Astrological forecast for December 2012 - Printable Version

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Astrological forecast for December 2012 - jacrob - 11-28-2012

Quote: Once again, we have a Full Moon within hours of the very beginning of the month and so, like in September, we have a full moon month of sorts. The psychic-emotional chaos and creative potentials of the last one continue into this event but in a much edgier fashion. Either side of this Aries moon high in the sky is Uranus and Pallas Athena, describing the psychic terrain as highly unstable, an emotional rollercoaster and one with massive, radical pushes towards liberating change and individual freedom of expression.

The Sun/Moon opposition then carries this imperative for dramatic but also deeply transformative change, as each end of it is square Pluto in Capricorn. So, once again, we are in the eye of the Uranus/Pluto perfect storm of deconstruction and reconstruction. It’s going to be a very strong and, at times, very difficult month. The primary question now then is how to move with its demands and look after ourselves in the process (apart from staying in bed all month!)

The month is not without more obvious support and grace as everything else is being challenged (from the right perspective it's all grace but just doesn’t feel it at the time) with the Sun in Libra going into a lovely trine to the benevolent Jupiter in Gemini in the second week, a welcome counterbalance to these bigger processes. The Moon also sextiles the planet as it leaves the exact full moon. (For those of you with any planets or asteroids in the 14 to 18 degrees of any sign, you’ll be getting an extended Jupiter boost as the planet goes stationary at 16 degrees of Gemini in the first week of October).

Even a Saturn/Mercury conjunction in late Libra, whose flavour is traditionally very dour, is equally welcome as it’s a very grounding, stabilising influence as the big powers surge through us. Both Jupiter and Saturn guarantee we can gather much important learning about ourselves and our processes during this time and that we have the patience and perseverance to do so.

Saturn actually leaves Libra to begin its two and a half year trawl through the Scorpion’s realm on the 6th. It leaves behind the airier realms of Libran relationships, intellect and spirituality for the primal worlds of power, sexuality and transformation.

There’s something very synchronistic about this shift, given that Scorpio’s ruler Pluto is at a point of maximum power. One of the prime demands of this transit is to be penetratingly conscious of our own and others' power dynamics, shadows and potentials.

This includes lots of lessons about integrity and responsibility in the way we use all sorts of power in our inner and outer worlds. Saturn in Scorpio will challenge old conditioning around our deepest emotions and our availability, the intelligence at the core of our psychosexual selves, all of which involves struggles with various inner demons. While bringing its intense focus to these realms, it aims to empower us so that we are more at home with our depths, its wisdom and authority.

There’s a curious mixture of signals around relationship energies this month, ranging from the exquisite to the diabolical. The Sun is conjunct the sweet, ethereal Psyche, a goddess asteroid and higher octave of Venus, who holds the highest visions of potential relationship and longs for the realisation of spiritually connected union. She works to refine the quality of our relating. Lovely stuff.

On the other hand, we have Venus in Leo in a grand cross with the Black Moon on the South Node in Taurus; Hygeia, Lilith and Neptune opposite in Aquarius, and Medusa conjunct Mars and Juno on the Scorpio North Node. This confronts our relating with both light and dark expressions of the sacred feminine, with past life trauma and power potentials and the necessity of dealing with our anger and rage issues.

The latter is particularly significant because anything on the North Node wants to be built into our future visions. This one speaks of relationships of great psycho-spiritual power built on truth and the union of the great warriors of both masculine and feminine.

The relationship indicators then speak of simultaneous refinement with intense process of purification, as well as more opportunities for reclaiming the immense Shakti of the sacred feminine into our hearts, love life and our sexuality. And once again, Saturn is a pivotal point, as the only easy aspects to Venus are to the Saturn/Mercury conjunction.

