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Cutting Cords - Tenet Nosce - 03-27-2012

I'm seeking tools, techniques, tips, etc. for cutting energetic cords with others. By all means share personal stories, thoughts and ideas, and things you may have come across on the web, etc., however what I am looking for in particular is something which people have personal experience using with success. As in- I couldn't get this person to leave me alone until I tried this technique and NEVER heard from them again.

Please- as much as I enjoy the metaphysical chatter about "What it is I am supposed to learn from this person", "Why I am attracting this into my life" etc, I have already been there and done that. Believe me, I've analyzed it to the nth degree. I've tried ignoring it. I've tried confronting it. I've tried forgiveness meditations. I've tried Ho'oponopono. None of these things has quite done the job. If there is any "lesson" here for me left to learn- it is to learn how to cut energetic cords with others, cleanly, efficiently, and permanently.

Thanks in advance! Smile

RE: Cutting Cords - Shin'Ar - 03-27-2012

Are these persons who you cannot just avoid?

I know that when I went through my first divorce I was so hurt and betrayed by my inlaws that I just completely severed all ties with them whatsoever. I felt no need for explanations. I was forced to start a new life and it just simply did not include them.

And it wasn't about punishment or vengeance. It was just knowing that the way they lived their lives was not how I wanted to continue living my own, and nothing that could be said by either side would change that fact.

RE: Cutting Cords - Tenet Nosce - 03-27-2012

(03-27-2012, 08:41 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Are these persons who you cannot just avoid?

I am not in physical contact with the individual. However, they keep sending nasty emails to me, calling friends, family, business partners and trying to trick them into giving out my cell phone number by presenting a false identity. In some cases they have called people posing as me. Basically, this person is obsessed with me. Also- they have some pretty severe psychological disorders and/or are being possessed or influenced by some negatively polarized nonphysical entity.

RE: Cutting Cords - Ruth - 03-27-2012

(03-27-2012, 08:49 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(03-27-2012, 08:41 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Are these persons who you cannot just avoid?

I am not in physical contact with the individual. However, they keep sending nasty emails to me, calling friends, family, business partners and trying to trick them into giving out my cell phone number by presenting a false identity. In some cases they have called people posing as me. Basically, this person is obsessed with me. Also- they have some pretty severe psychological disorders and/or are being possessed or influenced by some negatively polarized nonphysical entity.

I was all set to share a couple of success stories I've had with past relatioships but I wasn't being stalked in the physical world. Well, with one relationship I was, but not to the degree you are describing.

I did have a past relationship that included an extremely strong energetic/spiritual connection. I told the person I was severing the tie, then I just stopped thinking about the person, and when I would feel those energy tentacles reaching out I would just say NO and "slam the door." At times I felt I had to also lock & bar the door and put all the furniture in front of it (figuratively speaking, of course). Eventually the person moved on with their life.

I also had a male stalker when I was about 25 who showed up at my apartment and I believe would have raped me if I had proved to be the weakling he believed me to be. But I wasn't so he didnt. I dealt with him by contacting his brother who was a cop and explaining the situation and how I would handle it (with the law) if he didn't handle it quietly. I had no more trouble.

I believe you have mentioned this situation in other threads, TN. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I can only imagine the frustration.

RE: Cutting Cords - Shin'Ar - 03-27-2012

(03-27-2012, 08:49 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(03-27-2012, 08:41 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Are these persons who you cannot just avoid?

I am not in physical contact with the individual. However, they keep sending nasty emails to me, calling friends, family, business partners and trying to trick them into giving out my cell phone number by presenting a false identity. In some cases they have called people posing as me. Basically, this person is obsessed with me. Also- they have some pretty severe psychological disorders and/or are being possessed or influenced by some negatively polarized nonphysical entity.

Well I'd say they are already pretty much in your door so invite them the rest of the way in so you can deal with them at close hand instead of trying to deal with them from a distance.

If this is someone that wants to go out with you take them out and make sure they wont want to do it again. Whatever it is that you think is attracting them to you, whether its a business opportunity or romantic, open the door and then make sure that you become something to them that they will no longer have any further interest in.

RE: Cutting Cords - Bring4th_Austin - 03-27-2012

(03-27-2012, 08:49 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(03-27-2012, 08:41 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Are these persons who you cannot just avoid?

