The Transformation of the Spirit - Printable Version

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The Transformation of the Spirit - JustLikeYou - 11-10-2012

The Transformation of the Spirit – The Calling

[Image: gbs4x.jpg]

Ra Wrote:That which you call the Sarcophagus in your system may be seen to be the material world, if you will. This material world is transformed by the spirit into that which is infinite and eternal. The infinity of the spirit is an even greater realization than the infinity of consciousness, for consciousness which has been disciplined by will and faith is that consciousness which may contact intelligent infinity directly. There are many things which fall away in the many, many steps of adepthood. We, of Ra, still walk these steps and praise the One Infinite Creator at each transformation.

This Archetype happens to be one I have just experienced and am still somewhat in the midst of experiencing. I had offered a characterization of this Archetype in plenum's thread, but this most recent experience has refined many aspects of this very profound Archetype enough that I feel a new expression is necessary.

Each of the Transformation Archetypes represents a quantum shift in your experience – hence the name “transformation.” Your mind literally becomes a new being when you choose to release one kind of love. Your body literally becomes a new kind of vehicle when that which is toxic is released and a death and rebirth then flow. Just so, your spirit is reborn in the Transformation of the Spirit through a sudden shift. The suddenness of this shift can be likened to the Sarcophagus opening. Prior to the Transformation, we find ourselves trapped in a living death, buried alive in the coffin that we perceive our experience of the physical reality to be.

In my current experience, the coffin was sexuality. For years I have been afraid of the potency of my own sexuality. It is this bursting force within me that I thought could not be controlled unless I had a partner to direct it toward, who could appreciate all that I had to offer. It was not that I wanted sexual possession or control or anything like that. It was that I was afraid that if I did not have an outlet for sexual energy, it would build up inside me and cause extreme pain. Thus, even though my approach to sex was generous and giving, it was imbalanced in the heart. Out of fear, I had restricted the flow of love, forcing it down sexual pathways when this was not always an appropriate pathway. I found myself repeating the pattern of meeting a woman who inspired me and immediately stepping into a romantic role, only to have my heart broken when it couldn't work out, for various reasons. This was my sarcophagus.

After moving through enough iterations of this pattern, after becoming more and more aware of various features of my sexuality through the normal cycle of Spiritual movements (Matrix → Potentiator → Catalyst → Experience → Matrix, etc.), a Messenger appears. This Messenger may take many forms, but regardless of the form, the content of the message comes from Beyond. It is an undeniable signal which blasts the lid of the sarcophagus open, revealing an exit from the tomb.

In my case, the messenger was, of course, a woman. She is a different kind of woman, though. She offered a partnership in spiritual progress, but did not want romance. Her approach was loving, sincere and subtle enough that my attention was caught. Whereas before her, I had thought that I needed to go through some kind of sexual gauntlet in order to let go of the physical attachments I could see in myself, after meeting her, my desires suddenly changed. I stopped asking girls out. I stopped caring about meeting women. I thought this was because I was falling in love with her – and I was – but that was only the first experience as the lid of the coffin lifted upon my reality.

You see, there are three parts of myself which emerge from the coffin. The male (conscious) self, the female (unconscious) self, and the child (unified) self each rise out of the coffin, mummified and completely immobile. Immobility is key here. This experience did not ask me if I wanted to participate. It did not await my action. It simply happened to me. The feelings that changed in my unconscious self, as she emerged from the tomb, the dissipation of my sexual desires, these things happened through the natural course of events as the Messenger called me forth.

The trumpet continued to sound. As my experience with this woman moved forward, I came face-to-face with the unconscious fear which was blocking me from moving forward, the impediment to Transformation, the stone that had kept the lid of my Sarcophagus shut. When I consciously faced the reality that my sexual problems were caused by the fear that I could not live without a sexual partner, the conscious self found itself also pulled out of the Sarcophagus. I knew what I was being called to. I know what was needed in order for the Inner Child to rise from the dead. I knew what I had to do in order to remember that life is a joyful experience, a wonderful playground, an innocent skit. I had to face life without a sexual partner. I had to decide to finally close the valve of my romantic energy so that I can face the experience that will present itself once I find that I do not have an external outlet for it.

