The Law of Cause and Effect - Printable Version

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The Law of Cause and Effect - Johan - 02-10-2013


I see in many posts on this forum a great amount of misunderstanding about life. Some people believe that life just happens, no matter what we do, which is a fatalistic type of viewpoint.

Some others feel that life is unjust and unfair, one simply cannot win, always getting the wrong end of the stick.

In order to avoid any further misunderstanding I need to lay the groundwork for my viewpoint, not only mine, but that of millions of others who share the same.

1. We all are in the cycle of birth, death, rebirth, etc., Reincarnation.
2. We are solely responsible for our own fate, Karma.

There is enough evidence to prove reincarnation, and the reason for reincarnation is Karma, the law of cause and effect. I am going to quote from a website where the concept of Karma is beautifully explained and it makes sense for anyone. The parts that I quote will be between arrows, Thus >> and <<.

>> Karma is the law of moral causation. The theory of Karma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism. This belief was prevalent in India before the advent of the Buddha. Nevertheless, it was the Buddha who explained and formulated this doctrine in the complete form in which we have it today.

What is the cause of the inequality that exists among mankind?
Why should one person be brought up in the lap of luxury, endowed with fine mental, moral and physical qualities, and another in absolute poverty, steeped in misery?
Why should one person be a mental prodigy, and another an idiot?
Why should one person be born with saintly characteristics and another with criminal tendencies?
Why should some be linguistic, artistic, mathematically inclined, or musical from the very cradle?
Why should others be congenitally blind, deaf, or deformed?|
Why should some be blessed, and others cursed from their births?

Either this inequality of mankind has a cause, or it is purely accidental. No sensible person would think of attributing this unevenness, this inequality, and this diversity to blind chance or pure accident.

In this world nothing happens to a person that he does not for some reason or other deserve. Usually, men of ordinary intellect cannot comprehend the actual reason or reasons. The definite invisible cause or causes of the visible effect is not necessarily confined to the present life, they may be traced to a proximate or remote past birth.

>> According to Buddhism, this inequality is due not only to heredity, environment, "nature and nurture", but also to Karma. In other words, it is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings. We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate. <<

Thus we are the architects of our fate. This also answers the question, "Why do babies die?" That baby was destined, in this short life, to only go through a particular experience. Remember it is not a mental experience, but an experience of the soul.

People often say God is unfair and ask, "Why did God take this baby away?". God did not do anything, it was a decision, an agreement, by that soul before it was reborn.

>> The accumulated karmic tendencies, inherited in the course of previous lives, at times play a far greater role than the hereditary parental cells and genes in the formation of both physical and mental characteristics. <<

Even the Bible refers to, and implies, Karma and Reincarnation. Jesus and his disciples came across a blind man and the disciples asked: "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

If the man sinned and was born blind, it implies a previous life where he accumulated negative Karma, and therefor was born blind in his current life. Also, Jesus did not correct the implication. If Reincarnation and Karma did not exist, Jesus would have said so.

>> "Depending on this difference in Karma appears the differences in the birth of beings, high and low, base and exalted, happy and miserable. Depending on the difference in Karma appears the difference in the individual features of beings as beautiful and ugly, high-born or low born, well-built or deformed. Depending on the difference in Karma appears the difference in worldly conditions of beings, such as gain and loss, and disgrace, blame and praise, happiness and misery." <<

<< Although Buddhism attributes this variation to Karma, as being the chief cause among a variety, it does not, however, assert that everything is due to Karma. The law of Karma, important as it is, is only one of the twenty-four conditions described in Buddhist Philosophy. >>

You can not change Karma, neither can you escape it. Next time someting, not so positive happens in your life, remember your own contribution to the situation. You can make the Karmic consequence so much softer and bearable by changing your mind about it. See it as suffering you brought on yourself, it is not done to you, but by you.

But don't blame yourself, the reason for this Karmic consequence in your current life, is for you to understand that you erred and you must learn from the situation so that it does not repeat itself.

God does not punish you, God punishes nobody, Karma is a universal law, which, not even God will override. You have free will to choose your words and actions, and if you choose meritorious deeds only good things will cross your path.

