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seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - travis-22 - 06-29-2013

Quote:"The tenebrous lucifers of the ancient Earth-Moon taught the humans to ejaculate the semen. This is how humans lost their powers. This is represented by Adam and Eve’s departure from Eden."
-from, The Yellow Book, by Samael Aun Weor

Quote:"Something is created when a man and woman unite sexually. In those instances of supreme adoration he and she are truly one androgynous being with powers to create as the Gods.

The Elohim are male and female. The man and woman, sexually united during the supreme ecstasy of love, are really a terribly divine Elohim.
In those moments of sexual union we are really in the Laboratorium-Oratorium of the Holy Alchemy.

In those moments the Great Clairvoyants are able to see the sexually united couple enveloped in terribly divine splendors. We have penetrated, then, the Sanctum Regnum of High Magic. With these frightfully divine forces we can disintegrate the Devil that we carry within, and transform ourselves into Great Hierophants.

As the sexual act is prolonged, as the delightful caresses of the adorable ecstasy are increased, one feels an enchanting spiritual voluptuousness. Then we are charging ourselves with universal electricity and magnetism; terrible cosmic forces are accumulated in the depths of the Soul. The chakras of the astral body sparkle, the mysterious forces of the Great Cosmic Mother circulate through all the channels of our organism.

The ardent kisses, the intimate caresses, are transformed into miraculous notes which resound excitedly within the aura of the universe. We have no way to explain those moments of supreme enjoyment. The Serpent of Fire is agitated, the Fires of the heart are enlivened and the terrifying rays of the Father shine full of majesty upon the foreheads of the sexually united beings. If the man and woman knew how to withdraw before spasm, if in those moments of delicious enjoyment they had the strength of will to dominate the Animal Ego, and then were able to withdraw from the act without spilling the semen, neither within the womb, nor without, nor to the side, nor in any part, they would have performed an act of Sexual Magic. This is what is called in occultism the Arcanum A.Z.F.

With the Arcanum A.Z.F. we can retain all of that marvelous light, all those cosmic currents, all those Divine powers. Then Kundalini awakens, the sacred Fire of the Holy Spirit within us, and we are transformed into Terribly Divine Gods. But when we spill the semen, the cosmic currents are lost within the universal currents and the Luciferic forces of evil, the fatal magnetism, a sanguineous light, penetrates the Souls of the two beings."
-from, The Perfect Matrimony, by Samael Aun Weor

Your thoughts/feelings on these doctrines?

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - Unbound - 06-29-2013

I was quickly turned off of Samael Aun Weor as there is something overly dogmatic about his teachings, I find. There are some excellent points of knowledge and information in his works, but I'm not really in to his brand of gnosticism.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - xise - 06-29-2013

The line about orgasm and forces of evil say it all.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - travis-22 - 06-29-2013

(06-29-2013, 12:15 AM)TheEternal Wrote: I was quickly turned off of Samael Aun Weor as there is something overly dogmatic about his teachings, I find. There are some excellent points of knowledge and information in his works, but I'm not really in to his brand of gnosticism.

Thanks, I feel the same, although I've only listened to the audios of the two books cited above.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - Unbound - 06-29-2013

The moet valuable information I got from his works was on the "Three Nourishments of the Organism" which talked about how the consciousness is fed by food, breath and impressions.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - Hototo - 06-29-2013

[quote='travis-22' pid='126400' dateline='1372478819']
[quote]"The tenebrous lucifers of the ancient Earth-Moon taught the humans to ejaculate the semen. This is how humans lost their powers. This is represented by Adam and Eve’s departure from Eden."
-from, The Yellow Book, by Samael Aun Weor[/quote]

Agree, in a way. Though the actual story is. Eeeehhh. How should I put this, slightly different and has to do with telepathic uni-gendered species merging with thought/touch turning into non telepathic bi gendered species merging with physical that CAN do the previous merging and develop into a uni-gendered individual but is neither here nor there in terms of necessary as we are all "saved by asking" anyway. So. In a way, yes, we "lost our powers" mostly because do you have any idea how good it feels to reproduce like that. To have some idea of what we've lost in terms of intimacy on this version of Earth, Watch Liara T'soni and read about Asari's. Its a much more love filled story than this *points up*

[quote]"Something is created when a man and woman unite sexually. In those instances of supreme adoration he and she are truly one androgynous being with powers to create as the Gods.

