L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Printable Version

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L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Jeremy - 08-02-2012

Didn't know which forum to put this in as it deals with a channeling, the Law of One plus harvest so I put it here.

I've been steadily reading post Ra channelings and I came across this one from L/leema which states that he harvest will be gradual and possibly up to 15 decades. Since I haven't read further, I don't know if this was later corrected but I was curious of everyone's opinion.

Sunday Meditation

July 27, 1986

Group question: From J. It is: “There is a quote from the session of 15 June, 1986 from L/Leema as follows: ‘The critical mass for achieving fourth density as a group is nearly reached.’

A) Expand, i.e. quantify, ‘nearly,’ time frame, etc.

B) How large is the group? Total population, harvestable entities, non-harvestable entities?

C) How does this affect planetary geological shifts?

D) Specifically, what should we do to maximize the harvest? What is the most important work that light workers can do at this time to maximize the harvest?”

(Carla channeling)

I am L/Leema, and I greet you, my friends, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is our great privilege and blessing to be with you this evening and we thank you for calling us to your group.

You would wish to know more about a statement that we have made to the effect that the critical mass for harvest has been nearly reached. We are pleased to share with you what we can. Needless to say, there are those things which we are not able to share with you due to the Law of Free Will. What we have to offer, we offer with hope that you will, as always, assume our opinion to be just that, and in no way given the cachet of divine or irristible knowledge.

We would first extricate the question of the harvest of souls from an inevitable link with massive topographical changes which shall occur in what your geologists call the tectonic plate structure of your planet. It is understandable that you should link the many disasters which have been predicted by so many sources and the phenomenon of harvest which likewise has been predicted by so many sources. There is a relationship, and yet it is not a compelling one, and the relationship is one of interest more for its synchronicity than for its inevitability.

The relationship is one of cause and effect in that the thinking of the consciousness of this planetary sphere has been over a period of your time much confused. There has been hostility and anger amongst your people on a nearly steady-state basis for all of your modern, shall we say, time, and by that we mean that period of your time which is covered by written record. This has caused within your Earth a disease, a pressure, and what you may think of as a heat or fever which must be cooled. The venting of this energy must take place in some manner, and there are those, both in your inner planes and in your outer planes, which have for some time been attempting to withhold the time of greatest trauma to the planet until an area of space can be cleared in which the negative emissions following such a venting of negative energy may be consumed by those who prefer negative energy so that the free will of others in your celestial neighborhood shall not be abridged.

It is, it seems, among your people a matter of great interest to know precisely when this occurrence shall transpire. We note that it is as much a process as an occurrence, and has already begun to some extent. We are not at this time aware of a state of readiness for this event amongst those who are attempting to aid in the name of those whose free will would be abridged. Therefore, we would project the positive hope and faith that the greater magnitude of this event shall be between two and three decades of your time in coming.

It is to be noted in this regard that this does not signal the arrival of the so-called new age or fourth density. It is important, we feel, to note this, for many have linked the two as cause and effect whereas to the best of our understanding there is no direct cause and effect relationship—they are concomitant events or processes.

We feel that this perhaps frees us to speak about the true question, which is the coming of the fourth density. As we have said, your planet vibrates already in fourth density and the time does indeed draw near for entities with fourth-density physical vehicles to begin incarnating upon the level of physical manifestation. Indeed, many among your small children have incarnated with what you may call the double body of third density and fourth density, and by and large this hybrid doubly activated physical manifestation shall continue for some time in your probable future, the time extending somewhere between one and eight centuries.

You will note that we cannot pin down time. Firstly, we find it difficult to quantize that which occurs in time/space, for quantization is a space/time concept. Secondly, we cannot predict what entities in free will will accomplish or fail to accomplish during any very lengthy time period. It is not wise to make assumptions unless one has been given clear vision, and although we have opinions, they range more towards the probabilities involved than any specific knowledge. We would be less than acceptable teachers were we to offer to you that which even we know to be unsubstantiated opinion. All that we say is opinion, but we trust, substantiated opinion.

Therefore, my friends, the time frame for those in third-density physical vehicles attempting to graduate is perhaps as short as three decades, perhaps as long as fifteen. It depends upon how many entities are able to use increasing quantities of fourth-density light vibration, for as we said, this movement into the new fourth-density area of space/time which vibrates in a new fashion shall be one which is gradual and which takes much of your time to occur fully.[/b]

However, we feel that it is safe to recommend that each entity which has decided to attempt to increase the rate of spiritual, mental and emotional evolvement behave as if this were the last chance to achieve a harvestable vibration, for in that way you shall give to your effort all that it deserves.

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Turtle - 08-02-2012

(08-02-2012, 11:11 AM)Xradfl Wrote: However, we feel that it is safe to recommend that each entity which has decided to attempt to increase the rate of spiritual, mental and emotional evolvement behave as if this were the last chance to achieve a harvestable vibration, for in that way you shall give to your effort all that it deserves.

I wholeheartedly agree.

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Monica - 08-02-2012

Good find!

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Etude in B Minor - 08-02-2012

It does say it may be as little as 3 decades, which starting from 1986 would bring us into the current decade.

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - AnthroHeart - 08-02-2012

It mentioned the hybrid body might be around for up to 8 centuries. I hope this isn't how long it will take.

We need some newer Q'uo channelings to answer such questions in more detail.

