Thought on Rays. - Printable Version

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Thought on Rays. - Hototo - 08-22-2013

Red, Survival when world view viewed as for base reproduction / continuation of principle.

Orange, Dominance, parasitism, all forms of control that require non free-willed participants.

Yellow, Communication, interaction and so forth. When existence depends on 2 mutually supportive continuing processes with free will.

Green, Total support. When existence depends on nothing as surrounding implicitly accepts and supports all complex life.

Blue, Understanding. When the value of all life as self evident is seen and movement from societies and situations where less than perfect state of self-health is the maintained norm is automatic and return to previous than Blue is always tiresome.

Indigo, Total Understanding. When all in a society value all life in the society as self evidently valuable and turn towards the task of converting all life in the universe from lesser rays to itself.

White, Blank, Void. When all has been manifested into unity and a new cycle is ready to be began. No comparison between individual/society or self/other-self exists.

Does this have any value or am I missing the mark here?

RE: Thought on Rays. - reeay - 08-23-2013

I tend to overlay the lower rays w/ theories from developmental psychology:

According to your characterization, orange (e.g., dominance, parasitism) --> would that not also be a form of interaction with other. I understand orange as interaction of self with self & others based on building attachment/bonds with intimate others (bc we learn how to relate to self thru our interactions with others and visa-versa); personality & eccentricities of personality.

With yellow, I saw as anything in relationship with self to others, including larger groupings such as family, society (social institutions), ideology, history, culture, and so forth? Social or national identities.

If we take concept of 'love': orange love would be attachment bonding with significant others that creates template of how self interacts w/ others; yellow love may be social harmony, acceptance of pluralism, etc.,.

If we take concept of 'power' in a negative connotation: orange would be dominance, manipulation, control of other self. Yellow would be oppression, colonization, power-struggle thru war, etc.,.