Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Printable Version

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Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ming the Merciful - 04-21-2021

As a new observer to the Philosophy of "Law of One", I can see confusion between Eastern and Western Philosophy, and yet everybody is missing the point. Humanity is diverse by its myriads of Culture and Religion, (or no belief in Religion). What everyone is missing, is within our diversity there must always be an acceptance for other Cultures and Philosophies, whether we accept them, (or not). Its only by the lack of acceptance by one Culture for another Culture that wars are fought. All you have to is look at the recent history in the Middle East. Christianity wants to convert anyone who does not believe in Christianity, Islam considers anyone who is not Muslim and infidel. The Jewish race accepts neither Christian or Muslim, and are still waiting for the "Promised One". Meaning, through ignorance, at the same time everybody is trying to convert everybody else, due to an ignorance and lack of understanding for the Religion and Philosophy of another Culture. That is only a small example.

How do we heal the wounds of the past?

Because of my ancestral roots I have a natural liking for Chinese Culture and music. Then by accident I discovered Qawwali music and Sufism, and my love spread to encompass Moroccan, Egyptian, Pakistani, Afghani music. Whereby I began to understand the diversification of Humanity, encompassing Sufism, Sikhism and Hinduism. What is the point I am making? When we stop, and actually take time to learn the music and traditions of other Cultures, then it is the beginning of understanding. This is why I keep posting the music of different Cultures on the "Law of One" Threads, hoping people can see that there is more than what is in their Culture.

Unity through Diversity.

Unity will only happen when we accept the Diversity within Humanity. We are many different Cultures, Creeds, Religions and Philosophies. However, within our differences, we are all Unified as ONE BODY. It doesn't matter if you were born in the suburbs of a large North American city, or a lonely mountain village in Pakistan. The Essence of our Humanity is the same. If we cannot find Unity as a body within the "Law of One", then the Law of One has failed.

We all come from different religious backgrounds and all have diverse interpretations of Reality, because of the teaching and indoctrination by the various Religions. The "Law of One"  should be a "Neutral Ground". When we concentrate on bringing unity and forgetting that our different beliefs become less important. In the end, we are a "SINGLE HUMANITY".


The one point that everybody is missing. The belief of every individual is an ABSOLUTE, (and correct).


RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ymarsakar - 04-21-2021

You heal the wounds of the past by looking at your past self and integrating it with your other current and future selves.

"and yet everybody is missing the point."

Opposite direction. Detour.


It starts by you doing the work and not talking about other people.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Patrick - 04-21-2021

(04-21-2021, 05:19 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: ...If we cannot find Unity as a body within the "Law of One", then the Law of One has failed... IF IT CANNOT START HERE, WHERE DOES IT START?

Ming my friend, I do hope it has already started here. Smile

At least I see many examples daily.

But I believe what you are realizing is that even the students of the Law of One are not perfect. Many people realize that sort of thing with shock. I remember people believing that having faith in the Law of One would automatically mean many things that became obvious to themselves. Like meat eating for example, this has been a subject where people thought that students of the Law of One would automatically stop using any animal products. But it's more complicated than that.

So I think that in a little while you'll start to come to terms with others creating their own understanding of the Law of One. Ten years down the road now and I am still sharing the same perspective I got from the material and still being astounded how we see it differently even in the little things that always seemed very obvious to me. Some of my perspective did evolve from my interactions here.

One other thing I would also point out, is that those in agreement with you are probably not going to bother posting to let you know that. So we get replies mostly from those whom disagree with us. This could give the idea that the community is not very well united, but that is just another illusion of the veil.

The Law of One is not failing because it does not blink for the Light or the Dark, it does not blink for those who agree or disagree, it just is. It is just a fact that we are Unity Itself.

We are the ones that fails the Law of One when we let the veil hide this marvelous Truth that All Is One in One Love, no matter the expression or the form this One Love takes.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ming the Merciful - 04-21-2021

(04-21-2021, 06:44 PM)Patrick Wrote:
(04-21-2021, 05:19 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: ...If we cannot find Unity as a body within the "Law of One", then the Law of One has failed... IF IT CANNOT START HERE, WHERE DOES IT START?

Ming my friend, I do hope it has already started here. Smile

At least I see many examples daily.

But I believe what you are realizing is that even the students of the Law of One are not perfect. Many people realize that sort of thing with shock. I remember people believing that having faith in the Law of One would automatically mean many things that became obvious to themselves. Like meat eating for example, this has been a subject where people thought that students of the Law of One would automatically stop using any animal products. But it's more complicated than that.

