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Us and them - Ankh - 12-22-2010

This is something I've been reflecting on for a while now and these are just my thoughts. I write them down to make it more clear to myself and hopefully you can help me to understand this better.

Before Ra material I always thought of - how nice it is going to die, because I thought that unity existed everywhere except on Earth. Even if there would be a lot of indifferencies in "heaven" we all would still be united, fulfilling different roles. It would be deepiest respect and love felt for everyone and everything.

Now, I discover that there is this unity I was thinking of, but it doesn't come until 6D. But I am not in 6D now! I am in 3D, and this is density of choice. So, regardless where I am going after this life (have had a strong feeling before I started to read Ra material that I am going home after this life, to the unity) I still live in this density, the density of choice. That means that I have to choose, that I have to polarize.

I understand all the concepts behind STO path and STS path, but still is somewhat reluctant to consciously make this choice on a deeper level. Not that I find STS path appealing, but the very choosing of one side is what makes me sick. What I feel is that I have to pick one side. The one that is good because the other one is bad.

Now, I know I must be confused about something, but I thought (prior to Ra material) that this density was about unity. That this density was about to trying to grasp and understand everybody, and if you can't you could at least try to respect them. I thought that this density was about peace, inner peace, where you trying to accept everything and everyone. And I thought that whenever you got that feeling such as I do (I am tired, replete, and it's time to go home) then you go home. Not that I have to do something, ie making that consious choice (picking side), before I can go home.

Now I know that STO is where I stand, but people/entities are all different and deserve respect. You can't present an idea/dream of unity and at the same time ask people to pick one side over another. There is no unity if you polarize in the context of something being better than something else. When you choosing one side, by polarising, you choose one side over another in the context of "us" and "them", and THAT I cannot do. Please, brothers and sisters, help me to understand it.

RE: Us and them - Protonexus - 12-22-2010

The very question that you are asking leads to another question pertaining to your soul record. You are in a 3d body, yes, but what is the status of your spiritual/mental awareness? There are many extradimensional souls currently incarnated in 3d bodies, your intuition on this subject will provide the key to remembering the purpose for which you have chosen to incarnate on this Earth.

My impression is that you have progressed beyond this stage of choice and have returned as part of the balancing in service to other self. You know that there is no us and them. There is self to self.

RE: Us and them - Namaste - 12-22-2010

Hello brother.

The confusion seems to be with regards to the choice itself. When one chooses love/unity over fear/separation, they do so in the eyes of equality and unity. One is not picking sides, the notion of sides has its foundation in separation. One picks one's own path.

When one paints choosing STO as 'good', and STO as 'bad', judgement has been applied to the circumstance by the comparative, projecting, rational mind.

The STO path is one of love, and that love is unconditional, and hence flows to people/circumstances on both positive and negative paths, regardless of the consequences of their actions.

This is the great challenge of STO Wanderers at this time, to offer love and light to all in a time of great darkness.

We're here because we're capable of doing so.


RE: Us and them - Ankh - 12-22-2010

Thank you, brothers, for your wise words.

Protonexus - could you expand this: "have returned as part of the balancing in service to other self"? Then you write "there is self to self" - is what get me confused as well. In unity there is no self to self in my understanding, there is only unity without boundaries of the "self". But I think these concepts are just not applicable in words. We probably mean the same thing, but can't explain it in proper way. Every word has a different meaning to every entity in this density. That's what is confusing.

Namaste - "love is unconditional, and hence flows to people/circumstances on both positive and negative paths, regardless of the consequences of their actions" - exactly! And that is what was very dissapointing in the material, that this notion of separation/different paths/negativity vs positivity, progresses all the way to 6D. I find that the cut off from the unity is the hardest thing in this life. It is cruel to do that to a soul. At the same time I know I am contradicting myself since I allready said that everybody are different, ie what is important to me is not important to another. I find cut off unity to be cruel to a soul, but others maybe don't? Or when they do come to this point – maybe they also think that it was the hardest thing? I am confused here...

I also think that it doesn't matter if the harvest is STS or STO. Am I wrong in thinking in this way? I am not even sure if it is important to have a harvest at all. If people are not ready, then they simply are not. Period. What is important is if someone suffering and crying for answers, and is misserable, then it is an honor to help them in the way they want you to help. So – what is this "battle on Earth" is really about? And why am I here, in the middle of it, stuck in this form that can't understand?

