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Evil, Death and Wealth - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: What is Love? (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=51) +--- Thread: Evil, Death and Wealth (/showthread.php?tid=19480) |
Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-22-2021 This is shared in love for all those who wish to be served. It is an honour to be able to service others on this forum in love, which serves the Creator which serves the self, creating a circle of love. The information are on the topics Evil, Death and Wealth in the book called "The Voices of The Confederation" written and channelled by Don Elkins and Carla L. Rueckert. The channellings are beautifully put together by subject which helps to keep the the mind on one continuous thought. Deep appreciation for Don and Carla for all the work it took to help seekers find the truth. I will input sections that are quoted directly from the text in quotation marks and add opinions for your reference and to decide for yourself your meanings or awareness. These teachings enhance the teachings of a Master Teacher in my past, it was like opening Pandora's box of truth to understand the deepest true self. Have inner knowledge it is time to say good bye to the illusion which we call the physical reality and see the reality of love (Creator). I share these three topics because it is what is happening in our world right now, they seem to be the three aspects in our lives which create a lot of fear, taking many further from the truth of creation. They may also lead many to want to know more about the reality of polarity and search further within this book for more love and truth. The teachings are timeless. Do these subjects pertain to love, oh ya! I am have posting issues, so will end this introduction and go on the post the section on Evil. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-22-2021 Evil "Comment: Any search for spiritual truth must, needs include the attempt to come to grip with the subject of the evil which we can see about us.” p. 205 Feb 18/74 “……. What comes into your consciousness is what you desire. You are limited because of your desire to be limited. Everything you think is possible, if you desire it. Many things have occurred. I am attempting to tell you that there are things that have occurred in your past, as you call it. There are many of the Creator’s children who experienced what they desired. These desires are varied. There are activities that you would like to call evil. Is this possible, [that] a creation that was formed of love to support what you consider evil? Is this in the creation, or is this in your consciousness, or are these two things one thing?" "Questioner: It’s as much a part of creation as any other duality? There are many activities that occur upon the surface of the planet at at this time that are considered to be evil. There are groups who express themselves in ways that were never conceived by the original Thought. The original Thought however, provided for no limits on expression. It is possible therefore, for any the Creator’s children to express themselves in any manner that they desire. For this reason, thoughout the creation, there are individuals and groups expressing themselves in an infinite number of ways. You, at your present state of understanding, consider some of expressions to be evil. We [Confederation] consider them to be expressions. We find that for our purpose, certain are of a more beneficial nature to our own enjoyment than others. There are however, expressions of an infinite quality and and infinite quantity occurring throughout the creation. We attempt to serve this within the creation who desire our service. ……. “ p. 206 May 14/74 "There are many, many myriads of populations throughout the cosmos. Many of them are extremely advanced, and a few of them are not only advanced but also of a nature which you might call evil. The Creator is at the end of your path. Remember this, my friends. It is completely within your power, though meditation, to gain the love of the Creator that conquers all lack, limitation and pain. But, my friends, be aware that the only true nature of evil is separation from the Creator. It cannot touch you if you maintain your contact with the one that is all, nothing from the outside may come in to harm. From the universe of truth and understanding you may show love and light upon all who come into your view. Do not fear, my friends. There is nothing to fear but fear……Never waste time in fear, hatred or in anger, for it is only another opportunity for such a time to experience and to demonstrate the love and the light of the infinite Creator. “ p. 207 Comment by Nikki: As I read this for the first time, peace settled in my heart. Always felt that we should fight evil but this is not truth or try to save others. That is causing inner conflict because we end up fighting ourselves. We can only serve others if they wish to be served. The fact that many of us have been there, done that, walking on the wild side contains more than we may know at this time, eliminated the judgement of those who appear to be evil on this world now. On the first comment, we need to come to grips with the subject of evil, we are the darkness and this truth will be reinforced in further quotations to follow. To realize that we are both the darkness and light must be reconciled within, loved and accepted in love unconditionally. I was told by a Master Teacher that nothing happens to us, but happens through us and this applies. If one decides to walk on the wide side, it may seem like fun at first but there are laws of the universe and this choice can lead to unhappiness, fear and getting lost in the thought of physicality constantly facing your own ignorance. The return to the light will end up as the preference of expressions after one realizes and accept their choices that they are the cause of their own hell on earth or off planet. For self, love all life no matter their expressions, especially yourself. The next post will contain the information on the Antichrist, Satan, Death and Wealth. