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Mind Control Techniques - Adonai One - 11-25-2013

Here's what I have experienced first-hand:

-The encouragement of writing intents that aggrandize the self towards large amounts of wealth and personal power EVEN if it is written the goal is for good.

-Random pressures and pain in the back and head leading to changes in mood that spark disagreements and feuds that seem to be occurring for no reason at all. They will attempt to block your energy centers to destroy relationships you have.

I discovered their presence just recently when I was writing very grandiose magical intentions with the goal of helping but in very extreme obsessive manners. When I began showing these intents to my fiancee, she became very disturbed. I was not being myself and I was becoming very obsessed with using magical means to change the physical world with a thin veil of service.

Weirder and weirder things started happening and eventually it became clear that we were slowly becoming puppets. If we had not caught this, I sensed and foresaw our relationship dissolving due to my long-term obsession and some of the awful things I would have likely caused.

If you intend to cause long-term worldly change through magical means whether that be through channeling or something else, be careful. They are clever and sly...

These things started showing up ever since I wrote a clear intent that in my life I wanted to channel material that would be widely published and mainstream along with several other things. It's clear to me that these intents were noticed.

From what I saw, their clear goal was to slowly tune me and my principles into something rather monstrous. A vision of what I saw going down that path 20 years into it was not pretty...

Be careful.

Quote:67.7 Questioner: I undoubtedly will ask several very uninformed and poor questions. However, I was trying to understand certain concepts having to do with the illusion, I shall say, of the polarization that seems to exist at certain density levels in the creation and how can the mechanism of interaction of consciousness— it is a very difficult subject for me and therefore I ask your forgiveness for my poor questions, but it seems to me that the fifth-density entity is attracted in some way to our group by [the] polarization of this group which acts somehow as a beacon to the entity. Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is, in substance, correct but the efforts of this entity are put forward only reluctantly. The usual attempts upon positively oriented entities or groups of entities are made, as we have said, by minions of the fifth-density Orion leaders; these are fourth-density. The normal gambit of such fourth-density attack is the tempting of the entity or group of entities away from total polarization towards service to others and toward the aggrandizement of self or of social organizations with which the self identifies. In the case of this particular group each was given a full range of temptations to cease being of service to each other and to the One Infinite Creator. Each entity declined these choices and instead continued with no significant deviations from the desire for a purely other-self service orientation. At this point one of the fifth-density entities over-seeing such detuning processes determined that it would be necessary to terminate the group by what you might call magical means, as you understand ritual magic. We have previously discussed the potential for the removal of one of this group by such attack and have noted that by far the most vulnerable is the instrument due to its pre-incarnative physical complex distortions.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - AnthroHeart - 11-25-2013

Exactly why I can't use magic. And don't want to. Sort of bad though because magic could help me with meditation.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Melissa - 11-25-2013

Sorry to read about your experience Adonai, much love to you and Vervex.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Bat - 11-25-2013

Magic is indeed powerful. I have come under attack before, ranging from downloaded realities to a simple cold hand in upper back. However i never took any of it to deeply to heart, so i guess i have this strange mannerism to be able to keep reality reality and metaphysics, metaphysics. Maybe this type of understanding can be of some use to you.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Sagittarius - 11-25-2013

Perhaps they turn up because you have an intent at all.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Fastidious Emanations - 11-25-2013

Adonai, it may be more suitable to dedicate to service-to-others in a more open-ended and non-definitive manner, releasing expectations of the "grandiose" of results, on the right hand path far more work may be done through acceptance/offering of love from any/all sources, as the path pertains to communion. Whatever that means.. ;P

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Brittany - 11-25-2013

Perhaps you're simply learning to read your own mind.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Adonai One - 11-25-2013

(11-25-2013, 11:09 PM)Brittany Wrote: Perhaps you're simply learning to read your own mind.

You would need to commit not only one but two people to the looney bin then for having the same concerns and physical feelings of being influenced.

