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The Story of Alexander - Spaced - 07-17-2012

My name for this life is Alexander, named after both my father and Alexandros Megalos. I was born in 1985 in Athens, Greece. The law in Greece states that for you to be a Greek citizen your parents must be Greek citizens and since mine are both Canadians for the first year of my life I was not a citizen of any country (until the Canadian consulate convinced my parents to apply for citizenship), for this reason I've always considered myself a citizen of the world and find the concept of nationalism silly.

The reason I was born in Greece is that my Father is an archeologist specializing in the Minoan civilization who was working at Knossos at the time, so the first two years of my life were spent between the British School of Archeology in Athens and various dig sites around Crete. When I was two years old my parents had a terrible divorce that ended with my mom taking my older sister and I and bringing us back to Canada.

Contact with my father since then has been sparse, once or twice a year at most with one long stretch of 6 years of silence. For the longest time I felt abandoned by my dad who I deeply loved, this sense of abandonment led me to believe that I was worthless. I hated myself but loved the world and so I would always put everyone else's needs ahead of mine. Because of this I've always been very empathetic.

Despite this, my dad has always been my spiritual teacher. When I was 5 or 6 my father was teaching archeology at Columbia University in New York (yes, that WAS Indiana Jones' job Tongue) and so me and my sister would go down to visit him on holidays. My dad developed a network of friends in New York who would do past life regression (or soul surfing as they called it) and psychic readings. He took us to see one of his friends who gave us readings and painted our auras. She told me that in my previous incarnation I was a Buddhist monk living in the Himalayas.
Around this time my father also gave me a large quartz crystal and a deck of tarot cards which I have kept with me since then, through all my moves and purges (I have never lived in any one home more than 2 years and every time I move I throw out the vast majority of my possessions) and have only began to use in earnest this year.

My dad provided me with all these tools and hints for following the New Age spiritual movement and meanwhile my mother would take me to church every Sunday, making sure that I get my first communion and confirmation, until one Sunday she simply asked if me and my sister were really interested in attending church, which we both replied to with a negative. I absolutely LOVE the teachings of Christ but organized religion just doesn't do it for me.

Despite being offered these paths for spirituality, for some reason I was terrified to admit to myself that I believed in God. I always felt the call to awaken spiritually but shied away from it. The most extreme example of this was when what I saw then as God but was probably my higher self attempted to make contact with me and I was so against hearing what it had to say that the message turned into a trumpet blast so loud that it knocked me out of bed. Around this time also I would suffer from sleep paralysis and, what I think of now as visits from negative entities.

My father and I drifted further and further apart until we eventually broke off contact completely between around 2002 and 2008. The thing that brought us back together was my father having a heart attack, on my birthday (I don't think this is a coincidence and neither does he). During this period I was at my most depressed and self-loathing, but found many insightful messages in music and novels (one of the books that led to my spiritual seeking was Phillip K Dick's VALIS). After my father's heart attack I went to visit him in Greece for two months and we would have long conversations about metaphysics and he recommended me some excellent books: The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, Many Minds Many Master and Love Is All There Is by Brian L. Weiss, MD and of course the Law of One. I didn't begin reading the Law of One for a little while though.

yikes this is going on long and my work shift is done . . . I'll finish this when I get home Tongue

RE: The Story of Alexander - RonAl - 07-17-2012

thanks for your story so far and welcome

RE: The Story of Alexander - Spaced - 07-17-2012

OK, I'm back!

While I was in Greece in 2008 I got to work on an archaeological dig which was great! I had an interesting experience sweeping the floor of a 5000 year old Early Minoan home . . . Here I was cleaning someone's house that hadn't been cleaned in millenia!

So this during this period of 2002-2008 when I was really down I failed out of university, got turned down for army service (thank goodness!) and just ended up drifting from menial job to menial job. I have never had enough money to pay my bills and I'm always behind on rent. This is still true, in fact my landlord was by today because I am 2 months behind on rent. Money concerns still remain one of the only things that really gets me down, and I feel like that's exactly what it's designed to do. I used to feel bad about failing out of University but I realized that that's just because my mom was always pushing me to get a degree. I feel like I learned everything I needed to, focusing on Anthropology, Classics and History. I felt often that I was 'falling through the cracks' and that nobody really noticed or payed attention to me, which I found very frustrating at the time, especially in terms of love and romance . . . I only had my first girlfriend at the age of 25, however now I feel that I was being held back for a reason. It's only in the past year or so that I've felt in any sort of power over the course my life, before that I was . . . just drifting in a simple world, none of it seemed real to me until I met my partner and the love of my life in 2010.

