Dance of the Densities - Printable Version

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Dance of the Densities - Spaced - 07-11-2013

In trying to understand evolution of consciousness through the densities and came up with something using dance as a metaphor. The music to which the metaphorical dance is set is the upward spiraling energy of the Logos. (here's a lil Ra refresher)

Quote:13.17 Questioner: Does this first density then progress to greater awareness?

Ra: The spiraling energy, which is the characteristic of what you call “light,” moves in straight line spiral thus giving spirals an inevitable vector upwards to a more comprehensive beingness with regards to intelligent infinity. Thus, first dimensional beingness strives towards the second-density lessons of a type of awareness which includes growth rather than dissolution or random change.

In the first density there is only the dance of raw consciousness, undirected and chaotic. Slowly, the vibrations of the music begin to bring form to the chaos until forms that can move and pulse emerge.

Now groups of dancers take the stage testing out different types of dance, each perpetuating their own set of moves. The various dances emerge and recede as certain groups prove more or less adept at perpetuating their style.

In third density the dancers begin to realize that they can improvise their own dances based on the movements that their group has developed through second density evolution. Here the dance can start looking like a mosh-pit at times with everyone trying out their own moves with some people trying to dance together and some people trying to hog the stage.

In fourth density the dancers begin to discover the beauty that can be expressed through their movement to the music. Here the dance really begins to look like an art form with some people putting on dazzling performances in which groups move in breathtaking harmony or in which one star holds the spotlight while surrounded by back-up dancers maybe.

In the fifth density the dance becomes so intricate and involved that the dancers must put much forethought into each move as each dancer tries to capture as well as they can the essence of the music in their dance.

Now the dancers begin to understand that the unity inherent to the dance. They begin to see that they are the music. As they continue to dance the polarities become united as both dances have brought the dancers to the same place. Soon the perfect movement becomes the only movement possible.

In the seventh density there is no longer any differentiation between the dance and the music. That which was the dancer can here turn back and look upon the path that it took through the Great Dance and can even go back to ensure that it learns all that it can. Then I suppose comes the time to write a new piece of music Tongue

RE: Dance of the Densities - GentleReckoning - 07-11-2013

(07-11-2013, 12:26 AM)Spaced Wrote: Then I suppose comes the time to write a new piece of music Tongue

I think for fifth density on, you might simply want to write a new metaphor instead. :p

RE: Dance of the Densities - Adonai One - 07-11-2013

pre-4th-density negative dancing

RE: Dance of the Densities - Spaced - 07-11-2013

haha yeah, I guess negative polarity would be trying to make everyone dance how YOU want them to dance Tongue

This is a pretty simple metaphor for a complex thing I admit, but I find it works fairly well.

RE: Dance of the Densities - Plenum - 07-11-2013

your thoughts reminded me of this Spaced:

Quote:47.6 The qualifications for fifth density, however, involve understanding.

This then, becomes the primary qualification for graduation from fourth to fifth density. To achieve this graduation the entity must be able to understand the actions, the movements, and the dance. There is no percentage describable which measures this understanding. It is a measure of efficiency of perception.

It may be measured by light. The ability to love, accept, and use a certain intensity of light thus creates the requirement for both positive and negative fourth to fifth harvesting.

when I have blue ray transfers and activity (which I know is not 5th density, but is the closest analogue) I feel this same sense of giddiness.

the phrase 'efficiency of perception' could not be more apt.


RE: Dance of the Densities - Spaced - 07-12-2013

(07-11-2013, 08:29 PM)plenum Wrote: your thoughts reminded me of this Spaced:

Quote:47.6 The qualifications for fifth density, however, involve understanding.

This then, becomes the primary qualification for graduation from fourth to fifth density. To achieve this graduation the entity must be able to understand the actions, the movements, and the dance. There is no percentage describable which measures this understanding. It is a measure of efficiency of perception.

It may be measured by light. The ability to love, accept, and use a certain intensity of light thus creates the requirement for both positive and negative fourth to fifth harvesting.

when I have blue ray transfers and activity (which I know is not 5th density, but is the closest analogue) I feel this same sense of giddiness.

the phrase 'efficiency of perception' could not be more apt.


Yeah I've been thinking about this, 5th density evolution was the one I was having the hardest time figuring out but now I am starting to see it as finding the most efficient use of catalyst possible. In my OP I was thinking about how Ra says that a fifth density negative basically withdraws and spends all their time in their heads (makes me think of a supervillain in their lair plotting endlessly and sending out henchmen to do their bidding). On the other hand for the positive orientation I suppose fifth density would be about quick and efficient use of catalyst. And I know what you mean about the giddiness, I get that too when I feel like I am onto something good. I get all excited and my mind starts racing and it sets of a sort of chain reaction of "Aha!" moments. I guess a fifth density entity would be adept at riding those waves of giddiness/inspiration and following them through as long as possible.