a subtle redefine of Enslavement - Printable Version

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a subtle redefine of Enslavement - Plenum - 06-27-2012

most people think slavery is chains and whips. But the most effective enslavement is through that of the mind, and convincing others they are lesser co-creators than you. Here is an interesting passage:

Quote:The relationship of such an entity to fourth-density negative entities is one of the more powerful and the less powerful. The negative path posits slavery of the less powerful as a means of learning the desire to serve the self to the extent that the will is brought to bear. It is in this way that polarity is increased in the negative sense. Thus fourth-density entities are willing slaves of such a fifth-density entity, there being no doubt whatsoever of the relative power of each.

87.8 Questioner: A reflection of this could be seen in our density in many of those leaders who instigate war and have followers who support, in total conviction that the direction of conquest is correct. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Any organization which demands obedience without question upon the basis of relative power is functioning according to the above-described plan.

the last bit in bold is the telling point. One thinks first of the military, with it's severely defined hierarchy (you get court-marshalled if you disobey a direct order from a superior officer). But one can also think of modern companies/corporations, where your 'obedience' in the workplace is a given.

RE: a subtle redefine of Enslavement - Patrick - 06-28-2012

The religion I was raised into even fits that bolded part in some parts of our history. :-/

RE: a subtle redefine of Enslavement - Shin'Ar - 06-28-2012

(06-27-2012, 10:15 PM)plenum Wrote: most people think slavery is chains and whips. But the most effective enslavement is through that of the mind, and convincing others they are lesser co-creators than you. Here is an interesting passage:

Quote:The relationship of such an entity to fourth-density negative entities is one of the more powerful and the less powerful. The negative path posits slavery of the less powerful as a means of learning the desire to serve the self to the extent that the will is brought to bear. It is in this way that polarity is increased in the negative sense. Thus fourth-density entities are willing slaves of such a fifth-density entity, there being no doubt whatsoever of the relative power of each.

87.8 Questioner: A reflection of this could be seen in our density in many of those leaders who instigate war and have followers who support, in total conviction that the direction of conquest is correct. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Any organization which demands obedience without question upon the basis of relative power is functioning according to the above-described plan.

the last bit in bold is the telling point. One thinks first of the military, with it's severely defined hierarchy (you get court-marshalled if you disobey a direct order from a superior officer). But one can also think of modern companies/corporations, where your 'obedience' in the workplace is a given.

Plemun, don't you think that the entire governmental system could fall into the same broad spectrum of controlling factors?

I agree with you that enslavement is far more than whips and chains, and I would take it a step further and suggest that most of the entire planet is caught up in a global system of slavery of the many to provide the luxuries of the few. I hope that our community here will discuss this in more detail.

RE: a subtle redefine of Enslavement - Plenum - 06-28-2012

(06-28-2012, 06:07 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Plemun, don't you think that the entire governmental system could fall into the same broad spectrum of controlling factors?

yes, the government treats its populace as children. One prime example would be approved/non-approved drugs. I don't take psychedelics myself, but there doesn't seem to be any reason why if someone wants to light up some weed, you should be looking out the window, waiting for the cops to bust in.

but I have also read that the so-called 'drug war' has an entirely different agenda; one which props up organised crime and funnels off money into unscrutinised projects. But that's only hearsay BigSmile

RE: a subtle redefine of Enslavement - Shin'Ar - 06-29-2012

(06-28-2012, 08:12 PM)plenum Wrote:
(06-28-2012, 06:07 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Plemun, don't you think that the entire governmental system could fall into the same broad spectrum of controlling factors?

yes, the government treats its populace as children. One prime example would be approved/non-approved drugs. I don't take psychedelics myself, but there doesn't seem to be any reason why if someone wants to light up some weed, you should be looking out the window, waiting for the cops to bust in.

but I have also read that the so-called 'drug war' has an entirely different agenda; one which props up organised crime and funnels off money into unscrutinised projects. But that's only hearsay BigSmile

well in my observations, common sense would suggest that if the powers to be was not profiting in some way they would certainly devise a way. There is this big discussion lately about legalization and the old prohibition relation to it, and I can't help but think that if the big players, be they government supported or criminally inclined, wanted more via legalization it would have been done long ago. I think they are getting the most profit right now just as it is.

Legalization would simply create different avenues that would need to be renegotiated by those players in order to maintain what they already have.

RE: a subtle redefine of Enslavement - Siren - 07-01-2012

May I offer a brief exegesis on the concept of power?

Power is almost strictly associated to negative connotations. This is greatly misunderstood. The concept of power is in direct relation to that of will (hence, willpower). Those that are said to have less power than others partake of freedom less fully than those that enjoy it more (and isn't all freedom related to the capacity to use free-will?). Thus those on the negative path of service polarize by this power differential between the ruler and the enslaved: restricting or limiting the extents of free-will/freedom of others allows them to experience a greater freedom/free-will themselves. This is the basis of negative service.

RE: a subtle redefine of Enslavement - Plenum - 07-01-2012

(07-01-2012, 10:38 AM)Siren Wrote: May I offer a brief exegesis on the concept of power?

Power is almost strictly associated to negative connotations. This is greatly misunderstood. The concept of power is in direct relation to that of will (hence, willpower). Those that are said to have less power than others partake of freedom less fully than those that enjoy it more (and isn't all freedom related to the capacity to use free-will?).

that is an intriguing point; and it ties into my recent thread on Will and the Personality.

these three qualities (Will, Power, and the Personality) are generally underplayed/shunned by the positive path, but I am intrigued by them more and more.

RE: a subtle redefine of Enslavement - Bring4th_Austin - 07-03-2012

Touching on the concept that "unrealized" slavery is rampant among our society:

Ra:...At the present space/time the condition of well-meant and unintentional slavery are so numerous that it beggars our ability to enumerate them.

As we grow up within our society, we are conditioned to accept many systems of behavior which we don't even realize affect us as they become second-nature to us. I can't fully describe the relief I felt when I left the "real world" to live life on my own terms, allowing me the chance to contemplate these subtle forms of slavery and attempt to change the way I live to something that make "more sense" to me. I wish my path to take me in a direction which allows me to share this sort of freedom with others.

RE: a subtle redefine of Enslavement - BrownEye - 07-03-2012

The child rearing description in Anastasia is the opposite of the slavery concept.

Self developed programming instead of schooling/indoctrination/programming.