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Why Return to Earth? - Unbound - 06-02-2012

We seek within.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - BrownEye - 06-02-2012

(06-02-2012, 02:25 PM)TheEternal Wrote: That being said, and understanding that Choice is the axis upon which the creation turns, why, oh why, have we chosen to take on a human form? What is it in Humanness that attracts spirits to want to take on a human form, even to the extent that they completely identify with the human form?
A game. Why do people play role playing games?

Is a game an "illusion"? Why would we jump into an illusion only to get addicted to another illusion? Are we here for the properties of illusion? Or simply escape? These other people that are "sick of being here" seem to be in escape mode.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Aureus - 06-02-2012

This is a very good question. I also find it strange. Hating the experience could be indicating that you've been fooled by the illusion. Although when entering the human experience, empathy is included, and a great deal of it. Seeing that the majority of humanity is led by very bad and destructive means, it is no surprise that the true value of this experience has yet to be discovered.

The power lies in light manyness, where the human very early is met with compassion, wisdom and love from its society. Now in our current reality, this simply is not the case. We are born with the potential to go light speed, but just after birth our machines are clogged with the wrong type of oil and our cogs splintered from debris.

While we are having a human experience, it is one of minimal global light. So being empathic creatures, we are constantly met by this clash between possibility and reality. In reality, billions of fields exchange negativity and sooner or later it enters your own field. So the possibilities start to look like distant dreams -and this is where it is important never to buy into the negativity, the maya.

But I think things are changing at an ever increasing rate. As more people wake up to find the darkness, so can they find light. Imagine how fast the flow of information has become within the global mind, with internet and all.

What was once a whisper has become a voice, growing in strength as we speak.

Part of my point would be that this is not the pinnacle of human experience, rather the gutter. But if you can find the beauty in the gutter, surely the path back to infinite unity is assured. Listen, can you hear it singing? Can you imagine its beauty? The road may be tough, but everyday mountains are moved at ever greater pace.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Siren - 06-02-2012

(06-02-2012, 02:25 PM)TheEternal Wrote: That being said, and understanding that Choice is the axis upon which the creation turns, why, oh why, have we chosen to take on a human form?

What do you mean by that? I take it you are referring to "wanderers" rather than native (or transplanted) 3D Terran inhabitants.

I, for one, have the slightest idea why I came here. It's actually quite thrilling (given that I honestly feel this is my one and only incarnation on this planetary sphere).

But if your question refers to the "human form" itself, this particular vehicular form of experiencing 3D, then you might wanna ask the Logos of this universe when you reach him up again, why oh why are the 3D physical bodies in this planet designed this way!

Quote:I raise this question because I see a lot of people who seem to hate being human. They have contempt for their bodies, they see being human as being parallel with suffering, they fill their head with every thought they can that they will not have to experience this human form much longer.

A very sad truth, indeed.

I've been there, but this "disdain" for the human body had more to do with the fact that everything in the human form seemed foreign and grotesque to me since early childhood—I was repelled by it (the very smell of the human body made me want to vomit, to give you an idea). I really couldn't stand being around other human bodies, so I deliberately sought to alienate myself in my own solitary space.

Ironically enough, humans were quite alien to me. I remember asking myself early on (maybe I was 7 or 8 years old): Why must I have 5 fingers in my hand? Why must my head be proportioned this way and be placed upon my shoulders in such a manner? Why must I have hairs all over me (mind you, I was quite hairless and my hair was blonde, but I still found it somewhat of an annoyance)? What is this... this "thing" hanging between my legs, it's so awkward and grotesque! Etc, etc.

Everything in "human" seemed wrong and/or awkward to me. As I grew up I naturally developed a refined contempt towards the human race; I became a high-class misanthropist and I sought to transcend the limits of the "humanity" I was so besieged by (I hated to associate myself with the term "human"—it was repugnant and degrading to my character and identity).

But anyways, eventually—almost 2 decades later—I came to embrace the human experience, and I came to appreciate (and worship?) the human form in all its perfect magnificence. Granted, I had become a an aesthete and a sensualist by then.

