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The end of the Contact - Plenum - 09-06-2013

some people have asked what happened to the Ra contact (having only read some of the material), and this is what happened:

one of the group of three (Don, the questioner) was undergoing further 'initation' (or offering of the expansion of awareness), and during this phase, mental/emotional issues set in. This is how Ra described it:

Quote:106.12 The questioner is one also in the midst of further initiation. During this space/time the possibility for mental/emotional distortion approaching that which causes the entity to become dysfunctional is markèd.

perhaps the whole experience is best summed up by Jim (the 'scribe' of the contact):

Quote:Epilogue to Book V: (Jim McCarty)

After we moved back to Louisville the mental/emotional dysfunction which Ra spoke of concerning Don occurred. Don was noted all his life for being very cool and extremely wise, emotionally unmoved by events which caused others to fall apart. His observations and advice always proved to be correct. Now, as this dysfunction worsened, Don saw himself intensely affected by even the smallest stimuli. His worrying deepened to depression and he sought healing counsel from every available source, yet nothing worked, and he resigned himself to a death which he saw quickly approaching.

After seven months of this mental, emotional, and physical deterioration he became unable to sleep or to eat solid foods. By November he had lost one-third of his body weight and was experiencing intense pain. He refused further hospitalization which we saw as the last hope for his survival. The thought of having him put into the hospital against his will was abhorrent to us, but we decided to do it and to hope for a miracle, knowing of no other possible way to save Don’s life at that point.

When the police came to serve the warrant a five and one-half hour standoff resulted. Don was convinced his death was imminent, and he did not want to die in a mental hospital. When tear gas was used to bring Don out of the house, he walked out of the back door and shot himself once through the brain. He died instantly.

After his death Carla saw him three times in waking visions, and he assured us that all was well and that all had occurred appropriately—even if it made no sense at all to us.

So we give praise and thanksgiving for Don’s life, for his death, and for our work together.

the contact continued fortunately for as long as it did; and the sessions we have form the basis of being able to see beyond the 3d illusion with the insights of a 6d perspective. The advantage that this offers to those willing to seek and penetrate the Veil are not to be underplayed.

so yes, a rather sobering end to the endeavour. Although the work and the perserverance of LL/Research continues on.



RE: The end of the Contact - Parsons - 09-06-2013

This has been profound personal catalyst since initially starting the awakening process.

I resonate deeply with Don's words and way of thinking, which becomes apparent when he came up with questions on the fly during the Ra channeling sessions. I have stated it elsewhere, but on numerous occasions when I first read the Ra Material, I sometimes came up with nearly identical questions as Don's follow up questions before I read them.

After further reading such contributions as Secrets of the UFO, I resonated with him even more deeply. It got to the point where I started wondering if he was one of my 'past' lives since he died 2 years before I was born. Later on, I came to the conclusion that is not the case.

Another contributing factor that I resonated with him so much is the topic of this thread and the reason I am making this post.

I went through the greatest struggle of my life just before and during my initial awakening. I was lost, confused, depressed, and suicidal.

I was shocked when at some point during my first read of the material to discover how Don had died. The situation mirrored some of the emotions I had felt about ending this incarnation. Since I was simultaneously going through a period of self examination and self honesty, I was able to accept, balance, and integrate my feelings of wanting to end/somehow leave the incarnation.

Don's words and actions contributed to my recovery from depression/suicidal feelings. So I thank you, Don Elkins. Even in death, your life story has helped me.

RE: The end of the Contact - Plenum - 09-07-2013

yes, thanks for sharing Parsons. It is always appreciated.

- -

I thought there was an earlier passage in the material that might have shed some light on what Don was experiencing, and might have been Ra trying to hint at what was under the surface. It is the one where Ra speaks of catalyst and its effect on the body when it is not mentally processed:

Quote:61.7 In the questioner we may see the desire not to be carrying the load it carries given as physical manifestation of the soreness of those muscles for carrying used.

