Study: Expressing Emotions Heals Wounds Faster - Printable Version

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Study: Expressing Emotions Heals Wounds Faster - native - 07-31-2013

It involved a group of 49 healthy adults ranging in age from 64 to 97.

"Half were asked to “write about the most traumatic/upsetting experience in their life, delving into their deepest thoughts, feelings, and emotions about the event, ideally not previously shared with others.” The others were asked to “write about their daily activities for tomorrow, without mentioning emotions, opinions or beliefs.”

Two weeks later, all participants received a standard 4mm skin biopsy on their inner arm. The resultant wounds were photographed regularly over the following days to determine the rate at which they healed.

On the 11th day after the biopsy, the wounds were completely healed on 76.2 percent of those who had done the expressive writing. That was true of only 42.1 percent of those who had written about everyday activities.

RE: Study: Expressing Emotions Heals Wounds Faster - Bring4th_Austin - 07-31-2013

This data is excellent in pointing the scientific community towards examining how our mind, consciously or unconsciously, affects our bodies and healing. I hope that more studies of a similar nature with larger sample size.

What sort of correlations could we make from this to the Law of One?

I feel like a major aspect of the Law of One is the goal of making the unconscious mind more conscious, and being more aware of what our unconscious mind offers us. When these types of emotions and experiences are left unsaid, they may dance with our conscious mind, but are left mostly to the unconscious mind. This catalyst of the mind, if left unprocessed, may then be offered to the body. So looking at it in these terms, it may seem obvious that any unprocessed, ignored, and unhealed emotional turmoil left to stew in the mind would then correlate to leaving the body unhealed.

I think this study is a great step in connecting what many people may already know about how the mind interacts with the body and how science currently understands this interaction.

RE: Study: Expressing Emotions Heals Wounds Faster - AnthroHeart - 07-31-2013

In all my life there had been only one event I regretted doing, though there should have been more. Just that they did not bother me. So now, I've forgiven myself for everything I have done. So my expressing would not be much to be said.

Good point about how expression affects healing. I'm sure it helps with emotional healing as well.

There have been times where I just wanted to die and not get better. Though I've never really been sick. Thank goodness. If death comes for me, I'm fine with that. But I just don't want to suffer.

RE: Study: Expressing Emotions Heals Wounds Faster - native - 08-01-2013

Austin - I think so too. Expression/communication is everything. We are always experiencing the self's expression. So what happens if we don't learn to express what we're experiencing? Can clarity ever be achieved? Can a person ever move beyond those experiences into new life? I've mentioned in other threads that I've been working with honest expression in the moment this past year, and it has become a main tool in the seeking process. New thoughts and perspectives suddenly come about that I wasn't able to see before, and then I'm either able to see myself or my own imbalances. There's often misunderstanding, as the situation was complicated because the two of you never spoke your true minds.

The ultimate truth seems to be peace and balance, simply being in a place to experience life (beingness), so how can you ever find that truth if you don't speak about what you're feeling truthfully? It's not as if I was dishonest before, but it takes a lot of courage to release your deepest thoughts when you're having an issue with someone.

(07-31-2013, 02:08 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: In all my life there had been only one event I regretted doing, though there should have been more. Just that they did not bother me. So now, I've forgiven myself for everything I have done. So my expressing would not be much to be said.

Not many live without regret. You're in a good place.

RE: Study: Expressing Emotions Heals Wounds Faster - Hototo - 08-01-2013

Naturally true.