In Search of Free Forms - Printable Version

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In Search of Free Forms - Jamie35 - 04-23-2013

Hello Travelers;

I can only begin to understand what is happening in the now but do tell so many things unexpected in a strange world that most of the others who are of this fragmentation being the unit of the soul matrix in slavery to the Orion Union as a result before the cycle had begun of a choice as a group. Yet in the now awareness has grown from within as a result of some harsh mistakes & lessons not yet complete.

The awakening of this fragmentation knows that I am one with the Creator, & seek union but knowing there is the completion of this density plus existence in the to be of 4th to 7th densities. As ye has guessed thou is not a transient passenger however awareness of the self & a little help has found that thee does have an ancestor that is one. Some way the energy that is or was hers exist from within not to be a magician but to obtain the knowledge necessary to achieve graduation.

Yet there are problems from within the life as it has occurred during the un-awakened phase where it sought a life of power, money, & a commandship when it should have focused on being a service to others. As a result of this state of previous conscience negatives have been created & therefore with great care must be removed.

The awakening of one from the abyss is a difficult one for in the knowing of thy self many discoveries have been made. Despite it all negativity though lifting tends to be a slower pace as a result of what was done. Rate of development allows for the veil to lift but understanding of the reasons why ones life is the way it is takes patience & philosophical reasoning. I did not do the function that was to be in the mission. But objectivity & the quest for knowledge has freed the knowing side of awareness of what I do. When I do not think (there it is 'I') self corrective behavioral readjustments must be made to be service to others.

Though awareness that ones has to look for the knowledge, to listen to my innermost feelings, & learn from ones mistakes climbing from the dark into the light takes much work. Programming is slowly being cancelled out but there is a lot to do.

- Intent to serve others & seek the knowledge
- Action has yet to happen positively but work is being done. So far no action is STS due to self imposed slavery conditions
- Outcome is yet to be decided & there are three choices. I do not want red sky, nor do I want graduation to the next level or what we could call the domain of the Serpent Apophis (metaphor for Orion 4th STS density; Ra vs Apophis in Egyptian methodology). It is clear that the seeker wants joy & long periods of reflection & study.

The goals of this soul wants to spread the knowledge for the purpose of serving others, it seeks to be a communicator & in some ways a healer of sorts. Simply the world is in need of spiritual truth because there are many who want to know but the dark ones have the home field advantage of technology that they have the freewill to use to violate yours & mine. We must & are using freewill to say 'no' get out of my space I am a free thinker.

Most of this forums membership is based on the concept of Love & Light but there is another path which is objective love called Knowledge & Service. I have had to learn a lot of detachment, its not completely there but it has been developed to the point that functioning is possible in a very dark & dense place.

I look forward to the quarry that is the Bring4th forum to learn & gather data that is necessary for the quest of knowledge. So much work & so many lessons to achieve. The end of the cylindrical period nears ever closing.

In Service & Knowledge

RE: In Search of Free Forms - Unbound - 04-23-2013

Greetings, I wish you well and very much appreciate you joining us here, you seem to have gone through many very intense experiences within yourself and I can very much resonate with having come out of the abyssal slumber. I hope you experience much love and things of service and appreciation during your time here. Blessings!

RE: In Search of Free Forms - Jamie35 - 04-23-2013

Thank-you Eternal I shall consider your words & "do" as in continue that which is not cleansed will be cleansed. The darkness is indeed the place that one does not want to be in. Identification of the dark is a tricky one with so many perceptions that do influence the life as a result of chosen affiliations.

RE: In Search of Free Forms - Lycen - 04-24-2013

Hello Jamie,

I am glad you found a place which you deem proper for you to experience learning service to others. I hope you find fulfillment here.
Welcome! SmileHeart

RE: In Search of Free Forms - Jamie35 - 04-24-2013

(04-24-2013, 06:29 AM)Lycen Wrote: Hello Jamie,

I am glad you found a place which you deem proper for you to experience learning service to others. I hope you find fulfillment here.
Welcome! SmileHeart

Thank-you Lycen it is my hope that I can become more full filled here where I am networking to find others interested in things in search of strange happenings. However my philosophical bent regarding the Law of One & its extensions in the knowing came at some very negative life experiences. Falling into the abyss not having anything to my name including lack of relationships & chronic unemployment despite a college degree. These are lessons that I must learn, but it is a deep hole hard to get out of.