So I think that in a little while you'll start to come to terms with others creating their own understanding of the Law of One. Ten years down the road now and I am still sharing the same perspective I got from the material and still being astounded how we see it differently even in the little things that always seemed very obvious to me. Some of my perspective did evolve from my interactions here.

One other thing I would also point out, is that those in agreement with you are probably not going to bother posting to let you know that. So we get replies mostly from those whom disagree with us. This could give the idea that the community is not very well united, but that is just another illusion of the veil.

The Law of One is not failing because it does not blink for the Light or the Dark, it does not blink for those who agree or disagree, it just is. It is just a fact that we are Unity Itself.

We are the ones that fails the Law of One when we let the veil hide this marvelous Truth that All Is One in One Love, no matter the expression or the form this One Love takes.

Thank you Patrick my friend. What I am trying to avoid are Philosophical arguments, (my Religion is better than your Religion because...), because that is part of the problem, (and not the solution). The same perspective must be taken to a Cultural level too. Until we, (Humanity), can understand each other, then maybe something will begin to happen. We cannot expect government to change and do the work for us, because that will never happen. When we have the Realization on a personal level, and begin to accept that somebody in a distant country has the same feelings and concerns, then perhaps we can start talking. Before we can develop the "Law of One", we have to have a better understanding between Cultures. We have to learn to embrace the Diversity, and mere lip-service gains nothing.

The barriers that have to be broken are the Town, State, Provincial and National level. A true unity of Humanity is seen in the development of the European Union. I admit, it is not perfect. I have travelled to Europe before and after the European Union came into existence. Prior to the forming on the European Union there was the "Country" mentality, and that the country I live in is superior to your country. Now that the European Union has been here for thirty years, there is a greater unity now than i have ever seen in Europe. As you travel across Europe from border to border, (no Passports), there is a unification between all the Member States. It is getting to the point where the average person does not see twenty-eight separate States, but a single Europe. It is not perfect and there are problems between some countries, and Politics can get in the way. From the standpoint of the normal individual, living in a Member State, everybody is a "European", (and borderless). Meanwhile, out of the unification of Europe, there is also a new understanding between different people from the various countries. Somebody visiting Germany from Portugal is accepted not as a Portuguese, but a European. What can work for Europe can also work for the rest of Humanity. We all need to have that mindset. The European Union is not perfect, and it has its faults, but its moving in the right direction. The stupidest thing that Great Britain did, was to leave the European Union, because it just did not get it. Then Great Britain has always been an "Loner" as far as Europe is concerned.

I agree with you about the "Law of One". Perhaps it is time to bring in a new concept, as the "All-Encompassing and All-Pervasive Law of One", and Absolutism. Every individual is an Absolute and embracing the whole of Humanity. Raise the bar. We have to stop thinking on the individual level, but as the "One Humanity" and "One Body" concept.


RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ymarsakar - 04-21-2021

"A true unity of Humanity is seen in the development of the European Union."

Another detour and bypass. Not internal work, but external bypassing.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Black Dragon - 04-21-2021

The EU is a political structure that comes and goes. If you want to praise anything about Europe, praise the European people. This system is just an article of clothing for them. A stepping stone to greater ways of doing things. It's not important in and of itself. It's not important that the governments are trying to display a unified structure despite being full of people with separation mentalities. It's important that the European people hold the idea of unity, whatever their governmental systems do or do not do to reflect this.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Patrick - 04-21-2021

For me there is no doubt that humanity is One. And I am sure that a great number of humans hunger for a Terran peer to peer form of government.

It will happen.

The best thing we can do to help this along is to continue sharing that idea so that it continues inspiring people. So that when politicians comes along proposing these things, instead of being thought weird fringe, people actually vote for them. Because they have been inspired by people like us advocating for unity and acceptance.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - jafar - 04-21-2021

Unity through diversity or unity IN diversity?

Geo-political wise, there has been some political structure (Union, Nations) which are based on Unity IN diversity concept.

It is based on the philosophical concept of:
"Unity WITHOUT uniformity and diversity without fragmentation"

Mr Ra's Law of One actually take a concept a bit higher.
Not only within the context of 'humanity' but 'universality'.

Every-thing is a unity.
Although every-thing, every-identity, every-self is distinctively unique.
No two or more identity will share 100% uniformity.