Britanny, you are being judgemental right now and I think I know why. I am sorry my findings do not resonate with you.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Brittany - 11-26-2013

Judgmental accusations of judgment. Hilarious.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - InTheMiddle - 11-26-2013

No need for the cross chat. If a member presents a legitimate concern it is to be taken as legitimate. If no man can know anothers' heart then there is no need to attempt to decipher the workings within another 3D entity without expressed permission from the other party.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - reeay - 11-26-2013

I hope you are vervex are doing great.

It seems like this is a disturbing experience for both. What are you both planning to do about it… like what sort of safety measures are you putting in place? The protection magic not working for you both still?

Relationships are tricky thing (but one of those great way to grow/develop)… hope you are both able to stick together, work together to strengthen that relationship as you figure out how to protect yourselves together. Heart take care!

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Ankh - 11-26-2013

(11-25-2013, 09:06 PM)primordial abyss Wrote: Adonai, it may be more suitable to dedicate to service-to-others in a more open-ended and non-definitive manner, releasing expectations of the "grandiose" of results, on the right hand path far more work may be done through acceptance/offering of love from any/all sources, as the path pertains to communion. Whatever that means.. ;P

I liked what you wrote here. Dedication to service to others is, what I understand Ra says, the magical work:

"You are correct only in the quite specialized position in which the instrument finds itself, that is, of being involved in and dedicated to work which is magical or extremely polarized in nature. This group entered this work with polarity but virtual innocence as to the magical nature of this polarity it is beginning to discover."

See above how Ra seem to equal "magical" with "extremely polarized in nature" like it was the same thing? Or how they seem to say that there is magical nature of the polarity which is difficult to discover? Smile

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Sagittarius - 11-26-2013

Killing each other isn't comfortable at first.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Rake - 11-26-2013

Personally I believe you should allow 'magical' things to happen within your life. Rather than willing a certain thing to happen through magical principles. Be careful Adonai you seem to attract attention with such workings so why continue?

It's not about knowing the ins and outs of our reality and trying to will certain outcomes. For me it is about understanding the truths for you personally and allowing magical things to ebb and flow into your daily life.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Fastidious Emanations - 11-26-2013

Sagittarius, I bet you actually have a weak tummy. Smile

RE: Mind Control Techniques - reeay - 11-26-2013

(11-26-2013, 06:59 AM)Sagittarius Wrote: Killing each other isn't comfortable at first.

You lost me here

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Sagittarius - 11-26-2013

(11-26-2013, 01:27 PM)rie Wrote:
(11-26-2013, 06:59 AM)Sagittarius Wrote: Killing each other isn't comfortable at first.

You lost me here

Killing thoughts of each other, letting go of the need to feel attached to a lie or story or fantasy. Quite obvious how much fantasy the relationship is based on hehe.

There together to learn that they don't need each other. Both are searching for intrinsic explanations extrinsically with each other. Hence the manifestation of paranoia/conspiracy when one feels the other is someone they have to prove something to or someone that they rely on for "proof".

RE: Mind Control Techniques - vervex - 11-26-2013

In my experience, entities who wish to influence the minds of people usually work with tendencies, beliefs, ideas and biases which already exist within the individual. They may offer temptation and seed negative thoughts, perhaps even subtly encourage one to take drastic actions, however it is my understanding that those are more often than not in alignment with our pre-existing weaknesses. As a result, an individual who is balanced will be much harder to sway than one who is unbalanced.

As it is mentioned in the opening post, some strange things have happened recently but I am convinced that as long as one strives towards love and dedicates time as well as energy to healing, all will ultimately be well.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Sagittarius - 11-27-2013

There is no doubt all is well, the troubles lay in the indications of "well". If all was well in the self why would indications or proof even be required.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - zenmaster - 11-27-2013

(11-27-2013, 12:32 AM)Sagittarius Wrote: If all was well in the self why would indications or proof even be required.
Same reason people put bumper stickers on cars, to draw attention to or to reinforce an idea.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - reeay - 11-27-2013

(11-26-2013, 01:54 PM)Sagittarius Wrote:
(11-26-2013, 01:27 PM)rie Wrote:
(11-26-2013, 06:59 AM)Sagittarius Wrote: Killing each other isn't comfortable at first.

