Awakening the Third Eye - Printable Version

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Awakening the Third Eye - Nyu - 08-30-2011

If you follow this link there is a guide from that teaches you to open your third eye. I find it interesting and have started practising the techniques and am finding that surprisingly they are working! A lot of you might know how to do this already, but for those who don't, I hope it might be beneficial in some way.

Getting the throat hum right has taken some practice (especially to hum during inhalation), but I think I'm doing alright because it has actually caused me to feel altered, and I'm feeling the strange sensation in the forehead area after I stop, along with the silver light flashes that I get from that chakra (those light flashes started about a month ago anyway, but I don't get them all the time, however doing this technique seems to make it happen again).

I'm not far enough along to give a definite thumbs-up or not yet, but I thought I would share anyway

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - Unbound - 09-03-2011

Smokin' some good ol' cannabis opens it pretty much completely.

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - Tza 3DP - 09-07-2011

im kinda with Azreal on this 1 lol But horses for courses, still gonna check out the link! Smile

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - Ruth - 09-07-2011

Thanks for sharing the link, Nyu. I'm taking a look now.

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - Namaste - 09-07-2011

It can indeed.

The practice of cultivating the ability without the need for something external is very valuable also :¬)

Direct PDF link.

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - Nyu - 09-09-2011

I find that cannabis creates some levels of higher awareness, but I dont think it in itself opens the third eye (not fully and not permanently, otherwise everyone who ever smoked would be enlightened and I'm pretty sure that's not the case). The point of this was to give others a way of doing it as Namaste said - without external substances.

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - godwide_void - 09-10-2011

Cannabis, Azrael? Perhaps something more along the lines of Dimethyltryptamine would do the trick, as well as facilitating other interesting metaphysical phenomenon that may give the user some more "hands-on" experience regarding several of the topics discussed here including but not limited to charging the Ajna and merging with the Godhead... Wink

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - 3DMonkey - 09-10-2011

I suggest you pinch yourself. Contemplate why it feels like that. Meditate on how it is possible to feel like that.

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - zenmaster - 09-10-2011

(09-10-2011, 07:31 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I suggest you pinch yourself. Contemplate why it feels like that. Meditate on how it is possible to feel like that.
All the information is there, always has been.

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - 3DMonkey - 09-10-2011

Smile This student is happy to have been noticed

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - Aaron - 09-20-2011

This is downright excellent information! Thank you!! BigSmile

RE: Awakening the Third Eye - Whitefeather - 09-23-2011

Thank you Nyu for sharing the link.
At first glance, the book seems to offer good general knowledge regarding the work on the vagus nerve ... The throat friction while breathing is aiming at stimulating the vagus nerve. This nerve conveys informations to the brain through the Central Nervous System. It is also connected to functions of the heart, the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Therefore the particular throat friction breathing presented in the book, by activating the vagus nerve, plays a key-role in any so-called 'spiritual' techniques, especially aiming at healing the physical body as part of spiritual awareness. There is neuro-electrical activity implied in this particular technique.
I have been using this system for some times and, found it a very reliable technique which I strongly recommend.
Be well all

Heart & :idea: