We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Printable Version

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We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - litllady - 07-01-2011

Its been a while since I made a thread here and I send good energy to all here. *hugs* to everyone!

So I go through phases of observing myself and observing why humans believe or take faith of certain things that 'we dont know' for sure.

Over the last year or so I have deeply focused on why so many different things resonate with different people. My conclusion is that 'resonation' is not a absolute truth, but a personal truth. Personal truth, is what a certain being is ready for or what they are not ready for.

Knowing the self, is very important. Being honest about your own desires and fears, is a must. Can we really be honest with ourselves and discern what is a desire and what is a absolute truth?

Example would be, so many resonate with an idea of heaven or ascension. Could this just simply show, what mankind desires instead of showing a absolute truth? Some do not feel they fit in here on Earth. Will they then resonate with the idea that they are not from here once the idea is given to them that they could be from somewhere else? Could they believe that this is a truth, since it resonates with their own inner desire? But what if they need to face something they dont want the idea that home is not a 'place' but a state of 'being'.

I have faced over the years that alot of things I found to be a truth, were simply things that fed my own desires and fears. I thought things 'resonated' with me, because of some 'inner knowing' (ya know the saying 'look within') but I came to find out that alot of what I accepted or felt resonate within me, was because it fed my own attractions, my own desires, my own wants.

Could the idea of ascension be one of those things that resonate with so many people because it 'feeds' the 'self' of our desires? Could the idea of 'heaven' from religions, be the same feed, that it resonates because it feeds the 'desire' we have of something greater, bigger, better?

Does the idea that you are ready for a harvest, come from the personal facet of your own desires?

Does believing in a harvest or ascension, distract you from what you really need to be focusing on here? Could the ideas of ascension, harvest, a distraction that would mark you in service to self?

When I tried to filter out between what I as a self wanted and desired between what a 'one spirit' would live for...I found I had no care of where I was as long as I was in harmony with living for things of Spirit, all life.

We have been giving ideas of different densities and different 'levels' of being if you will. What if these are again, distractions. What if all that can ever be understood, could occur right here, in this experience?

I think absolute truths, should not have to be told to us by other people. Absolute truths should be able to be things we can find in life itself, the design of life, here and now. We know these simple truths, like love, like compassion, like harmony, like offering. Is this what we are focusing on though? Are we allowing ourselves to be distracted with things that matter not?

Sorry if this post is too fuzzy and not cut and dry to a particular point. My sum of it would be, that we are being distracted and we, have placed such distractions here for a reason. That we place such ideas here, to mark ourselves for what we are ready for and what we are not. To mark what we have lived for and what we have not.

Sure super powers sound great, ideas of miracles of course, attract us. Being able to 'move on to a better place' sounds awesome. What if we are missing what such ideas really offer us? A chance to filter out the 'self' from the 'one' that we really are.

Even the idea that we all have our own higher self....doesnt this feed still the self, the ego? Dont we all know we are one? So why do we keep holding onto things that feed us as individuals? We focus so much on things to come...while we should be focusing on now, today. I think those at Bring 4th the light are on the verge of the next steps of bringing humanity to be more in harmony but Im afraid our own personal attractions are keeping us from really being what we have worth to be, here and now.

Are we being distracted by the idea of ascension which could be a marker that we are still choosing to be in service to ourselves? Is that really what we are here for?

Love to all

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - unity100 - 07-01-2011

'resonate' is something that is dangerous.

at any given point in time, there are endless factors acting on an entity. these range from time/space factors to preincarnational factors, life factors, social factors, even magnetic factors.

every entity finds itself in different energetic situations in different points in life.

and if, something happens to be supplementing the entity for any energy that is needed at that given point in time, the entity may feel an attraction to it. this may be 'information' from any source. it is not necessary for information to be actually true.

a good example is religions. there are glaring problems with a lot of aspects of religions and what they say. yet, people need the energetic situation they bring, they stick to them, and pay whatever price is associated.

that is no different in politics, friends, or spiritual material.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Bring4th_Austin - 07-01-2011

Hi Lynette, wonderful post Smile. Not a day goes by I don't contemplate words similar to what you have just posted.