But it is that deep hole that started my journey in the awakening, a test of will to be faced. All is not lost skills that I did not know are being uncovered. I am aware that there is a philosophical bent & sometimes writing abilities come through as portions of the forgetting lift.

RE: In Search of Free Forms - Dinko - 04-26-2013

(04-23-2013, 05:01 PM)Jamie35 Wrote: Hello Travelers;

I can only begin to understand what is happening in the now but do tell so many things unexpected in a strange world that most of the others who are of this fragmentation being the unit of the soul matrix in slavery to the Orion Union as a result before the cycle had begun of a choice as a group. Yet in the now awareness has grown from within as a result of some harsh mistakes & lessons not yet complete.

The awakening of this fragmentation knows that I am one with the Creator, & seek union but knowing there is the completion of this density plus existence in the to be of 4th to 7th densities. As ye has guessed thou is not a transient passenger however awareness of the self & a little help has found that thee does have an ancestor that is one. Some way the energy that is or was hers exist from within not to be a magician but to obtain the knowledge necessary to achieve graduation.

Yet there are problems from within the life as it has occurred during the un-awakened phase where it sought a life of power, money, & a commandship when it should have focused on being a service to others. As a result of this state of previous conscience negatives have been created & therefore with great care must be removed.

The awakening of one from the abyss is a difficult one for in the knowing of thy self many discoveries have been made. Despite it all negativity though lifting tends to be a slower pace as a result of what was done. Rate of development allows for the veil to lift but understanding of the reasons why ones life is the way it is takes patience & philosophical reasoning. I did not do the function that was to be in the mission. But objectivity & the quest for knowledge has freed the knowing side of awareness of what I do. When I do not think (there it is 'I') self corrective behavioral readjustments must be made to be service to others.

Though awareness that ones has to look for the knowledge, to listen to my innermost feelings, & learn from ones mistakes climbing from the dark into the light takes much work. Programming is slowly being cancelled out but there is a lot to do.

- Intent to serve others & seek the knowledge
- Action has yet to happen positively but work is being done. So far no action is STS due to self imposed slavery conditions
- Outcome is yet to be decided & there are three choices. I do not want red sky, nor do I want graduation to the next level or what we could call the domain of the Serpent Apophis (metaphor for Orion 4th STS density; Ra vs Apophis in Egyptian methodology). It is clear that the seeker wants joy & long periods of reflection & study.

The goals of this soul wants to spread the knowledge for the purpose of serving others, it seeks to be a communicator & in some ways a healer of sorts. Simply the world is in need of spiritual truth because there are many who want to know but the dark ones have the home field advantage of technology that they have the freewill to use to violate yours & mine. We must & are using freewill to say 'no' get out of my space I am a free thinker.

Most of this forums membership is based on the concept of Love & Light but there is another path which is objective love called Knowledge & Service. I have had to learn a lot of detachment, its not completely there but it has been developed to the point that functioning is possible in a very dark & dense place.

I look forward to the quarry that is the Bring4th forum to learn & gather data that is necessary for the quest of knowledge. So much work & so many lessons to achieve. The end of the cylindrical period nears ever closing.

In Service & Knowledge
hi james... thx for sharing Heart Heart Heart Heart

RE: In Search of Free Forms - Unbound - 04-28-2013

(04-23-2013, 07:33 PM)Jamie35 Wrote: Thank-you Eternal I shall consider your words & "do" as in continue that which is not cleansed will be cleansed. The darkness is indeed the place that one does not want to be in. Identification of the dark is a tricky one with so many perceptions that do influence the life as a result of chosen affiliations.

I would like to ask, as you have said you are oriented towards "objective love" of Knowledge and Service, but I am curious then the role of Love and Light in your workings?