You lost me here

Killing thoughts of each other, letting go of the need to feel attached to a lie or story or fantasy. Quite obvious how much fantasy the relationship is based on hehe.

There together to learn that they don't need each other. Both are searching for intrinsic explanations extrinsically with each other. Hence the manifestation of paranoia/conspiracy when one feels the other is someone they have to prove something to or someone that they rely on for "proof".


RE: Mind Control Techniques - Ankh - 11-27-2013

(11-26-2013, 08:02 AM)Rake Wrote: Be careful Adonai you seem to attract attention with such workings so why continue?

I like this question! I believe that if a working is of an "extremely polarized nature, or magical", then one *will* attract the attention of our negatively polarized friends. And if one does not continue its work, then the desire, or will, was perhaps not strong enough? And one needs to seek once again what is meaningful to itself or what one wants to do?

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Adonai One - 11-27-2013

These thought-forms and attacks have reached the point to where if I approach the book I am attempting to author, in any capacity, I get a mega-headache that absolutely destroys any of my ability to think and work. I become agonized to the point to where I have to lay down. I try fight it off, I call to entities to assist but the pain prevails. All signs point to that I am assisted but the power of the entities involved overshadows any of the assistance given. It's a conflict. It's an unequivocal conflict. I have to engage in a battle of thought in order to go on with my life and so do my friends in the inner planes.

I'll figure this out somehow. Pacifism as an option entails me giving up and avoiding doing anything these entities don't like. Valid, relaxing but that's not what I came here for.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - vervex - 11-27-2013

(11-27-2013, 05:17 AM)Adonai One Wrote: These thought-forms and attacks have reached the point to where if I approach the book I am attempting to author, in any capacity, I get a mega-headache that absolutely destroys any of my ability to think and work. I become agonized to the point to where I have to lay down. I try fight it off, I call to entities to assist but the pain prevails. All signs point to that I am assisted but the power of the entities involved overshadows any of the assistance given. It's a conflict. It's an unequivocal conflict. I have to engage in a battle of thought in order to go on with my life and so do my friends in the inner planes.

I'll figure this out somehow. Pacifism as an option entails me giving up and avoiding doing anything these entities don't like. Valid, relaxing but that's not what I came here for.

If one believes they are not sovereign of their own body/mind/heart, if one believes they are overshadowed, then they are indeed giving away their power to another. An event where one is bothered by another is only a conflict if it is considered and actively pursued as such. One could simply choose to recognize the challenge, gracefully go through it with an open heart, a positive outlook, and emerge from it in one piece, ready to keep walking on the path they previously set for themselves. There is no need for war and battle; in fact, focusing on conflict may just end up taking one away from their initial goal, for while they are so busy fighting, resisting and playing this power game, nothing else gets done.

Publicly considering giving up as an option is a good sign this game is of interest to you, my love, and for as long as you are willing to dance this dance, play out this drama, you will most likely prolong your pains.

Now, if I had to sum this all up into one sentence, it would go like this: Stand up, put on your pants, claim the power you have over yourself, set clear boundaries with love and light, and move on with your life in order to accomplish what you came here for.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Melissa - 11-27-2013

Vervex, I find your way of expressing yourself so inspiring and uplifting. It's always a pleasure reading your posts! Thank you. Heart

RE: Mind Control Techniques - godwide_void - 11-27-2013

Adonai One, if you are surmising that you are victim to external metaphysical assault, perhaps it may be due to your inability to as of yet properly perceptually nestle yourself within the principles of the Law of One, regardless of your degree of intellectual comprehension. Psychical vulnerability oftentimes stems from one's mode of perception and the distortions subscribed to. The only way in which an entity, be it one in physical incarnation or a corporeal being, may effectively inflict negative spiritual anathema upon you is if your awareness, understanding and baseline consciousness have not yet grasped and encompassed higher levels of existential enterprising, form and conduct. The computer analogy which Parsons made in another thread comes to mind: though we are all jacked into the same mainframe, not all of us are equipped with the same operating system, nor are all of us capable of running the same software programs as others are, however, we are all eligible for limitless upgrades.

