my 2 cents on the Harvest - Printable Version

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my 2 cents on the Harvest - Plenum - 01-16-2012

the following is pure speculation and interpretation of what I can piece together about the Harvest from the Ra material. This is presented for the sake of discussion, not with an intent to 'convince' or 'convert'. My own position on this is quite malleable, and I can see how various other presentations of Harvest Theories could be valid.

for the 'pure facts' see Jim Kent's excellent overview here:

2012 and The Harvest - A beginner's guide

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in the following I will quote Ra, then add my thoughts, quote Ra and rinse and repeat for as long as I can stay conscious. Namaste. we begin:

Quote:6.15 Questioner: What is the length, in our years, of one of these cycles?

Ra: One major cycle is approximately 25,000 of your years. There are three cycles of this nature during which those who have progressed may be harvested at the end of three major cycles. That is, approximately between 75 and 76,000 of your years. All are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density.

two very interesting points here. One, a major cycle is only approximately 25000 years. I had been working under the impression that it was exactly 25000 years. There is a later quote about the transition into 4d is like the striking of a clock on the hour, and so I must have transferred the idea of 'precision' to the 25000 year cycle. I learnt something here.

Ra then goes on to say: "All are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density" which would seem to suggest that while a 3d earth is still present after the Harvest, the bottom end of the vibration has dropped out, and so 3d beings CANNOT exist, because a portion of the spectrum for 3d existence is no longer available.

the telling portion of this quote is "All are harvested regardless of their progress" which strongly suggests a single, sharp, one off Harvest, rather than a gradual one as others have posited elsewhere.

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Quote:6.18 Questioner: After this period of thirty years I am assuming that this will be a fourth-density planet. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is so.

Don asked this question on Jan 24 1981, and in the previous answer Ra said "approximately 30, thirty, of your years." which places us on a 2011/2012 timeline for graduation into a 4d earth.

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Quote:63.8 As the green-ray cycle or the density of love and understanding begins to take shape the yellow-ray plane or Earth which you now enjoy in your dance will cease to be inhabited for some period of your space/time as the space/time necessary for fourth-density entities to learn their ability to shield their density from that of third is learned. After this period there will come a time when third-density may again cycle on the yellow-ray sphere.

this is a very rich and dense quote which details some of the mechanisms which take place after the Harvest. First of all, it says that 3d earth will be uninhabited for some time. This would suggest that the planet is intact (it hasn't been rent asunder by cataclysms, or been turned into a noxious greenhous planet) but that there are no humans living on earth. So where did we all go??

The reason for the planet being not permitted to sustain 3d life is that "fourth-density entities to learn their ability to shield their density from that of third" because 3rd density is the density of the veil, and we cannot peak into 4th and higher dimensions. So while our 4th density brothers are learning their ability to shield their 4d planet, no human life can exist on the 3d earth, our current earth.

this again is a strong pointer to a sudden Harvest, where all human beings die at once, and are sorted according to their violet ray vibration.

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Quote:51.1 Questioner: The first is clearing up the final point about harvest. I was wondering if there is a supervision over the harvest and if so, why this supervision is necessary and how it works since an entity’s harvestability is determined by the violet ray? Is it necessary for entities to supervise the harvest, or is it automatic?

Ra: I am Ra. In time of harvest there are always harvesters. The fruit is formed as it will be, but there is some supervision necessary to ensure that this bounty is placed as it should be without the bruise or the blemish.

There are those of three levels watching over harvest.

The first level is planetary and that which may be called angelic. This type of guardian includes the mind/body/spirit complex totality or Higher Self of an entity and those inner plane entities which have been attracted to this entity through its inner seeking.

The second class of those who ward this process are those of the Confederation who have the honor/duty of standing in the small places at the edge of the steps of light/love so that those entities being harvested will not, no matter how confused or unable to make contact with their Higher Self, stumble and fall away for any reason other than the strength of the light. These Confederation entities catch those who stumble and set them aright so that they may continue into the light.

The third group watching over this process is that group you call the Guardians. This group is from the octave above our own and serves in this manner as light bringers. These Guardians provide the precise emissions of light/love in exquisitely fastidious disseminations of discrimination so that the precise light/love vibration of each entity may be ascertained.

Thus the harvest is automatic in that those harvested will respond according to that which is unchangeable during harvest. That is the violet ray emanation. However, these helpers are around to ensure a proper harvesting so that each entity may have the fullest opportunity to express its violet ray selfhood.

here Ra continues on with the Harvest metaphor, and calling us 'fruit'. lol.

the supervision of the Harvest is detailed with precision and facts. There is no ambiguity as to how the Harvest and sorting takes place.

