Following Enthusiasm - Printable Version

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Following Enthusiasm - fairyfarmgirl - 12-13-2010

Is anyone just so weary that there is no more enthusiasm left. It seems all that brought forth such enthusiasm no longer does anymore. The general feeling is "why bother."

This losing of interest is a new experience for me. I have simply lost interest in spiritual subjects, metaphysical subjects, and life in general.

Since Basher encourages one to follow their enthusiasm... what is going on.

I have also lost interest in any processes that are above my financial means... and I am taking issue with a former group and their warnings that if such and such an amount of people do not congregate and do the sacred geometry process that the process will have little effect.

I am tired--- and alothough these groups at one time broguht formth such enthusiasm I feel none now... what I do feel is a tightness in my solar plexas. As I sat here reading through many of your excellent posts--- many filled me with the solar plexas feelings.

Even the Ra material is just not holding my interest. I wonder what is going on with me and if anyone else is feeling this sense of fatique and fed-upness


RE: Following Enthusiasm - Meerie - 12-14-2010

Hi there,
I was very happy to see you return, and I feel sorry you are so tired at the moment. I am sure this is just a phase...
maybe do you also suffer from the cold weather? I heard the US has also lots of snow and even blizzards.
Concerning the group and their warnings it seems like they do not want to let you go and operate with guilt in order to make you stay...
I find it increasingly difficult to be loving and sunny when it is freezing outside... kind of makes me wanna hibernate and only come out in the spring again.
love and light to you,

RE: Following Enthusiasm - Eddie - 12-14-2010

I find that, over the last couple of years, I have lost interest in most aspects of the material world, except gardening. I don't even hunt or fish anymore, which is astounding, given the obsession I had with those activities for most of my life.
Most of my thoughts are now occupied by spiritual matters.

I find, also, that my physical energy level has dropped precipitously, which is similarly quite surprising, given how vigorous I was for the first half-century of life.

RE: Following Enthusiasm - Aaron - 12-14-2010

You know what, I've been feeling the same thing over the past month or so. It seems like I've been way "off track" as opposed to "on the ball". I don't know if it's because of the change in life environment (separation from my group of friends, tribe so to speak), or if it's just a change in the mass consciousness. But I feel like I've been living for transient things rather than staying centered on the LOO lately. Although I do realize that it's not really possible to make a mistake, and that I'm attracting exactly what I need for my learning. It doesn't make it any more comforting.

I think it might be a part of the maturing process of the humans of planet earth. We've had our hands held until now. Part of this shift is learning not only to find, but to manifest our higher consciousness as well. And it is possible for us to do it without any help at all. Smile

Maybe we have to generate our own passion and inspire ourselves. Put the spirit in ourselves!

P.S. What other channeled material does this thread follow? Bashar? It seems like the main focus of this thread would place it in "Life on Planet Earth" as it does mainly deal with living on our dear planet in the now. Smile

RE: Following Enthusiasm - Experience You - 12-16-2010

Well i think that not having interests in reading and talking about metaphysical or spiritual stuff is just as good having interests in it.

Let's live our lives the way we intend, in an authentic way, in joy and love and passion (or any word that fits for you)
The point is not talking or thinking about spirit, the point is being alive.

That is how i see it.

Be alive in any way that fits your soul BigSmile

Be who you are and go along with the changes.

RE: Following Enthusiasm - zanny - 12-16-2010


I can relate to your post...I have been feeling a lack of enthusiasm on and off for about 6mos now. I was never a very active poster here but as of late I find that my usual- occasional post or reply- seems redundant or unnecessary. And as far as "following enthusiasm" I have yet to find anything that fits that category to follow. I have been mostly focusing on the day to day life and care of my family. That helps me stay grounded. I am loosing interest in things I used to love to do and not finding replacements for them. I am sure this is just a phase...Maybe I am clearing the way for something to come??
Heart zanny

RE: Following Enthusiasm - Namaste - 12-17-2010

Life is about cycles, perhaps you're currently in the 'down phase'.