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-22-2021 The Antichrist “Comment: The dictionary defines the antichrist as an opponent of Christ, or one that is antagonistic to Christ. If there is but one antichrist, then that would be Satan. In a larger sense, however, all of those who have lost their faith in the power of unconditional love can be said to begin to take on the tinge of anti-christ-hood.” “…What then is the meaning of the term? It is simply the ignorance of the knowledge of the truth. This ignorance is widespread upon this planet. This is known as the Antichrist. It is the ignorance of truth. We speak to you through instruments such as this one. It would be a mistake to speak to the people of the planet in a more direct manner. It is necessary that the ignorance of truth be eliminated from within, for this is the only possibility available to the individual, if he is to achieve a true awareness of truth. The concept of Antichrist is with you but it is a false concept. If there exists an individual called the Antichrist then there exists an extremely ignorant individual. Should this be a threat to any of the Creator’s children? I think not!" p.210 Comments by Nikki: So the Antichrist cannot not be one person and the dictionary is erroneous in its meaning. The word Antichrist is a concept even though it is erroneous. It is just an idea, a thought an illusion. Satan “Comment: There is a mystic sweep of lore in the story of Satan. It is said that he was an angel who tired of following the Creator. So he started a war in heaven and was cast down to a lake of fire in this new precinct, Earth, taking with him, in one whip of his great tail a full third of the angelic host. "However, another name for Satan is Lucifer, which, translated from the Latin, means light-bringer. The Confederation entities would appreciate this second naming. For although the suffering of mankind is dark, yet it brings eventual realization, knowledge and freedom to those who fo boldly into the lake of fire, to wrest from the suffering the spiritual maturity and tempering of consciousness which are its fruits." Feb 18/74 "The one known as Satan, was interested in experiencing the result of a desire, a desire for individualization, a desire for isolation. There are many of the Creator’s children who are at present desiring isolation. To our understanding this is not possible. The creation is full of expressions of the Creator. Isolation is only possible through the creation of illusion. "In creating the illusion of isolation and individualization, the one known as Satan has experienced his desire. He has attempted to serve others in giving to them the experience of isolation. And any have sought this experience. For this reason, there are many groups who actively seek to experience isolation. This then is occurring and has occurred, within creation. This is part of the original Thought of the creation, that each of the parts might fulfill its desires.” p. 211 Comments by Nikki: Doesn’t sound like the Satan we have heard about in the dogma of religions. Certainly not scary or a reason to be fearful of Satan AKA Lucifer, the light bringer. But then again, we can make this Satan to be exactly like we desire. One can desire to be scared and frightened by Satan, who is powerful, has horns and ugly, by desiring these emotions and not know it is the self that has created this illusion. Definitely have been feeling myself wanting to be in isolation right now to take the time to learn and grow, so the gift has been given. Isolation like so many spiritual beings are looking for, quiet and solitude to go into meditation. Personally do not see darkness in the service of Lucifer to all those who desire to experience these desires, knowing now that it is only an illusion. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - tadeus - 09-23-2021 Everyone should be familiar with the basic understanding of symbols to have the possibility to realize that one is faced with satanism. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Patrick - 09-23-2021 It sounds like Satan is the Logos that created the veil... RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-23-2021 Death “Comment: The great gift of spiritual and religious faith alike is the changes made in the seeker’s view of death………..Yet to the religious person, death is only a door into a larger life. And the Confederation with their views on reincarnation and the grand processions of densities, describes what is beyond that door. Thusly death loses its sting and becomes merely the dropping of the physical body. Those who occupy these bodies at this time are seen as citizens of eternity." Feb. 25/74 "Hatonn: I have said that there would be the destruction of physical bodies on your planet. This is a necessary consequence of the physical change. We of the Confederation of Planets in Service to the Infinite Creator are aware that within your illusion much attachment is in evidence with respect to the physical. The body that you know as your physical body it as much a part of the illusion that you now experience as the illusion created by the people upon the planet. It is only necessary to avail yourself of the knowledge of reality to understand the reason for what you consider the physical body. It has been stated earlier this evening that it is necessary to understand the words written in one of the holy books that have been given to your people. These stated the even though you should walk through the valley of the shadow of death that you would fear no evil. These words have reference to that which you consider as the distruction of the physical body. R. So, what you are saying is that regardless of whether or not people raise their vibration their physical body is going to be destroyed. Hatonn: Your physical body will be destroyed. You are aware of this, There is not a single physical body upon the surface of this planet that will not be destroyed at some time in what you consider the future. It is alarming to most people who inhabit this planet to assume that their physical bodies will be destroyed before they expect it to be destroyed. However, is is possible at your present level of awareness in the physical to expect this destruction at any particular time, R. Will all the bodies of all the people of this planet be destroyed during the changes you have stated or will some people be taken with their bodies in your craft off the planet? Hatonn: There will be a change of density of vibration. The physical body as you know it will not be in evidence in the fourth density of vibration. You will have no need for this dense a body. If you were to retain it, you will not pass into the fourth density. Do you want to retain thus and remain in the third density of vibration? I think not. Do you know what you desire? What is death? What is the physical body? R. What is the process of translation that you have spoken of? Is it what we call death, or is it something else? Hatonn: Three is no death. The reason that you presently have the concept of death is that you are unable to communicate in your present state of awareness with this whom you consider dead. There will be no inability to communicate between levels of awareness when the planet has moved into that what is considered the fourth density. Therefore. There will be one awareness of the concept of death. All physical bodies that now exist upon this planet will in the future not exist. This would occur even if there was not change in density, for it has occurred in a cyclical manner throughout all of history of this planet.” p. 212-214. Opinion by Nikki: This is a deep, beautiful explanation of a situation that most of us fear - death. Find it amazing how far we will go in the name of ‘fear of death'. This is reflecting in our planet right now. We have created a unseen enemy within our illusion, it is called the self. From my own inner knowledge, teachings of a Master Teacher and these channellings, we as humans will not be of physical 3rd density any more. To come, there will be what I believe is the 6th human species on this planet and there will be peace for 1,000 years. The planet will shine of love and light of the Creator. Give this section much of your attention so that understanding will turn to knowledge and experience within your existence of truth. There are many gifts throughout these teachings for all of us. On more post called Wealth and then will join in with the discussions wilh all of you wonderful brothers and sisters. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-23-2021 Wealth There are several ways of calculating wealth: Money, assets, etc. World power, influence and connections "The Confederation as well as most world religions embrace, calculates wealth as the “treasures in heaven” of contentment, joy, presence, realization and devotion to the service of the Creator and one’s fellow human beings. It is all in your point of view.” p.214 March 14/74 “There was a man upon your planet who had great wealth and in this wealth. He saw much power. For his fellow men would eagerly do his bidding to share part of this wealth. And, for the reason, many of those who dwell upon this planet, known to you as Earth, require vast quantities of material wealth and therefore acquire what they consider to be much power. What is not understood by those men is that in acquiring this wealth and in attempting to posses much power through this wealth, they are giving up and infinite amount of power for that which is in actuality no power at all. The man of which I spoke, who had much wealth, used it to satisfy his desires. And his desires were for things which he thought he wanted and needed. For he saw in his wealth not a only a great happiness who come from possessing those things that he desired and having dominion over all of his fellow men about him, but also great security in that he would need not for for the rest of his days. And, therefore, coveted greatly his accumulation of wealth. And had at his command everything that he desired and great status. But he lacked one thing. He lacked love. For it was not given to him by those about him. And this he did not