Similar conception appeared throughout many cultures.
Wahdat al-Wujud, Oneness of being
Harmonia est unitas in varietate
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
To name a few..

Yet, to make such concept/view 'recognizable' a contrast need to exist.
"(Forced) Unity through (Forced) uniformity because diversity will cause fragmentation".
Also known as the "Separation Path", "The Us vs Them", "The Me vs Others"

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - LeiwoUnion - 04-22-2021

(04-21-2021, 07:28 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: "A true unity of Humanity is seen in the development of the European Union."

Another detour and bypass. Not internal work, but external bypassing.

(04-21-2021, 08:05 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: The EU is a political structure that comes and goes. If you want to praise anything about Europe, praise the European people. This system is just an article of clothing for them. A stepping stone to greater ways of doing things. It's not important in and of itself. It's not important that the governments are trying to display a unified structure despite being full of people with separation mentalities. It's important that the European people hold the idea of unity, whatever their governmental systems do or do not do to reflect this.

The way I see it, European Union construct is like a scaffolding for Unity, but when a closer look is taken there is nothing being built inside. An engineered façade to stop the looks and passers-by from noticing the empty void inside. If peace is achieved by incarceration, is that true peace? At least it gives people room for internal work but because it drops the individual straight into spiritual deep end, the progress is slow, if not halted, and extremely distorted.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Anders - 04-22-2021

(04-21-2021, 05:19 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: How do we heal the wounds of the past?

In the Law of One, Ra talks about the development of social memory complexes which are collective consciousnesses.

That seems to be a true unity which cannot be achieved only by separate individuals trying to unite. It's an evolutionary leap into a superorganism. But yes, I believe diversity needs to be preserved. If a social memory complex would be like the Borg hive mind in Star Trek that would be horrible. Individual sovereignty, personal integrity, different cultures etc need to be preserved even when humanity becomes a social memory complex.

That's a huge evolutionary leap. Seems difficult to achieve anytime soon on earth, but things are accelerating so it may happen quickly historically speaking. The good thing is that the past of humanity will become healed by people forming a social memory complex. Because conflicts and frictions are resolved or the social memory complex wouldn't be able to form.

I heard Jim McCarty talking about how a social memory complex on earth will be the collective unconscious Carl Jung talked about becoming conscious. And he also said that the Akashic records will be a part of the social memory complex on earth.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - jafar - 04-22-2021

(04-22-2021, 03:12 AM)Anders Wrote: I heard Jim McCarty talking about how a social memory complex on earth will be the collective unconscious Carl Jung talked about becoming conscious. And he also said that the Akashic records will be a part of the social memory complex on earth.

Akashic record is like a cloud database, containing the information / data of experience, in every details, as experienced by each unit of consciousness. In terms of "Social Memory Complex" the Akashic record will be the database which records the memory. Thus the memory will not be gone even when the physical body of the consciousness has been dissolved and the consciousness assumed another physical body.

The metaphor will be, storing all of your data into the cloud storage (Google Drive, iDrive, OneDrive) and then grab another iPhone or Laptop to replace your old device and you still have access to the same data.

Once 'gaining access' to the data from multiple devices has been mastered.
The next step is to start sharing the data with your friends and colleagues..
Forming a "File Sharing Group" within the cloud storage.

The data was, is and will always be stored in the cloud, the difference is how the user is now starting to grant/give access to the data in the cloud forming a "File Sharing Group".

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ming the Merciful - 04-22-2021

As somebody who has watched the European Union growing from its infancy, I have noticed a lot of changes. Not on the Political or Governmental level, but as viewed from the individual within the European Union. I have travelled extensively across Western Europe, and including those countries that are not Member States, (Norway and Switzerland). Although they are not members, (per se), they have the European Union mindset. The only areas where there are minor problems, is at the border between Switzerland and Italy, and Italy and France. As Italy is having major problems with illegal immigrants, all their borders are protected by Border Guards, and it is the same on the French-Italian border. Although if you are travelling out of Italy into Switzerland or France, there are no border controls. As far as the Italian Government is concerned, if there are illegal immigrants crossing the border to other Member States, that is the last Italy will see of them.