Abraham (a perfect companion to Bashar) says; don't beat yourself up if you're not firing on all cannons, that's natural. Bashar adds; remember that when things pick up, the progression of spirit is incremental; the lowest point has been raised.

When one absorbs a lot of light and wisdom, perhaps a slight spiritual overload, the body can force a physical slow down to let it all absorb, process and integrate.

It will come back :¬)

RE: Following Enthusiasm - turtledude23 - 12-17-2010

I know exactly how you feel, I felt all my passions disappear several times recently, yesterday in particular was very bad, I contemplated suicide - but I forced myself to cheer up out of sheer will power. Right now I'm working on being more in touch with my emotional/intuitive/creative/artsy/spontaneous side as apposed to my usual vulcan-robot-ness, I'm also trying to meet new people. Maybe you could try meeting new people or exploring overlooked parts of yourself.

RE: Following Enthusiasm - thefool - 12-17-2010

the old has to move out for the new to come in. similarly the enthusiasm for the old has to die for the new to appear. It is a transition phase. Just enjoy it while it lasts Smile This too shall pass...

RE: Following Enthusiasm - Brittany - 12-17-2010

I can relate to this strongly. For me it is something of a day-to-day battle. So often I feel extremely tired, not just physically, but drained on all levels. I just want to close my eyes and drift away, and don't particularly care about coming back. It isn't so much a depression as a general weariness. I just gave the house a good clean and it's lifted some, though. I think all the stagnant energy was getting to me. Sometimes changing things around and doing something really off the wall and different from your usual routine can help, for me at least.

RE: Following Enthusiasm - norral - 12-17-2010

dear fairy

welcome back sister !! you've been very much missed . i agree with what others say its a phase and eventually it will change back. one thing u could do is sleep with some crystals or a favorite book of yours. the energy from them will transfer to u while u sleep. ive gone thru several of those over the years and i just accept it and when its ready it passes on its own.


RE: Following Enthusiasm - agatha - 12-17-2010

Hello fairy,

I have been totally exhausted the past few months & felt as though I was going to have a breakdown. I would sleep 10 hours, meditate/snooze for a few more hours, take a long hot bath, and not much else. I felt that something was wrong with my brain functioning - spaced out, couldn't focus to do simple math, not alert at all. I was also feeling very depressed & had thought of taking the express check-out lane.

I had been reading about the effects of excessive Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio. Depression is a symptom of excess Omega 6. Flax is Omega 3 but ALA which is not that beneficial or effective in converting to DHA & EPA. I have been getting no Omega 3s at all for the 7 years that I've been a vegetarian. I ordered & have been taking Spirulina but it only provides a small % of the DHA and EPA recommended requirement of ~ 1 gram for women with an excessive amount of Vitamin A. So I forced myself to buy and eat a can of Wild Salmon. My mood soon improved but still feel tired and somewhat foggy. I have trouble getting anything accomplished during the day - even with a "to do" list. It feels like I just can't get any traction.

Have you visited The Crystal Gateway recently? The latest channeled message by the Galactic Family of Light discusses the shifting energies and how "We know find ourselves in this in between space, where the old ways of doing and being no longer make sense to us, no longer support us, and frankly no longer interest us"... I found this message so very helpful.


Hope you find an answer to the way you are feeling, ffg.

With much love

RE: Following Enthusiasm - Monica - 12-18-2010

(12-17-2010, 08:45 PM)agatha Wrote: I have been getting no Omega 3s at all for the 7 years that I've been a vegetarian. I ordered & have been taking Spirulina but it only provides a small % of the DHA and EPA recommended requirement of ~ 1 gram for women with an excessive amount of Vitamin A. So I forced myself to buy and eat a can of Wild Salmon. My mood soon improved but still feel tired and somewhat foggy.

Agatha, I had a similar experience some years back, so I can relate!

Spirulina and other bluegreen algaes are excellent sources of EFA's only provided they are enzymatically active, which most aren't due to processing.

