lets start a facebook meme - Printable Version

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lets start a facebook meme - GentleReckoning - 01-06-2013

Here's what we'll do:

Change your profile pic to a picture of you picking up some trash/helping out the world.

We should probably also think of a good catchphrase.

How about

"Making a difference" or something.

Post your thoughts, then lets get a group of people to do it all at once.

Lets check fb before. - C-JEAN - 01-06-2013

Hi, LL fans.

[ Not to stop the idea, but to make things clear.]
I have to post this, before anyone, not yet in FB, gets in it:

Farcebook scans conversations, chats and posts. . .

Farcebook leaks its own code. . .,2817,2170620,00.asp

Farcebook security lapse leaves private photos exposed. . .

Farcebook, a black hole for personal info. . .

And if it ever happens to you, this is what farcebook sends to police
when they come asking for your information:

Now you can decide. . . B-)

Blue skies.