Point is: I came to terms with being human. I enjoy it very much. Yet I know I am so much more. I know this isn't my planet of origin (and that I have already been through a 3D experience already). But as I've said, I've come to enjoy it. To me, the world is a stage, and I'm just another character playing a role in it (or many characters, actually; since I love to change my masks and experiment with—and explore—my different "personas")—the difference between me dreaming this dream and the rest of the population, is that I dream wide-awake and they dream asleep.

Everything, all of this, is a beautiful game to me; a grand drama of cosmic proportions! And my short stay on planet Earth is just but a tiny little phase, a short chapter to add to the annals of my soulstream.

Back on topic: I've noticed that many who believe themselves "wanderers" seek escapism from being human, particularly from the human physical "body;" thinking they "don't belong here" and that what awaits them "over there" (at "home") is "far greater."

If you are here it is for a reason. This, then, is my simple suggestion: learn to love the human form, seek the beauty even in its ugliness, embrace the human experience to the utmost of your capabilities; utilize this experience, explore yourself through it, and you shall find much en-joy-ment and be amply rewarded.

Live in the NOW, not in the past or the future.

The experience itself matters more than the destination—this is the reason of the Creation.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - 52midnight - 06-02-2012

> . Why then, when we realize that we are more than our bodies, that there is more than suffering, do we continue to identify only the suffering with being human?

Over the years I've though about this quite a bit. One of the things that the RM opened up for me was the question as to whether this is universal, or specific to Earth, at least in degree. I've come to the conclusion that, whilst some degree of suffering is inevitable for Third Density evolution, the situation here is far more dire than the "normal" case, whatever that is. We have a mixture of racial types (apparently unusual), some of which developed strong negative tendencies in earlier evolutionary phases. Our biosphere is apparently blessed with an unusual diversity of species which suggests that our diets are richer and more varied than elsewhere, and we've all heard warnings about rich diets. And there are other aspects of Earth's past history and present psychospiritual situation that few know about or understand, the presence and dominant influence of a potent negative Sixth Density entity being a likely cause of much that troubles us.

I was always curious about assertions in very old literature that Earth is a sort of "spiritual boot camp" - an extreme evolutionary environment - from which its denizens would eventually emerge summa cum laude. The RM seems to support such a view. IMO one of the most useful services a benevolent visiting ET race could offer us is a balanced perspective on our situation relative to other comparable planets. Things don't seem so bad if you know you've drawn the short straw.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - godwide_void - 06-02-2012

To be present upon this planet in this temporary human form is a blessing given that numerous opportunities are afforded to experience circumstances and happenings which are in a way exclusive and unique to this particular planetary sphere due to the nature of the veil implemented and the conjunction of free will which allows a vast gamut of experience to undergo. To beings whom have already served their time in 3rd density and evolved beyond it, the return to the 3rd Density experience upon this planet is a different beast, one may say, as this arena has the potential to catch absolutely anyone and everyone off-guard, even beings who have reached a high degree of evolution of consciousness.

In this form one may experience all that is desired and all which is not consciously desired by the ego yet crucial to the evolution of the spirit. For the most part, very few actually desire to experience the vibrations of sorrow, despair, anger, hatred, fear, loneliness, anxiety, doubt, hopelessness, inadequacy, yet when one may immerse themselves in experiences tinged with these particular emotions, confront these things in whatever guise, form or circumstance they may don, and reach a peaceful resolution, coming out the other side of such a dreary fog wholly intact, then growth of self, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually becomes effectuated. These ends are the desired goal for most, if not all, who come here: to grow and evolve. This is done through this temporary form by allowing the portion of the individuated consciousness which retains its true form and is beyond the handicap of the illusion to navigate its physical avatar around this sphere, actively programming every single episode which its Earth-bound fragmented awareness undergoes.

