We Are Seekers (Part 9) - Printable Version

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We Are Seekers (Part 9) - - 03-22-2022

Implications of Oneness and the Law of Free Will

We start with the most fundamental concept as previously mentioned: In an infinite Creator there is only unity.

The Creator and Its creation are one; there is no duality which humans frequently define as good and evil coming from the Creator.  Undoubtedly, we humans define “our position” and label the opposite as something else – something we want to believe we are definitely NOT (according to our perception of this illusion we live in).  We are all created from One Source of Love/Light and there is no duality – just Oneness.  We are an individualized portion (soul if you may) of this Oneness, given the gift of Free Will.

With the Law of Free Will granted by the Creator to Its creation, the Creator will come to know Itself through experiencing the diversity of our experiences reflected and returned to the Creator.  We individuated souls, are doing whatever we want, to whatever goal we strive – and surprise, we all trip over each other competing for our individual objective.  By the way, this happens at every level of our social structures – individuals, family, organizations, society, government, etc.  Add this all together plus the seemingly random nature of life’s happenings.  Welcome to Free Will in action.

By the very nature of creation, we are all co-Creators, as individualized portions of the One Creator.  Through living our life we are creating as we go – and our creation in this life is also the Creator’s creation.  It is all One by design.  One more important concept in Oneness of creation is that every single being, entity and manifestation in the universe  – good/evil, hot/cold, nice/unfriendly, beautiful/ugly, etc. (all human distinctions) – are all brothers and sisters in the One Creator which is the ultimate Oneness of all.

(to be continued – NEXT: Why are We Here on the Planet?)