I am not in physical contact with the individual. However, they keep sending nasty emails to me, calling friends, family, business partners and trying to trick them into giving out my cell phone number by presenting a false identity. In some cases they have called people posing as me. Basically, this person is obsessed with me. Also- they have some pretty severe psychological disorders and/or are being possessed or influenced by some negatively polarized nonphysical entity.

Is legal action out of the question?

RE: Cutting Cords - Tenet Nosce - 03-27-2012

Thanks for the thoughts, everyone!

Ruth- Your post got me thinking again about the other thread we were chatting in last night, and reminded me that now might be a good time to take my own advice!

Shin'Ar- Without putting too much energy on the details, it is somebody who I was close friends with for about 7 years. Long story short, I evicted him out of my house after he had a psychotic breakdown induced by crystal meth and refused to get help. Somehow, he apparently still styles himself as the "victim" in all this. There is much more to the story, but I am growing really tired of thinking about it.

abridgetoofar- It's not out of the question, but I question how effective it would be, practically or spiritually. I don't know that he has actually done anything illegal...

Something else to add here... well maybe there actually is something to learn yet from this catalyst. The thing is that as far back as I can remember I have a hard time feeling joy. For whatever reason I am not yet fully aware, I feel like I were to allow myself to feel completely joyful there would be some type of repercussions, or that it would trigger some sort of horrible event in my life.

I've been aware of this for quite some time, but still haven't quite come upon the solution. Though I think I may be starting to see it because the past couple of days I was actually starting to open up to joy. Last night in particular was a good night. So today I am feeling pretty good, enjoying life.

And here come the emails. Well then- maybe this is a catalyst to demonstrate that feeling joy is part of a choice. A choice which exists in every place at every moment as represented by two counter-rotating spirals.

Here I sit. With a million great reasons to feel joyful, and one reason to feel fearful and angry. To which do I turn my focus and awareness?

RE: Cutting Cords - Diana - 03-28-2012

I have successfully used a visualization (given to me by a good friend/intuitive counselor). It's very simple: visualize the cords between you and the person, and cut them with a pair of scissors in your mind. Keep doing it every day. It took me about a month, and I woke up one morning feeling lighter, knowing the attachment was severed.

This may sound "woo-woo" but it's not. It worked for me.

RE: Cutting Cords - Monica - 03-28-2012

The most powerful technique for this (and yes I've done it and was stunned at how quickly it worked!) is, in my experience, The Inner Guide Meditation. It doesn't involve cutting cords; it's about balancing the archetypal energies in us that are being mirrored by the other person. Very powerful stuff.

I've had great success with it. However most of the time when I would attempt it, I would inexplicably fall asleep before I got to the punchline. So I haven't used it nearly as much as I should. But whenever I actually succeeded in doing it, it worked amazingly well, sometimes within the hour.
(03-27-2012, 11:59 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: The thing is that as far back as I can remember I have a hard time feeling joy. For whatever reason I am not yet fully aware, I feel like I were to allow myself to feel completely joyful there would be some type of repercussions, or that it would trigger some sort of horrible event in my life.

Around 6 or so years ago, I posted almost that exact thing on the DW site. I never felt joy in my entire life, until a couple of years ago. I can totally relate!

It will happen for you. It did for me, so I'm certain it will for you too!

(03-27-2012, 11:59 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I've been aware of this for quite some time, but still haven't quite come upon the solution. Though I think I may be starting to see it because the past couple of days I was actually starting to open up to joy. Last night in particular was a good night. So today I am feeling pretty good, enjoying life.

Wonderful! Savor it and allow it to flow!

(03-27-2012, 11:59 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: And here come the emails. Well then- maybe this is a catalyst to demonstrate that feeling joy is part of a choice. A choice which exists in every place at every moment as represented by two counter-rotating spirals.

Find the love in the present moment.

(03-27-2012, 11:59 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Here I sit. With a million great reasons to feel joyful, and one reason to feel fearful and angry. To which do I turn my focus and awareness?


RE: Cutting Cords - Shin'Ar - 03-28-2012

Why are you still receiving emails from this person? can't you have them blocked if you cant close the account?