The nature of the illusion is such that nearly all facets of the illusion allegedly prove contrary to the true nature of things. One's initial and immediate awareness in this world is that they are solely the body and the mind is confined to the body too. Eventually awareness of the concept of the soul may enter one's reality, then further evolution far down the line results in the discovery of Self as spirit navigating the vehicle, and even farther revelation entails that the Self which is spirit and directs the body through all its experiences is the Self which is all experience and all spirits, for It is the only Self that dwells in and animates everything. These concepts remain abstractions, mere musings and theories to a vast majority, though there exist many methods to pierce the illusion and allow the truth to pour into the grail of one's existence. Yet, all of these methods and concepts exist within the illusion, as part of the illusion, placed here as the many various tools we may utilize to rediscover the truth of our nature; dreamwork, meditation, natural sacraments, spontaneous instances of temporal sensations that allude to existence and beingness beyond that of the mere human (e.g. certain visions, feelings of 'being infinite' or experiencing singularity, feeling one's energy/vibrations, etc.). Even the language we use right now to communicate, formulate, articulate, and postulate concepts are only mere tools we have at our disposal as beings in human form, as is our minds, our senses, our computers, any circumstance in the human life and their surroundings, these are all elements which have been carefully designed and decided based on one's particular distortions, current vibrational orientation, what is sought, willed, or desired, what is necessary for growth and learning, all which one attracts or repels from themselves is a wholly impersonal matter and mechanically precise in a sense.

I agree to an extent with 52midnight's notion that the Earth is a spiritual boot camp in a way, though it also takes on the functions of being a classroom, a playground, a prison, a garden, a crossroad, for it is all of these things. Above all, it is a realm of permeable amnesia and one of the greatest joys and rewards offered here is that of shattering the hex of forgetfulness, remembrance of one's true nature, and witnessing the many various effects that arise from living out the rest of one's human experience with the understanding and knowledge of what one truly is and where one truly is, and the various innate capabilities one has always had access to, and observing the unfolding of the revealing and manifestation of the divine essence which has always been there and will always be there, within us and beyond us and as us; the human is tasked with existing as a vulnerable, fragile, ephemeral, limited creature, when the true self is infinite, indestructible, omnipotent, eternal and unlimited. Such claims are met with skepticism and lingering subconscious doubt, and there will always be aspects of the illusion which will seem to prove the opposite, yet this is why the illusion is an illusion. One will more fully appreciate themselves for what they are when they have completed the trials and tribulations of being what they are not.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - jivatman - 06-02-2012

Also, earth is different from most other planets in being a conglomeration of people from different planets, with only 25% being native.

An analogy would be that most planets are like Sweden - better, more coherent governmental, social structures, but 95% ethnically Swedish, thus lacking in the vast diversity we have of religious, cultural systems and peoples to learn from, and the significant problems that allow one to to be of service in fixing them.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Shin'Ar - 06-02-2012


I would ask you what you mean by human, for I think when you use that word you are not speaking of the flesh and blood form of matter that makes up our vehicle.

I would also ask you if you think that as our consciousness evolves it will continue to appear as human in form?

Do you see higher forms of life in the universe as appearing human in form?

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Unbound - 06-02-2012

We seek within.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - AnthroHeart - 06-02-2012

I am learning to be grateful for being here. I chose to be here for a reason. Even with my troubles with mental insanity that being a wanderer has caused for me, I imagine. It still is an epic ride.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - 52midnight - 06-02-2012

(06-02-2012, 09:53 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I am learning to be grateful for being here. I chose to be here for a reason. Even with my troubles with mental insanity that being a wanderer has caused for me, I imagine. It still is an epic ride.

Hmm. Well, I gave up trying to be sane many years ago. When the good doctors pestered me, I pointed out to them that George W. Bush is sane, as is Mr Osama/Obama, and so many others that I prefer to regard otherwise, including the millions of ants going to and fro work every day. By any reasonable assessment, sanity is a very dubious proposition.

I cannot aspire to such Greatness, and merely aspire to remain unsane, as so have I been these many years, happily and contentedly so.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Xenos - 06-03-2012

It's a perfect game. A perfect way to explore, learn, feel and grow.
The power of choice and free will is what we are addicted too; as well as it's consequences.

We choose to play in one simple condition.

We enter this realm and forget why we entered in the first place.
And we must walk through this thick haze of confusion and illusions to realize why we are here.

But never forget the gift of choice and experience itself Wink

As for the suffering related with our human experience, I think its simply because of the fact that...
To sympathize and open our eyes, we need to suffer first. It's twisted in its ways, but it enables us to appreciate the tiniest gifts of our existence. At least thats how I believe in it.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Shin'Ar - 06-03-2012

(06-02-2012, 09:44 PM)TheEternal Wrote: Aha I know you think I am referring to some other idea of what a human idea, but I indeed do mean our Human Form, however, understood that I think this on the level of geometry which arranges and gives rise to the form of matter. The body is no simple thing in itself.