I feel like my relationship with my girlfriend is the purpose of my incarnation in this density, though I feel like I will have another purpose in the world to come. The story of how I met my partner seems miraculous to me. We were both members on a message board and there was a Valentines day card exchange, for which I signed up. At that point I was at the peak of my sexual frustration having gone out with only 2 girls, both relationships just kind of petering out as we realized there was little interest on a deeper level. I think that this frustration caused what happened next, a drug resistant staph infection on my scrotum (yup you read that right, and yes it DID really hurt!) I was in the hospital for a week and a half and had to visit the doctor for bandage changes and wound cleaning for a few months. the doctor told me that if I had waited one more day before checking in I would have likely died. When I got out of the hospital there was a hand made Valentine's day card waiting for me that was just the most beautiful thing I'd ever received! we talked online for a bit and she invited me to visit her, so I took the train and it was love at first sight! I didn't feel the lust that I felt towards other girls, which many are tricked into thinking is love, but instead we both felt an instant and deep connection. I called in sick and stayed an extra week and within a few months I quit my job and moved out to be with her.

Certainly we had our arguments and troubles, including my last episode of sleep paralysis where I was stuck in bed and saw her come into the room and shove a pill in my mouth while I feebly tried to shout her name (could this have been a negative entity trying to sour our relationship?), but as we became more and more in tune with each other they all just began to fade away.

Just last month I had what I consider a revelatory experience which I posted in another thread but will repost here:

"I had just come home from my manual labour job and was in a terrible mood. I was frustrated about working all day and still not having enough money to pay rent on time. I was upset that I didn't have the "cool" lifestyle I've always yearned for, that I had never completed my degree, that I lived in a 2 room apartment with a leaky bathroom, and so on and so forth.

In this negative frame of mind I plopped down on my bed. My girlfriend could tell I was upset and came over to comfort me and my cat also came and curled up on top of my chest. So there I was, in a terrible mood yet completely surrounded by love, and just then a clear voice interrupted my whiny train of thought and said simply "Be thankful to God for what you have." I was floored, it definitely didn't seem like something I would think of under normal circumstances . . . but the voice was absolutely right! I looked around and realized that I have everything I need in this life."

Since then I have been more aware of catalyst and what lessons it offers and I feel like my spiritual growth has been increasing exponentially.

Phew I think that's it . . . for now BigSmile

RE: The Story of Alexander - AnthroHeart - 07-17-2012

Wow, you've had your share of troubles. I'm glad you're at a point now where you're spiritually growing.

RE: The Story of Alexander - Spaced - 07-17-2012

Hmm, I've always thought I had it quite easy BigSmile

RE: The Story of Alexander - AnthroHeart - 07-17-2012

Mine is pretty easy, don't struggle with finances. But I have a great deal of mental catalyst.
Life itself isn't too bad.

I guess we've both been fortunate.
I've never been in a relationship though.
So I don't have anyone to comfort me when times are hard.

RE: The Story of Alexander - AnUncomplicatedLove - 07-18-2012

Thank you for sharing Alexander. I look forward to hearing more of your story, should you choose to continue. I can most definitely relate to the nomadic lifestyle (and the purging of most possessions - when it comes time for a rebirth, most things, for me, just don't seem to make the cut from an energetic standpoint.) I was born an Air Force "brat", as they say, so I grew accustomed to relocating from a very young age. I've even continued that pattern into my adult life, since leaving home at 19, I have never lived in any one abode for more than 2 years. I also have never stayed in any one city (or state for that matter!) more than 3 years. One of my astrological aspects suggests that I have spent many past lives in extremely spiritual, but poverty-stricken lifestyles and that part of this incarnation is to learn a proper prosperity consciousness. Sooo, I guess I better stop giving all my stuff away, huh?? BigSmile Thanks again for sharing. Heart

Edit: you were too quick for me! you finished before I could post my reply. Wink Much love to you and your lady. Live in love, friend. Heart

RE: The Story of Alexander - Lycen - 07-19-2012

Hi and welcome Alexander!

If find you're life thus far very interesting, youre dad sounds like quite the fella in a good way .D

Am glad that the experiences that have come and gone have made you "whole". If ya keep searching you shall find the reason(s) why you are here, as thus I wish good luck in thay endeavors Smile

Spaced Wrote:Around this time also I would suffer from sleep paralysis and, what I think of now as visits from negative entities.

Since you brought up sleep paralysis, OBE (out of body experience) or astral projection or... you get the point..? ,D came to mind. You could be a great candidate for trying this, using the paralysis to "explore" some.
If it sparks interest, I suggest reading Robert Monroe's 3 book trilogy.

RE: The Story of Alexander - Alex from Greece - 07-19-2012

Greetings from Greece!

Wow, this is my first post on Bring4th.

Hello Alexander. It is great you are sharing your experiences with this crowd. You all seem like lovelly people.

I remember my dad telling me something like this: "If there doesn't seem to be any kind of catalyst in your life...
then something is not quite right. Son, run like mad!"... So from England I moved back to Greece.

After that followed his divorce with my Mum, dept, depression, death by cancer... a couple of crazy relationships
fuelled by love plus STO vs egoistic passion, service to madness, addictions, perversions... the list goes on!

Well, the list was like a list of experiences that had to be learned I suppose. At the time it seemed like "time"
didn't have much of a role in my soul's 3D mission. It was one crazy event after the other with almost all of them
overlapping with friends drifting away, money problems, negative psychic greetings, strange sightings and more.