RE: Cutting Cords - Monica - 03-28-2012

(03-28-2012, 09:10 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Why are you still receiving emails from this person? can't you have them blocked if you cant close the account?

Good point. When I had a conflict with an obsessive co-worker some years back, and couldn't figure out how to outright block her emails, I just set up a 'rule' in gmail which automatically forwarded her email back to her, then deleted it. So she knew I wasn't reading her emails, which served my purpose at the time. I never knew how long it took her to get the hint because I never saw the emails again.

(Of course, this was after attempts at communication failed and she was entering the realm of harassment.)

Tenet, have you tried Ra's technique of clearing/balancing the chakras? Carla talked about it on last week's show. Very valuable info.

Here's another powerful technique: Soul Retrieval. There are a couple of books by that name and I don't remember which one was the better one, but basically what you do is go back in time (in your memory) to the event that started the discordant dynamic, and rewrite the script with a better outcome.

For example, let's say John Doe had been abused by his father as a child. He could retrieve the memory of the trauma (any single incident will do, since it's basically a snapshot in time), and first watch it play out in his mind like it actually happened, but then replay the movie with the adult John championing the child John. He tells the young John he is strong and teaches him how to stand up to the abusive dad. He then teaches young John to forgive the dad, while simultaneously refusing his offer of service.

It's uncanny how, after doing such a technique with full feeling and focus, the relationship between John and his dad will either change, OR the dad will no longer be in his life in the way he was before. They dynamic will change.

If you are ready to let go of this dynamic in your life, either of these technique will work. The technique is just a focal point for your choice, to help relay your choice to the part of you that is programming catalyst.

Another idea is to jump to another timeline in which you no longer have this conflict. I'm not sure how to describe this. Not everyone here even believes in alternate timelines, but I personally do, and have experienced what I perceive as jumping, many times.

There's no technique, really, but an intention to be on the timeline in which this conflict has been resolved. I perceive a subtle adjusting of energies, and immediately the situation changes. It's difficult to explain beyond that, but if you find this idea intriguing, you can learn more by listening to Nassim Haramein's lectures about the Event Horizon.

I'm a huge fan of Nassim. This lecture is long but well worth it.

A few months ago, I did this and right after that, a very discordant person in my life simply went away. She still lives in the same city but we are no longer in contact. It was uncanny. Physically, I could choose to drive over to her house if I wanted to, but if I did that, I would be jumping back to her timeline. I have this interesting Star Trek sort of feel to this situation; as though she is coexisting in the same space but we're no longer in the same dimension.

I'm sure I don't need to tell you that, ultimately, when you no longer need this catalyst, it will go away, regardless of what you do. I suggest that this person is somehow related to your issues with joy. He seems to be personifying the archetype of extreme unhappiness, to the point of paranoia and even psychosis, thus showing you the extreme opposite of what you are trying to embody in your consciousness. Of these techniques, I would suggest starting with what Carla described first, and use this person's personification as the focal point when you do the 'extreme opposite' part of the exercise. By focusing on this person, you should be able to perceive the energy in a certain chakra.

Then, go through the exercise, replacing that energy, with all its associated emotions, with the opposite, positive version, which will include consciously remembering those fleeting moments of joy you recently experienced. The key is to associate in your mind, the discord with this person and joy. By associating them, you are resolving the paradox; you are grasping that they are 2 sides of the same coin...they are the opposites harmonized...acceptance of the one side leads to transformation to the other.

I suggest that, after doing the exercise as described by Carla, you will find one of the other techniques much more effective, because you will have dealt with the root issue: the catalyst.

I hope you find some of this helpful!

RE: Cutting Cords - Ankh - 03-28-2012

(03-28-2012, 10:01 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I hope you find some of this helpful!

Well, if Tenet does not find it helpful, I sure did! Not that I have any of these problems, but as I was reading your post I was amazed, again, by this place, and by all the people dwelling in here, and all the thoughts and advices given here. Amazing post, Monica!

RE: Cutting Cords - Bring4th_Austin - 03-28-2012

(03-27-2012, 11:59 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: abridgetoofar- It's not out of the question, but I question how effective it would be, practically or spiritually. I don't know that he has actually done anything illegal...

