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Sleep Paralysis - Rake - 05-28-2013

So i often have sleep paralysis and have very strange occurrences during the paralysis. Last night as an example i tried to fly to my girlfriends house and could feel the air rushing past me, as if i was travelling at a great pace... next thing i know im looking up at the ceiling. The next part i was starring at a computer screen look down at some numbers on the screen and the numbers start jumping all over the place and then the screen goes black.

I'm trying to understand better these odd occurrences by better understanding what sleep paralysis is. An important fact is that they always appear in gray scale there is no colour. I was wondering if anyone had any information on sleep paralysis from a spiritual point of view. I believe im leaving the physical vehicle but why can i not then pass through the ceiling?

any thoughts are welcomed.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - unir 1 - 05-28-2013

I have no answer to your question but rather a question of my own.
How do you engage in the sleep-paralysis?

Edit: i appreciate your response, thanks.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Rake - 05-28-2013

(05-28-2013, 06:13 PM)unir 1 Wrote: I have no answer to your question but rather a question of my own.
How do you engage in the sleep-paralysis?

I'v been having sleep paralysis on and off for years. My only suggestion to induce one would be to lie flat on your back when you sleep. If you manage to have sleep paralysis i would suggest not harboring any fear as i'v seen many shadow figures that are less than welcoming... but ofcourse are simply manifestations of the fear.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Spaced - 05-28-2013

I used to have episodes of sleep paralysis when I was younger but I never left my body during them. In fact most of the time I was completely unable to move while some frightening presence inched closer and closer to me. Though sometimes the presences weren't so frightening. Smile

I haven't had a case of sleep paralysis in around 3 years though.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Rake - 05-28-2013

(05-28-2013, 06:25 PM)Spaced Wrote: I used to have episodes of sleep paralysis when I was younger but I never left my body during them. In fact most of the time I was completely unable to move while some frightening presence inched closer and closer to me. Though sometimes the presences weren't so frightening. Smile

I haven't had a case of sleep paralysis in around 3 years though.

Yea that's how they started for me with a dark presence trying to strangle me. But as i started to read the Law of One i realized my mind manifesting the fear of not being able to move.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - zenmaster - 05-28-2013

(05-28-2013, 06:20 PM)Rake Wrote: ... but ofcourse are simply manifestations of the fear.
I would suggest they are manifestations of the unconscious and fear would be a secondary reaction. Further, the paralysis could be initiated by "separate" entities - i.e. as is commonly done with abductions, examinations, etc. Regardless of the state you find yourself in, how the new info is addressed is key to learning something from it.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Peregrinus - 05-28-2013

This is commonplace when lucid dreaming is conducted.

Sleep paralysis is part of the natural cycle of sleep. When one "goes to sleep", about twenty to thirty minutes after laying down, the mind gives the body a cue to see if it is paralyzed (asks it to roll over or itch or something), and if the cue is negated because the body is in sleep paralysis, then dreaming may begin. This is so one does not act out and cause harm to the physical vehicle whilst dreaming. Imagine if everyone sleep walked or ran or...

The point at which sleep paralysis occurs, if still awake/conscious, one hallucinates when the eyes are open, and dreams lucidly when the eyes are closed.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Brittany - 05-29-2013

In most cases the sleep paralysis I've experienced didn't involve the same type of activity. The typical situation for me is waking up unable to move and feeling an intense, energetic pressure upon the body, as if some sort of heavy energy mass is sitting on top of me. This is sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming and seemingly senseless feeling of terror/dread, and occasionally some visuals, though usually only black, indiscernible shapes. Usually once it ends I "wake up" again, though I was sure I was awake to begin with. It does seem to be an instance of the brain waking up before the body, and I agree with Zen that unconscious fears/repressed emotions can greatly influence the experience. In nearly every case, any negative aspects of the situation were dispelled the moment I affirmed that I had no fear of them and put myself in a place of love.

I will say that as I've raised my vibration and focused more and more of my attention toward vibrating in love at all times, these experiences have ceased and been replaced with what I can only describe as "conscious sleep", in which I remain conscious while my body sleeps and am able to then simultaneously enter several layers of existence at once, often taking up spiritual work such as healing. I haven't had an unpleasant episode in quite some time. Finely tuning the vibration has a far-reaching impact on one's entire existence.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Rake - 05-29-2013

I will say that as I've raised my vibration and focused more and more of my attention toward vibrating in love at all times, these experiences have ceased and been replaced with what I can only describe as "conscious sleep", in which I remain conscious while my body sleeps and am able to then simultaneously enter several layers of existence at once, often taking up spiritual work such as healing. I haven't had an unpleasant episode in quite some time. Finely tuning the vibration has a far-reaching impact on one's entire existence.