I feel like, as a spiritual person, I have an advantage as far as the "faith" issue goes. For a long time, I was a strict atheist. I believed that the Universe was a random event containing more random events with no guidance aside from the physical laws of physics. I believed that when we died, that was it...we would cease to exist.

I feel like this is an advantage for me because that idea does not make me uncomfortable. I've spent most of my life being okay with the fact that some day I wouldn't exist any more, I wouldn't experience any more, and the only shot I got at experiencing anything was this random life I was randomly awarded by the Universe randomly coming together in a countless number of ways to produce me. This thought was almost more exciting to me than eternal life, grander experience, and all that.

And can I say now for sure that I know that's not how it is? Do I know for sure that when I die, my soul will still exist? Absolutely not. Despite the things I have experienced, the "absolute truths" and "unquestionable knowing" I've experienced throughout my spiritual journey through meditation and seeking, I still don't know that eternal life is awaiting me when my physical heart ceases to beat.

But I believe it does. And that, to me, is faith. And what I have found in experiencing the extreme of absolutely no faith vs. incredible faith, is that faith is powerful. Do I know that my higher self exists? Nope, but I do know that when I trust it, I am never led astray. Do I know that suffering will someday end? No, but when I believe that it will, it ceases to be.

So maybe I'll die and nothing will happen, and existence will disappear for the random spark of life that is me. I'm okay with that. Maybe eternal life exists as Ra described. I'm okay with that too. Neither option will distract me from living my life in a way that I feel is meaningful. Whether my life continues or not, I'm not going to leave this world without making sure that my net influence has been positive. And what I've found is, when I trust in faith, the ability to have that positive influence becomes exponentially easier. So in faith I trust.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - 111 - 07-01-2011

I think this is a wonderful post!! These ideas are ABSOLUTLY distracting. As Ra states "This is not a density of understanding" We are not meant to understand these concepts, or even the true desires of our heart. Does it matter if our ideas or understandings of creation are correct? Does it matter if ANYTHING discussed within these forums is remotely accurate?? Or does what truly matters take place everyday, in every opportunity to serve others? What resonates with me is for me. Selfish or not. That's human nature. I think your correct in assuming that these ideas can distract, but they can also make aware. Aware that there is meaning and purpose to exsisting... That's where my "faith" comes in.

Faith is when the souls true desire, meets acceptance of the fact that we are creators... Faith that these distractions are a nescessary part of the plan. IMHO Smile

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Crown - 07-01-2011

There is no absolute truth. There is no right OR wrong. Its right AND wrong. You choose what resonates with you... Basically. Your choice is driven by the conditioning that you went through in your life.

Thinking about Et's wont et you anywhere if you dont want it to. Thinking about things like ascension could only distract you from "things that you should be focusing on" if you want or allow it to. Basically, there are no things that we are "supposed" to be focusing on. You are here to make a choice. No one tells you what to do. Even the Ra material wont help you in any way if you and only you yourself, did not make some sort of choice and grasped something tht you might call a belief that could lead you to somewhere positive (only if you wish it to, again).

So in short... The Ra material is a bunch of bullcrap when it comes to the small details about aliens etc. If you dont decide what it will bring you, then you will ponder on these issues. Pondering is not negative, but its hard to avoid the concequences that are usually, hard to live with.

Every distraction distracts you from other distractions. Just like "everything happens for a reason", can you find something that happens without a cause? Nothing is "reasonless". Everything is a distraction. Only YOU decide what you want to define as important and what not.


RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - unity100 - 07-01-2011

there are absolute truths, right and wrong, in many-facet creation. ie, what we are in.

ra says 'there is past and future in your density' regarding 3d. that is correct. there is a past, and a future in 3d. there are rights, and wrongs, absolutes and whatnot.

these are what makes a creation fulfill the purpose of enabling entities to understand the creation in the first place - if it wasnt as such, entities wouldnt be able to make heads or tails about what was happening and what was what, and instead just drift in a chaotic 'now' while not even progressing.

simplest practical example of the above, is that you wont be able to polarize positively while enslaving other entities. it is absolute, and it is the reality of this creation.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Bring4th_Steve - 07-01-2011

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: Example would be, so many resonate with an idea of heaven or ascension. Could this just simply show, what mankind desires instead of showing a absolute truth? Some do not feel they fit in here on Earth. Will they then resonate with the idea that they are not from here once the idea is given to them that they could be from somewhere else? Could they believe that this is a truth, since it resonates with their own inner desire? But what if they need to face something they dont want the idea that home is not a 'place' but a state of 'being'.
This is a big question, so I am going to save it for the end...

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: I have faced over the years that alot of things I found to be a truth, were simply things that fed my own desires and fears. I thought things 'resonated' with me, because of some 'inner knowing' (ya know the saying 'look within') but I came to find out that alot of what I accepted or felt resonate within me, was because it fed my own attractions, my own desires, my own wants.

And if you did not have those experiences that you later thought were based on desires or wants, would you be who you are today, writing to us now? Of course not, all experiences were needed to get you to where you are.

Could the idea of ascension be one of those things that resonate with so many people because it 'feeds' the 'self' of our desires? Could the idea of 'heaven' from religions, be the same feed, that it resonates because it feeds the 'desire' we have of something greater, bigger, better?

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: Does the idea that you are ready for a harvest, come from the personal facet of your own desires?

I would say, yes! We are in the density of choice, and if we desire to ascend or be harvested based on our daily work of living in Love, then what is wrong with such a desire? What are we disillusioning ourselves from if we are simply choosing to be the best we can possibly be as loving humans?

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: Does believing in a harvest or ascension, distract you from what you really need to be focusing on here? Could the ideas of ascension, harvest, a distraction that would mark you in service to self?

Aren't there many atheists who give their life in service to others? I personally know a handful who are like that. They have no interest in the concept of ascension, yet in their minds, they choose to live as lovingly as possible, giving of themselves whenever possible. So I do not believe that esoteric concepts are simply distractions.

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: We have been giving ideas of different densities and different 'levels' of being if you will. What if these are again, distractions. What if all that can ever be understood, could occur right here, in this experience?

But all of these different levels describe ways in which one could live closer to the Creator by loving as much as possible. I think it is already occurring here! I know I personally am conscious of myself throughout a day, and choosing to behave in ways that are more loving, when I could choose an action that would hurt another person. I am choosing to live better because of what I learned, whether it is absolute reality, or my own faith.

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: I think absolute truths, should not have to be told to us by other people. Absolute truths should be able to be things we can find in life itself, the design of life, here and now. We know these simple truths, like love, like compassion, like harmony, like offering. Is this what we are focusing on though? Are we allowing ourselves to be distracted with things that matter not?

I don't think you have to worry about people telling you what absolute truths are, unless you feel you need to accept them as part of your own life experience. There is only one absolute Truth, and that is Love. Anything lesser than Love is a distortion of it, and is therefore no longer an absolute! Usually people who are trying to push absolute truths are those who seek control. "You" are the only one who can make the choice to decide what is true.

After the Absolute Truth of Love, truth becomes different for everyone. I may believe that Jesus is the Savior, whereas someone else believes Buddha is. I may believe in there being a heaven, when someone insists there's an astral plane or even nothing. Who is right, when none of it can be proven? That is, of course, why we have faith--which is one's personal belief system. And that system is based entirely upon one's own experiences, as well as the acceptance of other distorted truths that happen to resonate at the time of hearing them.

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: Sorry if this post is too fuzzy and not cut and dry to a particular point. My sum of it would be, that we are being distracted and we, have placed such distractions here for a reason. That we place such ideas here, to mark ourselves for what we are ready for and what we are not. To mark what we have lived for and what we have not.