I agree that the effectiveness is questionable, but this extreme behavior would definitely warrant a restraining order. If you ask them to leave you alone and they go to great lengths in order to harass you, then a restraining order should be pretty easy to get. On top of that, calling people and posing to be yourself in order to get personal information about you is most definitely fraud and is very very illegal.

Even if you don't go for a restraining order or press charges for fraud, the police would pay them a visit and tell them to stop if you explained what was going on. Do you think that would shake them up enough to realize that you are serious in not wanting to be contacted?

RE: Cutting Cords - Tenet Nosce - 03-28-2012

(03-28-2012, 09:10 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Why are you still receiving emails from this person? can't you have them blocked if you cant close the account?

I could do that- however he would just find another method. The reason he even has this particular one is because I instructed my partner to give to him after he started calling her. Plus, we have businesses on the Internet, so there's always another way around it. He is relentless- this has been going on for ten years, and we were only friends for seven years before that.

Plus- I feel like I've tried ignoring it before and it didn't go away. I have to admit to myself that this catalyst is there for some kind of reason- and I feel if I just keep ignoring it, it could cause it to amplify in some way.

RE: Cutting Cords - Shin'Ar - 03-28-2012

(03-28-2012, 11:45 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(03-28-2012, 09:10 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Why are you still receiving emails from this person? can't you have them blocked if you cant close the account?

I could do that- however he would just find another method. The reason he even has this particular one is because I instructed my partner to give to him after he started calling her. Plus, we have businesses on the Internet, so there's always another way around it. He is relentless- this has been going on for ten years, and we were only friends for seven years before that.

Plus- I feel like I've tried ignoring it before and it didn't go away. I have to admit to myself that this catalyst is there for some kind of reason- and I feel if I just keep ignoring it, it could cause it to amplify in some way.

I guess what I mean is that IF you are actually reading these emails, you are only enabling the problem in that aspect of it. I am sure there are others ways that you must deal with this guy. But we should try to avoid what we can and emails can be avoided.

RE: Cutting Cords - Tenet Nosce - 03-28-2012

(03-28-2012, 11:42 AM)abridgetoofar Wrote: I agree that the effectiveness is questionable, but this extreme behavior would definitely warrant a restraining order. If you ask them to leave you alone and they go to great lengths in order to harass you, then a restraining order should be pretty easy to get.

My partner suggested that also. As I told her- we were already through a round of legal crap ten years ago. I asked him to leave my home- he was renting from me. Wouldn't do it- so I had to evict him. Meanwhile- he filed charges against me for harassment. It was just a mess.

Quote:On top of that, calling people and posing to be yourself in order to get personal information about you is most definitely fraud and is very very illegal.

Even so... in order to enforce any of these laws would involve me going to court, collecting up the evidence and witnesses, etc. Which is all putting more energy into the situation, rather than directing it elsewhere.

Quote:Even if you don't go for a restraining order or press charges for fraud, the police would pay them a visit and tell them to stop if you explained what was going on. Do you think that would shake them up enough to realize that you are serious in not wanting to be contacted?

Well I'm not even exactly sure where he lives- I don't have an address. What I do have is an old contact list of his with some contact info for his family members. I could get in touch with them- or tell him that I will if I ever hear from him again. But whether or not he gets "shaken up" I am pretty sure the response would be spite and vengeance. That's how he operates.

RE: Cutting Cords - Tenet Nosce - 03-28-2012

Monica- Wow! Thanks for all the info!

(03-28-2012, 10:01 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Tenet, have you tried Ra's technique of clearing/balancing the chakras? Carla talked about it on last week's show. Very valuable info.

I think I heard some of that while skimming through for Shin'Ar's question. Something about feeling the energy- amplifying it and then asking for the opposite? I will go back and listen.

Quote:Here's another powerful technique: Soul Retrieval. There are a couple of books by that name and I don't remember which one was the better one, but basically what you do is go back in time (in your memory) to the event that started the discordant dynamic, and rewrite the script with a better outcome.

Yes- I've thought about something like that. Especially since this all went down exactly ten years ago, so probably some time/space harmonics at play. I contacted a man nearby who is trained in Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis. Thought I'd try that out.

I think the Soul Retrieval would be a good thing... this also reminded me of another technique I learned about a long time ago called Holographic Memory Resolution. My problem with these types of things is I tend to think I can just do it myself, when maybe it would help more if I saw a trained practitioner.

