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I'm a christian - GentleReckoning - 03-16-2013

and I deserve to be in heaven.

I trust that I will be blessed along the way.

'nuff said.

RE: I'm a christian - reeay - 03-16-2013

heaven is a place on earth

this song is so cheesy when I listen to it now lol

RE: I'm a christian - Monica - 03-16-2013


RE: I'm a christian - Marc - 03-16-2013


My wife keeps trying to make me stay a Christian...

..And it's not going very well..

RE: I'm a christian - GentleReckoning - 03-16-2013

Well, I decided a little bit ago that much of the christian dogma, doctrine, and scriptures are designed to keep christians unenlightened.

If you focus on just what Jesus taught, and ignore the rest of scripture, AND assume that minor modifications were made to make christians more tractable: it works very well with the LOO.

RE: I'm a christian - Marc - 03-16-2013

That, I can totally agree with! Jesus is the man with his teachings! I don't care for all of Paul's doctrine or old testement 'fear of god' but, when I just hear Jesus' words they bring me to light.

He has been my main guide along with Hermes (although Edgar cayce says they were the same guy).

RE: I'm a christian - norral - 03-17-2013

i follow truth as i perceive it. i listen to everyone and follow my own self. that makes the most sense to me. i make a god out of no one or any one particular teaching. hey thats just me.

norral Heart

RE: I'm a christian - Marc - 03-17-2013

On the topic of "being a Christian" it seems the name of Christianity has very little resemblance at all to Jesus or his actual teachings. I get more than slightly frustrated with Christians and their love of ignorance as if its the way of Jesus. I try to stay as far away from the title of Christian as I can because there is soo much distortion from the original teachings of Jesus, that people lose his message and even turn a beautiful message into one of condemnation and judgment. It's like how refined enriched bleached wheat flour gives wheat a bad name.

I get in these horrendous discussions with my wife about Jesus and its like there is soo must distortion to work through that I just wanna give up all together trying to explain anything. And it doesn't help that I'm more knowledgeable about the Bible than most any Christian I've ever talked to, because Christians love ignorance of all things unorthodox even if their Bible does say stuff against their own beliefs.

RE: I'm a christian - Ankh - 03-17-2013

(03-17-2013, 01:37 AM)MarcRammer Wrote: On the topic of "being a Christian" it seems the name of Christianity has very little resemblance at all to Jesus or his actual teachings. I get more than slightly frustrated with Christians and their love of ignorance as if its the way of Jesus. I try to stay as far away from the title of Christian as I can because there is soo much distortion from the original teachings of Jesus, that people lose his message and even turn a beautiful message into one of condemnation and judgment. It's like how refined enriched bleached wheat flour gives wheat a bad name.

I get in these horrendous discussions with my wife about Jesus and its like there is soo must distortion to work through that I just wanna give up all together trying to explain anything. And it doesn't help that I'm more knowledgeable about the Bible than most any Christian I've ever talked to, because Christians love ignorance of all things unorthodox even if their Bible does say stuff against their own beliefs.

I can relate to this catalyst, but using Law of One as the philosophy instead and this forum instead of wife. BigSmile

Every time someone asks what Ra said about xyz, or looks for a specific quote that they can't find, I feel such a positive catalyst, and so happy to provide the information asked. But there is a negative catalyst too - every time someone talks poop about Ra, or misremember the information, I get catalyzed. I'm trying to work with this, and now I see that I too, sometimes, misinterpret and misremember Ra. And that's ok. (To a certain limit! BigSmile)

RE: I'm a christian - norral - 03-17-2013

well aint none of us perfect or maybe we all are perfect but we all is pretty good so thats good enuf for me no matter what anyone likes, believes or whatever. in the end there is only the love expressed between souls that is remembered and carries on with us.

norral Heart

RE: I'm a christian - Aureus - 03-17-2013

(03-17-2013, 03:19 PM)Ankh Wrote: Every time someone asks what Ra said about xyz, or looks for a specific quote that they can't find, I feel such a positive catalyst, and so happy to provide the information asked. But there is a negative catalyst too - every time someone talks poop about Ra, or misremember the information, I get catalyzed. I'm trying to work with this, and now I see that I too, sometimes, misinterpret and misremember Ra. And that's ok. (To a certain limit! BigSmile)

I know how you feel, but then you need to remember:

I am Ra. Those entities that teach falsities and so create distortion in the mind complexes of those attempting to learn, are to be viewed as inferior beings and deserve nothing less than a kick in the butt. Should the observer of such blashphemy not take upon it the honor/duty of delivering this punishment, it can be sure to be reborn as a tomato. We percieve a lack of vital energy in the instrument. Simultaneously there is in our social memory complex a strong desire to depart, due to the opening of a new joint on one of Saturn's moons; said to sell really cheap space-booze.