I don't believe these are distractions, unless you choose to believe they are. What "I" believe these distractions are, are the result of people searching for their Truths, and creating systems of belief along the way. You might even say that religions were created as "absolute truths", yet they are all founded on a group's desire to support and encourage others to believe in their own personal ideas. That is one reason why I believe Unity called resonations as "dangerous".

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: Sure super powers sound great, ideas of miracles of course, attract us. Being able to 'move on to a better place' sounds awesome. What if we are missing what such ideas really offer us? A chance to filter out the 'self' from the 'one' that we really are.
I believe many of these things are simply catalysts for us to work with. We are in school, and we have many choices to make based on the diversity of experiences that are available to us. It is left to us to empower the concept of Miracles and incorporate them into our lives, or we can dismiss them. To me, all that is secondary to the greater mission of living one's life in Service to Others.

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: Even the idea that we all have our own higher self....doesnt this feed still the self, the ego? Dont we all know we are one? So why do we keep holding onto things that feed us as individuals?
I think a majority of humanity still does not understand the concept of being "one" with everything. It is one of the most important lessons for us to learn, but with so many distractions keeping our attention attuned to the outer world, very few of us have time to ask, "is there anything more?" and to make time to go inside ourselves to explore the idea of Oneness. We keep holding onto things that feed us, because we have been following this pattern for thousands of years. It is how many of us are taught to live by our parents, and how they were taught by their parents. Very few have "awakened" enough to break their own cycle of 3D distractions to the point of learning the ways of the spiritual path.

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: We focus so much on things to come...while we should be focusing on now, today. I think those at Bring 4th the light are on the verge of the next steps of bringing humanity to be more in harmony but Im afraid our own personal attractions are keeping us from really being what we have worth to be, here and now.
Again, everything is a distraction that you can either accept or reject based on where you are in your own spiritual development. Don't forget, not everyone is where you are, developmentally. Many people need the "stepping stones" of disctractions in life to bring them to higher levels of awareness. Yet you look at those same distractions that are helping others and saying, "why do those have to be there? They are just wasting my time!" But it is all too easy to overlook the idea that many of life's distractions are simply building blocks and stepping stones for others. Please think about that... It is rather important.

(07-01-2011, 02:11 PM)litllady Wrote: Are we being distracted by the idea of ascension which could be a marker that we are still choosing to be in service to ourselves? Is that really what we are here for?

Don't forget, being in service to ourselves over ascension or heaven is not STS. Ra states that all inner-work that we do, including our inner striving to be more loving individuals or taking time for ourselves to study ascension attracts a vibration of Love that lifts the vibrations of those around us. This is the nature of being STO.

Ok, so I'm now going to return to your earlier question about resonating with things and whether they are just fabrications of what we want for ourselves, or whether there is any Truth to it all.

Humanity has had plenty of experiences, some of which is even written out, describing all kinds of heavenly experiences, including visitations from things like angels, and other divine energies. I don't believe these things continue to be made up throughout time just to give humanity something fuzzy to spend time fantasizing about! Even today, there are many accounts of people who are clinically dead on the operating table, but go off and experience other dimensions and times, taking back a whole slew of experiences to share once they are revived and brought back to life.

Even myself... I have been to the Channeling circle training at L/L. I have personally witnessed a group of people who did not know each other, begin receiving messages from another civilization and going around the room continuing the story in a coherent fashion until the message was done. To me, there is NO WAY anyone can fake something that complex. Yet I was in the middle of it all! So to me, I just formed a personal Truth. I am willing to die believing with my heart that what I experienced was real. Yet you could be reading these words and saying, "yeah, right! He's just wishful thinking!". So imagine this scenario happening billions and billions of times a day. One person is telling another person a personal truth. It will either resonate and be accepted, or it will be rejected, and both parties will go on their way. But each person is still believing in their own truths--probably taking them seriously enough to consider them as absolute truths! But who is to judge us as to who is right and wrong? We can't judge distractions, as it means we are simply denying a part of ourselves that we no longer resonate with.

