Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - Printable Version

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Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - reeay - 11-15-2012

Astronomical events could impact our being (CMEs, solar flares, eclipses). Astrological planetary influences, too. Astrological influences are mostly personal but there are some collective experiences. Here's my understanding of the collective experience/influences from various sources:

Galactic Center
One interesting piece of story that is unfolding in the heavens now is our system's approach to the galactic center, which is by the sign of Sagittarius, the Centaur. He is half human and half horse. This shows the split between our human nature and animal nature.

It is a time of understanding/accepting/forgiving/out-growing our animal nature (emotions, especially anger & fear... our 'survival' instinct) and becoming more human - more 'spiritual' understanding and approach to being. This is the evolution of our humanity... to be human/humanity, whatever that means to you!

There's a very interesting link to the various stars in Constellation Sagittarius like the "Gate to Heaven" but I'll share that info later.

Uranus opposition Pluto
Right now we're collectively experiencing something called a 'synodic' opposition between Uranus and Pluto. This is a time of revolutions (e.g., arab spring) and revelations.

So combining this Uranus-Pluto thing with our approach to the galactic center in the sign of Sagittarius, the Centaur... we come to the point of making choices.

We're basically being asked about our choices. Do we approach things through the more animalistic urges to be fearful, angry, etc., or do we approach things with a more spiritual/humanistic orientation?

The first choice will yield internal and external wars. Unresolved emotions, running wild with one's emotions, exaggerations of situations or grandiosity, cheating on your partner with many others, fights/discord in relationships with other self, physical violence, wars, bloody revolutions to unseat a dictator or belief systems, reactionary political movements that are created out of people's anger and frustrations, etc., etc.,.

The second choice is about being able to see things through the eyes of compassion/love and wisdom. The Centaur holds a bow and arrow. It's about being a proficient archer who aims its target towards the 'truth.' The point being, not to actually hit the eye of 'truth' but learning through the process of understanding your self (revelation) with deep concentration, stillness, and discipline. Here is the archery metaphor:

Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, reminds us to be generous with self and others, be compassionate to self and other self, use a bit of humor to ease the heaviness, share with others, stay busy, learn new things, work out if you feel moody, understand self and other self, and use inner guidance system.

Caution: influence of Jupiter/Sag is that it has the capacity to expand too much (part of the 'animalistic' nature of not knowing when to stop... as the ability to pace oneself is the function of the more 'human nature').

[Image: centaur2.jpg]

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - 4Dsunrise - 11-18-2012

Thanks for posting this rie.

Here's a source that may also help.

More or less, in the case of this planet's 3rd Density evolution, it seems that our planet's precessions (25000+ years) align with Ra's claim of our minor and major cycle time frames (~76,000 year).

I wonder if 3D Venus had its own unique precession cycle (or some other astronomical cycle) that was aligned with Ra's 3D minor and major cycles. I would think so and perhaps it was not as long as ours given the 'harmonious interaction' they claimed to have developed as an indigenous people of approx 38 million.

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - reeay - 11-18-2012

I go to lunarplanner a lot these days, excellent site!

This was interesting:

Psychic ability increased when the Galactic Core and Earth were in a direct line, BECAUSE the Galactic Core was positioned such that the rays were going through earth, not because “noise” was being blocked. The intense electromagnetic energy was going through the mineral, crystal, water elements and magnifying these powerful signals. The entire reason 2012 is an issue is that these energies will not be blocked by anything and will hit us with full, unblocked force at time.
This is a important distinction. The ancient “Yugas” (Vedic cycles of history) change whenever these energies flow unobstructed (every 26,000 years or thereabouts)….many changes will occur, and nobody really knows what they will entail.

Best Wishes~

Sydney Coale Light

Lynn Koiner Says:
Jul 19, 07:20 AM
SYDNEY: Thank you so much for this excellent comment. I did not explain that this research was conducted in the 1990s so the research was not influenced by the current alignment. This is from the Spottiswoode research conducted by scientists, not astrologers, which makes this very interesting.
The increased Psi always occurred during a 2-hour period only. The 2-hour period shifted over time (with the shift of the positions of the stars in the sky) and it changed based upon location. Many reasons were examined and the only conclusion was that, in those specific locations, the “noise” from the GC was being blocked.
I have discussed this “noise” with astronomers with no knowledge of astrology and they concur that there is a tremendous amount of noise and static coming from black holes.
Pertaining to the GC alignment of which you were talking, a California astrologer showed that this GC area is very wide and that it will last a long time, much longer than astrologer predict with specific dates.
This is all very interesting and hindsight will probably give us a better view of events

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - Tenet Nosce - 11-19-2012

I am of the understanding the notion of the "galactic center alignment" has been disproven.