On the individual level, the majority of Europeans now call themselves "Europeans" first, and then the Nation State. Not only there the Sociological level, the other thing that is happening across Europe. Two years ago China announced the "China Initiative", and are in the process of building the "New Silk Road". Or, China and the European Union are building new railway lines between China and the European Union, across Asia and the Middle East. Meanwhile, within the European itself, as the majority of railway networks in the individual countries are State Owned, there is a combined effort to construct new High-Speed railway lines across the European Union, and a lot of the railway network infrastructure is being upgraded. I have seen it, and it looks impressive. The reason for the new railway network, is to cut the shipping time from China and Far Eastern countries to Europe. At the current time, to ship something from China by Container Ship can take up to sixty days. Once the New Silk Road is completed, to ship the same item will take ten days by train.

I use the European Union as a "Model" of what could happen to Humanity if it became Unified.

The biggest mistake Great Britain ever made, was to leave the European Union. Sometime in the future it will be regretted. Although the European Assembly have said, that if Great Britain wants to return, they will be welcomed. I am waiting, (anxiously), for the British Government to beg to return, then I can call myself a "European" again. Nor that I don't call myself a European, (per se). I actually consider myself more European than British. European first, then British. However, there is also a "Failsafe". The European Assembly have put forward a proviso that any British citizens that consider themselves as "European" can apply for a European Passport, (I will be first in line).


RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ymarsakar - 04-22-2021

Uk actually managed brexit? Did i skip timelines. I thought that was bottlenecked in 2019.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Black Dragon - 04-22-2021

For now, both unity and individual sovereignty are being expressed in a lot of spastic, distorted ways. Is one group bad for wanting a union, is the other bad for wanting their sovereignty, or is it a bit more complicated perhaps?

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ymarsakar - 04-22-2021

The way 4th density civs express unity differs mostly in which path they took to get there. A 4th negative civ, will obtain unity by getting rid of useless eaters.

A 4th density positive will help the weak and not o0press or coerce those in inferior standings. The strong help the weak and all help the strong.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ming the Merciful - 04-22-2021

(04-22-2021, 02:28 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: The way 4th density civs express unity differs mostly in which path they took to get there. A 4th negative civ, will obtain unity by getting rid of useless eaters.

A 4th density positive will help the weak and not o0press or coerce those in inferior standings. The strong help the weak and all help the strong.

It is true, we are not officially out of the European Union yet. Although it is getting close. The continuous never-ending talks, (we all know what Politicians are like)? In for the last Shekel and every last one.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - jafar - 04-22-2021

(04-22-2021, 01:23 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: As somebody who has watched the European Union growing from its infancy, I have noticed a lot of changes. Not on the Political or Governmental level, but as viewed from the individual within the European Union. I have travelled extensively across Western Europe, and including those countries that are not Member States, (Norway and Switzerland). Although they are not members, (per se), they have the European Union mindset. The only areas where there are minor problems, is at the border between Switzerland and Italy, and Italy and France. As Italy is having major problems with illegal immigrants, all their borders are protected by Border Guards, and it is the same on the French-Italian border. Although if you are travelling out of Italy into Switzerland or France, there are no border controls. As far as the Italian Government is concerned, if there are illegal immigrants crossing the border to other Member States, that is the last Italy will see of them.

On the individual level, the majority of Europeans now call themselves "Europeans" first, and then the Nation State. Not only there the Sociological level, the other thing that is happening across Europe. Two years ago China announced the "China Initiative", and are in the process of building the "New Silk Road". Or, China and the European Union are building new railway lines between China and the European Union, across Asia and the Middle East. Meanwhile, within the European itself, as the majority of railway networks in the individual countries are State Owned, there is a combined effort to construct new High-Speed railway lines across the European Union, and a lot of the railway network infrastructure is being upgraded. I have seen it, and it looks impressive. The reason for the new railway network, is to cut the shipping time from China and Far Eastern countries to Europe. At the current time, to ship something from China by Container Ship can take up to sixty days. Once the New Silk Road is completed, to ship the same item will take ten days by train.

I use the European Union as a "Model" of what could happen to Humanity if it became Unified.

There are others model in which on diversity context it is as complicated if not more complicated than EU which covers area which pretty much close if not bigger to EU.
1. India (More than 447 Languages and ethnical identities)
2. Indonesia (More than 710 Languages and ethnical identities)

In context of India, I deliberately excluded Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Every citizen in such countries has identified as "Nation Name" first and Religion or Language or Ethnicities second.
I'm an Indian first and Marathi/Telugu, Christian/Hindus/Moslems/Buddhist/Sikh second.

Among one of the key differences in EU model vs India/Indonesia model is on the monetary structure.
Which is the current key major issues within EU.

