Amazon Seller expert needed - Printable Version

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Amazon Seller expert needed - Diana - 04-07-2022

Does anyone here sell on Amazon? I have a white label product and registered brand account. I do not know retail procedures such as inventory file management and uploading (and other seller account details). I have been going back and forth with Amazon's at-times abysmal seller support, and their tutorials/info is often not helpful or informative enough. If anyone is knowledgeable in this area please PM me. Smile

RE: Amazon Seller expert needed - Jessica A - 04-09-2022

Yes I do sell on Amazon, physical products, Amazon Merch, Kindle Direct Publishing, and Audible.  

(I have messaged you but will share a bit for the amusement of all. . .)

Amazon does seem to be a density of it's own lol.

I have a passion for it but it's a little like spiritual warfare there.  I have managed to remain slightly more positive about it than aggravated by it.  (Sound familiar? lol).

I have some great tips and a lot of experience that I hope I can help you with.  I get a big kick out of it.

Do be skeptical of slick Amazon "experts" who may be anxious to sign you into an exclusivity contract and profit well from you while taking all your Amazon control from you.

My style has been more grass roots / rebel there. . If you can say that at all about dealing with a retail system based in the US.

There's a lot of mysterious stuff going on there, both good and bad.

Over Amazon I have had my used books sold and sent to customers in Columbia, Israel, Hong Kong and Korea.  So far I've not seen any go to Russia but that would be cool.

I might be inclined to think that perhaps it was just me that experienced all kinds of non-logical experiences on Amazon, but it does seem to be that many are baffled by it at least.

Amazonean speak is an odd language, what can I say.  When you see stuff like this (photos) publicly posted you get the sense that there may be interdensity activity going on lol.