So to wrap up this tiny little message Tongue, it is important to bring up that everyone's personal experiences will create their personal belief system. No one is right or wrong. We are creators, and if we believe in a concept with our hearts, our experiences will build to include more experiences that factor in such beliefs. That is why we sometimes hear others as being called "delusional". Yet are they? Delusional because we don't believe with our hearts what they believe with theirs? Who is right? Who can say what is a wishful distraction and what is really a spiritual stepping stone to a greater awakening of consciousness?

Since you are here on Bring4th, it is safe to assume that you have been through many of these distractions in life already, and each have gotten you to where you are now. What would happen if you blessed all of those distractions that you now do not resonate with, instead of feeling foolish that you were "duped" by them? After all, if you didn't go through those specific patterns of experience, you may have veered off into some other experiences. Yet somehow you are comfortable with where you are. Are you suffering delusions from having faith in some of the principles learned that have gotten you here? No, not at all. It simply is part of your belief system, and whether there is a harvest or an ascension will also manifest according to whether you believe these events are personal truths or not. Why? Because there is no absolute----except Love.

Sorry for the ramble at the end, but this is a complicated topic since it draws upon many root assumptions that need to be touched upon for reference.

Take care,

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Bring4th_Steve - 07-01-2011

Crown, great post.

A little harsh, you tough lover! BigSmile But you are right on, and even with the Ra material--it was not recognized by Don, Carla and Jim that asking transient questions actually was not helping their own spiritual paths. It was Don's inquisitive mind that got him to enter into this line of questioning to satisfy his curiosity. But once Ra taught them that transient information will not affect them one bit in terms of their soul progression, the messages became increasingly deeper and profound.

I'm surprised no one brought this up yet--including me, when I wrote to litllady....

Distractions are catalysts!

If we process a distraction, we are inviting a result that will or will not affect us. That is our choice. But these distractions will continue entering our lives, and we will always need to decide if what we see being reflected at us is a reflection of who we are, or who we are not. If we don't like the reflection, we can choose to meditate and ask for help in resolving this lack of resonation. If we do like the reflection, then we can thank the catalyst and move on to our next experience.

But what I would like to emphasize is that distractions are catalysts, and catalysts are the specific moments in which we are asked to make a choice about something. Quite fitting, since we are living in a density that is designed specifically to allow us to experience our personal choices! Cool

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Oceania - 07-01-2011

there are no distractions. there's only what you are interested in currently and i always believe you should focus on what feels good to focus on! there's no reason to get all negative about it.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Bring4th_Steve - 07-01-2011

(07-01-2011, 04:58 PM)Oceania Wrote: there are no distractions. there's only what you are interested in currently and i always believe you should focus on what feels good to focus on! there's no reason to get all negative about it.

Ahh, but you see, you say that, but you are judging the situation as "being" a negative thing, when it may not be for the person who is doing the experiencing.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - 3DMonkey - 07-01-2011

(07-01-2011, 02:18 PM)unity100 Wrote: 'resonate' is something that is dangerous.

at any given point in time, there are endless factors acting on an entity. these range from time/space factors to preincarnational factors, life factors, social factors, even magnetic factors.

every entity finds itself in different energetic situations in different points in life.

and if, something happens to be supplementing the entity for any energy that is needed at that given point in time, the entity may feel an attraction to it. this may be 'information' from any source. it is not necessary for information to be actually true.

a good example is religions. there are glaring problems with a lot of aspects of religions and what they say. yet, people need the energetic situation they bring, they stick to them, and pay whatever price is associated.

that is no different in politics, friends, or spiritual material.

I wouldn't say dangerous because I am not afraid to resonate.

I would say to resonate is to experience.