Chia seeds are a very rich, vegetarian source of Omega 3's. They can be used in baking, smoothies, etc. and are less expensive than good quality algaes, though algaes have many other health benefits. I use only enzymatically active bluegreen algae, and I get my chia seeds from for best pricing and good quality.

Remember to get plenty of sunshine too!

Fairy, just being a mom can be depleting. I hope you are getting enough rest and taking good care of yourself! I hope you feel better soon!

RE: Following Enthusiasm - unity100 - 12-18-2010

omega 3 botanical sources. (some of them eclipse all other sources for omega 3)

RE: Following Enthusiasm - fairyfarmgirl - 12-18-2010

Things have started to improve for me recently. I can relate Agatha! Really, that has been what it has been like for me. Fogginess, feelings of despondency and a tightness in my solar plexus. I have recently been eating Turkey about 1 - 2 times a week and finally it is all lifting. My mood has improved dramatically.

Simultaneously, I am also processing (4 stages of Grief) life issues that I stored away for later (time to put that luggage down and start to unpack).... It is interesting to say the least.


RE: Following Enthusiasm - agatha - 12-18-2010

(12-18-2010, 01:48 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Spirulina and other bluegreen algaes are excellent sources of EFA's only provided they are enzymatically active, which most aren't due to processing.

Chia seeds are a very rich, vegetarian source of Omega 3's.


I just double checked the nutritional info on the Earthrise Spirulina Natural that I ordered over the internet. There is no EPA or DHA at all. :@ One serving of 6 tablets does provide 30mg of GLA which is an Omega 6. Huh Omega 6's (grains, nuts, seeds, most plant oils - sunflower, soy...) compete with Omega 3s. Nuts! Additionally, the recommended daily dosage of 6 tablets contains 140% RDA of Vitamin A.

The local health food store had been closed temporarily due to moving so I wasn't able to compare labels of different brands and the info was generally lacking on the online products. It is my understanding though that algae supplements are a good source of EPA & DHA but the recommended daily dose only provide around 10 - 30 mg and is very high in Vitamin A. The recommended amount of DHA & EPA is 1.1 gram for women. So you would have to take a lot of pills each day while overdosing on Vitamin A. Wikipedia indicates that chronically taking twice the RDA of Vitamin A supplement may be associated with osteoporosis and hip fractures.

Unity, Thanks for the info on chia seeds but wikipedia says they are a good source of the Omega 3 ALA but not the other two Omega 3s - EPA & DHA which are generally available in oily fish and algae. It's actually the algae that the fish accumulate and concentrate that make the fish a source of Omega 3's. ALA is not nearly as beneficial as the other two Omega 3s- EPA & DHA.

I don't want to derail this thread into a lengthy discussion about nutrition. However, I just feel so different physically and emotionally than I ever have before and am wondering why - is it nutrition, and/or earth changes or something else.

Thank you ffg for starting this thread and all others who have shared their experiences.

RE: Following Enthusiasm - Monica - 12-18-2010

(12-18-2010, 09:17 PM)agatha Wrote: Monica,

I just double checked the nutritional info on the Earthrise Spirulina Natural that I ordered over the internet. There is no EPA or DHA at all. :@ One serving of 6 tablets does provide 30mg of GLA which is an Omega 6. Huh Omega 6's (grains, nuts, seeds, most plant oils - sunflower, soy...) compete with Omega 3s. Nuts!

Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae (AFA) is a wild cousin of Spirulina and it has Omega 3's as well as neuropeptides and PEA which also affect emotional and mental clarity. I have known many people to get relief from depression with just a gram a day of this:

If anyone would like to discuss how nutrients affect mood and mental state, I can split this to its own thread. There is much more that can be said about this (Vitamin D, for from sunlight! also neuropeptides and so much more).
(12-18-2010, 09:17 PM)agatha Wrote: It's actually the algae that the fish accumulate and concentrate that make the fish a source of Omega 3's.

Yes this is true.

