenmaster Wrote: What he is suggesting is that people put the cart before the horse due to misuse of the notion as an ideology. It is the mere possibility taken for granted without the prior consciousness which is why there is confusion. Basing judgment on that confusion is part of dishonest practices to which he is referring - hence the point he made which he understood all too well.

Yes I see it now. I am re-reading the article more in depth. But still I believe he is overgeneralizing; "New Age" as a whole is pejoratively portrayed. I get what he is saying, but I believe the format is not helping the delivery of his message.
The provided "new-age" template simply has both healthy and pathological aspects to it. I guarantee he understands both, but for the point of the article he is describing the pathological. And "pathological" meaning, that which can yet does not promote consciousness but rather distraction and confusion. What he is describing is largely reflective of Spiritual Bypassing, when those of the Green vMeme begin to have some access in time/space yet inevitably still reject much of their personal unconscious which manifests in a variety of ways indicated in the "new-age" culture (because it provides a means to escape that confrontation). The view of the author being "pejorative" in his descriptions is one that misses the point entirely.

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - Patrick - 01-17-2014

This quote comes to mind.

Anthony Garrett Wrote:On the large scale, history shows that an uncritical and misinformed populace is a breeding ground for all manner of intolerant beliefs and practices. The discovery that truth has to fight for its survival is not a pleasant one, but is an essential realization in maintaining civilization. And in a society as open and susceptible to fraud as ours is, truth needs all the help it can get.

Yep Truth is an interesting subject. Smile

From the article Wrote:...We all create our own reality and it is impossible to get outside of the lens through which you have been conditioned to perceive. What is true for you may not be true for me...

Within the Creation (Infinity) I believe that everything is indeed somehow true all at once.

But I believe that anyone incarnated here has agreed to function under a specific and shared set of Truths in order to make our experience here pertinent to its purpose.

Unfortunately it would seem that flying like superman is not relevant to our current collective experience. I would have liked doing that, but alas... Smile

So in this context we could say that science is simply trying to make a list of this set of Truths we all agreed on for our experience on Earth.

And then I'm wondering what relationship, if any, does "Sane Spirituality" have with science per se ? And if so what form does it take ?

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - zenmaster - 01-18-2014

(01-17-2014, 10:25 PM)Patrick Wrote: And then I'm wondering what relationship, if any, does "Sane Spirituality" have with science per se ? And if so what form does it take ?
We have a "mind/body/spirit complex". The mind may process catalyst according to rational choices which is called "experience". Choices form the worldview - that's what we bring to bear on catalyst. One way to methodically check complex choices or determinations is "science" which is how knowledge can interpret experience.

Spirituality is "of the spirit". The mind, via acceptance - through worldview here in 3D, is what allows that spirit to actualize.

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - Patrick - 01-18-2014

The mind is what allows spirit to actualize.

Yes that's very interesting. Well thank you for your comments my friend and the time you spend here.

MEMEnomic Cycles

  • The Fiefdoms of Power Cycle (pg. 105) is the 3rd value system - the Red System in Spiral Dynamics theory, and the first cycle detailed in MEMEnomics. This was an era that lasted from the end of the United States Civil War to the middle of the Great Depression when a few men built an entire economy. These the values of the individualistic Red System that are identified as egocentrism, heroism, and feudalism.

  • The Patriotic Prosperity Cycle (pg. 108) was a MEMEnomic era that lasted from the mid-1930s till the late 1970s. It is identified with the values of the communal 4th system - the Blue System of righteous living, law and order, the one-true-way and heavy regulation.

  • The Only Money Matters Cycle (pg. 125) was a MEMEnomic era that started in the early 1980s and is going through the entropy and collapse phase during this decade (2010-2020). It is identified with the values of the individualistic 5th value system - the Orange System of strategic enterprise, personal advancement and resource manipulation. Dawlabani posits that the Financial Innovation expression of this cycle falls outside the normal economic emergence cycles as money decouples from its historic relationship to human productive output.

  • The Democratization of Information Cycle (pg. 158) aligns with a 6th level Green value system. The United States entered the embryonic phase of this MEMEnomic era in the 1990s and transitioned fully into the growth phase following the financial crisis of 2008. It is identified with the communal Green System of egalitarian and humanitarian values, seeking the equal distribution of information, knowledge and resources.
Dawlabani explains why, although advanced cultures and economies around the world do welcome the virtues of the Fourth MEMEnomics Cycle, the values of the 6th level Green System cannot be sustained in the long term. The framework indicates that, although each new system fills the gaps created by preceding systems, the First Tier systems fail to see the complexity or contribution of other value systems and are resistant to integration. The very nature of the Green communal system believes that egalitarianism is the highest virtue humanity can achieve. It dismisses the entire hierarchy below it, victimizes the Red system and blames the Blue and Orange systems. This phenomenon is what Don Beck and integral philosopher Ken Wilber call the "Mean Green Meme".

Dawlabani argues that the mandate of this cycle is already beginning to create problems that the current system cannot solve. The democratization of information through the internet, social media, cell phone cameras and YouTube, and the coming of age of digital manufacturing and 3-D printing are all ushering horizontal economies and unprecedented transparency that is creating disruption and chaos everywhere. These problems, Dawlabani argues can only be solved from the next system, which is a part of his fifth MEMEnomic Cycle

The future Fifth MEMEnomic Cycle
In the last five chapters of the book, Dawlabani designs a new economic system. Emerging societal values at this time in history are not based on the subsistence economy and the subsistence ethic, but the values of what he calls a magnificence of existence ethic (pg. 170).

The Fifth MEMEnomic Cycle is based on the big picture views of the 7th value system - the Yellow System. This is the first level of the Second Tier systems and presents a significant breakthrough change in perspective within the Graves/Spiral Dynamics framework. It is what Graves called Humanity's Momentous Leap...

