Proper way to meditate - Printable Version

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Proper way to meditate - Kiron - 05-14-2011

Can somebody tell me the proper way to meditate??
I thought that i should clear my mind,meditate in silence,aim at singleness of thought and do a energy transfer from red to green chakra.Would this help??

RE: Proper way to meditate - zenmaster - 05-14-2011

You might want to check out the book 'Concentration and Meditation', by Christmas Humphreys.

RE: Proper way to meditate - Bring4th_Austin - 05-14-2011

This Q'uo transcript has a lot of information and tips on different types and techniques of meditation, and also what it can do for you. It is a very good session and a great source for meditation info.

RE: Proper way to meditate - kycahi - 05-14-2011

Welcome to your new crowd of friends, Kiron. We have posted some ideas about meditation in threads fairly recently, but I don't know if you can tell where they are by their subject.

I just found a nice beginner's guide to meditation from the Kaiser Permanente website. Here is the introduction:

Meditation can elicit the relaxation response. It has two essential components:
  • Focusing your mind by concentrating on your breathing or a repetitive word, image or prayer.
  • Taking a detached, non-judging observer's view of the thoughts that go through your mind.
The rest is on their website here.

RE: Proper way to meditate - Plenum - 02-06-2012

(05-14-2011, 01:08 PM)Kiron Wrote: Can somebody tell me the proper way to meditate??

I've always liked Ra's answer to this:

17.40 Questioner: Is there a “best way” to meditate?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

and as unity100 has pointed out, if I chose to answer you like this, I would get a social whipping for being unpleasant/unhelpful/being a bastard. BigSmileTongueSmile

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not to fall into that category, I would offer this:

Quote:5.2 The prerequisite of mental work is the ability to retain silence of self at a steady state when required by the self. The mind must be opened like a door. The key is silence.

and that seems a good place to start. Doesn't matter what technique you use, so long as the end result is a quieting of the mind. It is, as all the traditions have said, the gateway to the Self and the Beyond.

much like most of us have learned to control bodily functions (being able to 'wait' to go to the toilet, rather than dropping pants on the spot, controlling sexual urges and hunger) so too the mind must be tamed and brought under a certain level of discipline for the inner work to open up.

being able to 'silence the mind' like Ra says, is a sign that you have developed some of this mental self control.

where you go from there is up to you; you have an infinitude of memories to explore and draw from (in a non-thinking sense).

peace, and walk in the light.

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RE: Proper way to meditate - BrownEye - 02-06-2012

My first "noticeable" success at meditation came while spacing off. I was rebuilding some tooling at work and let my mind roam. I am used to the "routine" of building and did not have to apply thought to what I was doing, and instead the mind just wandered about with considerations. Suddenly concepts started to hit me with force, and my head first started to tingle, then started to hurt on the inside, like a burning pain.

I called that a success because it was a sort of meditational state where I was not actively forcing thoughts to run through my mind, and I received instant results.

Now if only I could consciously acheive this.Tongue

RE: Proper way to meditate - Ankh - 02-06-2012

(02-06-2012, 03:02 PM)plenum Wrote: I've always liked Ra's answer to this:

17.40 Questioner: Is there a “best way” to meditate?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

plenum Wrote:where you go from there is up to you;

Well, Ra did actually point into one direction, *if* one wants to go above and beyond the green ray, which signals the harvestability, and oh... oh... not to mention your thread regarding polarization... Tongue

session 50:8 Wrote:Questioner: Thank you. How does the ability to hold visual images in mind allow the adept to do polarization in consciousness without external action?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not a simple query, for the adept is one which will go beyond the green-ray which signals entry into harvestability. The adept will not simply be tapping into intelligent energy as a means of readiness for harvest but tapping into both intelligent energy and intelligent infinity for the purpose of transmuting planetary harvestability and consciousness.

The means of this working lie within. The key is first, silence, and secondly, singleness of thought. Thusly a visualization which can be held steady to the inward eye for several of your minutes, as you measure time, will signal the adept’s increase in singleness of thought. This singleness of thought then can be used by the positive adept to work in group ritual visualizations for the raising of positive energy, by negative adepts for the increase in personal power.

RE: Proper way to meditate - Plenum - 02-06-2012

(02-06-2012, 03:21 PM)Pickle Wrote: Suddenly concepts started to hit me with force, and my head first started to tingle, then started to hurt on the inside, like a burning pain.

sounds like you received a mental download there Pickle BigSmileCool

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or a possible opening up of the crown chakra. I've experienced something similiar; almost like dirty, dusty gears grinding into motion, and the chakra spinning up from a very inertial state.


RE: Proper way to meditate - Diana - 02-06-2012

Any way you can shut off the internal dialogue will lead to effective meditation.

As Pickle said, focusing on a project which takes little attention, getting "in the groove" of a project where you find yourself forgetting time, are steps toward shutting off the internal dialogue. Artists often get into this state.

RE: Proper way to meditate - Plenum - 02-06-2012

(02-06-2012, 03:23 PM)Ankh Wrote:
session 50:8 Wrote:This singleness of thought then can be used by the positive adept to work in group ritual visualizations for the raising of positive energy

nice one Ankh. I had missed this one here. I have always dissed the notion of group meditations/visualizations, but maybe a reconsideration is in order. Shame the full moon has just passed BigSmile

RE: Proper way to meditate - BrownEye - 02-06-2012

(02-06-2012, 03:31 PM)plenum Wrote: I have always dissed the notion of group meditations/visualizations, but maybe a reconsideration is in order. Shame the full moon has just passed BigSmile

I took part in a group visualization. There was something very interesting with that kind of thing. I actually created my own visual because I did not believe in what they were doing. My visual creation replaced what they were attempting, which I attributed to the use of my tool.