I'm not sure I am seeing the same as you. Consciousness is not "appearing as human in form", consciousness is perceiving humanness within itself.

I may see any being in any form I wish, quite frankly. I see many humans as more their soul, or astral forms than their physical forms sometimes. The Human Body is energy, as all things, and is created out of a ratio of geometric proportions. You could take away all the flesh and blood, and just leave a pentacle or other geometry and you would have the same thing as a human.

Now we are getting somewhere AZ, but I have to tread carefully here because the moderators have warned me about 'preaching' the same topics in more than one thread which is what we are now doing.

I agree with you completely.

I just do not understand why you continue to speak of vibration as human when you realize that the form could take any form.

I believe that when we define our selves as human, we generally speak of the differences between us and other forms. the different appearance. We would not call an elephant a human. But the elephant has all the same characteristics of vibrating form, consciousness, and flesh and blood needs. The difference is in the physical appearances.

This is also the reason we tend to speak of deformed people and ignorantly say things like, 'they are not human'.

In my opinion when one tries to define their consciousness by the vehicle it uses, confusion is always going to follow.

If the elephant does this it will say that the consciousness is an elephant. When the human does this it will state that the consciousness is human.

the confusion then arises, is consciousness human or elephant?

You state that, "I'm not sure I am seeing the same as you. Consciousness is not "appearing as human in form", consciousness is perceiving humanness within itself."

I am afraid I cannot comprehend this statement. Are you saying that consciousness which has proceeded from the One and experienced the All in countless forms and vibrations, sees itself as human?

I fully agree that all form is vibration and we have had this discussion in great detail. I know how deep your understanding is of these matters although we never did finish that discussion on sound.

What I don't understand is your desire to argue against these things that you already know for the sake of adhering to the idea that remaining in one vibration and form throughout all eternity is satisfactory to you.

But again, I am only expressing my thoughts here in response to your own. But I fear that to continue would violate the Forum guidelines and so I am probably wise to remove myself from this subject at this time as I know how I come across to some out there who have problems with those of us who are confident in expressing our thinking.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Oceania - 06-03-2012

what if god has found what it was looking for? it's entirely plausible.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Cyan - 06-03-2012

Familiarity i would say is the largest reason, Fear of death/insanity being the second largest, third being that beings know their own sinful nature and thus resist switching out of fear for having to massively alter their current actions because most people hold dual hands and the "other side" has only one open hand.

We prefer a safe prison over an unsafe freedom.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Oceania - 06-03-2012

what? not all desire to remain the same is a fear of something new. it can be simply a prolonged satisfaction with the way things are an ability to find new in the old.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Shin'Ar - 06-03-2012

(06-03-2012, 07:30 AM)Oceania Wrote: what if god has found what it was looking for? it's entirely plausible.

Have you?

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Oceania - 06-03-2012

not sure how to answer that question. we're not talking about me, but god. granted we're all part of god but as for the godhead who knows what it wants.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Shin'Ar - 06-03-2012

(06-03-2012, 07:32 AM)Cyan Wrote: Familiarity i would say is the largest reason, Fear of death/insanity being the second largest, third being that beings know their own sinful nature and thus resist switching out of fear for having to massively alter their current actions because most people hold dual hands and the "other side" has only one open hand.

We prefer a safe prison over an unsafe freedom.

i don't know about that Cyan.

There seems to be an awful lot of people out there jumping off of cliffs and pushing the limits for the sake of adrenaline rushes. not to mention to the whole ideology around seekers and their quests.

i think there is an inherent element in our design, the consciousness, not the human, that attracts us to the unknown and to speculate on the possibilities.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Shin'Ar - 06-03-2012

(06-03-2012, 07:36 AM)Oceania Wrote: not sure how to answer that question. we're not talking about me, but god. granted we're all part of god but as for the godhead who knows what it wants.

in so long as you exist and question your existence, God is still seeking and has obviously not found what it was looking for if indeed it seeks anything at all other than to move further into Infinity.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Oceania - 06-03-2012

god has room to stay sated too.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Cyan - 06-03-2012