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - zenmaster - 08-02-2012

(08-02-2012, 07:09 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: It mentioned the hybrid body might be around for up to 8 centuries. I hope this isn't how long it will take.

We need some newer Q'uo channelings to answer such questions in more detail.
Or to provide answers that we would like to hear. They are good at that too.

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Parsons - 08-03-2012

No offense intended, but this entire channeling quoted is a prediction which was made in 1986. As we have gathered from subsequent LL channelings, things have changed massively since then. And as previously stated, the prediction at the time slated this year in the time frame given for this move in to 4D to happen. Furthermore, it recommends we behave as though this was our very last chance to achieve harvestability if we wish to polarize to the maximum effect possible (which I personally have been attempting to do even before I read this channeling).

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Jeremy - 08-03-2012

(08-03-2012, 12:10 AM)Parsons Wrote: No offense intended, but this entire channeling quoted is a prediction which was made in 1986. As we have gathered from subsequent LL channelings, things have changed massively since then. And as previously stated, the prediction at the time slated this year in the time frame given for this move in to 4D to happen. Furthermore, it recommends we behave as though this was our very last chance to achieve harvestability if we wish to polarize to the maximum effect possible (which I personally have been attempting to do even before I read this channeling).

No offense taken at all and thank you for answering my apprehension about subsequent channellings correcting this prediction. I'm only up to 1986 so I have tons of info to get through before finish them all

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - zenmaster - 08-03-2012

Wait until you get to the ad hoc "Time Lateral", another prediction. "No offense".

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Goldenratio - 08-03-2012

I have personally found it curious that rest of mankind has a fascination with dates. 11/11/11 and whatnot. Its a synthetic metric for marking the passage of time. I also find it curious that people tend to be highly concerned with "when" the harvest is going to happen. Plan for it happen the next moment, and never at the same time, imo.

I do find it interesting that in all the channelings ive read that there seems to be rather severe disconnect with relationship to the dimension of time. Now it could merely be that existence at that level the concept of time as we experience it is too alien to easily scale things. But that doesnt sound quite correct.

I would posit that it is something akin to Heisenbergs uncertainty theorem. That as one looks closer and closer at this event which is in our current forms future, the timing of it becomes harder and harder to determine. For me, when it happens, or if I dont get to experience it incarnated as I currently am, has no real bearing on the choices or decisions I make. Its always crunch time, and yet ive always got miles and miles to go.

Another issue is that I dont think it could really be said to be a digital thing. Its not on or off. Its like there is no precise moment that puberty starts, its a series of many many small changes, building up for sure. Also I believe this cycle to be somewhat unique, so more "conventional" methods of determining the whats and whens are going to have some extra wiggleroom.

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Parsons - 08-03-2012

The concept of us being in a time lateral, as far as I'm concerned, is not a prediction of the future. It was stated that we are in a time lateral and have been since before recorded history. There are predictions made about what may happen with the time lateral in the same channeling session, but that's a whole nother can of worms.

As for why anyone would be focused on harvest/4D, well, I think it boils down to the fact that there are a lot of people who don't like to see other people(and themselves) unhappy as they are now in the world compared to shedding the responsibilities that bind us from freedome and 4D. Or, if you are repeating 3D lessons, a much more harmonious 3D experience on a clean slate.

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Goldenratio - 08-03-2012

I totally understand why one would want all great things to come, and I understand why they would want to accelerate them. There is a lot of shall we say unpleasantness with the world around us. I suppose I feel that many here seem to feel that 4D will be some great panacea, and indeed it will make molehills from mountains for somethings, for others its just changing one set of issues with another. More harmonious? you betcha!

That there are always new challenges to rise up to is both a source of joy and weariness. I find the journey to be the goal. I dont feel that I have been here before this incarnation, and there are those that have been for quite a spell. To me, I suppose I am taking in all this distortion and apparent chaos as a learning experience (no such thing as a problem, only an opportunity for training!), and can understand at some level how it can be tiresome. A change in the struggle, putting down old burdens, and picking up new/different ones can be a source of respite.

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - zenmaster - 08-03-2012

(08-03-2012, 01:21 AM)Goldenratio Wrote: I do find it interesting that in all the channelings ive read that there seems to be rather severe disconnect with relationship to the dimension of time. Now it could merely be that existence at that level the concept of time as we experience it is too alien to easily scale things. But that doesnt sound quite correct.

I would posit that it is something akin to Heisenbergs uncertainty theorem. That as one looks closer and closer at this event which is in our current forms future, the timing of it becomes harder and harder to determine.
That would be future OR past (or present for that matter).

RE: L/leema states it's gradual. Possibly 15 decades - Goldenratio - 08-03-2012

Oh indeed zen. Entropy increases the further forward in time from our "present" is an idea/theory that is readily accepted by many if not all. But Entropy should (and I believe does) increase the further back in time you go as well. Many do not like this, as this would imply that the past is not set in stone.

There was a theory I read by someone, and I cannot remember who wrote it, much to my dismay, that said that basically that the there is only one moment of existence (Planck second in length I believe he used [Planck second would be the time it takes for light to travel the diameter of a photon]). That the past and the future are just probability waves. Literally there is only now.

Intermittently I have been trying to track this theory down. I find it rather elegant, not sure how much veracity there is in it, but at the very least it provides an excellent framework for me to ponder on.

As far as the present goes, that would be interesting. You can only observe so much about something from inside of it, with only one point of reference I would be foolhardy to draw too much from that one source.