Seems to be predicting how the current beginning transition into green ray is going to change economics.

This is all very relevant to me regarding my wanting to help an alternative economic system take root.

Now I'll have to get this book. Smile

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - zenmaster - 01-18-2014

Yes, there can not be a societal transition to "green ray" without "second-tier" vibrations of thought. That's because the "Green vMeme", as "progressive" as it may seem to its constituents, is still exploring (as shadow via projections), the grosser aspects of the personal and collective unconscious. However, the (healthier) exploration of relativism and various "healing" ideologies is what eventually leads to the confrontations and acceptance of self which helps usher in second-tier awareness. With 25% now at this fragile Green vMeme, and growing, you can see that various pathological ideologies and movements, much like the provided opportunity for disease, may serve to frame these projections for interpretation and belief thus delaying that acceptance of self necessary to appreciate the higher vibration of thought.

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - reeay - 01-18-2014

The dark side of green vmeme is when people revert to lower vmemes, just like 'reverting to orange' as Ra said. You see people becoming a bit zealous (mean-green vmeme), anti-authoritarian but attempt to replace old authority w/ own authority (blue vmeme), and resort to magical thinking (red/purple vmeme).

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - Elfriede - 04-04-2014

Robert Augustus Masters is a spiritual bypasser - admittedly so. As an unredeemed cult leader himself - he is now preceding with his third round.

On March 2, 2014 i posted the flwg comment on this page due to a growing number of critical comments mostly from former students it was removed upon RAM's request on March 12, 2014.
See: Retrieved comments disclosing the unredeemed past of cult leader Robert Augustus Masters

In his interview with Rick Archer Robert Augustus Masters (RAM) said in minute 0:37:44, recorded August 1, 2011, posted August 4, 2011 [removed March 12, 2014]:
"More and more spiritual teachers are being caught with [their] pants and halos down. [...] I do hold people responsible who get into this trouble [sexual exploitation with their teacher] with teachers by holding the teachers more responsible. [...] we may be a little frightened to say it because that person [the flawed teacher] has more authority. A healthy teacher [...] will get questioned more [...] which makes the possibility that this thing will turn into a cult less likely."

Referring to above quote I wrote on RAM's Facebook thread on Dezember 2, 2012,
"Robert, you were one of these unhealthy violent hierarchical teachers who bullied those who dared to challenge you. Only 5-MeO-DMT could knock you out. As long as you strip your past from your new narrative you might be setting up a cult all over again."

NOTE: On his about and in his telecons with Ken Wilber (2006 onwards), Tami Simon, Michael Toms, Rick Archer, Craig Hamilton, and Terri Patten RAM carefully avoided to mention his community cult Xanthyros to keep the crimes hidden that were committed in there. RAM declared that his books produced by Xanthyros Foundation are out of print, also avoiding to mention the name that would possibly expose him.

On December 28, 2011 Robert Augustus Masters had started a thread on his Google open Facebook page asking:
"...when the group/community ... becomes too poor a fit? Do we ... challenge the very structuring and foundational assumptions (and cultic tendencies) of such a group/community, no matter how convincingly our protests might be summarized as "resistance" or "our problem" or mere reactivity?"

After I cornered RAM and held him accountable to his own words, he apologized to me - to save face. Celebrating the "miracle", I've soon learned from those he had abused during his years as their cult leader that RAM's written apologies resulted from his fear of being prosecuted. He had failed to truly come clean with allegedly 99% of his former Xanthyros cult members including his wives and children.

In his thread I asked RAM how he has reconciliated his own cult building (Xanthyros) and the members thereof? he replied,
"By acknowledging that it was a cult, apologizing for the hurt I caused, and cutting through my cult-building leanings until they no longer had any pull for me."
These words do not hold truth: in public RAM is hiding his past as a cult leader. Only under threat of prosecution he issued apologies - gestures without appropriate compensation.

In answer to my question end of 2011, he announced his intention to write an article on his experiences as a cult leader. Two decades after the fall of his cult, such a rare avowal has not been released - most likely due to RAM's refusal to redeem its former members.

I have tested RAM at four occasions, and he failed all tests.
  1. 1. I had been a working guest from abroad volunteering in his cult-commune Xanthyros in Vancouver for 4-5 weeks (March-Easter 1991).
    2. At my last meeting with RAM's shadow bearers I turned down his request to set up his German dependence.
    Instead of bidding me farewell, all three of them screamed at me bullying me for my decision.
    3. In a 17 page long feedback letter I had predicted that Xanthyros would fall apart (which did happen in 1994). No reply was issued to it.
    4. 20+ years later I met RAM for the second time on his Facebook "fan" page.
Challenged as requested for his own "cultic tendencies", this is how RAM dealt with me:
  1. 1. He turned off the cult-related thread from Google view by transfering it to the less frequented Facebook rubric "Activities of friends" concealing the "activity" he had initiated.
    2. He deleted one of my critical posts, unwilling to "appreciate the dirt" (as suggested by him for those on the spiritual path).
    3. He informed me per PM about this deletion act and offered to handle the issue privately. No more answers were given.
    4. A year later - the discussion had continued (without him) for two weeks. Once he discovered that he deleted all my posts on this (still existing gutted) thread.
    5. As expected, he blocked me from posting, liking, or sharing anything from his Facebook page.
Unwilling to account for his abuses as a cult leader, RAM reminds me of the wolf who reaped stones in his belly after the girl and the old woman were released from him. Rare it is to meet a wolf who may bear the stones sown in his belly gracefully.

RE: Spiritual Bypassing - Melissa - 04-27-2014

"Life is messy" Tongue