RE: Proper way to meditate - Ankh - 02-06-2012

(02-06-2012, 03:31 PM)plenum Wrote:
(02-06-2012, 03:23 PM)Ankh Wrote:
session 50:8 Wrote:This singleness of thought then can be used by the positive adept to work in group ritual visualizations for the raising of positive energy

nice one Ankh. I had missed this one here. I have always dissed the notion of group meditations/visualizations, but maybe a reconsideration is in order. Shame the full moon has just passed BigSmile

Maybe the group meditation/visualization is not "your thing" then? It is important, imho, that the vibration of the group is in line with yours if you are to serve. Wanderers are incarnating with their own unique, specific abilities or services, so look for that. It is so worth it.

I'll tell you a little story. I've had as I called them receivings, not always of understandable for my third density mind, nature, which used to give me great homesickness and pain. Then one day, instead of feeling sorry for myself, and wanting to go home, I happen to learn how to channel these receivings into this world and people around me. Nowdays, I don't need these receivings, as I learned how to visualize and hold this image in my mind for about 3-5 minutes by myself. And indeed these receivings are now rare. What indicated the importance of this learning to me, was strong activation of violet ray, and I am not even into activation of higher energy centers, before healing and working with three lower ones. But I've done in my personal, humble opinion, a lot of work in the self, and that was what enabled me now to hold these visualizations for minutes. I was not able to do that for more than some seconds before, as I was attacked by negative thoughts or emotions, and gave into these. As the time/space is a part of your space/time incarnation, it will manifest more and more in your space/time experience, again in my personal, humble opinion, as you do your work in space/time consciousness. And *will* to understand it, and serve, is important too.

RE: Proper way to meditate - Aureus - 02-07-2012

(02-06-2012, 03:21 PM)Pickle Wrote: My first "noticeable" success at meditation came while spacing off. I was rebuilding some tooling at work and let my mind roam. I am used to the "routine" of building and did not have to apply thought to what I was doing, and instead the mind just wandered about with considerations. Suddenly concepts started to hit me with force, and my head first started to tingle, then started to hurt on the inside, like a burning pain.

I called that a success because it was a sort of meditational state where I was not actively forcing thoughts to run through my mind, and I received instant results.

Now if only I could consciously acheive this.Tongue

I had a very repetitive industry job a while ago, and I got into those states as well BigSmile

Do you think that imagining moving images has the same effect as a still one? I'd like to improve my visualization skills, it's so weird because you can imagine everything but I don't really see it. Higher work is strange BigSmile

Perhaps imagining people coming together, all races, ages and so on and just dancing and being happy could improve planetary vibration?

RE: Proper way to meditate - Liet - 02-07-2012

Quote:17.40 Questioner: Is there a “best way” to meditate?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

While there isnt an "universal best way" to meditate...
There are certainly ways optimal for each indivudual...
But it all depends on who you are and what you wanna be more/less like.

There are actions, events, thoughts, emotions, states of being (etz) that are related to each chakra...
for example;

Doing a meditation based on silence (recieveing thoughts) affect your brow chakra because it deals with the highest ammount of "loudness-reduction".
Doing a meditation based on loudness (producing thoughts) affect your solar plexus, because its loud as f***.

Some seem to get the part about sound level wrong, thinking that loudness and silence cancel each others out, where infact; Meeting of those opposites is what turns your radiance physicaly detectable (tho slightly).

The sound within your head sounds the same as how the energies within your energybody feel and how the colors you see with closed eyes appear.
sound adds intensity to one. silence divides one into many. (too few words to express all information vs watered down information)
Only silence means your energies wont be felt at all because they're 0% physical. (altho it does give you the sensetivity requiered to feel energies in general)
Only sound means your energies will feel like the static of a television.
Balance between these two can give you a very fine static, but to go beyond that; you need to round it off. Done with the Root and Heart/Throat chakras... Because they arent very detail oriented.

I love it when it feels/sounds like silk coarsing through my body...

Quote:I was not able to do that for more than some seconds before, as I was attacked by negative thoughts or emotions, and gave into these
The state of your energy body is all that can alter the thoughts that enter your mind, you are not being attacked by anyone else than yourlsef. (same thing goes for everything that has a collective soul, country etz)
Some examples;
If your thoughts are nasty/dark, it might mean your mind isnt clean enough.
Easily fixed by working the heart and throat chakras.

If your thoughts are incoherent/unclear it means that either your ability to puzzle the pieces together isnt what it should be, or theres just too much noise for the message to get through.
Easily fixed by working the end of the spectrum.

Having your thoughts attack yourself (parts of your mind creating false enemies), might mean you dont love yourself...
Easily fixed by working the root chakra.

If you have involuntary thoughts... its because you arent controling them properly.
Easily fixed by working the solar plexus..

Quote:actively forcing thoughts to run through my mind
The root chakra increases the constant flow of change (aka creativity).... Making you less requiered to "force" it out.