understand. And he became aware if his need for this experience that he called love and he set about to discover how to obtain it. And he questioned those about him, and ask them why he was not given love. And they could not answer for they did not know. And he went to a wise man and offered to pay him much of his wealth if he could but tell him how to obtain love. And the wise man gave unto the rich men all that he possessed was but a pitiful, small amount. And the man of great wealth accepted it. For he long ago resolved never to turn down a gift. And he left the wise man and went to his home and pondered this gift, leaving the wise man penniless, For he had not said the wise man. For the wise man had not told him how to find love. And as the days passed, he returned to the wise man, for he could not understand why he had been given all that had been given by the one who was said to be so wise. And when he asked him, he was answered by the wise man who said “It is because I have great love for you and you desire wealth. Therefore I give you that which I have to add to your riches, for this is what you desire.” And at that moment, the man of great wealth looked at the wise man and said, “And in turn, I, for the first time, know love.” And yet man on earth continues to seek with his material illusion; continues to seek that which is of no real value. For he lacks faith. He stands upon the surface of this planet and experiences all the gifts of his Creator. He breathes the air and smells the fragrance of the flowers, and is in the company of his fellow man and finds many things provided for him. And yet, he does not understand. He doe snot have faith that with this Creation, he is supplied, and due to this lack of faith, he finds hardships, for he does not understand faith. Therefore man, in many instances, does not seek the knowledge of the wise man. But he seeks a security and a powers that is not secure and is not power." p. 214, 215, 216; Opinion by Nikki: Do you know anyone like this man in the story? Do you know a wise man? Do you know that love is our power and our riches. Right now we have the elite using their riches to cause harm and control life on this planet. They are very unhappy, ignorant beings. Love them like the wise man loved the rich man and accepted his desires. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - tadeus - 09-24-2021 It is interesting to read the complete channeling: https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/2016/2016_1203.aspx Wrote:Group question: Our question today is about cycles of light and darkness. When we begin entering periods of perceived darkness or destruction and chaos, we have a tendency to reach for the comfort and the light. But is it more appropriate to embrace the darkness and disharmony as a way to accentuate and balance the distortion and allow for transmutation? What is the most beneficial way for us to approach these periods of seeming darkness as [individual] seekers and a culture? RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-24-2021 (09-24-2021, 04:26 AM)tadeus Wrote: It is interesting to read the complete channeling: @tadeus, thank you for your post. Love Quo's teachings and wonder what message that you want to share with us all by this quote, because there are many loving thoughts throughout the teaching, all of equal importance at this time. I see this as Quo stating that the light in each heart should be expressing the original Thought of the Creator which is love for all brothers and sisters but some will love the darkness and some will love the light, neither is wrong. We are all beings of light with freewill to experience our desires no matter the choice. Is this the message that you want to share or some other message that you find relevant? I care to make sure your message is realized. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-25-2021 (09-23-2021, 04:50 AM)tadeus Wrote: Everyone should be familiar with the basic understanding of symbols to have the possibility to realize that one is faced with satanism. Would like to bring forward the very first channelled information under the title Evil: "What comes to your consciousness is what you desire. You are limited because of your desire to be limited. Everything you think is possible, if you desire it." With these words see that if one believes it, it is so and will reflect the experience of this desire or the emotions of fear or satanism. I have often wondered by some think this way and some think that way. These few words really show us that we are responsible for what we experience. This is a very hard fact to apply to our own life here, it is not chance, the fault of another, usually some thing outside of self, but actually is the the self wanting to experience this for the purpose of learning or growing but it may be just the desire to play. For self, it you believe it, it must be that you desire it. This is because we are infinite beings and live an illusion that cannot do harm to who we truly are. Thank you for the conversation. ![]() RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-25-2021 (09-23-2021, 06:51 AM)Patrick Wrote: It sounds like Satan is the Logos that created the veil... @Patrick do you have any quotes that you know of that speaks about the veils. From these teachings that I have read so far, the veil(s) are our free will regarding types and how many we have is our choice, prior to incarnation agreements