True. All beings are in the end androgynous, technology is beginning to make this possible by the selective passing on of traits via genetic technology to offspring in surrogate wombs. Eventually we'll all be "women". In that way yes, creation of life is always the power of the Gods. Which we are becoming.

More on how "the dreams" feel about this, watch Paprika. Focus on "chairman".

The Elohim are male and female. The man and woman, sexually united during the supreme ecstasy of love, are really a terribly divine Elohim.

Terribly and divine do not belong in the same topic for me. There is nothing terrible about divine. Well, it might be shocking such as the dye fantasy video's take on what happens when you polarize away from sexuality towards pure conciousness of how the system operates and what that may or may not do to your aural sight.

In those moments of sexual union we are really in the Laboratorium-Oratorium of the Holy Alchemy.

We're always there, but I know what you refer to and agree.

In those moments the Great Clairvoyants are able to see the sexually united couple enveloped in terribly divine splendors. We have penetrated, then, the Sanctum Regnum of High Magic. With these frightfully divine forces we can disintegrate the Devil that we carry within, and transform ourselves into Great Hierophants.

Theres that terribly and with splendors too.

Ehh, Thats one dark view but yes, that's one way of looking at the progress of the soul towards the point of one-ness with all.

As the sexual act is prolonged, as the delightful caresses of the adorable ecstasy are increased, one feels an enchanting spiritual voluptuousness. Then we are charging ourselves with universal electricity and magnetism; terrible cosmic forces are accumulated in the depths of the Soul. The chakras of the astral body sparkle, the mysterious forces of the Great Cosmic Mother circulate through all the channels of our organism.

Terrible cosmic forces, whats so terrible about cosmic forces?.

The rest I agree with. The tone I do not.

The ardent kisses, the intimate caresses, are transformed into miraculous notes which resound excitedly within the aura of the universe. We have no way to explain those moments of supreme enjoyment. The Serpent of Fire is agitated, the Fires of the heart are enlivened and the terrifying rays of the Father shine full of majesty upon the foreheads of the sexually united beings. If the man and woman knew how to withdraw before spasm, if in those moments of delicious enjoyment they had the strength of will to dominate the Animal Ego, and then were able to withdraw from the act without spilling the semen, neither within the womb, nor without, nor to the side, nor in any part, they would have performed an act of Sexual Magic. This is what is called in occultism the Arcanum A.Z.F.

Talking of self in plural while denying wisdom is never smart.

Terrifying rays, what is up with this original writer and fear. *laughs*.

Not doing something is not the same as not having the will do it. This writer seems to be assuming that it is what should be done, not that it is what can be done, which shows an underlying bias away from free will and towards "do as I say-ism".

Not a good read thus far.

With the Arcanum A.Z.F. we can retain all of that marvelous light, all those cosmic currents, all those Divine powers. Then Kundalini awakens, the sacred Fire of the Holy Spirit within us, and we are transformed into Terribly Divine Gods. But when we spill the semen, the cosmic currents are lost within the universal currents and the Luciferic forces of evil, the fatal magnetism, a sanguineous light, penetrates the Souls of the two beings."

Terribly again, coooomee ooonn.

Ehh, this passage I'll skip all together since it sounds like a bad case of fan fiction.

-from, The Perfect Matrimony, by Samael Aun Weor

Your thoughts/feelings on these doctrines?

I would get a better source to study these doctrines before making any kind of assumptions, for now, the quoted piece of text would, by my view, be "bad" for you.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - GentleReckoning - 06-29-2013

Alright, I'll watch it. You've linked it enough times. :p

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - travis-22 - 06-29-2013

Quote:Terrible cosmic forces, whats so terrible about cosmic forces?