Ultimately, this is a month where the pressure is on, so anything that helps diffuse and release built up energy before it reaches critical mass will help. The Aries Moon encourages strong, fierce expression of our individuality and the more liberating and creative the better. With Uranus, we know we’re doing well with it when we’re feeling excited about the possibilities, so keep your energy moving. The worst thing you could do at these times is lock down and resist the urges for freedom and change, as it just jacks up the pressure.

At the same time, there’s a powerful alchemy about this month that we need to honour. So any processes that take you deeply within, that assist healing and purification and that support our simultaneous reconnection to our deepest emotions and the sacred feminine will be of tremendous help.

Lots of warm baths, massages and quality sex would also be helpful.

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - Meerie - 11-28-2012

Jacrob, I think you got the forecast for october 2012, that is when moon was in aries and saturn still in libra at the beginning of the month..

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - reeay - 11-28-2012

I just wish Pluto would move as fast as the Sun and Moon!

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - reeay - 11-29-2012

I'm not a fan of sun-sign horoscopes/forecasts, but here are a few that are pretty OK/good:

Free Will Astrology (weekly)

Astrology Zone (monthly)

Cafe Astrology (annual/2012)

added for humor...from The Onion:,30525/

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - Meerie - 11-29-2012

(11-29-2012, 04:30 AM)rie Wrote: I'm not a fan of sun-sign horoscopes/forecasts, but here are a few that are pretty OK/good:

Free Will Astrology (weekly)

Free Will Astrology, as approved by the Ra company - no infringement here!

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - Spaced - 11-29-2012

I love Free Will Astrology, I've always gone there for my horoscopes Smile

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - jacrob - 11-30-2012

Hey that's what's written in our December forecast for southern hemisphere...unless he's gotten it mixed up.

In any case if it's for the wrong month I will be extremely relieved as it doesn't sound like a happy one. I was bracing myself for the worst!

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - reeay - 11-30-2012

Think he wrote it when the Sun was in Libra and Moon was in Aries (thus the Sun/Moon opposition)... now we're in Sagittarius and the Moon will be in Cancer soon.

Wow that's going to be fun couple of days for me.

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - Lycen - 11-30-2012

(11-30-2012, 03:11 AM)rie Wrote: Think he wrote it when the Sun was in Libra and Moon was in Aries (thus the Sun/Moon opposition)... now we're in Sagittarius and the Moon will be in Cancer soon.

Wow that's going to be fun couple of days for me.

Oh you planet people.. *an invisible crowd laughter* BigSmile

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - reeay - 11-30-2012

(11-30-2012, 03:25 AM)Lycen Wrote: Oh you planet people.. *an invisible crowd laughter* BigSmile

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - jacrob - 12-02-2012

woops...I copied the incorrect file. Here's what he says for December:

Quote: December looks like being one of those terse months, where there’s a lot of energy around but with many cross-currents, which in turn overlay deeper primal movements and upwellings. Into this turbulent environment gallops the centaur, in the form of the Sun in Sagittarius. He's ever ready for action, adventure and questing, with an almost inexhaustible faith and trust in the essential benevolence of life. He’s pretty charged up as well, being the target of a recent eclipse on the 29th of November.

The Sun is met with oppositions to a conjunction of Jupiter and the Black Moon in Gemini, squares to Lilith conjunct Chiron in Pisces and an energising trine to Uranus in Aries. Off to one side is a semi-sextile to Saturn conjunct Venus in Scorpio, to the other the same to a conjunction of Mars, Pluto and Eros. Phew!

A conjunction of Jupiter, Sag’s ruler, with the Black Moon is a very curious combination - the King with Kali if you like. Both are sources of spiritual power and grace, both are champions of their genders and yet they are traditional enemies. What powerful mixes of dark and light, the underworld and the heavens, upper and lower chakras! This feels an extraordinary opportunity, especially in Gemini, to understand more of the deepest workings of the psyche, our shadows masculine and feminine, and to bring greater awareness to the mysteries of the deep, sacred feminine.