Please the read the entire document at:

Read it a few times and internalize the concept, it will make your life so much easier.


RE: The Law of Cause and Effect - norral - 02-10-2013

i dont buy karma. where is the karma for the people who committed 9/11. where is the karma for the vampires who control our planet and its people and steal and plunder the wealth and the resources. if u look at it many people in positions of power are jerks ha ha, who have caused tremendous suffering to the people in their power.
pol pot who was a mass murderer of millions was still running around cambodia after the killing fields. so there is plenty of injustice on this orb that the creator permits thats for sure.
even in your own personal life lets say on the job injustice flowers. people move up not because of merit but because of who they know. so to say that the elites of this world deserve their ill gotten gains and the wealth they have stolen, i disagree with. now its beneficial for them if people thought in some distant past they earned their positions, ha ha not really they didnt. they were put here by source as agents of injustice so to speak in order to perpetuate this little game we play down here.
i dont pretend to know all the reasons creator source permits the suffering down here. but i disagree that somehow people deserve their so called fates. we were put down here to play a role whatever that might be , and this role includes plenty of injustices committed all the time which people dont deserve. the creator wants suffering to occur on this planet plain and simple . that might be an uncomfortable thought for many but it is the truth. but i disagree that this is some finally balanced game where people get what they deserve. not really not in my sight. i mean if u thought everything was balanced why speak out against injustice, ok im a slave i deserve it ha ha must be past lives. not really. this is all a game we all have parts to play and the creator wants suffering to occur on this planet. again i dont pretend to understand god, impossible but we the human race deserve all good things and we deserve to throw off our oppressors who have enslaved this planet. just my take i reserve the right to be wrong ha ha .

norral Heart

pol pot , a true piece of garbage placed there by the creator

RE: The Law of Cause and Effect - jws1970 - 02-10-2013

Food for thought from Book II, Session 34:

Questioner: Thank you. Would you define karma?

Ra: I am Ra. Our understanding of karma is that which may be called inertia. Those actions which are put into motion will continue using the ways of balancing until such time as the controlling or higher principle which you may liken unto your braking or stopping is invoked. This stoppage of the inertia of action may be called forgiveness. These two concepts are inseparable.

Questioner: If an entity develops what is called karma in an incarnation, is there then programming that sometimes occurs so that he will experience catalysts that will enable him to get to a point of forgiveness thereby alleviating the karma?

Ra: I am Ra. This is, in general, correct. However, both self and any involved other-self may, at any time through the process of understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness, ameliorate these patterns. This is true at any point in an incarnative pattern. Thus one who has set in motion an action may forgive itself and never again make that error. This also brakes or stops what you call karma.

RE: The Law of Cause and Effect - Bring4th_Austin - 02-10-2013

Several posts spawned from an inappropriate post have been removed from this thread. I'd like to post a reminder of Bring4th's first guideline:

Quote:1) Respect. Compassion. Loving-kindness. Empathy. Trust. Goodwill. Desire to serve. Embracing each other. Opening our heart. Participants are asked to keep the thought in the forefront of their minds at all times that each on this forum IS the Creator. Please keep communication respectful at all times and in all ways. The participant may disagree to the bone with an idea without personally attacking the author of the idea. Please remember that we are all here to expand our knowledge, deepen our understanding, and support one another by reflecting our divinity to each other. We are One being -- we are not here to forget the real.

It is inappropriate to label another member based upon disagreement with their statements, and even more-so to attempt clinical diagnosis at all in this setting, let alone as a tactic to dismiss an other poster's opinion. Please keep discussion focused on the concepts presented and not the person offering the concept.

RE: The Law of Cause and Effect - Turtle - 02-10-2013

Cause and effect indeed, looking at Austin's moderation of this thread. I think it is a kind of poetic example.

Anyway, I think when we consider cause and effect, as simply as possible within our minds, and then actually do things in our world, we can have a very clinical yet lighthearted and joyful experience of this world we live in, regardless of which society a person lives in.

RE: The Law of Cause and Effect - Plenum - 02-11-2013

welcome to the forums Johan!