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Zombies and Vampires - Plenum - 10-15-2013

I am just wondering - what do you think the Vampire and Zombie archetypes represent?

they seem to have taken on extraordinary popularity in the last 15 years; with the wave led by Vampires (which sort of peaked at the Underworld series of films), and the Zombie wave is as strong as ever, and even makes appearances in fantasy worlds like Game of Thrones.

are vampires some sort of sts element; the preying on the lifeblood of others, working in the darkness of night?

and are zombies somehow the brainwashed masses (the populace) who don't really give a damn except for what is in front of them right now, and they stumble around in some sort of group stupor?

these two archetypal forces seem to have stirred from the collective unconscious and taken extreme hold in the popular imagination as sort sort of quasi-hero to worship and follow (vampires) and an element to be arbored, and that consumes everything and everyone in its wake (the zombies).

so they have definitely invigorated and energised pop culture; but what exactly are they representing, in a metaphysical sense?


ie oh yes, I do realise thad the 'undead' were a race in D&D from the very old days BigSmile

RE: Zombies and Vampires - ChickenInSpace - 10-15-2013

Zombies - Mass consumerism. Must feed endlessly but does not really need it. Walking dead would be symbolic for the dead or mindless approach to the world where nothing matters except their consumption.

Vampires - Top of the line. The 'rich', if you will. The successful businessman who makes his living off other people without producing anything. By sheer power they cut their share where they weren't exactly needed in the first place.

I guess there are more details to this; sorry if the answer is rather hasty =)

RE: Zombies and Vampires - zenmaster - 10-18-2013

zombies - neglect
vampires - free loading

RE: Zombies and Vampires - Brittany - 10-18-2013

Much vampire mythology stems out of the actual shamanic practices of various ancient peoples, some of whom used black magic to consume the life force of others. No reflection, sleeping in the earth, avoidance of sunlight...all of these were beliefs and behaviors adopted to bring about a certain set of talents and the disposition required to use them. The drinking of blood was done not for any sort of sustenance, but as a symbolic exertion of power, as blood has widely been regarded as the physical component of spirit/essence. The hypnotic abilities often relegated to vampires are reminiscent of the "evil eye" and the "command to look" often used by black magicians.

For the most part the meaning of these symbols has been lost, so the populace doesn't recognize the archetype being presented to them, which in a way allows that archetype more power. Those who wear this symbolism as a mantle can easily dominate others through both fear and adoration, as the vampire has become the ultimate blending of ruthless predator and decadent sex appeal.

The fact that the general populace has gone from fearing vampires to swooning over them shows the way our group mind has progressed...most humans have no problem being dominated and bled dry so long as their senses are indulged in some way. We have come to enjoy our enslavement and even become dependent on it.

I have mixed feelings about all the current stories coming out with friendly vampires who fall in love with humans. On one hand, it shows the desire to inject compassion into something inherently lacking in the virtue. On the other, it is a means of further diluting the reality the vampire represents.

And as for zombies, well...just picture millions of people eating double cheeseburgers in front of their television sets and the message seems obvious. I think people love zombie movies because it allows an arena in which the primal desires can be expressed. In an apocalyptic situation, actions that would at all other times be suppressed suddenly become acceptable. Society is represented in both the mindless hive conglomerate and the survivors who almost always inevitably become the worst of monsters in order to ensure their survival.

RE: Zombies and Vampires - Hototo - 10-19-2013

Any group activity when it seizes your heart is zombieficiation. A schoolchild singing praise without understanding the whole of what is being praised zombie, an old person following hard learned emotional patterns of action which seem good but since no one else has stopped to think of them, zombie, and so forth.

People reading religious works and then encouraging the lack of use of learned magic, zombies and so forth.

Vampires, Any entity aware of the need for constant nourishment from other selves or a vanishing of experience. Usually PTSD and other traumas based around the need to relive / call to self attention are forms of vampirism. Usually most forms of psychiatric discussions arising from problem/solver paradigm are vampirisims favoring the one pretending to have a problem.

I would say most people are at least partially Zombie/Vampire at most times, but like to pretend like they are not, and that perhaps is the point.

Oh woe is me, I'm not sucking energy and attention from all of you by constantly wanting others to engage in and solve my problems with/for me, Oh woe is me...


You musn't do that, that is against the described precepts of our religion, it can result in harm to yourself...

Both maybe seen to be common ailments of modern humanity.

Solution to the first one is;

"Hey, how awesome, I have this attribute that enables me to have a unique point of view, there must be something I can do with this viewpoint that no one else can do, can you guys work me so I can find it, Maybe have like projects that I can be invited to so I can work on my talents that this thing provides me with?"

Solution to the second one is;

"Hey, how awesome, you're willing to take a great personal risk for us, while I would prefer it that no one is ever hurt and everyone lives healithly and forever, we're all slowly dying organisms and I choose to contain my worry for your safety so that I may, instead, express admiration and support for your step of going outside of the box, when you're done, the box will still be here. Have a fun ride!"

That being just a personal observation ofcourse.

RE: Zombies and Vampires - Ashim - 10-19-2013

Vampires - Luciferians
Zombies - Surface dwelling humans