The Harvest is basically a 4-fold bifurcation of human beings.

1. STS with 95% purity or above get harvested and go to a 4d negative planet (don't know which planet)
2. STO with 51% purity or higher get harvested and go to 4d positive earth
3. Wanderers get to go home (yipee!! if you're a Wanderer! BigSmileBigSmileTongue)
4. everyone else has essentually 'flunked' the lessons they came here to learn and get shipped off to other 3d planets. Judging by the mixture of so many planetary races on 3d earth, they might segregate those Martians next time lol. I say this jokingly, but Mars has had the repuation for being the 'god of war' and really, truly, how many of the ills did they transport from their wrecked planet to ours? again, no judgement :-/

to measure which way you go, the Guardians "provide the precise emissions of light/love in exquisitely fastidious disseminations of discrimination so that the precise light/love vibration of each entity may be ascertained." This is beautiful beyond words. It is almost like a chemistry lab doing reagent tests on your consciousness to determine what sort of decisions you have made in your lifetime. They 'apply' the light/love to your consciousness, see if it responds, apply another dose of different light/love in different proportions, etc etc.

this "the harvest is automatic in that those harvested will respond according to that which is unchangeable during harvest. That is the violet ray emanation." suggests that you don't get a chance to 'make your case', or argue for graduation. All your decisions have already been made, and colored the sum total of your being, that is, the violet ray or 7th chakra.

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Quote:17.29 Questioner: Am I to understand that the harvest is to occur in the year 2011, or will it be spread out?

Ra: I am Ra. This is an approximation. We have stated we have difficulty with your time/space. This is an appropriate probable/possible time/space nexus for harvest. Those who are not in incarnation at this time will be included in the harvest.

here we have a short, but very telling Q&A. Don poses an either/or question to Ra. It is: will the Harvest be a discrete event (ie 2011) or a spread out event. Ra answers the first choice (a discrete event) and so strongly negates the possibility of a spread out Harvest. Although Ra does not explicitly say so, by choosing to answer the way they do (by picking one of the 2 options presented) suggests that the second option is incorrect.

Ra says 2011 is an approximation, and that they "have difficulty with your time/space." This admission of difficulty in calculating dates is quite strange. We have precise mathematical tools and instruments to measure things in 3d, we can construct nanometer scale CPU's that are quad and 8 core, and yet they can only 'approximate' a date for us? This is very very strange.

but Ra has made numerical 'errors' in many many other sessions. They once started talking about the second chakra when they intended the third (they counted '2' from the fixed chakra, or root chakra) and they were off by 1000 years once. There are many examples of numbers going wrong in their transition through to us.

yet still, this sketchy Harvest date still bothers me a little. Icaro has made a strong case for something else going on in this particular session:

The Detuning of Session 17 and Ra's True Intentions Regarding 2011

Ra drops a juicy tidbit at the end of his answer - "Those who are not in incarnation at this time will be included in the harvest." which again is beautiful! everyone who has passed through this planet gets due consideration at the time of Harvest.

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there are some other things that I could go into, but this post is already too long Smile primarily, when Ra talks about a 100-700 yr transition between from 3d to 4d, they are talking about the average frequency of the photon (all the previous questions up to then were on this topic) and is unrelated, in my opinion, to the existence of a 3d and a 4d earth. This transition period seems to have thrown a lot of people off because it is usually read out of context.

peace to you all, and again, this is all presented for the sake of discussion, not the sake of 'winning'. BigSmileTongue

RE: my 2 cents on the Harvest - Ankh - 01-16-2012

(01-16-2012, 05:00 AM)plenum Wrote: Ra then goes on to say: "All are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density" which would seem to suggest that while a 3d earth is still present after the Harvest, the bottom end of the vibration has dropped out, and so 3d beings CANNOT exist, because a portion of the spectrum for 3d existence is no longer available.

I interpret this quote in a following way: "all are harvested" means that all beings are offered to walk the steps of light, no matter if they do graduate or not.

Third density light decreasing means that lower sub-densities in time/space, or inner planes, cease to be hospitable.

plenum Wrote:the telling portion of this quote is "All are harvested regardless of their progress" which strongly suggests a single, sharp, one off Harvest, rather than a gradual one as others have posited elsewhere.