When Greece goes bankrupt, Brussel's action is to issue a loan to Greece to repay their debt.
A loan for a solution to loan problems?
This only makes the problem worse and not a solution to the root cause of Greece economy un-competitiveness which caused the crisis in the first place.

In pre-EU world, the problem can be easily solved by Greece devaluating their currency (Drachma).
Which now Greece cannot do as all control for Euro is decided in Brussel.
And Brussel's action to Greece's problem is to issue a loan to Greece and avoiding any devaluation to Euro.

In contrast: when let's say Bali's government goes default, Indonesia's central government will take over the obligation.
It will be quite funny within Indonesian context for Indonesian government to issue a loan in IDR to Bali government.

The IDR will of course will become devaluated as usually the solution for such issues is the government will print new money in IDR to cover the obligation. But no Javanese or Lomboknese will ever complaint that their currency become devaluated because of the Balinese. And none of them will came up with an idea that proper actions is to issue a loan to the Balinese. As a result no Balinese will have a desire to exit the Indonesian-Union. Your debt is our debt, your problem is our problem.

Similar model is working in India.

Monetary issues is among the key factors which drives Brexit. (and Grexit)

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Black Dragon - 04-22-2021

(04-22-2021, 02:28 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: The way 4th density civs express unity differs mostly in which path they took to get there. A 4th negative civ, will obtain unity by getting rid of useless eaters.

A 4th density positive will help the weak and not o0press or coerce those in inferior standings. The strong help the weak and all help the strong.

STS and STO have a very different definition of who and what the "useless eaters" are, hehe. We know that of course, but it's still funny and amusing to comment on. These 3d elitists might want to look in a mirror(though we all know they won't see a thing) to see who's truly inefficient, degenerate, unproductive, etc. They do not contribute, they just take. So they get mad when other selves don't provide what they want to take or enough of it and call them the useless eaters. IMO, anyone who's ever used that phrase against the poor and truly meant it and not since changed their tune, is a useless eater, or as they say in the Dark Crystal series, "drainer".

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Anders - 04-22-2021

Notice that preserving diversity and preserving cultures doesn't necessarily mean preserving nations or unions such as the EU. It may very well be that the social memory complex will smash the nations to pieces, like pottery with an iron rod. Nations are service to self and even fight with each other sometimes.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - jafar - 04-23-2021

Both STS and STO is based on the conception of separation in mind.
When there's no separation, there is no "others" as such that there is no "self" either.
And Unity / no separation is actually the initial state thus it shall also be the end state.

In between there are many form of identities, yet all form of identities is a temporal state.
From 'individual identity' and also 'group identities such as nations, race, ethnicity, language, religion etc..
See how nations rise and fall, union / alliance being formed and disbanded.
The answer to the question of "Who am I", "Who are we" is constantly changing.
And that is being designed as such, as this game is basically an 'identity / role playing game'.
The players wanted to experience all form and sort of identities.

A form of identities such as "Social Memory Complex" (SMC) is also temporal in nature
Since it still maintains a border between "me" / "us" and "others / them".

Yet SMC is an evolutionary temporal state before it reached a total unity (no more border of identities), a state of boundlessness, a state of "Mokhsa". Which is basically what "Law of One" is all about. The same concept, merely different names.

When a set of identities / avatars has formed an SMC, the consciousness behind those avatars basically can choose which avatars to be used as a channel of expression. Each avatar has it's own distinct characteristics. In Ra and friends context, see how the message being delivered by Ra, Quo, Hatton is the same in essence yet the 'style' of explanation / message delivery is different. Ra uses complicated hard to understand lingo, while Quo is more 'user friendly'. Ra and Friends are avatars of the same SMC, they're accessing and storing the data in the same "File Sharing Group" within Akash based Cloud Database.

We can also have means to experience SMC quite easily, just create 2 or more avatar on this forum, create a distinct characteristic for each avatar and have them interact with each others and also other avatars here.

