Creation of illusion - Printable Version

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Creation of illusion - Kiron - 05-07-2013

Can somebody explain me how does illusion in which we live is created and how it is functioning???

RE: Creation of illusion - Ashim - 05-07-2013

(05-07-2013, 08:03 AM)Kiron Wrote: Hi!!!
Can somebody explain me how does illusion in which we live is created and how it is functioning???

Quote:In the Beginning

In the beginning, there is the Infinite One. This is the source of All That Is. Infinite consciousness. Intelligent infinity. It is the undifferentiated absolute. Within it is unlimited potential, waiting to become. Think of it as the "uncarved block" of your Taoist traditions.

There is unity. Infinite intelligence and infinite energy – the two are one. Within them is the potential for all creation. Infinite intelligence does not recognize its potential. It is the undifferentiated absolute. This state of consciousness could be termed as "being". Infinite energy, in contrast, recognizes the potential of "becoming" all things in order to bring any desired experience into being. Infinite intelligence can be likened to the central heartbeat of life, and infinite energy to the spiritual life-blood which pumps out from the Infinite Creator to form the creation.

Infinite intelligence, becoming aware of itself, seeks to experience itself, and thus the "One Infinite Creator" is born or manifest. In effect, the Creator is a point of focused infinite consciousness expressing infinite intelligent energy. The One Infinite Creator, also becoming self aware, seeks to experience itself as Creator, and in so doing, begins the next step down in the creational spiral.

On focusing its infinite intelligence, the One Infinite Creator manifests intelligent energy which you could call the great central sun. It then divides itself into smaller portions of itself that can, in turn, experience themselves as creators (or central suns). In other words, each central sun (or creator) is a step down in conscious awareness (or distortion) from the original "thought" of creation.

Creation is based upon the "Three Primary Distortions of The Infinite One":

Free Will

1). Free Will: In the first law (or distortion) of creation, the creator receives the free will to know and experience itself as an individuated, though (paradoxically) unified, aspect of the One.

2). Love: In the second law of creation, the initial distortion of free will becomes a focus point of awareness known as Logos, or love (or "The Word" in biblical terms). Love, or Logos, using its infinite intelligent energy then takes on the role of co-creating a vast array of physical manifestations (thought forms) or densities (which some call dimensions or planes of existence), in which according to its intelligent design, will best offer the range of potential experiences in which it can know itself. In effect, the One Infinite Creator, in dividing itself into Logos, could be termed in your third density understanding as a "Universal Creator". In other words, Logos creates physical universes in which it and the creator may experience themselves ("let there be light").

3). Light: To manifest this infinite spiritual or life-force energy into a physical thought form of densities, Logos creates the third distortion of light. The nature of all physically manifest energy is light. Wherever thus exists any form of physical matter, there is light, love, and divine intelligent energy at it's core.

From the three original primary distortions of the One, which make the creation, arise myriad hierarchies of other sub-distortions, each containing their own specific paradoxes. The goal of the game is to enter into these further divisions of creation, and then seek to harmonize the polarities in order to once again know oneself as the creator of them.

Drawing upon its infinite intelligence, the Infinite Creator designed a blueprint based on the finite principles of free will of awareness and sub-level creations, which each in their turn, could become aware of themselves and seek to experience themselves as creators.

The One Infinite Creator (or great central sun) steps down its infinite energy to become Logos. Logos in turn designs vast universes of space (as yet unmaterialized), stepping down and splitting itself again, into Logoi (plural), in other words, into an array of central suns which will each become a Logos (or co-creator) of its own universe. Yet each unique individualized portion created by the One Infinite Creator contains within it, as its very essence, intelligent infinity.

Using the law of free will, each universal Logos (central sun) designs and creates its own version or perspective of physical reality in which to experience itself as creator by focusing its intelligent energy to create, for instance, the form of galaxies within itself. Stepping down again, each galactic Logos (sub-Logos) can split itself into yet further co-creator portions (sub-sub-Logos), which can then design and manifest their own ideas of physical reality, as in the form of points of conscious awareness that we call stars and planets.

We are not directly created by the One Infinite Creator, but rather by our own Logos, sub-Logos, sub-sub-Logos and so on. So from that perspective, whilst we are all essentially made up of the same "stuff" of creation, initiated by the One Infinite Creator, our direct personal creators are different portions or sub-Logos of the One.

From this source.

RE: Creation of illusion - turtledude23 - 05-11-2013

This is a mix of my own theories and the Law of One: "before" space and time and whatever other dimensions there are there was just one all consuming infinity with intelligence, the infinity was bored of being content forever so decided to divide within itself. Artificial boundaries were created inside the infinity called universes. Ra says all matter is made of light and that light has a spiraling upward quality. So our illusion is one giant light show, like a video game so immersive we believe we're the character and forget we're actually the person in front of the computer screen.

RE: Creation of illusion - Unbound - 05-11-2013

The universe didn't begin nor will it "end", it modulates, the eternally balanced void of infinite potential is still as present as it has always been. Imo, anyways.

RE: Creation of illusion - anagogy - 05-11-2013

(05-07-2013, 08:03 AM)Kiron Wrote: Hi!!!
Can somebody explain me how does illusion in which we live is created and how it is functioning???

All realities that exist were focused into being by consciousness.

All that is real is consciousness.

To understand that process, you need only look at your dreams at night. As you fall asleep, you become interested in your idle thoughts and become so absorbed in them that you create a reality from it.

The outer reality is simply just a more powerful and deliberate focus of that very same process. At a deeper level of our consciousness, we are not individuals. We are one. As one being, we focus this reality into beingness. We all play a part in that natural and essential process of manifestation.