This decision reflected down into my Mind Complex, where the Transformation of the Mind was also occurring: I was being given the option to choose a sacred love, in which romance is not an option, as opposed to the profane love with which I have recently found myself less and less interested.

The whole experience was preceded by a bodily toxic release. After I met this woman, but before any of the major spiritual changes happened, I endured a week-long spontaneous detoxification. I had a headache everyday. I felt drugged. My muscles were sore. This was a Transformation of the Body which presaged the Spiritual Transformation to come.

Choosing a period of celibacy was not easy. And it just begun today, so I expect plenty of tests in the future. But I cannot deny the Calling. I've heard the trumpet. I have seen my life more clearly than ever before. I have observed the pain that my sexual sarcophagus has caused me. How can I choose to lay back down and shut the lid? How can I return to a willingness to allow myself to be attached to romance? So I flow with the Calling, I move further and further out of the Sarcophagus, not under my own impetus, but in a willingness to subordinate myself to the true will of the Spirit which calls me from Beyond.

RE: The Transformation of the Spirit - Cyan - 11-11-2012

potentiation, catalyst, experience, and transformation


Lämpö, impulssi, frekvenssi ja erotus. (finnish equivelant words from the starting point assumptions to list what life could be an acronym of in that particular language.)

Heat, impulse, experience(frequncy), transformation(separation) would be the english equivelants.

Car engine.

Inject liquid in vapor form

Light spark in vapor form

Experience chance of form

Transform to different mass, transformation used for energy generation.

Also, on a different equally impressed rambling note at your genuinsness in the explanation. I'd like to point out that when reading this, I felt "Ra" indicate that Epsilon Eridani, is, from our logical standpoint if we apply 3rd density astrophysical direction terms to a metaphysical logos to sublogos spatial association, the closest that they could point to as being their logical center in our space/time.

No idea if that means anything to anyone besides me. Hope it helps, i felt like i should post it here becuase this is where I first thought of it.

I heard of it after reading this and going to read the transformation of the spirit entries in LOO and when they said they still walk these steps I indicated that I would appreciate some kind of idea where they would be in their answer.

My logical assumption as to why this would be true is that if we go forward in time by billions of years, stars like Ep Er are probably going to survive the longest (red dwarf) so if you had to make an educated guess as to where people doing work in the physical sense of the word belonging to in some remote sense of the word, to the Ra complex, in the most accurate mass way, the highest point of mass concentration through space/time and time/space might be Ep Er. Funny how it makes sense to me like this.

In 6th D from our perspective it would be "one of the closest stars that shines in the sky, so, logically one of the most spiritually closest objects because venus is actually orbitting our logos just like we are and if you think about it, it would have to kind of be a sub logos besides our own logos to work the way it does, so, once we advanced from a planet as logos to star as logos, ra has to go from venus as logos to nearest star as logos, from that we advance to galaxy as logos to Ra as another galaxy as logos.


Anyway, i hope it helps and i'll return to reading the LoOinfo about this. Great text, thank you Smile

RE: The Transformation of the Spirit - Plenum - 11-11-2012

that is a really great post Joseph.

I think the Calling really and well truly sums up the nature of this Card.

my own recent experiences with this have led me to engage in some experiments with channeling, something that I had not been drawn to previously.

thanks again for your sharing.

RE: The Transformation of the Spirit - JustLikeYou - 11-14-2012

Thank you for the praise. I also wanted to add that the correspondence between this archetype and the central act of the 12-step program -- releasing an addiction to the Self which is Greater in order that it may be transmuted -- still seems very much accurate to me. I never would have dreamed that I'd consider myself addicted to romance. But so be it. So be it.