I would say the "factors" you speak of are catalysts.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Oceania - 07-02-2011

(07-01-2011, 05:00 PM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote:
(07-01-2011, 04:58 PM)Oceania Wrote: there are no distractions. there's only what you are interested in currently and i always believe you should focus on what feels good to focus on! there's no reason to get all negative about it.

Ahh, but you see, you say that, but you are judging the situation as "being" a negative thing, when it may not be for the person who is doing the experiencing.

ah but you as judging me judging it as negative. BigSmile

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-02-2011

'Resonate' just means intuition is being accessed. Intuition is always using unconscious, or yet to be integrated, information - hence the potential 'danger' (if any). The potential danger is simply if we raise intuition to the status of fact, without application of honesty. Like what occurs with conspiracies theories or other nebulous opportunities to reinforce prejudices at the expense of balance.

The valuing system just before the 2nd tier jump in Spiral Dynamics makes particularly heavy use of the intuition. At that point personal valuing is seen to be too judgemental and is seemingly incompatible with the numosity of the new egalitarian (everyone is right) apprehension. Ironically, we have the bible thumpers being very honest and forthcoming with their values (a 'good' or healthy thing), whilst the next so-called 'progressive' stages are actually afraid to elicit their values (while still attempting to 'digest' or 'balance' the ego shock of 'everyone is right' and 'all is subjective').

And this is the reason why politicians can get away with their constant appeal to emotions. If values are not made conscious, then there is a regression to the only thing available - unconscious emotional worth. So there is actually a stage in evolution (SD 'green') where almost all experience is filtered through what 'resonates' and/or appeals to unconscious emotional charge. That is indeed dangerous.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - 3DMonkey - 07-02-2011

resonate |ˈreznˌāt|
verb [ intrans. ]
produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound : the sound of the siren resonated across the harbor.
• figurative evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions : the words resonate with so many different meanings.
• (of an idea or action) meet with someone's agreement : the judge's ruling resonated among many of the women.
• technical produce electrical or mechanical resonance : the crystal resonates at 16 MHz.

I'd say if it isn't with honesty, then it isn't resonating. The "dangers" you describe are blocks and walls to actual energy vibration resonating. Like fear, for instance, blocks ability to resonate.
But, I suppose, if you wanted to get technical with verbiage, I can say that being an entity is dangerous, or that the very act of being incarnate is dangerous.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Bring4th_Steve - 07-02-2011

(07-02-2011, 09:15 AM)Oceania Wrote:
(07-01-2011, 05:00 PM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote:
(07-01-2011, 04:58 PM)Oceania Wrote: there are no distractions. there's only what you are interested in currently and i always believe you should focus on what feels good to focus on! there's no reason to get all negative about it.

Ahh, but you see, you say that, but you are judging the situation as "being" a negative thing, when it may not be for the person who is doing the experiencing.

ah but you as judging me judging it as negative. BigSmile

LOL! So what do we do now? Wink

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-02-2011

(07-02-2011, 10:43 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: I'd say if it isn't with honesty, then it isn't resonate.
Something resonating suggests a direction (from and/or to) or a 'signpost' - based on the current psyche map. There are no evaluations. What seems to be coming from honesty is what is quite vaguely induced or stirred up from prior experience. But there does not have to be an application of honesty at all to feel that something is 'subjectively right'. That's the pure unconscious or more deeper 'roots of the tree mind' at work. It's the initial, creative or formative stage of something new attempting to become known. Vague apprehension -> comprehension -> acceptance or understanding.

Unfortunately, people will willfully repress the process in attempt to put distance between the inevitable acceptance and what they feel is too much for ego. The excuses range from 'I don't deserve to know that' to 'it's not possible to know it' to 'it makes me feel too good/safe to keep it on that distance and no closer'. And of course, everyone will suffer from this distancing because the new info is ultimately 'you'.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - 3DMonkey - 07-02-2011

It is in constant motion, though.

Suffer we will, but I don't see it as 'making it worse.'