If I let's say created jafar and michiko on this web forum, both jafar and michiko are avatars of the same SMC.
Yet they might have different characteristic, michiko is a shy and sensitive female who is also capable to read and write japanese. Any message that both avatars wrote here are coming from the same consciousness and any experience that they gathered from this forum is also 'streamed back' to the same consciousness, as they're both avatars of the same SMC.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ming the Merciful - 04-23-2021

(04-22-2021, 05:33 PM)jafar Wrote:
(04-22-2021, 01:23 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: As somebody who has watched the European Union growing from its infancy, I have noticed a lot of changes. Not on the Political or Governmental level, but as viewed from the individual within the European Union. I have travelled extensively across Western Europe, and including those countries that are not Member States, (Norway and Switzerland). Although they are not members, (per se), they have the European Union mindset. The only areas where there are minor problems, is at the border between Switzerland and Italy, and Italy and France. As Italy is having major problems with illegal immigrants, all their borders are protected by Border Guards, and it is the same on the French-Italian border. Although if you are travelling out of Italy into Switzerland or France, there are no border controls. As far as the Italian Government is concerned, if there are illegal immigrants crossing the border to other Member States, that is the last Italy will see of them.

On the individual level, the majority of Europeans now call themselves "Europeans" first, and then the Nation State. Not only there the Sociological level, the other thing that is happening across Europe. Two years ago China announced the "China Initiative", and are in the process of building the "New Silk Road". Or, China and the European Union are building new railway lines between China and the European Union, across Asia and the Middle East. Meanwhile, within the European itself, as the majority of railway networks in the individual countries are State Owned, there is a combined effort to construct new High-Speed railway lines across the European Union, and a lot of the railway network infrastructure is being upgraded. I have seen it, and it looks impressive. The reason for the new railway network, is to cut the shipping time from China and Far Eastern countries to Europe. At the current time, to ship something from China by Container Ship can take up to sixty days. Once the New Silk Road is completed, to ship the same item will take ten days by train.

I use the European Union as a "Model" of what could happen to Humanity if it became Unified.

There are others model in which on diversity context it is as complicated if not more complicated than EU which covers area which pretty much close if not bigger to EU.
1. India (More than 447 Languages and ethnical identities)
2. Indonesia (More than 710 Languages and ethnical identities)

In context of India, I deliberately excluded Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Every citizen in such countries has identified as "Nation Name" first and Religion or Language or Ethnicities second.
I'm an Indian first and Marathi/Telugu, Christian/Hindus/Moslems/Buddhist/Sikh second.

Among one of the key differences in EU model vs India/Indonesia model is on the monetary structure.
Which is the current key major issues within EU.

When Greece goes bankrupt, Brussel's action is to issue a loan to Greece to repay their debt.
A loan for a solution to loan problems?
This only makes the problem worse and not a solution to the root cause of Greece economy un-competitiveness which caused the crisis in the first place.

In pre-EU world, the problem can be easily solved by Greece devaluating their currency (Drachma).
Which now Greece cannot do as all control for Euro is decided in Brussel.
And Brussel's action to Greece's problem is to issue a loan to Greece and avoiding any devaluation to Euro.

In contrast: when let's say Bali's government goes default, Indonesia's central government will take over the obligation.
It will be quite funny within Indonesian context for Indonesian government to issue a loan in IDR to Bali government.

The IDR will of course will become devaluated as usually the solution for such issues is the government will print new money in IDR to cover the obligation. But no Javanese or Lomboknese will ever complaint that their currency become devaluated because of the Balinese. And none of them will came up with an idea that proper actions is to issue a loan to the Balinese. As a result no Balinese will have a desire to exit the Indonesian-Union. Your debt is our debt, your problem is our problem.

Similar model is working in India.

Monetary issues is among the key factors which drives Brexit. (and Grexit)

The best thing that happened in the European Union was the Euro. It makes travel from country to country so easy. The exceptions are Norway, Denmark and Switzerland. Although Switzerland is the "Exception of the Exception". It is not part of the European because it remains neutral in everything. However, because Switzerland is in the middle of Europe and people are passing through it in all directions, (Zurich HB (Central Station) is the busiest international station in Europe). Switzerland accepts the Euro as standard as well as the Swiss Frank in all cash transactions. Switzerland is not a part of the European Union, (per se and in some many words), although it may as well be because it is except in name. Great Britain never accepted the Euro, and everything must be paid in Pounds.

Great Britain must be one of the few countries around the world that still uses Miles for distance. It is now getting to the point where I use the Kilometre as much as Miles, because I have travelled to Europe so many times, and it is the same in Canada. The United States is the other exception. The Mile is an illogical distance measurement, and the Kilometre makes more sense. It appears as if the former Empires are holding onto the last remnants and not modernization with the rest of world? That too will become part of the "Rebirthing" of Humanity.