Consider the notion that if one still retains considerable identification with the physical form, remains subject to egocentric whims, focuses the attention upon principles not entirely in alignment with supreme truth and is still prone to behavior and beliefs which are moreso in accordance with illusory values, then that one would be at a great disadvantage if pitted against another one whose understanding was anchored in primordial and visceral modalities, for spiritual strength, psychic power and metaphysical prowess are not determined or governed by some measurable attainment of strength but instead is dictated solely by understanding and the direct experiential reconfiguration of the consciousness.

The one who not only knows but senses they are pure energy imbued with awareness linked directly to that of the Monad, and possesses direct and infallible experiential knowledge of "what" this Monad actually is, rather than some contrived, distorted abstract philosophy and theoretical, whimsical musing concerning Its Beingness, is in possession of the ultimate psycho-spiritual defense against all assailants, especially higher dimensional entities who will recognize the conscious supernal quality of the one they conspire to target, for all negative spiritual/psychic/magical energy or thoughts directed towards you will be negated and, if so willed, deflected, amplified in force and returned back to its caster, as the fortress of one's being and its accompanying artillery will be operated by faculties situated in more superlative faculties of existence and fueled by supreme agencies.

Refine the will and sharpen your awareness. So long as your field of consciousness has been ennobled by divine truths, is comprised mentally of principles which invigorate and fortify your essence, your vital energy levels are stabilized and your third eye is in at least satisfactory condition, then wherever "you" may "go", if all is in accordance, it will always be your playing field, and no amount of intimidation or focusing of will by an aggressive manifestation will dislodge you, even if they are in a radically altered psi-conducive state of consciousness and you are at your "baseline" state of consciousness, for you will be rooted within hallowed ubiquity; consciously working in tandem with the true ground of all phenomenon, rather than believing the lower self embedded in this lower dimensional domain to be the true generator and director of powers, or calling upon subordinate entities, or situating the self in an off-shoot representation of It, is the true decisive factor in any metaphysical engagement, for one then possesses the capacity to preemptively diffuse the reality wherein malevolent intent is directed towards oneself and stand mightily against all manner of difficult catalyst which may present themselves, by actively working with precise and hyper-attentive forces to mold and hone the paradigms set in place in one's personal enclave of existence. The will of another one seeking to engage in combat cannot trump or supersede the will of one whose awareness of the prime parallel principle does not falter and whose gaze has penetrated to the depths of things.

If it is an extra-dimensional entity which is malevolently perturbing you, then the active radiation and ingraining of your awareness of and situation in panoramic synonymy will automatically beget the cessation of their attacks, for higher density entities are not affected by the veil, and thus are able to acutely perceive one's metaphysical makeup. If you hold the belief that you are still truly a creature of flesh and bone, with occasional spiritual accession, and your ego has yet to significantly subside, then you will be exploited and such beings will be capable of negatively impacting you, for they know they are above the flesh and triumph over the ego. Yet, if you are in alignment with your Higher Self, if your awareness has linked with the Meta Self, or if you have managed to remember your spiritual identity (e.g. the density your consciousness has hailed from prior to its cycles of human incarnation), especially if you are of antiquity and far evolved along the spiritual hierarchy, then your presence will be accurately discerned by such entities, and no future attempts will be made to harass you, for they will have perceived in full clarity that the essence which animates your physical form has shifted to the forefront and currently resides in the pilot seat, rather than in a passive quasi-comatose state.