Again, I don't see it as dangerous either. That is me, of course. I say use what you have till its gone, then we will find something else.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-02-2011

(07-02-2011, 11:04 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: I say use what you have till its gone, then we will find something else.
But the 'danger' stems from precisely not using what we have. That failure, or going the other way and using the will in a manner that overpowers (as we are co-creators). The only key to balance we have is honesty. That faculty, although always available, is seldom used to benefit of self or others. And why is that? We have this condition of info constantly 'resonating' but we constantly refuse to give it a place - that is, to actually accept it. We fool ourselves in thinking that it has been accepted. But the very fact that it 'resonates' means that it has not yet been accepted - it merely 'rings true'. Mysteriously, we often do not bother ourselves to see why - perhaps because it holds us in a numinous trance of staring at the horizon of some transcendent promise - and that's the closest we might let ourselves touch that which is sublime.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - native - 07-02-2011

Many people do seem stuck in the intuitive phase. The problem is that wisdom is inherently new information and there is resistance to it. I remember Ra saying that honesty is a problem here. While truth is a process, many people seem to lull it along. Unfortunately those that express wisdom are typically vilified because it plays against their emotional attachment to what resonates. You will inevitably find your beliefs lacking if you honestly look at them. That's how growth occurs. I've found that if you find yourself resistant to a new or contradictory idea there must be learning present. If you mull it over you will either reaffirm your own beliefs by reshaping them in a more concise fashion, which is good because it tests your understanding, or new learning altogether will come into being.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-02-2011

(07-02-2011, 12:05 PM)Icaro Wrote: You will inevitably find your beliefs lacking if you honestly look at them. That's how growth occurs.
And deep down we know this. That's why there is this huge resistance here to anything that suggests 'judgement'. Because evaluation is how we elicit or draw nearer that dangerous or powerful thing from which we've distanced ourselves. We even go to the extent of setting up make-believe scenarios or safe compartmentalisation for what we call 'compassion', so that we don't have to experience it directly. And to attempt to elicit anything from what we believe in the area of spiritual or loving intent - without the corresponding acceptable safe, coddling, regressive, resonation is to be deemed a 'troller'.

We form intuitive 'memes' or compartmentalized notions of what is acceptable and desirable spiritually and emotionally - and we know others are on the 'same page' because they say 'yeah, i resonate with that' (let me 'like' your post, because 'hey that's saying something that I think I agree with on some level and I'm glad someone else said it')
But do they actually employ honesty to grow out of their ouroboric prisons? Nope - feed me more repetitive, resonating ideas. Meanwhile, thinking they've achieved the ultimate 'loving' egalitarian tolerance for all ideas, they still have that ego which attacks anything that does not resonate (Wilber's mean green meme) - that is, any catalyst that might let them out of their womb is read as a threat. That epitomizes lack of honesty.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - native - 07-02-2011

I was thinking how Ra and Q'uo have both said that adepts and light-bringers are often perceived as evil/black, and we often attribute a perceived lack of compassion to those types. If you think about it symbolically with the metaphor of the seeker using a candle in the dark, anything that the glow illuminates represents what has been integrated. Wisdom, that which hasn't been discovered yet, naturally lies waiting in the dark. Moving into the darkness stimulates uneasiness and we naturally view what's out there with uncertainty. Wisdom then is often rejected because it goes against our natural inclinations of safety and comfort or what we resonate with, and we label wisdom as being dark or lacking compassion. Patience and a little space seems necessary at times, as most people like to tune others out.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - 3DMonkey - 07-02-2011

Resonating is relative to personal vibrations. The existence we share must resonate accordingly. We can't falsify resonance. "fake it". Resonating vibes are more than "yeah, the feels right to me". When I resonate, there is tangible energy flowing into my psyche.

I think you are minimalizing it

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-02-2011

(07-02-2011, 01:42 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: When I resonate, there is tangible energy flowing into my psyche.
That's called 'libido' or libidinous energy (Jung's definition - not the 'sex drive'). It's in the background always but brought forth through that which suggest further individuation, for example.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - native - 07-02-2011

(07-02-2011, 01:42 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: We can't falsify resonance. "fake it". Resonating vibes are more than "yeah, the feels right to me".