Then one day the Sun came out and it was all over. Day by day things got into perspective and now I'm sharing
my life with a girl that is not only willing to accept my urgent need to love another person but is also on the path
that Ra talk about, you know, the path that creates and "wants" to live in harmony with all things of all densities
and of all possible understandings. I now also feel at home.

Sorry to hijack the "Story of Alexander" to mention my experience of catalyst. I just felt that this was an opportunity
to relate with a person with same name and age-group experiencing these powerful energies... especially in Greece!

Wish each and all of us strength to endure more of life's gifts!

"All is well" !!! Smile


RE: The Story of Alexander - Spaced - 07-19-2012

Hey, this is the story of Alexander. I'm not the only Alexander out there it seems BigSmile

RE: The Story of Alexander - Daydreamin - 07-19-2012

Thanks for sharing!

Welcome to the family!

RE: The Story of Alexander - Spaced - 07-21-2012

I have been thinking a lot about the phoenix and I thought I'd share what started me off on that path. Here's something my friend Derick posted on facebook (pardon the spelling and grammar)

"The Pheonix, symbolizing mystical rebirth, the bird
that is mythologically known to die in itself of flames,
only to rise out of its own ashes. This each of our own
transformative experiences that are taking place

The Pheonix, long known to perish within itself of
it's flame, only to rise out of it's own ashes.
A mystical rebirth out of the shadow world,
the purpose of it's own self destruction, to only
eminate a more luminous light, creation,
out of death comes life. A transformative
experience we all go through, together,
even if we appear to be this singular self,
that this me', may never be understood,
"me this, me that", behind the veil,
we are all experiencing a perception of
reality, that is interpreted by the way we
individually filter life, as we are collectively
witnessing it now. Our filter of reality,
our perception of reality is being now
cleansed, of the rotteness it has accumulated
over the period of time that you've been aware
of your own existence on this beautiful planet
known as Earth. Within this epoch, all of our
filters, our perceptions of reality are being cleansed,
and this cleanse is being influenced by an
energetic force that is taking place within our universe,
in which this force is being elevated, therefore, our
earthling, our cosmic evolution is being advanced
to a higher vibration of humaness.
With that being said, our consciousness, is being
influenced by this energetic force that is elevating,
our consciousness is the energetic force,
you are the source of creation itself, you
are consistently co-creating reality all the time,
now all over the world, each of us is taking a transformative
step, we all represent the Pheonix, each of us,
and in this epoch, the collective result of our evolution
is a pheonix itself, burning in it's flames, and now
rising out of it's own ashes, it's only a natural cosmic
process that we will be co-creating, be part of, this
brigther, higher vibrational way of beingness,
it's the inevitability of what is and what alway's will
be, and that is, This, now experiencing itself and
forever expanding and spiraling out in sacred
geometrical patterns within a haullographic field,
of all possibility.
We are the source, we are in the current process
of being conscious, as the Pheonix, we are all
burning together, and out of death comes a new life..
Take this for what you will, it's all part of you,
you are not alone, and Love to you all"

RE: The Story of Alexander - LightBearer4u - 07-31-2012

Alexander, i just want to point out a few synchronous patterns in our lives.

My name is Alexandre (also from Alexandros 'The Great'), and both of my parents are Canadian citizens. I've lived most of my life in the US, but am still not a citizen (currently on a work visa i continually renew, which forbids me from applying for citizenship)

[my birth certificate says 'Michael', but apparently my behavior as a child was more akin to a conquerer than that of a savior, or so i'm told. So my parents changed my name soon after birth. Honestly, i feel both names suit me, tho i've become quite acustomed to Alex. (concidentally, 'Alexandre' means Defender of Man. Tell me, is the archangel Michael not the ultimate defender of Man? On topic, i'm quite the humanist as well.]

My father also opened my mind to the unknown at a young age by visiting a family psychic, and giving me a bag of -quartz stones- and some Tarot sets.

I'm sure there's more, but these are just a few things i thought interesting.

There is no such thing as coincidences. Just misunderstood synchronicity.

RE: The Story of Alexander - Avocado - 08-02-2012

I like your story spaced. My name is Alexander as well and have noticed my(our?) higher-self working through various other-selves in this thread! Even though it's not so clear at time it amazes me how intricately connected we all really are.

RE: The Story of Alexander - Ankh - 08-02-2012

Welcome to this place, Alexander! Hope you'll like it here.

It was a joy reading your story. Thank you for sharing.

RE: The Story of Alexander - Spaced - 08-03-2012

Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone! What a great community this is Smile.

Most people I am close to in day to day life don't know all these things about me but I feel safe sharing them here, and with all the people sending me messages about how close my story is to their own has really made it hard for me to feel lonely anymore.

RE: The Story of Alexander - Spaced - 08-30-2012

I wanted to wish a happy name day to all the Alexanders out there BigSmile

RE: The Story of Alexander - AnthroHeart - 08-30-2012

It's great having you here, and all the wonderful feedback and input you provide to the forum.

RE: The Story of Alexander - Spaced - 08-30-2012

Gosh, thank you Gemini Wolf Blush