RE: The Transformation of the Spirit - ricdaw - 09-11-2014

Ra Wrote:That which you call the Sarcophagus in your system may be seen to be the material world, if you will. This material world is transformed by the spirit into that which is infinite and eternal. The infinity of the spirit is an even greater realization than the infinity of consciousness, for consciousness which has been disciplined by will and faith is that consciousness which may contact intelligent infinity directly. There are many things which fall away in the many, many steps of adepthood. We, of Ra, still walk these steps and praise the One Infinite Creator at each transformation.

I can't help but sincerely believe that Ra mis-spoke. All of my instincts and all the lessons of the other cards compels me to reverse the words in one sentence:

"That which you call the Sarcophagus in your system may be seen to be the material world, if you will. Spirit is transformed by the material world into that which is infinite and eternal. The infinity of the spirit is an even greater realization than the infinity of consciousness, for consciousness which has been disciplined by will and faith is that consciousness which may contact intelligent infinity directly. There are many things which fall away in the many, many steps of adepthood. We, of Ra, still walk these steps and praise the One Infinite Creator at each transformation."

We come down here to work on spirit. It is by living life here that we can hone and shine the facets of our diamond spirits. The material world experiences transform the spirit, not the other way around as Ra is quoted.

And the picture then is more literal. Spirit is transformed after repeated lives (see the multiple bodies) and the experiences gained as man, woman and child. The card is REINCARNATION. And through reincarnation we evolve spiritually.

RE: The Transformation of the Spirit - JustLikeYou - 09-13-2014

First, I should say that my perception of this archetype has changed since I wrote the OP.

I view reincarnation as a macrocosmic example of this archetype. The archetype is still active, though, even in microcosm.

I doubt that Ra misspoke here because the sentence that follows the one in question supports Ra's original phrasing: "The infinity of the spirit is an even greater realization than the infinity of consciousness" It makes sense that after saying that the spirit transforms the material world, Ra would attribute to the spirit an unimaginable infinitude.

The infinity of consciousness is the grandeur of the personality. It is the incarnate mind perfected, known to itself, strong in its will, felicitous in its dedication. But this is the self prior to contacting Intelligent Infinity, prior to experiencing literal oneness with creation, and bringing back a living portion of that oneness as a philosopher's stone, so to speak.

To me, this archetype describes spiritual initiation, specifically the kind of initiation which approaches and intends to open the gateway to Intelligent Infinity. In this experience, spirit is raised up to the great light of the Creator, it has no will in the matter, for the Creator attracts the spirit without the spirit needing to do anything at all.

When the gateway opens (even if only a bit and only temporarily), the lid of the sarcophagus lifts and the infinite presents itself in its glory. The experience may slip away, but it cannot but make a profound impact upon the self in relation to its incarnate experience. No longer is the world dead and lifeless. What was once rote and mechanical, stripped of joy, is suddenly filled with mystery anew. The spirit's ascention to the communion with the Creator has imparted the life of the Creator to the world itself. Spirit then transforms the material world not just for itself, but also for mind and body. The lower complexes are renewed, they are lighter, more buoyant. It is the experience of this archetype which led zen buddhists to say: "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." Nothing has changed outwardly and the material world looks exactly the same to anyone else. But to the newly enlightened, it is full of magic and wonder.

RE: The Transformation of the Spirit - ricdaw - 09-13-2014

(09-13-2014, 09:31 AM)JustLikeYou Wrote: I doubt that Ra misspoke here because the sentence that follows the one in question supports Ra's original phrasing: "The infinity of the spirit is an even greater realization than the infinity of consciousness" It makes sense that after saying that the spirit transforms the material world, Ra would attribute to the spirit an unimaginable infinitude.

A little push back here. The quote is, "This material world is transformed by the spirit into that which is infinite and eternal." I cannot believe that Ra believes the material world is "infinite and eternal." The end of that sentence does not modify or describe spirit, it modifies and describes the material world. "The material world is . . . . infinite and eternal" makes no sense.

