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If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Thread: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? (/showthread.php?tid=5028) |
If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Gribbons - 06-12-2012 I certainly wouldn't! I'm only genuinely content with myself and I am not going to see it. Have you seen the trailers? IT'S SCARY! Why put that kind of fear into your system? In other terms, if you were in Love, in Eden, would you really need to know fear to appreciate it [the bliss you're experiencing]? Perhaps since I've gone on this human experience I can look at fear-bombs, like Prometheus, and be like, no thank you. Was that the grand project of Lucifer - The whole "necessary" counter-action to STO - for me to look at disturbing acts of violence for the choice to say no? It's a reflection of what my people have gone through! I'm still perplexed by this whole "choice" thing.. Free-will is called The Law of Confusion, to be fair... Just give me LOVE. I'm STO already, stop making me think about stuff I don't want to think about. I hate it! It pisses me off. I trust that there's some sort of purpose for all this, but UGH the separation, or maybe, heh, the unity of everything, is getting tough as we close in. It hurts! How dumb people can be fascinated by this spectacle, and how dumb I can be wasting time consciously expressing a decision I've made weeks ago in not seeing this movie! It's like buying another Call of Duty. WHHHYYYYYY!!!!??? Haven't we gotten OVER THIS YET!!? UGHHH :cry: :cry: :cry: RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Ali Quadir - 06-12-2012 It's just a harmless thrill ride man.. ![]() Ridley Scott has made some awesome movies. RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Oldern - 06-12-2012 I am in the state of Love fully, yet I watch Twin Peaks because I was too young for it when it aired ![]() And it is amazing. (Also, David Lynch seems like he knows. Wow.) There are scenes of fear, sadness, chaos and confusion, but I just send the characters love as well. : ) RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Cyan - 06-12-2012 I think the fear part in the charachters actions is what makes it so interesting. Try to hold in your head that on one level they are the actors playing the people in front of cameras, and on another they are the reality that is being shown to you, and on another it is the world that is being experienced etc etc. Try to keep them all in at the same time as you observe the show and you'll start to see magic in it. I mean "how can that lady so perfectly channel that emotional state in front of tens of millions of souls looking for any fractures in her aura that they can drive up through" I mean. It is unbeliavable. I love going to the movies, the more intense the better. Just seeing how reality bends so that everyone sees the version of the movie they want to see is such a psychotic activity that i really dont think i could go without movies. They are too magical for me ![]() RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Patrick - 06-12-2012 I will watch that movie yes. For some reason, I find movies to be good catalysts. RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Unbound - 06-12-2012 We seek within. RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - anagogy - 06-12-2012 Images that appear to show separation only seem scary when you believe in the separation. When the belief in separation has been ameliorated and overshadowed with ones faith in unity, the "scary images" lose their "teeth" and it just becomes another part of the ride. It becomes love in disguise and is not experienced as unpleasant. RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - godwide_void - 06-12-2012 (06-12-2012, 10:13 AM)TheEternal Wrote: After the Choice is made the rest of the time is spent refining that choice. Catalyst doesn't end until we're done in the third density. Very true, and neither does the exposure to one polarity cease after one has situated themselves in the other. Simply because one identifies themselves with light and love does not mean that exposure to a movie that is oriented in terror or darkness will have any sort of detrimental or depolarizing effect on you, nor are you barred from watching such films even if you profess to be of the light. I watched Prometheus several days ago with my significant other and enjoyed it, and intuitively sensed why certain scenes and elements in the film took place and were placed where they were. For the most part, the idea the movie seemed to relay is the existence of other forms of life not unlike that of the humanoid, of the interaction and hand that extraterrestrial life has played in the evolution of humanity, and the pursuit of humanity in seeking our creator both theosophically and literally. However, the negative distortion in the film was the portrayal of humanity's creators as being malevolent and seeking our destruction. It's not surprising that the connection between creator with negativity would be made considering the negative influence behind the film industry. RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Aureus - 06-13-2012 The timing of this movie is perfect. Anything to delay the arrival of light. With many extraterrestrial beings watching over us right now, isn't it a good idea to portray "aliens" this way? (if you want to preserve darkness, that is) RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Patrick - 06-13-2012 TPTB will of course do all they can to make First Contact a fearful event. I do not think it's going to work. First Contact will be joyous and change everything. RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Aureus - 06-14-2012 Of course Patrick ![]() ![]() RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Lavazza - 06-14-2012 I went to see Prometheus and I really, really enjoyed it. It's scary and honestly the gore factor is above my preferential threshold, but it also has a great story, is well paced, and is simply brimming with relgious / mythological / occultism references that makes it very rich. You leave the theater thinking about how this tied in with that, what that one part means in the greater context, etc... Also, as an artist I was in a state of pure rapture- the color and design choices were just beautiful. In short- it met nearly all of my criteria for a great film. For anyone who has seen the film and is curious about all the symbolism, I recommend this link (contains massive spoilers!) http://cavalorn.livejournal.com/584135.html How does a violent film like Prometheus tie in with my selected polarity? I tend to agree with Anagogy here, although I admit I was still scared ![]() Just some thoughts. ![]() Much love to all P.S. I still tend to be pretty discerning about the movies I see- I don't appreciate horror films for the sake of horror. So I usually just stick with movies by film makers I respect or if I've heard a lot of good things about such and such films. I think if one obsessed over and sought out super violent movies for the sake of seeing violence there would be more to ponder where polarity is concerned. Just wanted to make that clear. RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Aureus - 06-14-2012 I just watched Iron Sky. Not sure what to make of it, it was kinda fun at times. The powers that be were depicted in a humorous way, and it was made clear how hypocritical the STS-people are, especially the american government. (One could of course start digging for typical TPDW-symbolism, but I'm sure any attempt to stage an alien invasion would be futile, simply because our wardens would not allow it) Has anyone else seen it? RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - Gribbons - 06-16-2012 Yeah, like, I know No Country for Old Men was good but I still won't see it again because of that handcuff around the throat scene.. makes me cringe.. Umm, I think this discussion has shined light for me in that I have catalyst to deal with towards excitement, adrenaline, thrilling engagements. RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - LsavedSmeD - 06-16-2012 It's just a movie and it creates thrill and excitement by suspense, the special effects, and the ride through the movie. I find over-analyzing things makes the moment dull. RE: If you are in Love, would you see Prometheus? - rva_jeremy - 06-18-2012 (06-12-2012, 05:11 AM)Oldern Wrote: I am in the state of Love fully, yet I watch Twin Peaks because I was too young for it when it aired I just want to echo the recommendation of Twin Peaks as a series that is deeply disturbing but also very rewarding. I'm still in the middle of the series, but I know that I wouldn't get as much out of it if it didn't have elements that I found difficult. It's pretty clear that Lynch has a grasp of the game behind life, and he wants to tie it into our waking lives in a way that makes sense without sacrificing the allegorical driving points. We usually do a good job in our waking life of filtering out dissonant experiences that threaten our status quo conception of the world, so it's very challenging to give your attention over to a completely constructed narrative where the writer/director/actors have so much control over what you are to think about. I simply recommend placing that trust in artists who reward you, since there are horrors they can show us that can take some time to integrate and ground. Not sure if I'll see Prometheus. |