Human life, sometimes, seems like the lowest possible low point in term of awareness of the whole truth. IT seems that seeing as how we are already here, it is a waste to waste this, because i'm sure that the road UP from being human in terms of being able to love everything equally, is a long and pleasurable one.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - kycahi - 06-03-2012

IMHO native 3Ders are following the evolutionary route set out by the infinite one, of which they are part. Wanderers are here because somebody put so many restrictions/rules/whatever on earthies that they got very tangled into knots of catalysis and are slow to unwind. Wanderers are like Peace Corps volunteers trying to help out and not make things worse.

If you are a Wanderer fed up with this whole earth mess, you are experiencing what maybe your very own social memory complex contributed to making. :-/ So know that for sure you are not stuck here forever and very probably will have earned a boatload of space/time points to boost yourself and your complex.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Oceania - 06-03-2012

hey don't blame my complex for this. i don't think Sirians had much to do with the mess we're in... except i heard they gave that chair's instructions to the US government. Tongue

RE: Why Return to Earth? - BrownEye - 06-03-2012

I'm only here for the use of opposable thumbs.BigSmile

RE: Why Return to Earth? - 52midnight - 06-03-2012

> an awful lot of people out there jumping off of cliffs and pushing the limits for the sake of adrenaline rushes.

> If you are a Wanderer fed up with this whole earth mess

When you get to this stage (and who hasn't) it can be useful to investigate the psychology of the negative side. In my early years I encountered a powerful negative entity, alone at night with my sister in the lounge room of a house we were sharing at the time. We were both roused from our rooms at the same time by a growing sense of apprehension, went into the lounge room, then simultaneously turned to face the same point in the room. Nothing was to be seen, but the sense of an overpowering presence was almost tangible. It was radiating an intense hatred, and it seemed that I was the target, since my sister burst out, "I'll protect you!" Most generous of her, though neither of us had any idea what to do. The (non-) being "felt" to be about twelve feet tall, as though its head were above the ceiling, and after about five of the most fear-filled minutes of my life it gradually faded.

After this incident passed without ill effect, I felt myself somewhat protected against negative forces, and allowed myself to enter in meditation the mind-state of those who sincerely believe that there is nothing other than time, space, energy and matter. The only way to understand this is to experience it. Believe me when I say that it truly is a hell; and to be stuck in such a state without any promise of death - an eternity of meaninglessness - would surely be torture beyond imagining. When you emerge from such a meditation, the world seems so bright, cheerful, many-coloured and care-free that you're happy just to be alive.

Many of the problems in today's world are deliberately created by wealthy, powerful people whose minds inhabit that dark prison even as they walk about in the sunlight, and who need external distractions to keep them from facing what is within them. Bloody war seems an exciting alternative to it, especially if you've created the necessary intrigues yourself and can gloat over the consequences. The dark side must ultimately be as well-known as the light for each to move beyond this polarity. Ra said as much.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - kdsii - 07-05-2012

We came to help, and by doing so, we may 'poke holes' in the forgetting process, but never truly remember all while here.
It was said many times that it's a gamble, you may lose polarity while trying to help, and that the Higher Self knows best, even if we regret it once we are incarnate.

It is what it is! But, I think I'd do it again.

(06-02-2012, 02:25 PM)TheEternal Wrote: This is a fairly simple thread, but I thought it would garner some interesting answers.

So, often here we have discussed the idea of being "Wanderers", and also the idea that almost everybody in some way or another is a vast being of consciousness.

That being said, and understanding that Choice is the axis upon which the creation turns, why, oh why, have we chosen to take on a human form? What is it in Humanness that attracts spirits to want to take on a human form, even to the extent that they completely identify with the human form?

I raise this question because I see a lot of people who seem to hate being human. They have contempt for their bodies, they see being human as being parallel with suffering, they fill their head with every thought they can that they will not have to experience this human form much longer. Yet, if we do that as humans, is that not what traps us within the limited illusion?

