the Many Faces of bring4th - Printable Version

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the Many Faces of bring4th - Plenum - 08-04-2012

1) ayadew
2) Aaron
3) Peregrinus
4) Eric

5) Ali Quadir
6) Lorna
7) Gemini Wolf
8) haqiqu
9) seejay21

10) Jerome
11) aktu
12) plenum
13) jakrob
14) Sagittarius

15) oguz
16) Diana
17) norral
18) Meerie
19) DayDreamin

20) kycahi
21) Parsons
22) Wander
23) indoling
24) BlatzAdict

25) GLB
26) Azrael
27) Shin'Ar
28) Austin
29) JustLikeYou

30) Ankh
31) 51/49
32) abstrktion
33) godwide
34) zach231

35) Observer
36) omcasey
37) Patrick
38) Cyan
39) Zachary

40) Spaced

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Brittany - 08-04-2012

You forgot the 'h'. Confused

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Shin'Ar - 08-04-2012

(08-04-2012, 04:53 PM)ahktu Wrote: You forgot the 'h'. Confused

good thing he didn't do that to me Lynn, or my name would be sinner.

However it would be appropriate.

Smarten up Plenum. You want Ahktu floatin around your bedroom while you sleep?

Oh and by the way Plen, thanks for this. Very cool to be able to see all the homies without havin to go through the inevitable.

I think one of the mods should flag this somehow so it is always at the top for quick access.

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Parsons - 08-04-2012

(08-04-2012, 07:42 PM)ShinAr Wrote:
(08-04-2012, 04:53 PM)ahktu Wrote: You forgot the 'h'. Confused

good thing he didn't do that to me Lynn, or my name would be sinner.

You guys made me "lol" in my call center, I got funny looks. BigSmileBlush

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Brittany - 08-06-2012

Bedroom floating has gotten me some bad PR. I'm more likely to give you this creepy stare without blinking.

[img][Image: creepyeye.jpg][/img]

(Yes, the dark circles under my eyes are really that bad. Confused)

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Shin'Ar - 08-06-2012

(08-06-2012, 01:16 PM)ahktu Wrote: Bedroom floating has gotten me some bad PR. I'm more likely to give you this creepy stare without blinking.

[img][Image: creepyeye.jpg][/img]

(Yes, the dark circles under my eyes are really that bad. Confused)

How would you like to wake up to that on the pillow next to you in the middle of the night? lol

I'd rather have you floatin over top of me with a sneaky grin on your face.

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Daydreamin - 08-06-2012

Plenum....thanks for doing that!!!

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Brittany - 08-06-2012

I'll wear my extra-creepy smile, just for you, Shin.
[Image: IMG196.jpg]

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Parsons - 08-06-2012

lol @ ahktu's sketch

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Shin'Ar - 08-07-2012

Deja Vu!

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Plenum - 01-26-2013


41) Monica

42) xradfl

43) Zachary

44) Raz

45) Conifer16

46) Meerie

47) Don & Carla

48) Ankh & Aaron

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Ankh - 01-26-2013

49) Austin

50) TheEternal

51) Cyan

RE: the Many Faces of bring4th - Raz - 01-26-2013

I feel included BigSmile