Look outside! Is it just my imagination? The sun - - - Printable Version

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Look outside! Is it just my imagination? The sun - - - kdsii - 01-03-2013

The sky's cloudy here, but I can clearly see a solid silver sun, and a very bright spot -far- to the right of it, which I would think would be... the sun. Too bright to see a shape though.
Is it my imagination?
My photos show only indistinct clouds... Sorry.

RE: Look outside! Is it just my imagination? The sun - - - Monica - 01-03-2013

Does it look like 2 suns? or a UFO? Totally cloudy here.

RE: Look outside! Is it just my imagination? The sun - - - kdsii - 01-03-2013

Two suns. The one that I could see clearly was dim and silver - thought it was the moon at first, but it was definitely self-illuminated

RE: Look outside! Is it just my imagination? The sun - - - Monica - 01-04-2013

(01-03-2013, 06:15 PM)kdsii Wrote: Two suns. The one that I could see clearly was dim and silver - thought it was the moon at first, but it was definitely self-illuminated

What does this mean? And why aren't more people noticing? Are people that cut off from Nature that they don't even look up at the sky anymore? Obviously both aren't visible all the time...only sometimes.

Bring4th Forums One > The Harvest > 2 Suns? and other Earth Anomalies

RE: Look outside! Is it just my imagination? The sun - - - Ashim - 01-04-2013

4th density becomes visable for those vibrating at that rate as the requirement for veiling lessens.
As the ability to see in the ultraviolet spectrum increases more and more of the landscape is revealed.
The visual awareness is the flip side of spiritual awareness, they come hand in hand.
The closer you get to the Creator the larger your universe becomes.

At what point does an entity start to look up at the sky?

RE: Look outside! Is it just my imagination? The sun - - - Monica - 01-04-2013

(01-04-2013, 01:40 AM)Ashim Wrote: 4th density becomes visable for those vibrating at that rate as the requirement for veiling lessens.
As the ability to see in the ultraviolet spectrum increases more and more of the landscape is revealed.
The visual awareness is the flip side of spiritual awareness, they come hand in hand.
The closer you get to the Creator the larger your universe becomes.

At what point does an entity start to look up at the sky?

PROFOUND!!! This rings true!

RE: Look outside! Is it just my imagination? The sun - - - kdsii - 01-04-2013

The silver sun was beautiful, but eerie...
I still prefer a golden yellow sun Smile
I noticed today that the moon IS visible, but on the other side of the sky, and a crescent.
So strange, looking at a big white disc mid-day

RE: Look outside! Is it just my imagination? The sun - - - Monica - 01-05-2013

(01-04-2013, 11:28 PM)kdsii Wrote: The silver sun was beautiful, but eerie...
I still prefer a golden yellow sun Smile
I noticed today that the moon IS visible, but on the other side of the sky, and a crescent.
So strange, looking at a big white disc mid-day

Oh wow so you actually saw a big white disc clearly??? Not just a light behind the clouds but a distinct disc???

RE: Look outside! Is it just my imagination? The sun - - - kdsii - 01-05-2013

Exactly, a disc -apart- from the blaring sun behind the clouds. You can see the shape clearly, like a full moon in the daytime. Not very radiant