RE: Following Enthusiasm - fairyfarmgirl - 12-19-2010


Thank you for welcoming me back. For 3 months I was without a laptop or computer connection. Laptop and a bunch of other digital equip got hit by something that shorted it all out. Was not me this time Smile

Due to the generousity of others, the Fairyfarm has a new laptop. Manifestation does indeed work when one asks empowers others to assist (human and/or unseens ie: Angels,etc).

I Bless you with Love!

(12-17-2010, 05:32 PM)ahktu Wrote: I can relate to this strongly. For me it is something of a day-to-day battle. So often I feel extremely tired, not just physically, but drained on all levels. I just want to close my eyes and drift away, and don't particularly care about coming back. It isn't so much a depression as a general weariness. I just gave the house a good clean and it's lifted some, though. I think all the stagnant energy was getting to me. Sometimes changing things around and doing something really off the wall and different from your usual routine can help, for me at least.


YES! This is what was meant by "Why bother!" Everything just seemed so pointless. If it were not for my Hubby and kids I would have just checked out early. Thankfully, I was able to process this junk and transform it with the assistance of the Angels.

The greater issue was one of identity.

Heart --fairy

RE: Following Enthusiasm - fairyfarmgirl - 12-19-2010

(12-17-2010, 04:10 PM)turtledude23 Wrote: I know exactly how you feel, I felt all my passions disappear several times recently, yesterday in particular was very bad, I contemplated suicide - but I forced myself to cheer up out of sheer will power. Right now I'm working on being more in touch with my emotional/intuitive/creative/artsy/spontaneous side as apposed to my usual vulcan-robot-ness, I'm also trying to meet new people. Maybe you could try meeting new people or exploring overlooked parts of yourself.

First of all: BIG HUGS to YOU! I Bless you with LOVE!
Yes, Turtle! this was part of the issue. THe media black out (just for me) and car failure, as well as no $$$ to go anywhere was very isolating during the time that I was away due to no computer. Around this time I also got physucally sick with this virus that just made me so fatiqued and caused a toothachey pain in my muscles... it was awful. THe kids and hubby also caught this bug... and that is when I also discovered the merits of LemonGrass essential Oil. I found this essential oil to be invaluable for lifting a variety of symptoms... and facilitating healing. I am still using it. It also works for the migraines that returned as well. Thankfully that is mostly over now! Google Lemongrass essential oil if curious.

It is a process of letting go and letting God(des) as well for me. So much that I was holding onto... When I decided to put all that luggage down I was dragging all over the place and see that as I am is all that I need. There is no need for anything else. Where I am is perfect for right now...

When it is time I will be more social and meeting people in real time will be less challenging for me. Hubby and I are pretty isolated in our socializing as not many are interested in what we are interested in... and When all ther is is yourself to talk to a 2 toddlers---- gives time to review oneslife--- The strong internal critic and backseat ego --- it is a challenge to stay afloat. The Ego loves Drama.

It was only after the family and I had the bridge dream (see the dream thread for details) and i studied the book, "The Secret of Shambhala, In Search of the Eleventh Insight," James Redfield. My experience began to shift for me. Especially when I finally fully understood manifestation and connections. I highly recommend reading or listening to this book on tape. There is more to it than I can explain in this message.

I was also reminded gently by an Angelic prescnence to review my own advice... and when I did... the tree meditation was helpful in elevating my mood as well. It is all part of learning to navigate this new energy. The Group speaks about this. but that is another conversation for a different thread.

I Bless you with Love!

(12-17-2010, 10:47 AM)Namaste Wrote: Life is about cycles, perhaps you're currently in the 'down phase'.

Abraham (a perfect companion to Bashar) says; don't beat yourself up if you're not firing on all cannons, that's natural. Bashar adds; remember that when things pick up, the progression of spirit is incremental; the lowest point has been raised.

When one absorbs a lot of light and wisdom, perhaps a slight spiritual overload, the body can force a physical slow down to let it all absorb, process and integrate.

It will come back :¬)

Namaste: Namaste to you! Where is the" like" button!