I agree. True growth requires one to abandon their beliefs or current resonance though which occurs over time. We only see the process when we look backwards though. All I'm saying is that the more open and honest you are to questioning your beliefs, the faster you can move the process along.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - 3DMonkey - 07-02-2011

To me, resonates means fits into my current experiencing - transformation.

If it's not resonating, I can't apply it.

As for results of resonating applied, i don't think it can be defined singularly. Many manifestations exist. I'm thinking the definition of resonates implies application.

I have found many things on this forum that didn't resonate, only to find it again, later, at a time when it did resonate.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-02-2011

Also, the more the contents of the unconscious are rejected, the more opportunity for complexes to form and for that unconscious energy of the psyche to increase. Eventually it will be known. In the mean time, it will manifest as projection during that day or possibly at night, something unknown that feels threatening.
(07-02-2011, 02:23 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: If it's not resonating, I can't apply it.
Apply it in what way? If there is a charge, then that's the portion of the unconscious that was unexplored which is 'resonating'. Our first inkling or apprehension of something is always through the intuitive faculty - that's our interface between conscious (the self or 'ego') and unconscious (the higher self), or to put it another way between mind and spirit. We are a 'slave' to the unconscious mind.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - 3DMonkey - 07-02-2011

I must have my own interpretation of "resonate."

I get what you are saying, but I don't understand why, or if, you are painting it with an anemic flavor.

Resonating, to me, is coming to a higher vibration.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-02-2011

(07-02-2011, 02:41 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I must have my own interpretation of "resonate."

I get what you are saying, but I don't understand why, or if, you are painting it with an anemic flavor.

Resonating, to me, is coming to a higher vibration.

That which is spiritual or coming from a higher vibration is that which exists in the deeper mind - that is the interface to spirit. We always inflate the new before it is digested. The question is by how much in order to get noticed. Does it 'deserve' to be raised up - to be placed on a pedestal? Is that its rightful place, truly? When we eventually bother to see whats there (it's 'only you' of course), the energy does not - can not - distract as much. Once we bother to recognize that which sits behind the inflated numinosity, we may use it as the catalyst that it is.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - native - 07-02-2011

It's hard to talk about and define.

Maybe the confusion lies in clearly defining resonance and wisdom. Think of when true change actually occurs. It happens when some new epiphany is realized and your current resonance is always left behind. Resonating seems to be a state of being where you are processing the available information to you, as Zen said. Over time it is either integrated or rejected. The transformative act itself is the realization of wisdom. You use resonance to move along the path of truth.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-02-2011

(07-02-2011, 03:14 PM)Icaro Wrote: Think of when true change actually occurs. It happens when some new epiphany is realized and your current resonance is always left behind.
The change occurs only after an attitude is developed and then an adaption to that attitude occurs as we assimilate it through our applied (will used) discernment (evaluation).

'the function of intuition is to inform intelligence. In your illusion the unbridled predominance of intuition will tend to keep an entity from the greater polarizations due to the vagaries of intuitive perception'

If the attitude is not developed, there can be no progression of consciousness. In lieu of the integrated information, we are left with the only way the psyche can relate to it, like anything from a vague idea to repression from fear at what the info would cause us to face about ourselves. The unconscious is a powerful thing. We suppress it in actions such as coping mechanisms, regressive ritual or even incestuous meditations, identification with the opposites, projections, and ego inflation.

When Ra says this is not a place of 'understanding' - in that sense, understanding is meant as a concept of certainty. The idea with polarization is not to develop some objective or subjective certainty through discernment, but to create your own worldview from which to be able to move around with a degree of freedom. Another way to look at it is, if the creator is experiencing itself, the service to the creator is what you are making of experience. Are we going to keep the new info at the intuitive level, or are we going to integrate it?