The last paragraph intrigues me greatly, I have wondered if what im experiencing is sleep paralysis as it's not typically just being conscious and paralyzed. Would you care to elaborate more on the conscious sleep as you call it?

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Brittany - 05-29-2013

Some of it is a bit difficult to explain in words. I'm sure you've experienced that feeling between sleeping and waking-a twilight world between the two- a brief time when your waking reality can bend and twist without being fully submerged in the unconscious. In these cases, I greatly extend that period and deepen it, sometimes for hours at a time. I am aware of my body lying on the bed, and the room around me. A part of my mind is still "present" in the physical world, but in this state I am not limited to the physical, and can peel back what I can only describe as dimensional layers to enter into multiple higher dimensions simultaneously. It is easier to divide the consciousness in this state, and do two or three things at once. I suppose the part of me still aware in the physical acts as a type of grounder for these very high energies.

As to what actually happens in those higher dimensions, I have little means of articulating it. There is an environment, but it is so different from here I can't find any object or landscape to compare it to. It is an environment shaped by consciousness, and I suppose "abstract" might be a relevant description. I meet with other consciousnesses there. Generally we have no bodies, at least not the type of heavy physical body we are used to here. In dreams a somewhat "physical" astral body usually accompanies the consciousness, even if it may differ from the regular physical appearance, but in this environment consciousnesses experience each other as what I can only describe as light. I know when another is there and can interact with them without the slightest trace of a body, yet the actions performed feel more real than anything I could do with my hands. Quite often in this state I do healing work. Some people from this forum have come to me for healing. The healing process is done with consciousness as well.

In that place I have access to much more magical knowledge and technique than what I carry with me here, as it would not be appropriate for me to demonstrate that kind of ability in front of people unable to comprehend it. When I return to full physical consciousness, the memories of the actual techniques are literally erased from my mind in the blink of an eye, leaving me with only a vague memory of what transpired. It's not uncommon for me to wake up to a stiff body, or to have odd physical sensations upon waking. The one downside to this type of work is that I never fully enter into the deep sleep that heals the body, so I often feel more exhausted when I wake up than before I went to bed; therefore this is something I tend to do in intervals, "working" for several days, then going several weeks or even months before hitting my next interval. These intervals are regulated by a subconscious/unconscious aspect of my being, so I'm never really sure when I've hit one until I'm actually in it. It amazes me, what my Self gets up to, and how flawlessly it takes care of me.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Rake - 06-03-2013

Thanks for the response. I'm almost certain i have experienced the in between worlds of which you speak. A prime example of this as i lay in bed with my girlfriend i become aware of a table next to my bed that isn't there in my actual room. I look down and see a Less Than Jake album and some over objects. I realize this is not really my room and i can feel myself holding my girlfriend so i try to communicate with her in my mind. This brain activity then snaps me out of it and i wake up.
The higher dimensions shall we say that you speak of is really intriguing I have often wondered if i just wait and see what happens rather than trying to react to the situation what will transpire?
Do you find these occurrences come in cycles? I'v noticed they seem to happen around the same time as the full moon? just a curious observation to which i don't understand the significance.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Brittany - 06-04-2013

I often experience mental turbulence during the full moon. My experiences are usually more intense, and though some are very pleasant, that often seems to be a time when challenges manifest themselves. I've often considered the dark moon a time of personal power for myself.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Adonai One - 06-04-2013

(06-04-2013, 12:14 AM)Brittany Lynn Wrote: I often experience mental turbulence during the full moon. My experiences are usually more intense, and though some are very pleasant, that often seems to be a time when challenges manifest themselves. I've often considered the dark moon a time of personal power for myself.

Heh, rumor has it that the moon is an artificial device installed millenias ago, used to control emotion, minds and such.

In that case, a dark moon would be empowering indeed.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - xise - 06-04-2013

For the past half year, full moons light up my bindu center like crazy, and are usually full of deep emotional release.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - Brittany - 06-06-2013

If I can keep myself together during the full moon, I get crazy intense energy and creative spurts. Most of my best writing and artwork is done then.

RE: Sleep Paralysis - christine10 - 06-15-2013

It use to happen to me quite often and it was explain as this

while sleeping your conscious is astral traveling and if during that time your physical body is suddenly awaken its the absents of the conscious that causes the paralysis thats why you feel a sense of a dark presence its because your without a soul for a period of time.

It made sense to me and once I knew this I wasnt afraid anymore when it did happen were as before it would scare me to death!!!

Think I actually heard that from Sylvia Brown.