That which is truly needed to be carried is a pre-incarnative responsibility which seems highly inconvenient.

"the desire not to be carrying the load it carries" ... it seems to point to a state of mind that things are too difficult, or troublesome, and one wants an 'out' (not necessarily 'out of life') of the responsibilities.

in truth, there are always ways to know ourselves better ... and to understand why we came here (an inkling of our life plan) and to actually do what we came here to do (the hard work of full responsibility).

this is no easy thing with the thickness of the Veil here; and hence the appeal of regression therapy to know ourselves a little better.

- -

peace brother

RE: The end of the Contact - Aloysius - 09-07-2013

This has been playing a lot on my mind lately, Don's last (space/time) words to Carla were "are we still us?" that just...haunts me.
Reading the "Crucifixion of Esmeralda Sweetwater" made me feel quite close to Don/Carla/Jim/Andrija but especially Don. He...I don't know there's just something about the guy, he was perfect for the role of questioner of the Ra Contact, I hope he's at peace now. His last days are a mystery but then again, he's a mysterious guy.
Thanks for this post Plenum.

Also Don's initiation may have started earlier, or was involved in another

Quote:42.16 Questioner: I had one experience in meditation which I spoke of before which was very profound approximately twenty years ago, a little less. What disciplines would be most applicable to re-create this situation and this type of experience?

Ra: I am Ra. Your experience would best be approached from the ceremonial magical stance. However, the Wanderer or adept shall have the far greater potential for this type of experience which, as you have undoubtedly analyzed to be the case, is one of an archetypal nature, one belonging to the roots of cosmic consciousness.

42.17 Questioner: Was that in any way related to the Golden Dawn in ceremonial magic?

Ra: I am Ra. The relationship was congruency.

42.18 Questioner: Then in attempting to reproduce this experience would I then best follow practices for the Order of the Golden Dawn in reproducing this?

Ra: I am Ra. To attempt to reproduce an initiatory experience is to move, shall we say, backwards. However, the practice of this form of service to others is appropriate in your case working with your associates. It is not well for positively polarized entities to work singly. The reasons for this are obvious.

42.19 Questioner: Then this experience was a form of initiation? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

RE: The end of the Contact - Plenum - 09-07-2013

(09-07-2013, 03:39 AM)Aloysius Wrote: This has been playing a lot on my mind lately, Don's last (space/time) words to Carla were "are we still us?" that just...haunts me.
Reading the "Crucifixion of Esmeralda Sweetwater" made me feel quite close to Don/Carla/Jim/Andrija but especially Don. He...I don't know there's just something about the guy, he was perfect for the role of questioner of the Ra Contact, I hope he's at peace now. His last days are a mystery but then again, he's a mysterious guy.
Thanks for this post Plenum.

yes thanks Metal Alloy; no probs as usual Smile (and cheers to our new government Tongue)

it's also interesting to consider what made this 'Contact' possible in the first place. Ra is an extremely narrow-band transmission, and requires a high degree of purity and faith to sustain. What was it about this group that met those requirements?

1) they had worked together in previous lifetimes

Quote:9.2 There have been several times when this group worked and dwelt together. The relationships varied. There is balanced karma, as you call it; each thus the teacher of each.

2) each member of the trio represented one of the key aspects of the Higher Self; that is; love, wisdom, and power:

Quote:75.39 In this particular group there is an additional aid in that each entity manifests one of these qualities in a manner which approaches the archetype.

Carla = Love
Don = Wisdom
Jim = Power

Quote:75.32 The three aspects of the magical personality, power, love, and wisdom, are so called in order that attention be paid to each aspect in developing the basic tool of the adept; that is, its self. It is by no means a personality of three aspects. It is a being of unity, being of sixth density and equivalent to what you call your higher self and, at the same time, is a personality enormously rich in variety of experience and subtlety of emotion.