[Image: Ecliptic_equator_galactic_anim.gif]

Quote:The galactic plane is the actual mid-plane or center line of our galaxy’s huge spinning disk of stars. We are not located on the exact mid-plane of the galaxy. It’s this exact mid-plane people are speaking about when they speak of crossing something.

How far are we from it? You might think that astronomers have this number at their fingertips, but they don’t. We’re at least several dozen light-years from it, maybe more. If you’re interested in how astronomers discuss these things, check out this letter from John Bachall and Safi Bachall printed in the journal Nature in 1985. It suggests our Earth and sun are currently above the plane (to the galactic North) by about 75 to 101 light-years.

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - reeay - 11-19-2012

It's an astrological alignment to constellation Sagittarius, which is considered to be around the Galactic Center, is my understanding. Along with outer planets of this solar system... from a Sidereal perspective.

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - Tenet Nosce - 11-19-2012

(11-19-2012, 01:08 PM)rie Wrote: It's an astrological alignment to constellation Sagittarius, which is considered to be around the Galactic Center, is my understanding. Along with outer planets of this solar system... from a Sidereal perspective.

Yes, the galactic center is near to the constellation of Sagittarius, from our perspective.

[Image: a-cgr-t.jpg]

But the sun passes by there around every winter solstice... why is 2012 special?

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - reeay - 11-19-2012

I was writing about the alignment in context of the conjunction to GC and the occurrence of synodic Uranus square Pluto. Also around this area is an alignment between Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (the slow moving outter planets). Astrologers believe this particular time is critical, but the strength appears to some astrologers to be strong during the 2012 period, although in the bigger perspective, 2012 is just another year. I don't think I've said 2012 was important did I? Please let me know if I did.

I did make an error... it's not 'Uranus opposition Pluto' but 'Uranus square Pluto'.

[Image: HC-Ur-Pl-square.png]

Sidereal astrological map
[Image: Pl-2012-2015.png]

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - Tenet Nosce - 11-19-2012

Thanks for the charts! I love visuals! BigSmile

rie Wrote:Astrologers believe this particular time is critical, but the strength appears to some astrologers to be strong during the 2012 period, although in the bigger perspective, 2012 is just another year. I don't think I've said 2012 was important did I? Please let me know if I did.

No, you yourself didn't. I see it was in the quote you posted.

(11-19-2012, 04:34 PM)rie Wrote: I was writing about the alignment in context of the conjunction to GC and the occurrence of synodic Uranus square Pluto. Also around this area is an alignment between Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (the slow moving outter planets).

Is there anything interesting going on with the planets for the 12th of December? I know that the sun will be passing through Ophiuchus and conjunction with that diamond planet we discovered last year.

111 Thread Redirect --> Diamond Planet Discovered In Ophiuchus/Serpens

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - Parsons - 11-19-2012

I'm not sure on the specifics of the physical alignments which are merely the shadow of the metaphysical implications, but my intuition tells me there is indeed some kind of physical alignment as well. I am a novice when it comes to astrology and astronomy, so I haven't had much to go on considering all the disinformation put out surrounding the event. Q'uo Wrote:As this instrument said earlier in her talk, the planet itself is scheduled to shift into active fourth density at the winter solstice of 2012. This is part of the clockwork nature of your universe. It is not arbitrary. There is, as this instrument attempted to explain, a lining up of powerful star energies, and that alignment clicks in and clicks over, and it is done.

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - reeay - 11-19-2012

Ophiuchus such a fascinating topic that astrologers choose to ignore. I have no clue if it would affect us but I'm going to ask around.

Yeah not sure if there's a special date when everything clicks either. Let me check on that too.

Add: I just find it interesting that Ophiuchus merged into the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Scorpio has 3 variations/developmental stages - the scorpion, serpent (orphiuchus), and eagle (aquila). Looking at the map below you see how the animals got blended. Scorpio and Virgo was also one sign at first, until the 'hot couple' needed a balance... thus Libra (the scale) came in between to balance energy. Energies of the constellations get blended in and blended out, I guess. It's still there but in another form.

Map I'm referring to is the first attachment in first post:

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - Oceania - 11-20-2012

including ophiucus would make me a capricorn which is silly as creampie.

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - Unbound - 11-20-2012

Aha I did a whole presentation last night on "The Choice". BigSmile

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - reeay - 11-20-2012

Give us your presentation here about "The Choice"!

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - Unbound - 11-20-2012

Aha It was quite simple really, I brought attention to the fact that by the natures of the cycles there is a direction and flow in nature, leaning towards life and growth, or towards death and decay, and in every moment we choose how we add our energies to these fundamental forces through our thoughts and actions. Thus, the choice is open-ended, and you are free to choose any path, but the fact remains that you must make a choice, if you choose to not make a choice, that is still a choice.

RE: Galactic Center & Astrological Influences - reeay - 11-20-2012

Great! That's such a good point, about not making choice as still a choice... non-action is action. Silence is communication. etc.etc.