In life I tried to tell people to try to understand others they were talking about in judgemental way. And hey, I am not Jesus, I have also spoked of others and thought of others in judgemental way. Anyway, who wants to listen to some fool telling about the positive sides and listen to understanding when it's much more fun to laugh and talk about someone who made a misstake in the eyes of someone else. To judge someone comes so easy, but is so hurtful. Evaluate is without values look at what is done/thought and learn from it, to judge is thinking in terms of bad/good. There is no such thing in the eyes of One. But still judgement do exist, as bad vs good exist, and also notion of separation and fear. And these things are also created by One, and is One. And that's where I am lost. Do I have to like separation and fear, judgement and punishment, when we hurt each other? And where does this fits in the concept of unity?

RE: Us and them - Experience You - 12-22-2010

What Namaste said BigSmile

Let go and follow your guidance.

Edit: I just saw your second post. I will see a reply .
Ankh you are as much of an individual as i am, you have as much power and wisdom and love as i do, you are me and i am you.

Let go of the questions and contradictions and the answer will arrive, because the answer is all there is.

We are equals, all of creation is equal. This is the mystery and the answer. In manyness the unity.
In the unknowability a single thought.

RE: Us and them - Brittany - 12-22-2010

I don't see the sides as good or bad, I just see them as different modes that were provided so that the highest number of people can move up the stairs. Some people excel at the dark side. That doesn't make them evil, it just means a different path worked better for them. It's just like how it is in school. Some people are visual learners. Some learn by hearing. I myself learn by my sense of touch, having to do something with my own hands before I understand how to complete the task. Everyone is different. Would it be fair if a classroom revolved around only one style of learning, leaving everyone else in the dust (probably the reason test scores are so low these days...)? The paths are simply there to promote development, and each side offers necessary catalyst to the other. If one side was to vanish, the universe would either stagnate or just fall into complete chaos. Or both. Then, once the catalyst has inspired enough growth, we all come back together again, saying "Wow! That was fun!" It's really no big deal to me- it's just the most effective system of learning.

RE: Us and them - Namaste - 12-22-2010

(12-22-2010, 08:07 AM)Ankh Wrote: I also think that it doesn't matter if the harvest is STS or STO. Am I wrong in thinking in this way?

All That Is explores all facets of the crystal that is experience. Dark and light. Keep reading...

Quote:I am not even sure if it is important to have a harvest at all. If people are not ready, then they simply are not. Period.

To clarify, do you mean that why not have a personal harvest (i.e. when one croaks while 51%+ STO, their next incarnation is in 4D+), rather than a global/solar/galactic one?

If that is the case, an insightful notion. This was chosen by the ineffable logos, and I cannot answer with a remembered truth.

My humble opinion is that as one varies within polarity during a lifetime, and indeed, many lifetimes, hitting 51% STO is not akin to the finish line of a race.

It's an ongoing process. With any process, structure is necessary. The structure chosen was that of a planetary harvest. We must have faith that vastly higher intelligences have planned it as such that everybody is where they need to be, at exactly the right time...

There are awarenesses of Galactic, perhaps even Cosmic understanding that assist with incarnation; ensuring souls incarnate in circumstances that are of potential to their evolution, and in the case of Wanderers, of aid to others evolution also.

Quote:So – what is this "battle on Earth" is really about? And why am I here, in the middle of it, stuck in this form that can't understand?

An insightful question. Three things...

Firstly, one must keep in mind there are an infinite number of galaxies, and indeed, Universes. Each galaxy was created by a logos with specific intention. Our logos is biased towards kindness, and hence, one could make the assumption the positive path is the path of the seeker within the galaxy.

Secondly, and more relevant to yourself; you're here for the benefit of others. Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow answer the call for help, emanating from those souls trapped in deep darkness. It is those souls we are helping, by counteracting the darker forces with love, peace and harmony.

Thirdly, All That Is is pure love. Love we cannot comprehend intellectually. Negativity exists only within the framework of love and light. It's created by free will. Man can choose darkness, and yet, that darkness is merely a 'spot' on the skin of love. Wanderers are drawn to these spots (sorrow), to help free/enlighten the mind and connect with Source. It's within each soul to seek back to the Creator, thats the meaning of experience. The return to unity. And because of that, love is the key, and this is why the negative path is 'limited' to 5th density.

Quote:Do I have to like separation and fear, judgement and punishment, when we hurt each other? And where does this fits in the concept of unity?

You do not have to like it, as again, that entails projection/judgement. You can love it by accepting it as valid. Acceptance is from the foundation of love/unity, as one understands that it is an equal part of experience in third density.

This is an experience of inclusion, not exclusion. The key is to be conscious in what you choose; what you direct your thoughts and energy to. Light or dark. That's the gift of free will. We each choose.