The three aspects are given that the neophyte not abuse the tools of its trade but rather approach those tools balanced in the center of love and wisdom and thus seeking power in order to serve.

3) these qualities supplied the 'color chip' that could hold Ra's vibration:

Quote:71.21 We of Ra knew the needed elements for communication which had any chance of enduring. We compared our color chip to many individuals and groups over a long span of your time. Your spectrograph matches our sample.

4) and then there is the over-whelming desire to serve others:

Quote:55.7 The Ra social memory complex offers itself also as a function of its desire to serve. Both the caller and the contact are filled with gratitude at the opportunity of serving others.

We may note that this in no way presupposes that either the callers or those of our group in any way approach a perfection or purity such as was described in the bidding process. The calling group may have many distortions and be working with much catalyst, as may those of Ra. The overriding desire to serve others, bonded with the unique harmonics of this group’s vibratory complexes, gives us the opportunity to serve as one channel for the One Infinite Creator.

- -

you can see then the rarity and the fine-tuning required to bring a 6th density communications through. It is no trivial task. And the loss of one of the core trio (Don) meant the end of the Contact.

and one should also note that Don was in his 50's, Carla in her late 30's and Jim in his mid-30's at the time of contact. They had lived a life in which they had matured, balanced, and come to know themselves quite well before attempting their life's work. They had become well 'seasoned' as individuals; and had been pursuing these deep questions for many many years via many avenues. It takes a certain life experience to know the 'right questions' to ask.

in my view, the vast majority of seekers vastly over-rate their progress, and if they ever were able to see themselves and all their myriad of blockages, the deflation of ego-consciousness would be heard around the globe.

there is a certain humility in seeking; in recognising the vast amount that one does not know.

those that feign certainty just make themselves fools on the world stage.

- -

anyway, I salute the service of those that have come before. You are hardy and brave souls to come to this planet BigSmile

peace out,


RE: The end of the Contact - Aloysius - 09-07-2013

(09-07-2013, 07:23 AM)plenum Wrote: ...cheers to our new government Tongue)
Hey, I voted for the Pirate Party :p

Yeah I agree with your new points, the combination of the people involved are seemingly uh..."fated" lol.

These three humble souls offering to us is a gift I'll never forget.

RE: The end of the Contact - βαθμιαίος - 09-07-2013

L/L used to sell tapes of the lecture Don gave in April, 1981. If you ever get a chance, listen to it. I hope L/L will make it available for download. You can hear his mind working, trying to figure out the best avenue of approach to explain the all-encompassing worldview that Ra was giving him. He backs up and starts over several times during the talk. If you've ever tried to explain the Ra material to someone, you may empathize.

I like the tape for the same reason I like listening to the audio of the sessions -- you can hear Don's sincerity, his deep desire to learn and to teach, and his great respect for Ra and for what he was learning from them.

RE: The end of the Contact - βαθμιαίος - 01-05-2015

(09-07-2013, 11:38 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: L/L used to sell tapes of the lecture Don gave in April, 1981. If you ever get a chance, listen to it. I hope L/L will make it available for download. You can hear his mind working, trying to figure out the best avenue of approach to explain the all-encompassing worldview that Ra was giving him. He backs up and starts over several times during the talk. If you've ever tried to explain the Ra material to someone, you may empathize.

I like the tape for the same reason I like listening to the audio of the sessions -- you can hear Don's sincerity, his deep desire to learn and to teach, and his great respect for Ra and for what he was learning from them.

I noticed this weekend that L/L is now offering the speech in the bring4th store:

RE: The end of the Contact - Diana - 01-05-2015

So sad about Don. When I read The Ra Material, and was compelled (for the first time ever because I was so impresed) to contact L/L Research via email, I was shocked to hear about Don. I believe his high level of scientific understanding was a major influence—if not the key component—in the quality of the channelings. I do recognize the roles played by Jim and Carla, of course, and it took the 3 of them to complete the opportunity for this contact. But I am of a scientific bent, as Parsons mentions about himself, and Don the physicist made the whole experience of digesting the material sing for me.