and freedom to fulfill our desires given by the Creator. We have always had this freedom but did not realize it and as the teachings awaken us to this illusion of physical reality, it appears to self the the veils are but part of the illusion that we have the desire to express. As far as Satan or Lucifer that created the veil - this is information that I would like to research more. Look forward to your discussion. ![]() RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Dtris - 09-25-2021 (09-23-2021, 06:51 AM)Patrick Wrote: It sounds like Satan is the Logos that created the veil... Satan and Lucifer are commonly thought of as the same being. In traditional Judaism this is not the case. Satan in the book of Job sits down with God and they have pleasant conversation. God says Job has the most faith of anyone. Satan bets God that he can get Job to lose faith. Thus Satan tests Job, he loses his job, his wealth, his health, and his wife and family, yet never lost faith. Satan returns to God to admit he lost the bet. Angels and Demons each have a purpose and they have power within matters that pertain to that purpose. An Angel of Protection cannot bring health, an Angel of Health cannot protect. Satan is the angel in charge of testing the faith. Whenever a person encounters a challenge or hardship that makes it hard to have faith, hard to love, you are being tested. It is easy to love and have faith some of the time, it is hard to love and have faith all of the time. Satan may or may not be related to the creation of the veil. Isolation from the creator is what I believe is being referred to in this session. The veil certainly fits that concept, but on another level physical reality also fits that concept. However the more obvious meaning is also the path of separation or STS. That is the path of spiritual isolation from the creator that is beyond any one density. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - jafar - 09-26-2021 (09-25-2021, 11:38 AM)Nikki Wrote:(09-23-2021, 06:51 AM)Patrick Wrote: It sounds like Satan is the Logos that created the veil... I see the veil as "Feature" and not as "Issues" or "Bugs". With this "Veil Of Forgetting" feature, the player will become more 'serious' playing the game. Thus becoming more "Focus" on the game. As the gaming experience becoming more 'immersive'. Resulted in the player proceeding faster in the game. The player do not easily give up by pushing the "reset" button or logging off / quitting, as the players are afraid of pushing the reset button. He/she is not sure of what will happened afterwards. Thus the fear of 'death' was born. While I'm using the metaphor of a game, Mr Ra uses the metaphor of children schooling. Ra: I am Ra. You begin to grasp the situation. Let us continue the metaphor of the schooling but consider the scholar as being an entity in your younger years of the schooling process. The entity is fed, clothed, and protected regardless of whether or not the schoolwork is accomplished. Therefore, the entity does not do the homework but rather enjoys playtime, mealtime, and vacation. It is not until there is a reason to wish to excel that most entities will attempt to excel. The patterns of illness, disease, and death are a benignant demesne within the plan of incarnational experience. As such, some healing would occur by decision of mind/body/spirits, and incarnations were experienced with the normal ending of illness to death, accepted as such since without the veil it is clear that the mind/body/spirit continues. Thusly, the experiences, both good and bad, or joyful and sad, of the mind/body/spirit before veiling would be pale, without vibrancy or the keen edge of interest that such brings in the post-veiling mind/body/spirit complex. The full dialogue: https://www.lawofone.info/c/Before+the+Veil Thanks to the "Veil" feature, the "Game Of 3rd density life" has become much more immersive. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - tadeus - 09-26-2021 One more channeling that fits to this and another thread: https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2020/0208 Wrote:Austin RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-26-2021 (09-25-2021, 07:30 PM)Dtris Wrote: Satan is the angel in charge of testing the faith. Whenever a person encounters a challenge or hardship that makes it hard to have faith, hard to love, you are being tested. It is easy to love and have faith some of the time, it is hard to love and have faith all of the time. Thank you for the conversation, interesting thoughts and comments. You may have a pointed to something that is a reality, you stated "Satan is the angel in charge of testing the faith." Even Jesus was tested by Satan. We are now being tested in many ways, and it has to do with our faith in the Creator and ourselves. The STS issue of isolation from the Creator, still having issues with that because one cannot serve another without serving yourself. You cannot serve yourself without serving others, we are all connected as one, no such thing as separation, this is all an illusion. Even if your intentions is not to serve, it still applies. Like the situation right now where many appear to serve themselves they are in many ways awakening many to the inner truth of love and light within and of the Creator which is a great service to humanity and the Creator. We always have to remember that the darkness serves the light, it has no choice. All existence whether, good or bad, evil or angelic, darkness or light, on this planet or off, all serve the Creator. ![]() RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-27-2021 Could someone explain the word Logos? I have searched but have not found the definition of this word, it has come up in channellings and posts. Truly would appreciate this shared knowledge. In love. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Diana - 09-27-2021 (09-27-2021, 08:11 AM)Nikki Wrote: Could someone explain the word Logos? I have searched but have not found the definition of this word, it has come up in channellings and posts. Truly would appreciate this shared knowledge. In love. Some dictionary definitions:
This from Ra: Quote:13.7 ▶ Questioner: After this, what happened? Quote:15.21 ▶ Questioner: Well, in yesterday’s material you stated “we offer the Law of One, the solving of paradoxes.” You also mentioned earlier that the first paradox, or the first distortion I meant, was the distortion of free will. Could you tell me if there’s a sequence? Is there a first, second, third, fourth distortion of the Law of One? As far as explaining the unexplainable ![]() Quote:18.6 ▶ Questioner: Basically I would say that to infringe on the free will of another self or another entity would be the basic thing never to do under the Law of One. Can you state any other breaking of the Law of One than this basic rule? RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-27-2021 (09-27-2021, 11:49 AM)Diana Wrote:(09-27-2021, 08:11 AM)Nikki Wrote: Could someone explain the word Logos? I have searched but have not found the definition of this word, it has come up in channellings and posts. Truly would appreciate this shared knowledge. In love. Thanks Diana, that is beautifully expressed - Logo is love/light. I have seen the word used but failed to understand, now I get it! Back at you [font=X, Arial, Calibri, 'Times Roman', serif, X][size=1]"K ![]() ![]() RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Dtris - 09-27-2021 (09-26-2021, 03:19 PM)Nikki Wrote: The STS issue of isolation from the Creator, still having issues with that because one cannot serve another without serving yourself. You cannot serve yourself without serving others, we are all connected as one, no such thing as separation, this is all an illusion. Even if your intentions is not to serve, it still applies. Like the situation right now where many appear to serve themselves they are in many ways awakening many to the inner truth of love and light within and of the Creator which is a great service to humanity and the Creator. We always have to remember that the darkness serves the light, it has no choice. All existence whether, good or bad, evil or angelic, darkness or light, on this planet or off, all serve the Creator. Consider second density life, plants and animals. The animals and plants each serve each other in a complex system whereby each uses the other for food, reproduction, transportation, and in many complex ways. Now consider the average person who goes about their life, does what they need to do in order to live, be comfortable, and hopefully content. They work, doing a service for others, they put their own needs above others, but they also sometimes do something for a family member or friend. They give no thought to whether they are serving, they just go about their day. Now consider the Ra material and the other LL channelings. Our friends are very respectful of free will, they sometimes lecture but they answer questions. When someone asks a question that the answer would infringe on free will they refuse to answer, or answer as best they can. Every moment of the channeled material is an example of entities making a conscious choice to serve others. The average person does not choose to serve, either themselves or others, just as a dog or cat or tree or flower does not choose to serve themselves or others. The Choice is all about making a conscious decision to live your life in a purposeful manner, either one that serves others and the self, or serves the self at the expense of others. Satan causes Job to become ill. He causes his wife and children to all die. He causes Job to lose his land, his respect, and his dignity. Why? To get Job to choose to serve himself, instead of the creator and others. The common arguments used by many atheists tend to focus on the concept of "why do bad things happen to good people?" or "How can a God who allows children to be abused and murdered be Good?" They remove goodness and love from the universe, as the thought of a mechanistic universe wherein bad things are just random and there is no God allowing someone to be in pain, is more comforting to them. Some take it further, and decide that if bad things are going to happen no matter what, they will be better off becoming one of the bad things that happen to other people. If you can't beat them, join them. This bad person who happens to other people, may push someone to choosing good and love, and in that way serve the creation. However that is not the chosen service usually, they would believe the other person choosing light and good were committing folly and they should do as they did and choose to be the bad thing. However either choice is serving the creation, as whatever path is followed is still following the plan of the Logos for moving thru the densities. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 09-28-2021 Thank you Dtris for sharing your thoughts and opinions, enjoy the conversations. I understand from where you come from. To quote you "Consider second density life, plants and animals. The animals and plants each serve each other in a complex system whereby each uses the other for food, reproduction, transportation, and in many complex ways". They also serve the 3rd, 4th density, etc right up to the Creator. This is due to the first and second density life being part of creation. Now consider 3rd density beings like humans, they too are part of creation. All beings, no matter their density serves themselves and others, just like the Confederation, creation cannot help but serve the Creator. We are all one creation, there is no separation, we are one. This to self, would apply no matter the vibration, no matter what they choose, the darkness serves the light and the light serves the darkness. All is one creation in love, serving all of creation and the Creator. On page 168 the channelling on Jan 9, 1974 -"Seek my friends. Seek. This is the word that opens the door to everything that exists throughout all of space and all of time. Seek. Seek. What will you find? You will find love, for that is all that there is to find. For that is all there is." Seek is what both of us and many others on this forum are doing and there seems to many path but the destination is the same. Many teachings, including the Confederation speak about reality on this planet and the reality of the original Thought of the Creator. Teachings talk about the illusion, or awakening from the dream, self is seeking the true reality and it seems not much on our planet is truth but is an illusion created by mass conscienceless and our individual consciousness. The only truth that I feel is of any value right now is love and light, service to the Creator and all creation. Seek dear friend. Shared in love. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 10-10-2021 It is wished those how have read/joined in, and searched through the material benefit in some love and light on their path. This is given by video because it is sometimes much easier to view a video than read a long, full of information materials from Ra or Quo. This one is by Quo sharing teachings that will lead to a more complete understanding of creation. Hope it serves in your seeking for the truth. The video is entitled: Quo on Galactic Battles between Good and Evil. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ixdv9pRj-g RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - tadeus - 10-12-2021 (09-24-2021, 11:25 AM)Nikki Wrote:(09-24-2021, 04:26 AM)tadeus Wrote: It is interesting to read the complete channeling: For this thread it is the sentence: Quote:And here you are on Planet Earth at this time, once again recapitulating that basic scenario—a feeling that there is more confusion, more darkness, more difficulty, more disillusionment than you have known before upon your planet. And yet, my friends, we tell you that what you know now is but the palest shadow of what has been before, for many times have the populations that have come to this planet to repeat third density caused darkness to heavily rest upon the peoples of various cultures, so that the history of your planet is one of bellicosity, adversarial relationships, and separation of entities from each other so that there was not any unifying force that could bring all together. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - tadeus - 10-12-2021 (09-25-2021, 08:08 AM)Nikki Wrote:(09-23-2021, 04:50 AM)tadeus Wrote: Everyone should be familiar with the basic understanding of symbols to have the possibility to realize that one is faced with satanism. The point is not to desire Evil / Satanism, but to be aware of it. To be aware that this symbols and ideas are implemented everywhere in the daily life. The STS entities use the principle, that repeating their symbols and ideas everywhere again and again will infiltrate the mind of the people. You will see the symbols and ideas as 'normal' - you loose your critical view on them. Then they will become part of your thinking and desire. That's the reason why you should know what symbols and concepts you are confronted. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Patrick - 10-12-2021 (10-12-2021, 07:09 AM)tadeus Wrote: ...The STS entities use the principle, that repeating their symbols and ideas everywhere again and again will infiltrate the mind of the people. Yes and yet if we let ourselves be seduced by their influence and ideas, we have a part of responsibility in this. I think people of this planet are not victims, STS would have no power over us if we, as a people, were not in part in agreement with what STS is peddling. Each of us are responsible to keep our lights shining, to remain loving in all situations and to gently reject STS influences in our daily lives. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 10-12-2021 (10-12-2021, 07:09 AM)tadeus Wrote:(09-25-2021, 08:08 AM)Nikki Wrote:(09-23-2021, 04:50 AM)tadeus Wrote: Everyone should be familiar with the basic understanding of symbols to have the possibility to realize that one is faced with satanism. Personally, do not wish to learn their symbols, I use the power of love. I feel that is too deep into what I do not want in my life. There is black magic and white magic. Personally I say white magic is much more powerful. If there is no love in the situation, can pick its up easily because I am love and so are you. I am very aware they exist and their game, those symbols are powerful only to those who know and believe them as evil or something to fear. If one does not desire the evil, then be aware and the way to defeat any so called evil is to love them or their symbols. For myself, this STS is taken too seriously, even if they are STS, they have a right, just like us, to express themselves as they wish. Some love the light and some love the darkness, both serve the Creator. There are things in this life that you may wish to experience and learn and there are things that I wish to experience and learn, that is our choice and desire. Neither is right or wrong, we are all love equally, not one more than another. Shared in love RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - tadeus - 10-13-2021 (10-12-2021, 09:08 AM)Patrick Wrote: Yes and yet if we let ourselves be seduced by their influence and ideas, we have a part of responsibility in this. I think people of this planet are not victims, STS would have no power over us if we, as a people, were not in part in agreement with what STS is peddling. A human being seems to be what it simply is - with all it possibilities and weakness. We are not responsible for what we are, but we can be aware of the special properties of this being. Merloo has analyzed this perfect. (as video) RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - tadeus - 10-13-2021 (10-12-2021, 02:02 PM)Nikki Wrote: Personally, do not wish to learn their symbols, I use the power of love. I feel that is too deep into what I do not want in my life. Do you think you can avoid all this traps without any knowledge? The best example is the pandemic illusion most of the people believe. With a certain knowledge this would not be worth discussing. (Maybe it is a bad example, but it is the most important in our history.) RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Nikki - 10-14-2021 (10-13-2021, 12:16 PM)tadeus Wrote:(10-12-2021, 02:02 PM)Nikki Wrote: Personally, do not wish to learn their symbols, I use the power of love. I feel that is too deep into what I do not want in my life. Hi Tadeus, if I am walking and see a large rock on my path, I know it is a rock without getting into the details of how hard is it and what materials is it made of. I love to learn new things but will not focus on what I do not want, it is the dark side. Always do what is right for your own growth. I do have basic knowledge enough to recognize it and for self do not want or need to know anymore. You are right it is an illusion and if one swims in the illusion too deeply it is not productive unless that is your desire, would prefer to swim in the spiritual reality of love and light. We are all here for a purpose, each one is different and unique, that is just not my purpose. Maybe I had been there in past incarnations, do not know that yet. Just like the pandemic, I was seeking and interested in knowing what and why this is happening looking for the light and love in this situation and have found that thanks to the wondrous members like yourself. Once I have found out the what and why that resonated within, no need to go there any more, I just send love and light to my brothers and sisters now having a deeper understanding filled with compassion. With this knowledge will be able to serve another in a new understanding of unconditional love. I send you love and light and thank you for sharing. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - tadeus - 10-21-2021 Hi Nikki, you should not focus on this, but it is very helpful to know about it and to be able to be aware of it. A nice site to inform is False Religions For example Symbols Of The Illuminati It can be very interesting to go deeply into the rock you are standing on, because all is mind. You get a better understanding of the universe and you will find the Law of One at the end in everything. (10-14-2021, 10:13 AM)Nikki Wrote: You are right it is an illusion and if one swims in the illusion too deeply it is not productive unless that is your desire, would prefer to swim in the spiritual reality of love and light. We are all here for a purpose, each one is different and unique, that is just not my purpose. The central mojo of Lucifer is to have control about your desire. There is a reason why he is the "bringer of light". So it is essential to have a closer look to the 'kind' of light that is surrounding you and you will follow. That's all i want to say and of course i know what you want to say. All i want is that more people get a deeper understanding of the world they are living in and to focus on the real life as you are suggesting. But this real life needs to be able to differ the light and to recognize what is real and feigned love. RE: Evil, Death and Wealth - Serveou - 10-23-2021 Wasn't the veil greated so that seeking the Creator in everything (including ourselves) would be enhanced? If we are all one with the One Creator and one with each other then I think we all accepted the veil to be raised. It was an experiment by the Logos to see if it would speed up the seeking. But because we are all One with the Logos as well then I think we all had a hand in it somehow... I know that the veil might seem to be made with bad intentions in this third density but because seeking and knowing the Creator is a common goal for everyone then I think the veil is a good thing. That's how I see it. |