That is part of the British Psyche and it cannot let go of the past. You would not believe how much propaganda is shown on British TV regarding the Second World War. They are still showing programs on how they defeated Germany, (such programs I never watch out of protest). Then there is the Monarchy propaganda A perfect example, last week on three British TV channels, simultaneously there were programs purporting propaganda about the Monarchy. The Monarchy is dead. Apart from all my travelling in Europe, I used to live in Canada, and so I lost all interest in the Monarchy. I have no time for them. What a lot of people do not realize, (living outside Great Britain). A block away from Buckingham Palace and the same at Windsor, people are living in cardboard boxes. There is the old saying, you can tell how much a country cares about its citizens, when you see the number of homeless people.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Anders - 04-23-2021

(04-23-2021, 07:30 AM)jafar Wrote: Both STS and STO is based on the conception of separation in mind.
When there's no separation, there is no "others" as such that there is no "self" either.

Yes, I believe you are correct. The Law of One uses the Law of Confusion, so terms used such as STS and STO need to be interpreted correctly. It's similar I believe to how the Bible uses Law of Confusion language to avoid revealing truths prematurely, such as:

Quote:"To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give that one the morning star. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches." - Revelation 2:26-29

The passage "whoever has ears" to me indicates a reference to that Law of Confusion language is used. And the "victorious one" I believe is the social memory complex forming on earth and not an individual king or dictator. And the text about giving the morning star to the victorious one I assume is a description of how the social memory on Venus (hi Ra!) will join with the social memory complex on earth. And dashing the nations like pottery is I think a reference to a peaceful process of replacing the need for nations.

In the Matrix movie Neo is "the one", but who isn't the one? So even in the Matrix movies the Law of Confusion is used. And the Sith in Star Wars are service to self (STS), they only care about themselves. And the Jedi are service to others (STO) and only care about others. Neither the Jedi nor the Sith have the balance of the Force.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ohr Ein Sof - 04-23-2021

(04-23-2021, 09:11 PM)Anders Wrote:
(04-23-2021, 07:30 AM)jafar Wrote: Both STS and STO is based on the conception of separation in mind.
When there's no separation, there is no "others" as such that there is no "self" either.

Yes, I believe you are correct. The Law of One uses the Law of Confusion, so terms used such as STS and STO need to be interpreted correctly. It's similar I believe to how the Bible uses Law of Confusion language to avoid revealing truths prematurely, such as:

Quote:"To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give that one the morning star. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches." - Revelation 2:26-29

The passage "whoever has ears" to me indicates a reference to that Law of Confusion language is used. And the "victorious one" I believe is the social memory complex forming on earth and not an individual king or dictator. And the text about giving the morning star to the victorious one I assume is a description of how the social memory on Venus (hi Ra!) will join with the social memory complex on earth. And dashing the nations like pottery is I think a reference to a peaceful process of replacing the need for nations.

In the Matrix movie Neo is "the one", but who isn't the one? So even in the Matrix movies the Law of Confusion is used. And the Sith in Star Wars are service to self (STS), they only care about themselves. And the Jedi are service to others (STO) and only care about others. Neither the Jedi nor the Sith have the balance of the Force.

Well, you can get aquainted with some of the teachings in the Bible by reading a couple of Manly P. Hall's books and Strong's Exhaustive Bible Concordance. There are a lot of meanings to the word "victorious" and what one would be victorious over.
Some of us even as hard as we may, still do not have "the ears to hear what the Spirit says". There is a lot of hidden meanings in the Bible, therefore, I recommend Manly P. Hall's writings. He actually has a book regarding the bible. I will find it and link it below.
[the morning star is in the "East"] this is a hint....and it has little to do with an actual location and nothing to do with actual churches. Anyway, let me find that for ya. Much love

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ohr Ein Sof - 04-23-2021

How to Understand Your Bible by Manly P Hall
Strong's Exhaustive Bible Concordance
Initiates of the Flame (not a book on the Bible, but a good book below a PDF file for this particular book)

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ymarsakar - 04-23-2021

Michael Heiser's work on ancient Hebrew vs the current translations, is pretty good. Specifically Psalm 82 or Deuteronomy 32

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Anders - 04-24-2021

(04-23-2021, 09:51 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: ... it has little to do with an actual location and nothing to do with actual churches.

Someone said, maybe it was Edgar Cayce, that the 7 churches in the Book of Revelation represent the 7 chakras. I haven't figured that out yet, but it sounds reasonable. Ra talks about 7 rays, such as for example green ray activation. I believe there is truth to that too and that the green ray means unity which is lacking in third density.