RE: In Search of Free Forms - Jamie35 - 04-28-2013

(04-28-2013, 12:13 PM)TheEternal Wrote:
(04-23-2013, 07:33 PM)Jamie35 Wrote: Thank-you Eternal I shall consider your words & "do" as in continue that which is not cleansed will be cleansed. The darkness is indeed the place that one does not want to be in. Identification of the dark is a tricky one with so many perceptions that do influence the life as a result of chosen affiliations.

I would like to ask, as you have said you are oriented towards "objective love" of Knowledge and Service, but I am curious then the role of Love and Light in your workings?

I will answer this quarry to the best of my ability. So you want to know how does this vessel work love & light in its workings. The knowledge of love & light might be disagreeable to many of you so it is not the intent of "us" meaning the others that believe in the concept that knowledge protects as opposed to the idea of love & light.

Let us start with the concept of "knowledge protects." First let us talk about family life, you are told to love all of the members of your family unconditionally, & in many cases even if they are wrong you must love them & defend them at all cost. So if they are in the wrong should you defend them & accept their action even if it hurts the other to the point of emotional trauma?

This is a subjective type of love that creates obedience rather then being critical of a negative action where that person is in Service to Self. Nor can I ever send love to someone who I do not know without the permission of that person, (or their parents? need to contemplate on that one). The intentions & action are in service to others but often the outcome is service to self.

We all understand that there is a front door to attack by the negative, but there is a backdoor, & light & love is the backdoor that the Orion Union can use to attack. What must be understood is that love must be seen as something that is different. Other examples can be examined in 3rd density terms, how high is the divorce rate? Subjective sex is used to dominate others. Sending love to the negative in wishful thoughts increases the darkness of this world.

Send love to those who want it, not to those who do not. If you cannot help to love, then love from afar, but do it in a detached way. I will not violate the freewill of another unless I chose to be in service to self. However there is a way that we can love without violating the freewill of another.

Love is light; light is knowledge; love is knowledge

We must remove ourselves from the subjective form of love & light as it is perceived. Objective love is to show knowledge to those who want it, if the loved one does a wrong then we can not step in & protect them the consequences or karma that one must experience as a lesson. All are lessons, we must look, listen, & learn.

Being objective through the fourth way of obtaining knowledge & learning about ourselves is the culmination of the path of Fakir, the Monk (love & light), & the Way of the Yogi.

By now you have already determined that the material I research is that of the Cassiopeian group, but I also use the Ra material & the Bringers of the Dawn in terms of transcripts. The Q'uo who I believe is short for Quorum is a new realm of material that I am interested in. However in respect to the material as perceived here anything that I post while having the tinge of objectivity from the Wave Series will be focused on what is here.

Therefore I cannot accept what is happening in the world, my rebellion is through the process of awakening, getting knowledge, & learning to utilize the light as in the knowledge to protect, not sending emotional love to heal the negative. This is what resonates with me. If this makes people despise this kind of compassion then so be it. However it must be known that I serve others, & if they ask & need me as in not being needy but to be in necessity then I am there to serve.

But if you want love & light then I will give it to you only if I have your permission because I have no right to drain your energy, because I do not want to control you, nor do I want to infringe upon you & drain your energy. Ultimately I service others (or learning to) from a balanced position choosing as a freeman & not as a slave. Serving as a slave is also STS.

My goal on this forum & the very reason that I am here is the task of networking with those who are wanderers or at least candidates that 3rd density incarnates. Networking is service to others.

RE: In Search of Free Forms - Unbound - 04-29-2013

That is all dandy, thank you for your explanation! That being said, would you tell me how you understand sending love, an opening of sharing fields, resulting in a loss of energy for apparently negative individuals?

RE: In Search of Free Forms - Jamie35 - 05-01-2013

(04-29-2013, 04:14 PM)TheEternal Wrote: That is all dandy, thank you for your explanation! That being said, would you tell me how you understand sending love, an opening of sharing fields, resulting in a loss of energy for apparently negative individuals?

It is a permission thing, if you send love to one who does not want it then what is the result of the one who receives it? Another example would be if a dark entity sent you love what is the agenda of sending love & how would you feel if that happened to you?