RE: I'm a christian - 52midnight - 03-17-2013

The Abrahamic religions now dominate all social, political, and financial processes on the planet, so it's important to develop a useful perspective on them. I've found three things particularly valuable:

1. The Messianic Legacy is the sequel to The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail and offers a unique perspective on historical events in the first century CE, and the likely consequences for today's Xtian beliefs. It's been severely criticized but is valuable nontheless.

2. A very unusual document from the '80s entitled War in Heaven that gives the most enlightening account of the activities in Earth's psychic realm, the relationship between them, and the consequences for those trapped in merely physical consciousness.

3. The Transhumanist agenda. As correctly stated above, Abrahamic doctrine has nothing to do with spiritual development - quite the reverse; it's been a very effective means of social control for centuries, but is now loosing its effectiveness. The new (Abrahamic) agenda is Transhumanism. I posted links on another thread, but can paste them in here if anyone's interested.

RE: I'm a christian - Adonai One - 03-18-2013

I kind of left Christianity after I heard enough of the "You'll burn in hell if you do this...". The concept of Hell is the most sinister weapon put on this Earth. I dumped everything I believed in when I was 12. I worked my way back up and here I am.

RE: I'm a christian - Ankh - 03-18-2013

(03-18-2013, 02:02 AM)Adonai-1 Wrote: I kind of left Christianity after I heard enough of the "You'll burn in hell if you do this...". The concept of Hell is the most sinister weapon put on this Earth. I dumped everything I believed in when I was 12. I worked my way back up and here I am.

But Jesus never said that "you'll burn in hell if you do this..."...

It's easy to dump a source when encountering BS information that other people claim that the source said, which it in fact, when looking into it, never did. It is part of this ignorance that MarcRammer talked about. This happens on this site too, from time to time. And it worries me sometimes, when Ra is misremembered or misrepresented. Sometimes, it also happens that some guru or "teacher" comes and start preaching about something, and then start either talking poop about Ra, saying that Ra is "wrong", this that. Here is one of these threads:

Well, I'm not sure what this person is exactly trying to say, but I believe he is trying to warn us about Ra, that we are going to commit a mass suicide if we continue reading Ra... Confused

But anywho, I'm glad that you are "back". Smile

RE: I'm a christian - Adonai One - 03-18-2013

(03-18-2013, 04:34 AM)Ankh Wrote:
(03-18-2013, 02:02 AM)Adonai-1 Wrote: I kind of left Christianity after I heard enough of the "You'll burn in hell if you do this...". The concept of Hell is the most sinister weapon put on this Earth. I dumped everything I believed in when I was 12. I worked my way back up and here I am.

But Jesus never said that "you'll burn in hell if you do this..."...

Indeed but Christ is often overshadowed by other teachings under the "Christian" label, at least the one I was brought up under. Jeffersonian Christianity is something I can agree with, which in essence is exclusively the teachings of Christ.

RE: I'm a christian - Marc - 03-18-2013

For me Gnostic Christianity fit very well into my life and makes sense out of the bible, not as an Authority, but as a beautiful book portraying man's search for the divine. The Jefferson bible edits Jesus' works and teaching, which I see as a distortion from truly knowing Jesus. Miracles aren't really all that out there.. They are just one penetrating the veil. I appreciate the fact it speaks in a language that skeptics can relate to, but it still is a distortion from Jesus.

Jesus called himself the "son of man" and most Christians overlook that and just thinks he really meant 'son of god' because man is fallen, but Jesus knew himself to be a son of man and all sons of men are children of The Father. He was just like us, human, but he was very aware of the divine inside of himself and had penetrated the veil so as to seem 'a god among men'.

My favorite books of Jesus are The gospel of mark, Thomas, and Matthew. The other books are nice too but Luke and John are full of other doctrine and are a bit heavy on orthodoxy (of which promoted falsehood if it would bring about an increase of religion.)

Also Edgar Cayce says some interesting things about the incarnations of the teacher known as Jesus. I personally follow Hermes as my guide which was a previous incarnation of Jesus that isn't tainted by Christian thought.