RE: Us and them - Joseph326 - 12-22-2010

can't present an idea/dream of unity
and at the same time ask people to
pick one side over another. There is
no unity if you polarize in the
context of something being better
than something else. When you
choosing one side, by polarising,
you choose one side over another in
the context of "us" and "them", and
THAT I cannot do."

It may be helpful to remember that you ARE in unity with ALL things at every perceived second of your existence. The only thing that prevents awareness of this is the veil. Before coming here, we all agreed eagerly to work within that limitation in order to create more intricately beautiful and diverse possibilites within that unity. That which we co-create on Earth could only exist as a result of this voluntary limitation of consciousness we call Third Density. All paths are equal. The very nature of Service to Others polarity is acceptance and love of all, with the realization that All are ONE. There can be no "us vs them" because in truth, US=THEM. Acceptance is the key. You will be presented circumstances which enable you to choose between the two polarities. The act of choosing STO over STS does not mean you are diminishing the value of the other path. You are using a sacred tool to grow in the direction of your choosing. This is the ultimate service to All that is. No matter what your choice, All benefit.

RE: Us and them - Monica - 12-22-2010

(12-22-2010, 05:47 AM)Ankh Wrote: You can't present an idea/dream of unity and at the same time ask people to pick one side over another. There is no unity if you polarize in the context of something being better than something else. When you choosing one side, by polarising, you choose one side over another in the context of "us" and "them", and THAT I cannot do. Please, brothers and sisters, help me to understand it.

Choosing STO is choosing unity and 'sides' become irrelevant.

Choosing STS is choosing separation.

RE: Us and them - unity100 - 12-22-2010

this recalls the discussion regarding non-polarity in 6d.

what ankh says in that, if you present something being better than something else, is polarizing.

sto and sts, then, are also polarizing. others more than self, self more than others. this is what their meaning seems to be.

then only in a situation in which neither others, nor self is ignored, and the entity sees others as the self, there can be unity.

RE: Us and them - Ankh - 12-23-2010

(12-22-2010, 11:48 PM)unity100 Wrote: this recalls the discussion regarding non-polarity in 6d.

what ankh says in that, if you present something being better than something else, is polarizing.

sto and sts, then, are also polarizing. others more than self, self more than others. this is what their meaning seems to be.

then only in a situation in which neither others, nor self is ignored, and the entity sees others as the self, there can be unity.

Thank you, brother! That's exactly what I mean.

When I turn to someone specific (RA for example) in other dimensions it means that I am closing the door to everybody else. And it doesn't feel right. I should turn to everybody since I believe in that unity so much, but on the other hand I am too small and stupid as human to be guided by myself when helped by higher entities.

On the other hand while meditating on that issue I saw how many of my thoughts was devided in us/them terms. When I was a child/teenager and looked at a picture of this solar system for the first time and my thoughts was - only one sun and 11 planets? This is a small and dark place and I am not from here. Don't know if it was just a wishful thinking though. That memory from my childhood gave me a lot of guilt. What "mine" and "yours"? Unity100 could put words on my thoughts, but I am confused... There seems to be a lot of contradictions inside me.

RE: Us and them - Namaste - 12-23-2010

Ra is a humble messenger of the Law of One. Unity. Oneness. When one chooses the STO path, they see all through the eyes of unity. Bad/good are not used, as all is accepted as valid. One merely chooses to be of service to others.

Lets not confuse judgement with polarisation. One can polarise, and in fact, polarise far more effectively without judgement.

RE: Us and them - Ankh - 12-24-2010

(12-23-2010, 04:42 PM)Namaste Wrote: Ra is a humble messenger of the Law of One. Unity. Oneness. When one chooses the STO path, they see all through the eyes of unity. Bad/good are not used, as all is accepted as valid. One merely chooses to be of service to others.

Lets not confuse judgement with polarisation. One can polarise, and in fact, polarise far more effectively without judgement.

Thank you, brothers and sisters!

I think that I got it now. While meditating I could unite all these neg/pos entities, "battles on Earth", and STS/STO. It is not only about STO (or STS), because these events are magnitude greatness of One. I know it sounds hippie, flower power or what ever. But I actually can't explain more then ALL of these neg/pos things that we are experiencing is THE ONE. When one choose to recognize it depends on the Free Will/it happens when one is ready. There are no feelings of human sort when one choose to see the bigger picture. Polarizing is fun, like a game one chooses to participate in, but in the little touch of light this all seems simply not that serious as I thought at first.