Heart Hugs--- fairy
(12-16-2010, 07:59 PM)zanny Wrote: Hi FFG,

I can relate to your post...I have been feeling a lack of enthusiasm on and off for about 6mos now. I was never a very active poster here but as of late I find that my usual- occasional post or reply- seems redundant or unnecessary. And as far as "following enthusiasm" I have yet to find anything that fits that category to follow. I have been mostly focusing on the day to day life and care of my family. That helps me stay grounded. I am loosing interest in things I used to love to do and not finding replacements for them. I am sure this is just a phase...Maybe I am clearing the way for something to come??
Heart zanny


Clearing the way--- yes! I now see this is what is happening! This is my newest revelation today! Sending out LOVE fror the last couple of days until after the 12/21--- I Bless you with LOVE!


RE: Following Enthusiasm - Namaste - 12-19-2010

(12-17-2010, 04:10 PM)turtledude23 Wrote: I know exactly how you feel, I felt all my passions disappear several times recently, yesterday in particular was very bad, I contemplated suicide - but I forced myself to cheer up out of sheer will power. Right now I'm working on being more in touch with my emotional/intuitive/creative/artsy/spontaneous side as apposed to my usual vulcan-robot-ness, I'm also trying to meet new people. Maybe you could try meeting new people or exploring overlooked parts of yourself.

A dark night(s) of the soul perhaps? It is most wonderful that you have the strength and desire to lift yourself from this state. The fruits of the tree in doing so are very - very juicy :¬)

Stay strong brother - and remember the Ying and Yang symbol; even in the greatest of darkness, there is always, always, an opening to the light.

RE: Following Enthusiasm - agatha - 12-19-2010

(12-17-2010, 05:20 PM)thefool Wrote: the old has to move out for the new to come in. similarly the enthusiasm for the old has to die for the new to appear. It is a transition phase. Just enjoy it while it lasts Smile This too shall pass...

There was a posting on the Crystal Gateway today "Goodbye Mind, Hello Heart" that discusses this very thought as well as others mentioned on this thread:

"There is a funny "retirement" feeling in the air. You may not feel like working much, or have lost your usual motivation and inspiration for daily chores and projects...What's happening right now is: the grip of mind as our primary driver is being loosened :idea: as our heart is awakening and being a result of this shift from Mind to Heart can feel like your head has been emptied or is being vacuumed (sucks, huh? sorry BigSmile)....During this process you can find it hard to focus on any old or even current to do lists, and your memory suddenly goes blank even for things that you had in your head only a few moments before. Further, you're finding it hard to care that you can't focus....

As we let go of our attachment to the mind with all its false stories about who we are, what we should believe, how we should think.....We are being emptied so that something new can enter......It can actually feel disorientating to be living fully in the heart, so we are getting there little by little...

There's more but that's some of the main ideas.
(12-18-2010, 10:19 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae (AFA) is a wild cousin of Spirulina and it has Omega 3's as well as neuropeptides and PEA which also affect emotional and mental clarity. I have known many people to get relief from depression with just a gram a day of this:


Thanks for the link but as far as EPA and DHA only a minuscule fraction of the recommended 1.1 gram is provided: .04 mg & <.01 mg per 250 mg capsule. Whereas, this 6 oz can of sustainably caught Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon contains 2100 mg EPA/DHA. So one-half can gives you approximately the recommended daily requirement of 1.1 gram for women.
I don't want to eat more than one can per week so I'll just experiment and see what happens. I'm not a big fan of supplements as I'd rather go with what the Creator had in mind whenever possible.

Apologies, I can't seem to get the hang of posting yet (focus!).

RE: Following Enthusiasm - Monica - 12-20-2010

(12-19-2010, 07:36 PM)agatha Wrote: Monica,

Thanks for the link but as far as EPA and DHA only a minuscule fraction of the recommended 1.1 gram is provided: .04 mg & <.01 mg per 250 mg capsule.

The ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) 37% 4.1 mg) is converted to EPA and DHA. That's what the fish do. Our bodies can do it too.

(12-19-2010, 07:36 PM)agatha Wrote: Whereas, this 6 oz can of sustainably caught Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon contains 2100 mg EPA/DHA. So one-half can gives you approximately the recommended daily requirement of 1.1 gram for women.

I was just offering the info, since someone mentioned Spirulina, for those who might prefer a vegetarian source of EFA's.

(12-19-2010, 07:36 PM)agatha Wrote: I'm not a big fan of supplements as I'd rather go with what the Creator had in mind whenever possible.

AFA isn't a supplement. It's a food. A very primal food.

Moderator note: I will start a new thread tomorrow, so as not to derail this thread, if anyone wants to continue the discussion about EFA's and other nutrients and their effects on emotions. But I can't split posts. I can only move intact posts.

RE: Following Enthusiasm - Meerie - 12-20-2010

(12-18-2010, 11:10 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Fogginess, feelings of despondency and a tightness in my solar plexus. I have recently been eating Turkey about 1 - 2 times a week and finally it is all lifting. My mood has improved dramatically.

Nothing like that extra bit of protein to boost your energy, huh, sister ? I can relate, especially in the winter Smile
I have been gettin that tight feeling in my solarplexus too and finally I was able to identify it... it is a huge issue that is being manifested over and over again, and it is my task to finally deal with it and let go... something that I have been carrying over from other lifetimes into this one. The revelation dawned upon me this weekend and I am grateful, although it is quite a challenge.

RE: Following Enthusiasm - fairyfarmgirl - 12-20-2010

(12-20-2010, 03:45 AM)Meerie Wrote:
(12-18-2010, 11:10 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Fogginess, feelings of despondency and a tightness in my solar plexus. I have recently been eating Turkey about 1 - 2 times a week and finally it is all lifting. My mood has improved dramatically.

Nothing like that extra bit of protein to boost your energy, huh, sister ? I can relate, especially in the winter Smile
I have been gettin that tight feeling in my solarplexus too and finally I was able to identify it... it is a huge issue that is being manifested over and over again, and it is my task to finally deal with it and let go... something that I have been carrying over from other lifetimes into this one. The revelation dawned upon me this weekend and I am grateful, although it is quite a challenge.

YES! Ditto for me too! Heart Hugs--- fairy

RE: Following Enthusiasm - agatha - 12-20-2010

(12-20-2010, 02:54 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:
(12-19-2010, 07:36 PM)agatha Wrote: Monica,

Thanks for the link but as far as EPA and DHA only a minuscule fraction of the recommended 1.1 gram is provided: .04 mg & <.01 mg per 250 mg capsule.

The ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) 37% 4.1 mg) is converted to EPA and DHA. That's what the fish do. Our bodies can do it too.

Yes, but our bodies convert ALA into EPA & DHA very inefficiently - at a rate of approximately 5%.

(12-19-2010, 07:36 PM)agatha Wrote: Whereas, this 6 oz can of sustainably caught Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon contains 2100 mg EPA/DHA. So one-half can gives you approximately the recommended daily requirement of 1.1 gram for women.

I was just offering the info, since someone mentioned Spirulina, for those who might prefer a vegetarian source of EFA's.

I'm just saying that I found Spirulina to be a very disappointing source for Omega 3 EFA. The brand that I bought had no Omega 3 EFAs>

(12-19-2010, 07:36 PM)agatha Wrote: I'm not a big fan of supplements as I'd rather go with what the Creator had in mind whenever possible.

AFA isn't a supplement. It's a food. A very primal food.

AFA? Apparently, I'm not making myself clear. From my recent experience with Spirulina, I'd rather get my Omega 3s from Creator supplied food than from a supplemental/pill form.

Moderator note: I will start a new thread tomorrow, so as not to derail this thread, if anyone wants to continue the discussion about EFA's and other nutrients and their effects on emotions. But I can't split posts. I can only move intact posts.

That's about all I want to say on the subject.