I infer from the context of Weor's works, that terrible is synonymous with terrific.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - Hototo - 06-29-2013

(06-29-2013, 08:07 AM)GentleReckoning Wrote: Alright, I'll watch it. You've linked it enough times. :p

Watch the original with Jap speaking and Eng subtitles if you are going to watch it bro.

(06-29-2013, 09:23 AM)travis-22 Wrote:
Quote:Terrible cosmic forces, whats so terrible about cosmic forces?

I infer from the context of Weor's works, that terrible is synonymous with terrific.

Uhuh. Well. What ever it is, man choosing to make terrible synonymous with terrific in his writing needs no more of my attention.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - travis-22 - 06-29-2013

Finding Peace Between Our Sheets

Quote:Peace Between the Sheets author Marnia Robinson suggests that orgasm addiction might be the single largest problem plaguing intimate, romantic relationships.

When I first read Peace Between the Sheets I felt angry. Certainly orgasms are beautiful, natural and important to forging intimacy. How could they be the bane of my love life? I thought: this writer must be religious.

But as I read Marnia's book I was surprised to find that the science and the vast collection of mystical and ancient wisdom teachings surrounding the book's argument were very convincing...

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - Plenum - 06-29-2013

(06-29-2013, 12:06 AM)travis-22 Wrote:
Quote:"The tenebrous lucifers of the ancient Earth-Moon taught the humans to ejaculate the semen. This is how humans lost their powers. This is represented by Adam and Eve’s departure from Eden."
-from, The Yellow Book, by Samael Aun Weor

as a male, one can learn to orgasm without the consequent act of ejaculation. This then becomes parallel to the female act of multiple repeated orgasms.

ejecton of seed is extremely life-draining.

- -

it is one of the greatest challenges to one's belief system about the male body complex that such a thing is even possible.


RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - Charles - 06-29-2013

I was taught that Reality is androgynous. That ONE is All things and No thing simultaneously, and that means both male and female (among an infinite number of other things).

I was taught that our goal, in fact every souls destiny, is to unite with, and to become One with that ONE.

I was taught that this realization of being ONE will be ecstasy, and that the joy and release of orgasm comes close to that ecstasy. The sexual act is a joining of male and female as one, and orgasm is a small taste of Reality.

This is Jewish teaching, and all my life I have been confused by "christians" and "muslims" seeming to feel that sexual union is in any way dirty or discusting or shameful.

That being said, this is my first introduction to Samael Aun Weor, and will be my last. In one respect we agree, but I find most of his writing to be wrong. His writing of the "terribly divine," the "frightfully divine forces," the "terrible cosmic forces," the "terrifying rays of the Father," or of "Terribly Divine Gods," is deluded. His conclusion, that we should deprive ourselves from the loving gift That ONE has given us, is buying into all the garbage of guilt and shame having anything to do with sexuality.

I believe that orgasm, or the "spilling of semen," is the experience of Truth

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - Philosoraptor - 06-29-2013

It has been said that the Logos, that one great original or universal Thought, is Love. It seems this statement is often quite misunderstood due to the various mental/emotional distortions that exist among the 3rd-density population on this planet regarding the word/concept "love." However, this kinetic focus which creates all there is is an energy of the highest order, magnitude and intensity.

Thus, in its highest or purest state this Love may perhaps be best understood as an uninterrupted orgasm of cosmic ecstasy. This is life/vitality at its maximum potential—indeed, a Love/life-force so powerful it is capable of creating, destroying and transforming absolutely all things that are, were, and shall ever be. This is the active, dynamic, kinetic, creative principle of all Creation. This is Love or the original Thought in its purest state of being.

In other words, my friends, GOD is SEX.

PS: And it has no gender.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - Charles - 06-30-2013

We can take this further, and I've something more to add, so long as this thread claims to be about seX…sEX…SEX...ORGasm... etc.

