A very random idea on harvest/time/space - Printable Version

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A very random idea on harvest/time/space - Bat - 09-01-2013

I was just thinking today about the harvest. What if on 21/12/2012 we all got flipped into a copy of our 3rd density reality in time/space, done in such a way it wouldn't cause an infringement on our freewill. Thus giving us unlimited time to progress and learn the lessons of love as a planet in order to reach 4th density space/time?

Quote:Questioner: When a graduation occurs [and an] entity or entities move [at] the end of a cycle from one planet to another, by what means do they go from one planet to the other?

Ra: I am Ra. In the scheme of the Creator, the first step of the mind/body/spirit/totality/beingness is to place its mind/body/spirit complex distortion in the proper place of love/light. This is done to ensure proper healing of the complex and eventual attunement with the totality/beingness complex. This takes a very variable length of your time/space. After this is accomplished the experience of the cycle is dissolved and filtered until only the distillation of distortions in its pure form remains. At this time, the harvested mind/body/spirit/totality/beingness evaluates the density needs of its beingness and chooses the more appropriate new environment for either a repetition of the cycle or a moving forward into the next cycle. This is the manner of the harvesting, guarded and watched over by many.

Your thoughts?

RE: A very random idea on harvest/time/space - AnthroHeart - 09-01-2013

I don't want the transition to 4D to take an unlimited time.
I like your quote. That we are placed in the proper place of love/light. So I don't have to worry about harvest.

Is there anything special about this copy of 3D time/space that makes it different than where we were before.
On December 21, 2012 I was busy building a Universe in my mind. I thought I was creating one for real.
Even watching tv seemed to fit in with my idea of what was happening.

I definitely could use healing, I've had destructive thoughts in the recent past. I want to live a relatively normal life, but also at the same time experience the magic of Creator.

I'm glad the harvest is watched over by many. That gives me comfort. I just wonder sometimes if I'm doing enough. Is it enough to just be?

RE: A very random idea on harvest/time/space - Bat - 09-01-2013

My theory was that we are now in 3rd density time/space, or perhaps a limited version/early sub octave of 4th density time/space. Our 3rd density universe is 100% the same as it would be in space/time, but within the dance of time/space. We have the time for healing to progress fully into 4th density space/time.

With that in mind the planet could have been destroyed in a pole shift or whatever in 3rd density space/time. This way everybody can live out there life's without the idea of some end of days event.

Just a thought. I am not saying it as a fact or anything. It also doesn't change anything if it were. Just some interesting information.

RE: A very random idea on harvest/time/space - AnthroHeart - 09-01-2013

I don't think we're in time/space, because I'm still able to balance my chakras here, and Ra says that in time/space you can't balance them. In time/space you have the grand overview of your life. I don't see a grand overview, and I can balance my chakras just fine. If anything we're on the edge of 4D. But Ra says the transition from 3D to 4D is difficult because there's resistance on the edge of the densities.

RE: A very random idea on harvest/time/space - Bat - 09-01-2013

We could be, but within a bubble. An illusion of 3rd density space/time within the inner planes or time/space. That way we don't experience time/space in the astral sense but can still carry on with 3rd density lessons, almost like a change in the time line which could be brought about through 3 dimensional time.

That way we won't have an infringement of freewill by the lowering of the veil via time/space, but can still benefit from the illusion of 3rd density space/time being uploaded holographically into a bubble in time/space.

RE: A very random idea on harvest/time/space - AnthroHeart - 09-01-2013

So is this reality then more moldable by our thoughts with the bubble reality we're in now? Is it more magical?
Will we be able to express emotions more fluidly? That's an interesting theory. What signs have you seen that would indicate we're in a bubble in time/space? Or is it just that December 21, 2012 was such a powerful day? I say powerful because even around those days I was working on creating my Universe inside my heart chakra.

RE: A very random idea on harvest/time/space - anagogy - 09-01-2013

(09-01-2013, 12:22 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I don't think we're in time/space, because I'm still able to balance my chakras here, and Ra says that in time/space you can't balance them.

Gemini, I just wanted to say I believe it is still possible to balance your chakras to some extent in time/space, but because it is experience that is the main conditioner and potentiator of our spiritual energies, it is not possible to correct any "unbalanced actions" (that is to say: karmic restitution). Thus, more incarnate experience is necessitated in order to fully unblock our kundalini.

Anyway, that is my understanding of why that is so.

RE: A very random idea on harvest/time/space - AnthroHeart - 09-01-2013

That's fascinating anagogy. I've heard that Ra lives in time/space in 6D, since they make up part of the sun. If we're in time/space I'll get really excited. Because I before asked Ra to please kill me when I was weary from all my spiritual work. They showed me what it was like to be in the sun. I felt heat, some places hotter than others, but it was tolerable. I was excited when I thought they had killed me. I actually said "Ra, please kill me. Bring me back home." So if indeed we're in a subset of time/space, I'll be thrilled. Especially if I'm in 4D time/space.

Ra did me a service by showing me that experience. It lasted a few hours. I honestly thought I was helping to still their distortions, which was what I wanted most in the world to do. And I had a glow about me for the next few weeks. I'm just waiting to walk the steps of light, unless I've already done that. Heck, in my last in-between lives I could have already walked the steps of light, and have made it. So there's nothing for me to really worry about. I love my job, and I love the people around me. Life is good.

RE: A very random idea on harvest/time/space - anagogy - 09-03-2013

Having said that, I don't think we are in are just in time/space. Well, in the usual sense of the word in any case.

In a sense, what we call "physical" is more like a "physical simulation", and its always been that way. That's what "physicality" is. Both space/time and time/space are expressions of consciousness, the difference being one is a perceptually internal and intangible experience, the other being a tangible and outer experience. Much as a video game seems more "physical" or "real" the more detail is put in by the programmers, what we call space/time or physicality is just a dreamed up environment that has progressed far enough in tangible thought evolution that we have come to recognize it as "physical".

But as Ra has said, we are dancing in a ballroom in which there is no material. And everything is a simulation/illusion.

RE: A very random idea on harvest/time/space - AnthroHeart - 09-03-2013

(09-03-2013, 09:23 AM)anagogy Wrote: But as Ra has said, we are dancing in a ballroom in which there is no material. And everything is a simulation/illusion.

Even Ra is probably dancing in the ballroom, as they haven't yet broken through the illusion, which doesn't happen until 7D.