RE: Us and them - Ankh - 12-24-2010

Still, it is all that simple as I described it on metaphysical level, but it IS a challenge to apply it on the physical level. Will I allowe people get enslaved/suffer just "because" I "understand" it? No! I would not. Do I see it as a big syncronicity wheel within a bigger wheel? Yes I do. Do I understand the counterpart? Not only that, I feel deepiest love for them. Do I allow them to run wild on the surface of this Earth (though I understand the purpose of it)? No, I do not... What a confusing density it is! But can't you see at the same time the beauty of it? And at the same time questioning the purpose of it?
The challenge lies in applying this faith in physical world as we perceive it. I maybe have it all balanced and "figured out" out on metaphysical level, but how to apply it here? Quo says "have faith" as our old Bible says. Well, it might be an easy thought but is not that simple as it sounds in reality, despite all the Love and Light and feeling of being one with The One.

I have a question to everybody here - have anyone made an inner peace with STS entities? Or something that you can percieve as "Dark Angel"/Dark Force but still not see it as evil but only Love?

RE: Us and them - Joseph326 - 12-24-2010

"I have a question to everybody here - have anyone made an
inner peace with STS entities? Or something that you can
percieve as "Dark Angel"/Dark Force but still not see it as evil
but only Love?"

Yes. I am at peace with and love all parts of my/our Creation. I stopped seeing through the good/bad, STS/STO filter some time ago. What I mean by that is I am still able to observe and use different aspects of polarity in order to grow in my understanding, but I choose to do so with equal love and respect for each precious One.

There is no darkness.

There is only light that is waiting to be seen and loved.

All is manifested from the love and light of the Creator. Therefore something/someone may *seem* dark to One who is not ready to accept it as a part of theirself/Creation.

RE: Us and them - Experience You - 12-26-2010

This reminds of how everything, all creation is identity. Avatars of awareness trough I AM.

Nothing can be lost because there is nothing to lose.
But trough the very act of identity you hide yourself from yourself and a game can begin.

I am not limiting this to just the used polarities from the Ra material i am talking about everything there IS. Far beyond our current identity/vibration yet only a thought away.

Edit: Which brings me down to the so called third density, this density is of choice indeed, but in the end all creation is a choice that is a non choice.
And the paradox is complete.
It begins as it ended or perhaps it never began, only one of the many possibilities...

Objective that encompass all subjective, since there is only objective it can only see itself trough the subjective.

And that is how what we call a soul is born.

A giant orgasmic mind fuc-k ...

Spinning vortex of all creation....

RE: Us and them - Xenos - 12-30-2010

(12-22-2010, 06:15 AM)Namaste Wrote: This is the great challenge of STO Wanderers at this time, to offer love and light to all in a time of great darkness.

We're here because we're capable of doing so.


Thank you Namaste',
Reading your words made me feel like home... made me feel like that I am not alone!
I just had to smile after that, those words feel so warm and energized my heart.
My spine was tingling and such... makes me want to shine myself brighter as a beacon of light!

RE: Us and them - Ankh - 01-08-2011

My body has been awaken by my daughter, early as usual, and seems that my spirit didn't go to sleep this morning. And it seems little frightening a bit to my body but more geniune then ever. It is frightening a bit to my body and mind because all my life I have been considering this game as reality, because we know of nothing else. We incarnate, we are quarantined and we get no proof of any kind, and we don't remember. Some of us are still sleeping, even after death, and enter new incarnations within this game. The parts that we play are assigned to us and in some cases we choose these parts.

If we consider this STO/STS choice that is needed to be taken in this density, it is also playing part. And somehow I always "knew" it and couldn't make that choice, because that choice is actually is not a choice at all. It is within this game to make that choice, but you see, we are all brothers and sisters. Even the most "evil" and selfish STS entity is just playing a part within this game. S/he thinks that s/he is being STS, but in fact the only thing this entity is doing is STO, ie this entity providing catalysts or acting as mirror to others. Because in reality no one can change another entity if this entity do not choose it. The only one that can do that is the entity itself. And on contrary, every STO entity does not doing any other work that working with itself, ie STS work. That is the only thing that you actually really can do something about. My power ends where your begins. But within this game we sleep so deep that we actually confuse our true nature with the tool we inhabit, ie this body. This body is not who we are in reality, thats where all this confusion comes from. Within this game we sometimes can get the impression that we can manifest our power to more extent then it actually is, ie that we can exercise power over another, but it is just an illusion. Sooner or later to be realized.

Namaste - yes, I meant why not having individual Harvest, but I think that our Logo has more knowledge about this game then I do, so I am trusting that it is as it supposed to be.