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Healing the World - Diana - 05-25-2022

I'd like to open a discussion on helping to heal the world. As we move into the transformation of this density, and considering the chaos of the last couple of years (not just covid, but so much other conflict), I thought it might be good to put some of our thoughts on the subject into words here.

I will start with this great video on the subject with Russell Brand. 

RE: Healing the World - Sacred Fool - 05-26-2022

Personally, I tend to agree with Confederation sources who aver that healing the self is healing the world.  Now, healing is not the same as fixing.  You can amend or repeal gun laws, for example, but healing is a much deeper affair.  The guy in the video asks why we have created a society which has so much cruelty.  Well, the rarity of healing, in a spiritual sense, and the paucity of deep love could have something to do with it.

This may sound like a small thing in comparison to the ubiquity of "lovelessness," but it feels good to the spirit complex to be in love with the self and to love others.  Okay, it's a bit harder than it sounds, but the rewards redound far beyond the individual, so they say.

Quo,!0 Wrote:There is within many seekers the desire to make a difference in the world, to help others and serve good causes. Yet, in that same general run of seekers there is often a prejudice against working on the self, for it seems selfish to be absorbed in the processes of the self. It is our opinion that it is in healing yourself that you heal the world. It is in learning to love yourself that you learn to love others. It is in finding compassion at last for yourself that you are finally able to have compassion on others. It is in blessing your own suffering by respecting it, honoring it, and forgiving it in yourself that you become able to behold the suffering of the world in its massive and almost infinite depth.

RE: Healing the World - Diana - 05-26-2022

(05-26-2022, 12:24 AM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Personally, I tend to agree with Confederation sources who aver that healing the self is healing the world.
I agree. And I see this concept as the the first giant step. But you will notice that the Confederation helps others in many ways.

(05-26-2022, 12:24 AM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Now, healing is not the same as fixing.  You can amend or repeal gun laws, for example, but healing is a much deeper affair.  The guy in the video asks why we have created a society which has so much cruelty.  Well, the rarity of healing, in a spiritual sense, and the paucity of deep love could have something to do with it.

I agree here as well.

But there is the adjacent concept—that of being of service (such as what the Confederation does or Ra bringing the message of the LOO). Healing the self is being of service to the all, but there can be more to add in service. Without trying to fix anyone or anything, one can still be kind, be honest, accountable, and responsible with relationships including the work environment, and more. Perhaps most of these things go back to healing the self, but there is an awareness that develops from self-honesty and self-knowledge and accepting the self, and that is empathy for others. You can still have empathy for others even if you are not healed and totally messed up, but I think the quality of that empathy changes when there are fewer unhealed places within self, making the empathy less tainted with sometimes unconscious self-interest. And maybe this lines up with the following:

(05-26-2022, 12:24 AM)Sacred Fool Wrote: This may sound like a small thing in comparison to the ubiquity of "lovelessness," but it feels good to the spirit complex to be in love with the self and to love others.  Okay, it's a bit harder than it sounds, but the rewards redound far beyond the individual, so they say.

RE: Healing the World - pat19989 - 05-26-2022

I tend to agree that healing oneself is the most effective way to heal the world. Refining your distortions, allowing light to flow through you unobstructed feels like the best way to truly lighten up everyone else around you. With that being said, I do believe availability and openness is an important aspect, or result, of work on our individual consciousness. This passage from Ra in Book 1, Session 17 I think sums up parts of these ideas well:

It is impossible to help another being directly. It is only possible to make catalyst available in whatever form, the most important being the radiation of realization of oneness with the Creator from the self, less important being information such as we share with you. We, ourselves, do not feel an urgency for this information to be widely disseminated. It is enough that we have made it available to three, four, or five. This is extremely ample reward, for if one of these obtains fourth density understanding due to this catalyst then we shall have fulfilled the Law of One in the distortion of service. We encourage a dispassionate attempt to share information without concern for numbers or quick growth among others. That you attempt to make this information available is, in your terms, your service. The attempt, if it reaches one, reaches all. We cannot offer shortcuts to enlightenment. Enlightenment is, of the moment, an opening to intelligent infinity. It can only be accomplished by the self, for the self. Another self cannot teach/learn enlightenment, but only teach/learn information, inspiration, or a sharing of love, of mystery, of the unknown that makes the other-self reach out and begin the seeking process that ends in a moment, but who can know when an entity will open the gate to the present?

I think that sharing all of the useful resources that helps us, like L/L's channelings, is very important, but only in circumstances where it feels as if the person may already be aligned with parts of the information, or they specifically ask for similar perspectives. I've also found in my own experience that the only people who actually read and interact with spiritual/Law of One aligned material when offered(only 1 person I have shared these perspectives with out of 5) are the ones who already seek very similar perspectives. There seems to be some sort of shield that is put up for people who are not of the right vibration to receive it. 