I will take a look at what Manly P. Hall said. I found this video:

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ohr Ein Sof - 04-24-2021

(04-24-2021, 05:07 AM)Anders Wrote:
(04-23-2021, 09:51 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: ... it has little to do with an actual location and nothing to do with actual churches.

Someone said, maybe it was Edgar Cayce, that the 7 churches in the Book of Revelation represent the 7 chakras. I haven't figured that out yet, but it sounds reasonable. Ra talks about 7 rays, such as for example green ray activation. I believe there is truth to that too and that the green ray means unity which is lacking in third density.

I will take a look at what Manly P. Hall said. I found this video:

For we lack that. It is something we can work toward during the full activation of the yellow ray. Edgar Cayce was an amazing man and he also offered us a lot of insight into the Akasha.
I think you would like some of Manly's writings. He has severeal small books that are very interesting.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Black Dragon - 04-24-2021

(04-24-2021, 12:38 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote:
(04-24-2021, 05:07 AM)Anders Wrote:
(04-23-2021, 09:51 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: ... it has little to do with an actual location and nothing to do with actual churches.

Someone said, maybe it was Edgar Cayce, that the 7 churches in the Book of Revelation represent the 7 chakras. I haven't figured that out yet, but it sounds reasonable. Ra talks about 7 rays, such as for example green ray activation. I believe there is truth to that too and that the green ray means unity which is lacking in third density.

I will take a look at what Manly P. Hall said. I found this video:

For we lack that. It is something we can work toward during the full activation of the yellow ray. Edgar Cayce was an amazing man and he also offered us a lot of insight into the Akasha.
I think you would like some of Manly's writings. He has severeal small books that are very interesting.

I have The Secret Teaching of All Ages and The Secret History of America, both great books.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - Ohr Ein Sof - 04-24-2021

(04-24-2021, 01:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote:
(04-24-2021, 12:38 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote:
(04-24-2021, 05:07 AM)Anders Wrote:
(04-23-2021, 09:51 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: ... it has little to do with an actual location and nothing to do with actual churches.

Someone said, maybe it was Edgar Cayce, that the 7 churches in the Book of Revelation represent the 7 chakras. I haven't figured that out yet, but it sounds reasonable. Ra talks about 7 rays, such as for example green ray activation. I believe there is truth to that too and that the green ray means unity which is lacking in third density.

I will take a look at what Manly P. Hall said. I found this video:

For we lack that. It is something we can work toward during the full activation of the yellow ray. Edgar Cayce was an amazing man and he also offered us a lot of insight into the Akasha.
I think you would like some of Manly's writings. He has severeal small books that are very interesting.

I have The Secret Teaching of All Ages and The Secret History of America, both great books.

I love The Secret Teachings of All Ages! I have never read the other book but it is on my list of books to read! I love The Initiates of the Flame. You may enjoy that one BD. I think you can find the PDF for that particular book. It is a short read but nonetheless powerful indeed.

RE: Unity Through Diversity (ONE from the diversity of Humanity) - jafar - 04-24-2021

(04-23-2021, 05:11 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: The best thing that happened in the European Union was the Euro. Great Britain never accepted the Euro, and everything must be paid in Pounds.

Putting Greece as example, the issues is how they manage the currency, in this case Euro.
And how the 'merging' of identities is not yet as strong to what has happened in let's say India and Indonesia.

Giving a loan as solution to Greece which has problem with loan is definitely only exacerbate the problem.
Oh but it's the Greek's problem, not mine, saith the French, the Germans and the British.

Research for yourself how much does Greece has paid it's loan from EU today, and how much is the unemployment rate in Greece today. Things now grew more bitter with the Covid situation, as the Covid strike the Greece tourism industry down to it's knees.

Well it's their loan and their problems, not mine.. that's still the attitude...

Quote:That is part of the British Psyche and it cannot let go of the past. You would not believe how much propaganda is shown on British TV regarding the Second World War. They are still showing programs on how they defeated Germany, (such programs I never watch out of protest).

Past glory and trauma, are the things that need to be dealt as part of the group's 'shadow works'.

The Mughal used to fight centuries of war with The Marathas in India.
But they have dealt with it better compared to the 'citizens' of EU.

Of course it didn't stop today's politicians to invoke sentiment and animosity of the past to gain popular support and power. Politicians need an 'enemy' to rally people supports towards them and not towards other politicians.