When the Black Moon enters our relationship lives, including inner relationships like this one, she brings transformative, purifying fire to our desires, delusions and unconsciousness. She challenges Jupiter's bluster, pomposity, self aggrandisement and arrogance, as she seeks also the same deeper essence of Jupiter and of Sagittarius; an absolute commitment to the truth of things. This is a big learning transit and coincides with experiences that may not be what we asked for but we are glad for their educational value nevertheless.

Squares from Sagittarius to Pisces are never easy, as the swampiness of the fish’s realm is so foreign and so resistant to the fire of the centaur. It’s where the hero’s gallant steed runs headlong into quicksand and flails around trying to escape and keep running free.

Fire signs have a tendency to override the more vulnerable parts of self, preferring action to feelings. But when Chiron, who’s both king and guru to the centaurs, calls his own to face its wounds, then there really isn’t much choice.

In the case of Chiron and Lilith together, another powerful sacred masculine/feminine teaming, the wounds are about the damage to the empowered, independent, individuated feminine inside, in our culture and our family systems. There is great healing power here running in both directions, with Chiron’s shamanic penetration into our wounds and Lilith adding her ferocious, passionate Shakti to proceedings. In Pisces, the demand is that we stop running off, or off at the mouth, and to feel, to honour the exquisite emotional, psychic and spiritual sensitivity in each of us, however wounded.

It’s another powerful month on the relationships front, with both Venus and Mars being heavied by Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn respectively. Venus/Saturn conjunctions tend to produce feelings of aloneness and isolation, placing us in a bubble where he turns his intense focus onto what’s really happening, or not happening, in our love lives. And it's an empowering transit too, as it supports us to find our own truth and our own authority as to what is right for us and, in Scorpio, it's again about getting down to the deepest truth, so we can bring that authenticity to our relationships.

Mars conjunct Pluto is an incredibly powerful combination if it can be used well and with awareness, as it offers the possibility of aligning our will and desires with a greater will. For some, it allows us to tap deep reservoirs of primal power to push through obstacles and to enhance the expressions of the warrior energies of Mars. The caution around this is that it is also a transformer and purifier of old forms of anger and rage and you need a deep discriminating awareness not to act this out or project it into situations.

Venus and Mars are in sextile though, a good aspect to each other against the intensity of the Plutonian/Scorpionic background and its challenges. So it's one of those situations when, if things are good and essentially real, deep, empowering change to our relating, masculine/feminine balances and our sexuality are on the cards. If not, then we get to find out what’s really going on and are supported to make the necessary changes.

There is a much subtler process going on here at the same time, though. Eros and Psyche have been described as higher octaves of Mars and Venus and so represent more refined energies available to our relating if we can access them. What is exceptional about this month’s chart is that the Psyche asteroid is also conjunct Venus and Saturn, while Eros is with Pluto and Mars! The Saturn and Pluto challenges are also about working with what can refine and elevate the energies we bring to relationship.

It also doesn’t hurt that these two multiple conjunctions form good aspects to Neptune, Lilith and Chiron in Pisces, who support the same processes of sensitisation and elevation.

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - Meerie - 12-03-2012

Thanks Jacrob, can you give a link to the website where you copied it from?
I loled a lot reading that (being a pisces myself Tongue ):

"Squares from Sagittarius to Pisces are never easy, as the swampiness of the fish’s realm is so foreign and so resistant to the fire of the centaur. It’s where the hero’s gallant steed runs headlong into quicksand and flails around trying to escape and keep running free."

RE: Astrological forecast for December 2012 - Oceania - 12-03-2012

(11-29-2012, 04:30 AM)rie Wrote: I'm not a fan of sun-sign horoscopes/forecasts, but here are a few that are pretty OK/good:

Free Will Astrology (weekly)

Astrology Zone (monthly)

Cafe Astrology (annual/2012)

added for humor...from The Onion:,30525/

haha freewillastrology Smile