I think the most important thing in our relationships with other humans is to show love to them no matter what. I like to provide hints of the expansive, magical, love of creation that I feel when I am flowing most adeptly, but making sure the mind/body/spirit complexes you are with feel safe, loved, and more than just a pair of skin and bones has got to be how humanity heals.

RE: Healing the World - IndigoSalvia - 05-26-2022

I was just journaling about this (Uvalde shooting massacre) and similar events. The question, for me, started with how do I respond? what is arising with me? R Brand asks: how to heal?

Healing (presumptuous?) a culture, or changing the course of a culture, seems a big task for little ol' me. Blush But one moment at a time is something I can do. Like planting a garden, one sows seeds and then tends those plants. What seeds are being planted and nurtured? 

In addition to healing self (accepting, loving self), I often return to the mantra: where is love in this moment? where is the love in these unexpected places? Just by shifting my awareness to this question, my energy changes.

"Healing the world" may be accomplished through one loving interaction at a time, one smile at a time, one understanding gesture at a time, one kindness at a time, ... this loving energy passes from being to being to being ...

Love could be contagious: it can spread from one person to another person and then those two people spread it to seven other people and so on ... kind of like the law of squaring or doubling that Ra refers to. 

This "contagious" love starts at home, so to speak, with a being's choice in a moment: what do I wish to be in this moment?

RE: Healing the World - flofrog - 05-26-2022

Especially when things are as difficult to grasp, accept, as the Uvalde event, I find curiously blissful to have a kind exchange on both parts with everyone I don’t know intimately, like my cashier at the market, the assistant on the phone at the hospital as I am going to have small surgery, one of the garbage collectors in my street whom I have known for six years, the woman in a car who waved at me as I let her go in front. Nothings seems out of range then but all things appear really equal.

RE: Healing the World - IndigoSalvia - 05-26-2022

Exchanging kindness with others one interaction at a time doesn't seem as rapid and sweeping as some of us would like to see (um, me Blush ). Yet I don't see other viable alternatives. There may be some leaders who touch and inspire many people at once, but that's beyond my sphere of influence. 

Anybody see other viable options?

RE: Healing the World - Sacred Fool - 05-27-2022

August 26, 1982 Wrote:These beloved faces, my friends, are all the faces of
one being, each in a marvelous disguise. Each is the
face of the Creator. Each mouth speaks the words of
the Creator. Spend your love then, as brother and
sister, encouraging, aiding, comforting. But know
always what entity it is whom you serve. You serve
the Creator, my friends, as do we, as do each of you
in your mental vibratory configurations. We find
each a perfect and wondrous delight and leave each
of you our blessing. We shall be with you as always. 


The idea here is that, as Ra puts it, "to serve one is to serve all."  Although it's hard to feel this when we consider that our own individual viewer rating numbers are so low and, therefore, our social influence quotient is rather limited, on the other hand, if you can feel deeper and deeper into the purity of the emotion (love), the sublimity becomes more palpable and more contagious...I would observe.

RE: Healing the World - IndigoSalvia - 05-27-2022

Beautiful quote, Sacred Fool. Speaking of seeing others as self, and all of Us as Creator (and Creation) ... 

I regularly spend time with friends who hold different political/belief systems than me: I am the 'token <fill in the blank>'. I have come to cherish this time. We have great fun laughing at ourselves, and there's much more common ground afterward than there was before. 

I listen with my heart's ears. I hear their stories, and think to myself: that might've been me walking those steps, ... it is another part of Us walking those steps. What stories do they have to share?

RE: Healing the World - tadeus - 05-28-2022

(05-26-2022, 12:24 AM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Personally, I tend to agree with Confederation sources who aver that healing the self is healing the world.

This is the main point.

It would be helpful to add that the condition is to overcome the fears and release the previous life.
Not only in relation to one's own life, but also to help others to accomplish this.

RE: Healing the World - Malajube - 05-28-2022

With issues such as this, my thoughts of healing are, as it regards to the lens of the Law of One tend to be filtered through central concepts of free will, and then the idea of the energy centers as a rubric for how to engage with the self, and otherselfs.

I do think healing of the self, as others have stated, is a crucial and foundational step. This is something that must be taken into account in every set of actions along any development. Failure to do that will leave you less effective and less able, leaving the self caught in blindness and misery of many kinds, or simply distraction.

I would emphasize that the path that the majority here seek is for Service to Others. So why do we take care of ourselves? So that we might serve. That is, I believe, crucial in the pursuit of the "51%" for harvest. I myself have a great many times turned to the metaphor of looking about a landscape where a great many of people have fallen, and are lying on the ground. Will you be of much help for them to stand if you lie on the ground? Some perhaps, but not very efficiently, and you look to see yourself still on the ground. Better that you stand up, find firm footing and strength in yourself. Once you have done this, you can turn to those fallen and help them stand.