Harvest is something that happens in time/space, and not space/time. And as far as I have been attempting to understand this from both the Ra material and Q'uo sessions, there are some entities now who are still offered incarnations in third density space/time. Q'uo said that for now there is still some light left for this third density Earth experience, for at least 100 years (don't have this session for the moment, but can try to dig this up if that would be important; it is where they compare third density light to oranges). So, as far as I understand it, all are *offered* to walk those steps of light, and thus get harvested regardless if they have reached the fourth dimensional vibration or not. Either way, in my understanding, this does not mean any sudden event in third density space/time.

plenum Wrote:3. Wanderers get to go home (yipee!! if you're a Wanderer! BigSmileBigSmileTongue)

*If* we graduate, there is a possibility to walk those steps of light all the way to the home vibration, in my understanding. But we have to graduate from third density first.

plenum Wrote:4. everyone else has essentually 'flunked' the lessons they came here to learn and get shipped off to other 3d planets.

This may include many Wanderers. No one is special, all is one.

plenum Wrote:Judging by the mixture of so many planetary races on 3d earth, they might segregate those Martians next time lol. I say this jokingly, but Mars has had the repuation for being the 'god of war' and really, truly, how many of the ills did they transport from their wrecked planet to ours? again, no judgement :-/

Maldek is the planetary sphere which got destroyed. And the beings which lived upon that sphere have been paying pretty high for these lessons, in my opinion. Marsians are those who had Yahweh (the Confederation entity) as their Guardians.

There is no ours and theirs in cosmic, universal space/viewing. This concept seems to be central upon our Earth, my brother. But this very concept might perhaps act as a stumbling block for us towards those lessons to learn Ways of Love?

plenum Wrote:Ra says 2011 is an approximation, and that they "have difficulty with your time/space." This admission of difficulty in calculating dates is quite strange. We have precise mathematical tools and instruments to measure things in 3d, we can construct nanometer scale CPU's that are quad and 8 core, and yet they can only 'approximate' a date for us? This is very very strange.

The measurement done by human beings in space/time can be very precise; however, this is not what Ra speak of. They speak of time/space which is probably very difficult to calculate in regards to dates due its constant changes, and they approximate the probabilities.

plenum Wrote:peace to you all, and again, this is all presented for the sake of discussion, not the sake of 'winning'. BigSmileTongue

That is a beautiful statement.

RE: my 2 cents on the Harvest - Oldern - 01-16-2012

They (Ra) have difficulties with saying what "time" it is occuring simply becase:
1) They have interfered with the state of business in 1981-84. That means that the probability matrix that is our reality totally changed after these sessions, meaning that if they query enough changes again and again, a totally different 2011 will occur than if they did not change at all
2) At this stages of existence, the variables are so volatile that Ra cannot say with certainty which existence we will imagine ourselves into - therefore I can almost be positive that they are seeing EVERYTHING within 3d density clearly, not just the one reality we percieve as being real. What does this mean? That they see a 2011 when there is a World War 3 raging. They see a wasteland earth in 2011 when the Cold War went into a full-out nuclear warfare. They see a 2011 where world peace has been achieved already. They see all this together - and these things DO exist out there. How could they determine which reality will the Carla of 1984, reality xyz choose to vibrate in 30 years later?

That is why nothing is set in stone, ever. The only constant is change!

RE: my 2 cents on the Harvest - Ankh - 01-16-2012

(01-16-2012, 08:47 AM)Oldern Wrote: That is why nothing is set in stone, ever. The only constant is change!

We are also called co-Creators. At some extent we create our own reality.

RE: my 2 cents on the Harvest - Plenum - 01-17-2012

also, some numbers from Ra's Harvest when they were in 3rd Density:

89.28 Questioner: What was Ra’s average total population incarnate on Venus in third density?

Ra: I am Ra. We were a small population which dwelt upon what you would consider difficult conditions. Our harvest was approximately 6 million 500 thousand mind/body/spirit complexes. There were approximately 32 million mind/body/spirit complexes repeating third density elsewhere.

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which is roughly 15-17%. Earth can't expect to do much better than that, so there's going to be a lot of expats!!

RE: my 2 cents on the Harvest - zenmaster - 01-18-2012

(01-17-2012, 03:22 AM)plenum Wrote: also, some numbers from Ra's Harvest when they were in 3rd Density:

89.28 Questioner: What was Ra’s average total population incarnate on Venus in third density?

Ra: I am Ra. We were a small population which dwelt upon what you would consider difficult conditions. Our harvest was approximately 6 million 500 thousand mind/body/spirit complexes. There were approximately 32 million mind/body/spirit complexes repeating third density elsewhere.

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which is roughly 15-17%. Earth can't expect to do much better than that, so there's going to be a lot of expats!!
That's their 3rd-cycle harvest. The 2nd cycle had similar numbers. So roughly 12.5 million total.