Calming the confusion - Printable Version

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Calming the confusion - Ludi - 05-02-2012

Hello Smile
I've decided to change this as i mainly focused on my life story rather than the actual awakening process that took place.
And basically, that process can not be described in words. I have had many mystical experiences that i could try to describe but they would suffer great distortion by doing so and i was helped greatly when i discovered the LOO, they were all cogs of the mechanism which one day 'clicked together' and provided me with a new reality.
The joy i have from this new viewpoint is amazing and it makes me so happy to know there are others who have had similar experiences and share the same ideas.
I called this "calming the confusion" as i was so confused in life and suffered personality disorders which made it so hard to relate and understand my other selves just prior to the awakening process since which i have been able to calm the confusion and transform hell into heaven and find peace within existence.
So yeah sorry about cutting out the story but it really gets in the way of the thing i was trying to describe which ironically i can't due to limitations of human language.

Every moment is beautiful for the fact that it simply exists.

RE: Calming the confusion - Ashim - 05-02-2012

That was a nice read Lightseeker, thanks for posting. It reminded me of some of my own experiences.
You know it's never too late to become a scientist, I mean learning and teaching REAL science.

RE: Calming the confusion - Ludi - 05-02-2012

Thanks Ashim, I'm considering it, i do hope to one day to be a contributor to the re-harmonization of science and philosophy or the physical and the metaphysical, science these days is only playing with half a deck.

RE: Calming the confusion - Ashim - 05-02-2012

(05-02-2012, 07:08 AM)Lightseeker Wrote: Thanks Ashim, I'm considering it, i do hope to one day to be a contributor to the re-harmonization of science and philosophy or the physical and the ..

I'd say you are doing just that by being here on this forum:Smile

RE: Calming the confusion - Meerie - 05-02-2012

Welcome to the forums!
It is especially impressive to me that you saw the LOO concepts when under the influence of LSD.

RE: Calming the confusion - Ludi - 05-02-2012


RE: Calming the confusion - Sagittarius - 05-02-2012

Good ole LSD, never fails. Welcome friend. Where in Australia are you from ?

RE: Calming the confusion - godwide_void - 05-02-2012

This was one of the most uplifting and divinely delightful sentences I've ever read:

Quote:Every moment is beautiful for the fact that it simply exists.

RE: Calming the confusion - Ludi - 05-03-2012


RE: Calming the confusion - Lycen - 05-03-2012

Welcome.. Welcome to city seventeen! (just had to get that joke out of the system)
.D Great to have you here fellow light seeker ZZzz

RE: Calming the confusion - C-JEAN - 05-03-2012

Hi Lightseeker.

You are at the start of your life.
Wow ! You are totaly ready for the next:

My daughter INSISTED a lot for us to watch the film
" What the BLEEP?! do we know? down the rabbit hole ".
! ! Boy am I SO GLAD SHE DID ! !

Shortly ago I was materialistic, as many. . .

Now, I say things like:
"You don't see the world as it is, but how you are ".
" You create your own reality ".
" Mind controls matter "
[ The proofs ? The "random generators" the "placebo effect"].

That film, my brother watched it 10 times ! !
That film, I have watched it 6 times on his DVDs ! !
Now, I have purchased the kit and REwatch it AGAIN and again ! !
It is a MAJOR ***pep talk*** ! !

Sooooo, one suggestion is, and I DO INSIST:
Get, borrow, buy, rent that 3 DVD kit ! ! !
It will change your future life, the same
"What the BLEEP?!" did, the same "The Ra material" did ! !

Remember: I INSIST ! ! B-)
You won't regret it !

Blue skies.

RE: Calming the confusion - Ludi - 06-17-2012

Thanks C-JEAN i'll make sure to check it out Smile