Quote:Another idea is to jump to another timeline in which you no longer have this conflict. I'm not sure how to describe this. Not everyone here even believes in alternate timelines, but I personally do, and have experienced what I perceive as jumping, many times.

Yeah- I do believe this is possible but then what stops me from jumping back?! LOL I will check out Nassim's video as well.

Quote:I'm sure I don't need to tell you that, ultimately, when you no longer need this catalyst, it will go away, regardless of what you do. I suggest that this person is somehow related to your issues with joy. He seems to be personifying the archetype of extreme unhappiness, to the point of paranoia and even psychosis, thus showing you the extreme opposite of what you are trying to embody in your consciousness.

Yeah- it is definitely connected to that. Thanks again for all the help!!

RE: Cutting Cords - Monica - 03-28-2012

(03-28-2012, 01:33 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Monica- Wow! Thanks for all the info!

You are quite welcome! Smile

(03-28-2012, 01:33 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I think I heard some of that while skimming through for Shin'Ar's question. Something about feeling the energy- amplifying it and then asking for the opposite? I will go back and listen.

Yes, that's it. I had had a vague idea of how to do that, but upon hearing Carla's most excellent and detailed explanation last Friday, I now have a much better grasp of it. It was a really good show and I highly recommend giving it a listen. Carla was rockin' and rollin'!

(03-28-2012, 01:33 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Yes- I've thought about something like that. Especially since this all went down exactly ten years ago, so probably some time/space harmonics at play. I contacted a man nearby who is trained in Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis. Thought I'd try that out.

I'm not familiar with that particular method, but there are lots of various methods that basically do the same thing: Reprogram the past, thus healing the associated emotional connections.

(03-28-2012, 01:33 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I think the Soul Retrieval would be a good thing... this also reminded me of another technique I learned about a long time ago called Holographic Memory Resolution. My problem with these types of things is I tend to think I can just do it myself, when maybe it would help more if I saw a trained practitioner.

I started out with Rebirthing, which is yet another method, by the way. After initially working with a practitioner, it becomes easier to later adapt to other methods and do it yourself. I have worked with other people, utilizing an eclectic blend of these methods.

(03-28-2012, 01:33 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Yeah- I do believe this is possible but then what stops me from jumping back?! LOL

Each time, you move a little bit, so you're still making progress.

(03-28-2012, 01:33 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I will check out Nassim's video as well.


(03-28-2012, 01:33 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Yeah- it is definitely connected to that. Thanks again for all the help!!


RE: Cutting Cords - Eddie - 03-28-2012

I did this in the Circle at Homecoming after a 20-year struggle. I cannot suggest a better environment for such an act.

RE: Cutting Cords - Plenum - 04-23-2012

(03-28-2012, 10:01 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Good point. When I had a conflict with an obsessive co-worker some years back, and couldn't figure out how to outright block her emails, I just set up a 'rule' in gmail which automatically forwarded her email back to her, then deleted it. So she knew I wasn't reading her emails, which served my purpose at the time. I never knew how long it took her to get the hint because I never saw the emails again.

(Of course, this was after attempts at communication failed and she was entering the realm of harassment.)

very sneaky! BigSmile

I guess there are just some people that you can't talk to, and discuss with reason what the issue is.

- -

I hope Tenet solved things. Haven't heard from him in a while. Maybe his friend escalated things?

(03-27-2012, 08:16 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Please- as much as I enjoy the metaphysical chatter about "What it is I am supposed to learn from this person", "Why I am attracting this into my life" etc, I have already been there and done that. Believe me, I've analyzed it to the nth degree. I've tried ignoring it. I've tried confronting it. I've tried forgiveness meditations. I've tried Ho'oponopono. None of these things has quite done the job. If there is any "lesson" here for me left to learn- it is to learn how to cut energetic cords with others, cleanly, efficiently, and permanently.

Thanks in advance! Smile

thank you! Smile

RE: Cutting Cords - Etude in B Minor - 04-24-2012

You could try recapitulation ala Carlos Casteneda. Recall all of your interactions with this person and offer them up. Your relationship/catalyst would then be fulfilled or transferred.