Too, there is nothing in that picture of the Sarcophagus that shows the box "transforming" into its "infinite and eternal" characteristic. The action is on the human figures and they are the spirit. That angel is calling to them, not to the box.

The third and fourth sentences are not connected to the preceding two in text or context. I imagine that there were long pauses between them when they were spoken and each should be its own paragraph. I think the channel was not clear.

"That which you call the Sarcophagus in your system may be seen to be the material world, if you will. This material world is transformed by the spirit into that which is infinite and eternal. (pause)

The infinity of the spirit is an even greater realization than the infinity of consciousness, for consciousness which has been disciplined by will and faith is that consciousness which may contact intelligent infinity directly. (pause)

There are many things which fall away in the many, many steps of adepthood. We, of Ra, still walk these steps and praise the One Infinite Creator at each transformation."

So I still hold to my rewrite of that second sentence. The rest of the text, the context and the tarot picture itself, does not support it.

BTW, beautiful exposition on spiritual initiation, JustLikeYou.

RE: The Transformation of the Spirit - Nicholas - 09-13-2014

Is this another chicken and egg debate?

Quote:13.5 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me of the earliest, first known thing in the creation?

Ra: I am Ra. The first known thing in the creation is infinity. The infinity is creation.

Further on in this session...

Quote:13.12 Questioner: Could you tell me how intelligent infinity became, shall we say (I’m having difficulty with some of the language), how intelligent infinity became individualized from itself?

Ra: I am Ra. This is an appropriate question.

The intelligent infinity discerned a concept. This concept was discerned due to freedom of will of awareness. This concept was finity. This was the first and primal paradox or distortion of the Law of One. Thus the one intelligent infinity invested itself in an exploration of many-ness. Due to the infinite possibilities of intelligent infinity there is no ending to many-ness. The exploration, thus, is free to continue infinitely in an eternal present.

The statement "discerned a concept" is indeed paradoxical because of the past tense implication of the word "discerned".

So it seems that in order for "spirit" to know itself, it's "material" expression, infinitely explores, through finite form, in order for its infinite essence to experience the gratification of its original intent.

Oral communication sucks eh?

((( Heart )))

RE: The Transformation of the Spirit - JustLikeYou - 09-13-2014

ricdaw Wrote:I cannot believe that Ra believes the material world is "infinite and eternal." The end of that sentence does not modify or describe spirit, it modifies and describes the material world. "The material world is . . . . infinite and eternal" makes no sense.

I think the idea here is that the Transformation of the Spirit penetrates the perception of the material world in its gross and ephemeral phase. The material world is composed of Intelligent Energy, just like everything else in the illusion, and when you attain the ability to recognize this, everything takes on the character of the infinite and eternal, and the ephemeral aspects are seen as signposts that cannot be dissociated from the eternal in the way a word cannot be dissociated from its meaning.

Additionally, it is similarly troublesome to imagine, under your interpretation, that Ra would be suggesting that the Spirit can be finite and temporary. For if the spirit is transformed into that which is infinite and eternal, then we must assume it was not this already.

RE: The Transformation of the Spirit - ricdaw - 09-13-2014

(09-13-2014, 05:04 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote:
ricdaw Wrote:I cannot believe that Ra believes the material world is "infinite and eternal." The end of that sentence does not modify or describe spirit, it modifies and describes the material world. "The material world is . . . . infinite and eternal" makes no sense.

I think the idea here is that the Transformation of the Spirit penetrates the perception of the material world in its gross and ephemeral phase. The material world is composed of Intelligent Energy, just like everything else in the illusion, and when you attain the ability to recognize this, everything takes on the character of the infinite and eternal, and the ephemeral aspects are seen as signposts that cannot be dissociated from the eternal in the way a word cannot be dissociated from its meaning.

Additionally, it is similarly troublesome to imagine, under your interpretation, that Ra would be suggesting that the Spirit can be finite and temporary. For if the spirit is transformed into that which is infinite and eternal, then we must assume it was not this already.

Touche! LOL!