So long as some (not all, but many many), "good christians" and "good muslims" think of sexual pleasure as dirty and shameful . . . they obviously easily manage to take out their self disgust, and focus it all upon women.

Proud Republican Good Christians in the USA are definitely waging a "war upon women." The life partner most perfectly suited to bring them Divine pleasure is consistently demeaned both personally and politically.

Of course this is not true of all Republicans. We all know that Senator Bob Dole (God bless him) ran TV ads about his use of, and pleasure with, Viagra.
We also know that the words erectile dysfunction (ED) and penis can be mentioned in Congress, because such speech was necessary in order to pass the Medicare Viagra bill in 2003. (We also know that House Republicans are trying to stop that, as a part of their war on Obama Medical Care.)
We also know that when the Michigan state legislature was debating abortions (last year?), female Democrat Congresswoman Lisa Brown used the word vagina !!! She was then barred from speaking on the floor. House Republicans censured her speech, because it was dirty.

Proud Muslim men blame women for their attractiveness, so women may be beaten with impunity. Woman excite men, so woman are to blame, and are treated as garbage. Women must cover themselves up, and never go out alone, and never go to school, and never drive a car, and never earn a living, and never speak to a man on the street, and, and etc.

In the Koran (it's been a lot of years, and I'm not looking it up, but this is what I recall), many men wanted to speak to Muhammad but he was a busy man and not always available. So these men would stop his wives on the street and speak to them, with ideas or messages to be passed on to Muhammad.
The trouble was that Muhammad loved his wives and listened to them, but this constant input was overwhelming. So Muhammad turned to Allah, and in trance received instructions to have his wives cover themselves and their faces when going out. The male community was instructed not to approach any woman on the street covered in such a manner. It worked, and Muhammad was no longer bothered by this.
But other woman saw that Muhammad's wives were treated with respect when they were dressed in such a manner. These woman felt jealous, so they began to wear such clothing too. Muhammad had nothing to do with it, but long after this, and now still, such clothing is insisted upon. And now men, even strangers, can beat these woman if too much neck or arm or ankle is exposed.
Now I'm just supposing, but if an ankle can cause an erection, just imagine the hard on that beating a woman can cause . . . and imagine the anger of these men towards these woman who dare to dirty them by causing their erections. I imagine that more excitement would cause harder beatings.

And, another thing about seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm...: some of our world's population are gay.

This was a soul choice made before incarnation. Two decisions were made: one was to be androgynous (which is Reality), and the other was to be part of a hated and misunderstood minority.
Whether this was a soul choice for growth lessons to learn humility, or growth lessons to learn of personal power, (or for any of the other infinite growth lessons involved), I have a tremendous respect for the difficult decision these souls made.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - BlatzAdict - 07-20-2013

the reason why sts wants you to deny sex and deny the orgasm and deny whatever is to DENY catalyst. and to deny yourself catalyst is to deny yourself growth, and spiritual evolution. To discern, and not control, but to flow and not to inhibit but to experience and explore adapt to, learn from. Assimilate into your being, to become more one, with all there is.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - BrownEye - 07-20-2013

Something is different for me now. My wife mentioned that my energy is different, but the orgasm is the only thing I notice that is different. There is the normal hit, then a few seconds later, when I think it is over, there is a second "explosion". It is a surprise when it happens, kind of like a shock. If I used to consider the normal electrical jolt an explosion, now I would just call it a "tensing" LoL! I haven't found any descriptions of this double hit.

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - Raz - 07-21-2013

(06-29-2013, 06:41 AM)Not Sure Wrote: More on how "the dreams" feel about this, watch Paprika. Focus on "chairman".

That Movie was awsome, very creative =)

RE: seX...sEX...SEX...ORGasm... - Hototo - 07-21-2013

(07-21-2013, 05:08 PM)Raz Wrote:
(06-29-2013, 06:41 AM)Not Sure Wrote: More on how "the dreams" feel about this, watch Paprika. Focus on "chairman".

That Movie was awsome, very creative =)

Next. I recommend peaceful warrior.