Countless lives we go through, this same suffering, and wallowing in the suffering, in questioning the suffering. We spend life after life identifying with the aspects of the human which is suffering, which is the body, which is the fear of death. Why then, when we realize that we are more than our bodies, that there is more than suffering, do we continue to identify only the suffering with being human? If we, as humans, realize more than suffering, than does that not then bring more than suffering in to the human realm of experience? So long as we view the human condition as being one of suffering, that is what it shall be, and the human condition, which is to become a God-like conscious being, shall go unfulfilled due to the lingering condition of the illusion of frailty.

If we came here to "remember", why might we do that? I might just take a gander that when we remember, we really show that the Creator is in all things, and the Creator knows That Which It Is with a greater certainty.

I don't find any form of control over others fulfilling, so I really don't consider it a choice. To try to be of service is just my way, developing ever slowly as it may. :p

(06-03-2012, 06:45 PM)52midnight Wrote: > an awful lot of people out there jumping off of cliffs and pushing the limits for the sake of adrenaline rushes.

> If you are a Wanderer fed up with this whole earth mess

When you get to this stage (and who hasn't) it can be useful to investigate the psychology of the negative side. In my early years I encountered a powerful negative entity, alone at night with my sister in the lounge room of a house we were sharing at the time. We were both roused from our rooms at the same time by a growing sense of apprehension, went into the lounge room, then simultaneously turned to face the same point in the room. Nothing was to be seen, but the sense of an overpowering presence was almost tangible. It was radiating an intense hatred, and it seemed that I was the target, since my sister burst out, "I'll protect you!" Most generous of her, though neither of us had any idea what to do. The (non-) being "felt" to be about twelve feet tall, as though its head were above the ceiling, and after about five of the most fear-filled minutes of my life it gradually faded.

After this incident passed without ill effect, I felt myself somewhat protected against negative forces, and allowed myself to enter in meditation the mind-state of those who sincerely believe that there is nothing other than time, space, energy and matter. The only way to understand this is to experience it. Believe me when I say that it truly is a hell; and to be stuck in such a state without any promise of death - an eternity of meaninglessness - would surely be torture beyond imagining. When you emerge from such a meditation, the world seems so bright, cheerful, many-coloured and care-free that you're happy just to be alive.

Many of the problems in today's world are deliberately created by wealthy, powerful people whose minds inhabit that dark prison even as they walk about in the sunlight, and who need external distractions to keep them from facing what is within them. Bloody war seems an exciting alternative to it, especially if you've created the necessary intrigues yourself and can gloat over the consequences. The dark side must ultimately be as well-known as the light for each to move beyond this polarity. Ra said as much.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - Plenum - 07-05-2012

(06-02-2012, 02:25 PM)TheEternal Wrote: That being said, and understanding that Choice is the axis upon which the creation turns, why, oh why, have we chosen to take on a human form? What is it in Humanness that attracts spirits to want to take on a human form, even to the extent that they completely identify with the human form?

tell you the truth, I'm actually finding 3d kind of fun. Ever since I found the LOO and the internet became broadband, the experience ain't bad. As for a previous century or two, maybe not so lol.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - AnthroHeart - 07-05-2012

I'm not really finding 3D fun. I fear I may have lost polarity while being here.
And having to work isn't fun either. In fact my highest excitement is when I'm not doing anything at all. I don't really feel like I have a mission. I'm like a wanderer of wanderers, not really having anything solid to stand on. I don't know why I returned here. Oh well, I've got another 30-40 years to go in this life. Hopefully I'm out of the slump before long.

RE: Why Return to Earth? - kdsii - 07-06-2012

Well, I hope you find something that was worth it all.
I have a general idea of what I came for -
I take myself too seriously, to the point of crippling myself to others.
Just now, in this moment, am I able to feel any pure joy.
It comes not from accomplishment or success, but from that pure, aware, quiet moment between breaths.
And it took a lot of pain and much more reading to understand this.

Love and light to you.

(07-05-2012, 07:07 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I'm not really finding 3D fun. I fear I may have lost polarity while being here.
And having to work isn't fun either. In fact my highest excitement is when I'm not doing anything at all. I don't really feel like I have a mission. I'm like a wanderer of wanderers, not really having anything solid to stand on. I don't know why I returned here. Oh well, I've got another 30-40 years to go in this life. Hopefully I'm out of the slump before long.