If, however, your magical aggressor is one who is currently in physical incarnation upon this planet in this density, they will be incapable of truly perceiving the full extent of your spiritual infrastructure, regardless of how well polished their spiritual awareness and psychic sensitivity is, being limited only to scanning of the physical vehicle and mind, catching only glimpses of your spiritual identity and demeanor to the extent that it has overlapped with your mental faculties, and will, due to the mechanism of free will, most likely continue in their assault. If one consciously acknowledges spiritual truths, yet they continue to act in disharmony, then you are thus granted free reign to use whatever means at your disposal to beget their incapacitation and nullification of their attack, for such transgressions against the divine (i.e. seeking to harm "another" while being perfectly cognizant that "they" are as much the One as you are) are grounds for the unleashing of the fury of the Prime Creator.

Moral ambiguity becomes a dominant principle the more one becomes immersed in the arena of the spiritually and psychically capable. The activation and cultivation of the third eye brings with it not only increased spiritual connectivity, cosmic intuitive data downloads, veil-piercing perception, expanded metaphysical awareness, clairvoyant, telepathic and precognitive psychic abilities, divine unification, thought manifesting abilities, greater mental clarity in the form of prolonged inner mental silence and stillness, advanced capacity for energetic manipulation and enhanced ability to astrally project the consciousness into non-local regions of consciousness, but it also brings with it the sudden entrance of psychic openness and involuntary spiritual competition. You will gain much greater responsibility for your thoughts and actions, and you will also be capable of greater thoughts and actions. The full gamut of what the third eye is capable of has been hidden not only from mainstream consciousness but many who are associated with occult esoteric circles and interests are not entirely aware of what a hyperactive third eye, coupled with a disciplined and powerful grasp of energy, can really do on the higher end of the spectrum of indigo ray experiences.

Healing any ailment, telepathically probing the mind of another or projecting tangible energy with the quality of being able to cause actual physical harm does not scratch the surface. The indigenous shamanic adepts of the jungles of South America, the real psychic sorcerers of the Amazon rainforest, were and still are the uncontested paragons of exceptional human experience, far surpassing the yogis, monks, gurus, witches, the Illuminati, pompous and arrogant modern Western psychonauts and would-be occultists; they are true masters of consciousness. They possess a sort of purity of experience, untainted by mists of disbelief with a wide reception to all manner of experience, as well as their constant neuroalchemical augmentation which has radically altered their metaphysical interfacing with this dimension. The brujos of the forest very regularly engage in shamanic combat of an intensity on an unimaginable scale, employing fierce noetic malestroms, for one who knows how to efficiently navigate and perform in visionary states of consciousness are limited only by their imagination. Psychic darts and mere negative pondering upon another in order to send "bad vibrations" are far from the real extent of their power. The primitive circumstances of their environment and articulation should also not be mistaken for ignorance, dull-mindedness, or lack of sophistication and intellect as many Westerners assume, for many of them are, due to their constant entheonautical alterations of consciousness, consciously aware that they are higher dimensional beings and not only remember they are Wanderers, but are very effectively able to act upon it and actively utilize higher dimensional powers while in an entheogenic state, such as healing or remote psychic assassination.

Adonai One, operating under the assumption that the negativity manifesting in your reality is of an external origin, if the identity of your assailant is metaphysical, their negative greetings can be remedied by conscious remembrance and adoption of higher understanding (e.g. you are pure energy, your sphere of awareness takes place within the imagination of the One Infinite Creator, and you are embedded within the flow of infinite energy), and if they persist, then permit your Higher Self to take the wheels.

However, if the source of your psychic bullying and nefarious influencing is another being in human incarnation, then generate a psycho-spiritual protective barrier which forbids remote negative influencing from even grazing you, and forcefully reflects the negative energy back at its source, even though karmic machinations will already ensure that such a reality will manifest for the malignant one. If you have refined your awareness and understanding, and applied the aforementioned, then, as I have stated before, your spiritual offense and defense will be impeccable and impenetrable, and you may breath a sigh of relief as the one who sought to impair you will be left frustrated and agonized by their own negative energy, wondering why they cannot harm you despite all of their attempts.