I just wanted to add that I did not mean to diminish the roles Carla and Jim played and continued to play. I am so grateful to all 3 of them for bringing this information into being here.

RE: The end of the Contact - darklight - 01-06-2015

I wonder, was Don moved back to his native density after his death? Is there any information in Q’uo?

RE: The end of the Contact - Parsons - 01-06-2015

I'm sure he needed a period of healing that personality before it could be integrated into his whole (wanderer) self.

RE: The end of the Contact - Phoenix - 01-06-2015

The crucifixion of Esmerelda Sweetwater had a lot of metaphor in it. One of them was that Joshua Starr (Don's character) for no apparent reason ended work at 6.17.

With the Law of One session 61.7 up there. I think that's pretty cool!

RE: The end of the Contact - tsh - 01-06-2015

There is nothing that saddened me more like the death of Don. I sobbed nonstop and even wondered how unfair it was, after all the fine work he did, and being so wise, then he.....
i am forever gratefull to D.E

RE: The end of the Contact - darklight - 01-25-2015

In session 85 in the LOO there was a negative 5th density "companion", or in our 3th density understanding a hacker, active in the communication channel.

Is it possible that this 5th density entity was responsible for Don's death?

RE: The end of the Contact - Nicholas - 01-25-2015

(01-25-2015, 06:40 PM)darklight Wrote: In session 85 in the LOO there was a negative 5th density "companion", or in our 3th density understanding a hacker, active in the communication channel.

Is it possible that this 5th density entity was responsible for Don's death?

Implicated? Yes in the sense that our neggie companion focused on Don's weaknesses.

Responsible? No because Don chose these distortions prior to incarnation.

RE: The end of the Contact - darklight - 01-25-2015

The group forgot to use Norton channelling security 1982. BigSmile

RE: The end of the Contact - Nicholas - 01-25-2015

(01-25-2015, 07:45 PM)darklight Wrote: The group forgot to use Norton channelling security 1982. BigSmile

That is funny and not funny at the same time! :@

RE: The end of the Contact - darklight - 01-25-2015

(01-25-2015, 08:17 PM)Nicholas Wrote:
(01-25-2015, 07:45 PM)darklight Wrote: The group forgot to use Norton channelling security 1982. BigSmile

That is funny and not funny at the same time! :@

I'm sorry for that, that was not my intention.

RE: The end of the Contact - darklight - 01-25-2015

We are not knowing everything, but I think a neggie of the wisdom density is extremly dangerous.

RE: The end of the Contact - darklight - 01-31-2015

Quote:87.7 Questioner: What is the environmental situation of this particular fifth-density negative entity, and how does he work with fourth-density negative in order to establish power and control; and what is his particular philosophy with respect to himself as Creator and his use of the first distortion and the extension of this use of the first distortion to the fourth-density negative? I hope that this isn’t too complex a question.

Ra: I am Ra. The environment of your companion is that of the rock, the cave, the place of barrenness, for this is the density of wisdom. That which is needed may be thought and received. To this entity very little is necessary upon the physical, if you will, or space/time complex of distortions.

What kind of life is that? It looks like the 5th density entity is punishing himself.

And it seems that they don't really need a physical vehicle.

RE: The end of the Contact - Nicholas - 01-31-2015

(01-25-2015, 08:44 PM)darklight Wrote:
(01-25-2015, 08:17 PM)Nicholas Wrote:
(01-25-2015, 07:45 PM)darklight Wrote: The group forgot to use Norton channelling security 1982. BigSmile

That is funny and not funny at the same time! :@

I'm sorry for that, that was not my intention.

Hey darklight please don't let my sensitivities to how the Ra contact ended impede your free expression. You have no need to apologise to me at all!

I was deeply moved when the details were revealed in book 5. That's my issue not yours Heart