So then how do you help? How do you serve? My central thought around this has been with consideration of Ra's concept of infringement of free will. In my perception, Ra seems to prioritize this greatly in their own conduct, and I think that we should do the same. However, Ra's point of reference is extremely different than our own. Ra was reaching out as a non corporeal(to us) social memory complex for those to share with whom willfully sought the interaction. This being in a manner very unusual to our greater culture. We though, are beings incarnate on the same plane as those who struggle. Those whom can hear our voice, see our eyes, and feel our touch. We have a very different station from which to interact.

I remember in one quote, Don had asked about the utility of offering those who are suffering from hunger spiritual information. Ra's response corrected that the right response to one who is suffering from hunger is to feed them. I think duties such as this should be but one aspect of our overall conduct, though not one to be under prioritized.

Another, and this one is my great personal aspiration at the moment, is to interact with, bolster, and create community. Community, especially when created w/ free will in mind, does not impose on others. It is a conscious choice that is being offered. An offering which I find is integral in keeping one's spirit fulfilled in its purpose. We, as humans, were never meant to be alone. We are designed to connect, to love and be loved, in the most integral parts of our beings.  Should we take the station of various places with in the communities around us, as we have chosen to enable ourselves and as the creator has made us able to, we are putting out the light of offering to those around. Should that light be that of love, then we are offering an opportunity of much healing for those who accept.


I mentioned energy centers in my first sentence, though don't know expressly how to tie with the rest of my post, I think I will just summarize my understanding and hope it is able to be interpreted

To be noted, the energy centers are sequential, the next unable to be active until the prior is properly refined or tuned.The following is somewhat centered on a STO perspective.

Red(basal: given to each, random, related to survival)
Ex: Every action you take to maintain life. Breath, avoidance of harm, seeking of sustenance, also includes the sexual process and drives that create our next generation

Orange(interaction with self and otherselfs on a personal level.)
Ex self care, work relationships, boundaries, encouraging others, protecting the self

Yellow(interaction with groups of other selfs. Your group(s ) to other groups)
Ex Actions that interact w/, associate you w/, bolster, and create social groups, gathering, collaborative efforts such as organizations such as companies, nonprofits, religious groups, artistic communities etc

Green(universal love, your group towards all other groups, without regard for their intention or effect on you or your group(s))
Ex: I think this one can be, and most often is(as things are now) on a personal level, but can and should, and must be worked for at the group level. Random acts of kindness, helping other's w/o expectation of return, seeking to assist others perceived as in need, loving those you interact w/ regardless of perceptions (enemy/friend, stranger/partner,harm/aid, disable/able, unrealized/realized)

Blue:Compassion/wisdom(merely a proper direction of universal love. To find the wise ways to love, learning from the ways which oneself acts on the self's intention to love, and yet see's that the effect of their well intended action was not what was desired or helpful, and then to refine that intention and action)
Ex: I cannot think of examples of this. Perhaps a reading of the life events of great persons such as Gandhi might give example

Indigo:intuition( I see this as a trust in one's self's ability to discern the free will opportunities given to the self from the creator. Ra also mentions the importance of knowing the self as the creator, and feelings of worthiness as being very important

Ex: As above, I cannot think of examples, but perhaps the story of Jesus. He followed the will of the creator as he was able, identified as the son of God(not expressly interestingly, always he let others make the claim). I might also include the Buddha(I am less familiar, I know he made the claim to being "the Absolute Truth)

Violet and beyond I will not comment on.

I hope the later half of this post useful in some way, I feel it is less organized or coherent, but I also feel it relevant. I've had the thought to make a post on the subject for some time now, though I should make the time to refine my concepts.

RE: Healing the World - Malajube - 05-29-2022

(05-28-2022, 01:50 PM)Quincunx Wrote:
(05-28-2022, 11:09 AM)Malajube Wrote: Blue:Compassion/wisdom(merely a proper direction of universal love. To find the wise ways to love, learning from the ways which oneself acts on the self's intention to love, and yet see's that the effect of their well intended action was not what was desired or helpful, and then to refine that intention and action)
Ex: I cannot think of examples
What if an example could be the courtship after an argument. The male not knowing what the female wants so he brings flowers then jewelry then the idea for a weekend getaway. The woman just wanted to be understood.

Hmmm. Yes, I sometimes forget that even the highest of love is found in the smallest of deeds. Discernment I think is very important for such things, though perhaps that is just the "crystalized" orange involved, since I think that you must discern between one choice and another at every step of the refinement. It's just constantly being focused and centered more on Love.