Realize also that there lies a difference between psychic attack and psychic self-defense. One will experience severe positive depolarization and near-certain negative backlash from unprovoked malign psychic sorcery against another, but retaliating and dismantling the magical onslaught of another is perfectly permissible, and the defending entity will not experience Universal retaliation, suffer "divine wrath" or any type of negative rebound in manifested experience or circumstance, for remember that at the very core there is only One attacker and One defender, and protection in the form of psychic energy reversal is in no way a sign of iniquity.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - Spaced - 11-27-2013

Adonai. Why is it so important for you to write this book?

RE: Mind Control Techniques - godwide_void - 11-27-2013

(11-27-2013, 01:51 PM)Spaced Wrote: Adonai. Why is it so important for you to write this book?

Though this is not directed at me, as coincidence would have it I have also been in the process of authoring a book for quite some time now and have not experienced any instances of foreign negative greetings with the goal of sidetracking, debilitating, silencing or otherwise thwarting my efforts as Adonai One apparently has. Perhaps the same might've befallen me had I not taken precautions to avoid being easy prey.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - BrownEye - 11-27-2013

(11-27-2013, 05:51 AM)vervex Wrote:
(11-27-2013, 05:17 AM)Adonai One Wrote: These thought-forms and attacks have reached the point to where if I approach the book I am attempting to author, in any capacity, I get a mega-headache that absolutely destroys any of my ability to think and work. I become agonized to the point to where I have to lay down. I try fight it off, I call to entities to assist but the pain prevails. All signs point to that I am assisted but the power of the entities involved overshadows any of the assistance given. It's a conflict. It's an unequivocal conflict. I have to engage in a battle of thought in order to go on with my life and so do my friends in the inner planes.

I'll figure this out somehow. Pacifism as an option entails me giving up and avoiding doing anything these entities don't like. Valid, relaxing but that's not what I came here for.

If one believes they are not sovereign of their own body/mind/heart, if one believes they are overshadowed, then they are indeed giving away their power to another.

I have found 'protection' to be limitless. The only limits being inside of us, projecting out as a beacon. There seems to be an element of awareness that is needed to continue up the rungs of this belief in 'power'.

Almost as if we believe we are 'all powerful' bla bla bla, and so our guidance steps back and lets us learn by our somehow attempting to prove our belief. (which seems to be all we do, try to prove our beliefs)

I find that becoming aware of that limitless power that we are part of allows us to state more clearly or from a more 'humble' position exactly what we 'need'. I find that our needs are always met. If we have problems meeting our own standards, I would say it is because we are still in 'learning mode' about what expectations we are applying to the mechanics of reality.

It would seem that sometimes expectations will impede the allowance of reality to manifest.

(11-27-2013, 03:12 PM)godwide_void Wrote:
(11-27-2013, 01:51 PM)Spaced Wrote: Adonai. Why is it so important for you to write this book?

Though this is not directed at me, as coincidence would have it I have also been in the process of authoring a book for quite some time now and have not experienced any instances of foreign negative greetings with the goal of sidetracking, debilitating, silencing or otherwise thwarting my efforts as Adonai One apparently has. Perhaps the same might've befallen me had I not taken precautions to avoid being easy prey.

Maybe it is simply the intent behind the creation of the book, and the fact that only those that are ready to learn what is within will find those answers. In my own learning periods I found that publicizing certain concepts on a public forum that many who are not ready would randomly read, seemed to be an infringement on certain levels. I could private message the info, but when posted publicly the harassment attempts would begin.

RE: Mind Control Techniques - reeay - 11-27-2013

It can be as simple as being honest w/ self and others & taking personal responsibility for self- to accept catalyst. This battle with darkness outside of self could sound romantic and complicated and stuff. It's like romancing the darkness. I think what vervex expressed makes so much more sense… grounded and probably yields long-term protection.