Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Printable Version

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Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - MrWho - 02-15-2021

I struggle to comprehend the requirement for there to be two separate worlds for negatives and positives.

Is the opposite true? Do 4th density negative planets only house beings of 95% StS or greater?

I can see the two working together on the same world and completing eachother in their service to the infinite creator. (If done in the most appropriate and conscientious manner)

But I have my doubts about this logic as well.

I noticed a few years ago, I began having health issues. I believe now this was due to my refusal to "give" energy. I have historically been very negative. However I was able to break away from this mindset. My right ear unclogged. My right brain became clear!

Also my auto immune skin condition is going away. (Though I attribute that more to less stress)

I think some of these body changes may be because we are almost completely 4th density positive. (Earth)

I think those who are far into the negative path simply will "burn out" if they do not make the "switch". A depressing and painful early death.

Quote:Questioner: I assume that an entity on either path can decide to choose paths at any time and possibly retrace steps, the path-changing being more difficult the farther along is gone. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The further an entity has, what you would call, polarized, the more easily this entity may change polarity, for the more power and awareness the entity will have.
Those truly helpless are those who have not consciously chosen but who repeat patterns without knowledge of the repetition or the meaning of the pattern.

I would love y'alls input!

Edit: Harvest: My interpretation.
I consider the analogy of harvest to be beautifully succinct.

As the 4th density energies seat upon our planet the previous 3d energies remain, but the "soil" as you say no longer supports 3d mind/body/spirit complexes.

So say if one is a wanderer who has come to aid in the transition. For some unfortunate circumstance to happen and you die; you feel your work not done, you reincarnate.

If you the 3rd density being dies. In this 4th density atmosphere, there is nowhere for you to go, your soul mismatched. And so you are guided by 7th density guardians back to a path that you may need for growth.

The Harvest belongs to those who pass the 51% StO threshold. For the fruit has ripened. In Harvest I see almost an initiation, if a natural 3rd density being reaches 51% StO and moves on. They have the opportunity to reincarnate in their new home. A special moment for this particular entity. On this particular world. At this particular time.

With all this said and done I see it as my mission to help all currently incarnated 3d beings to reach 51% harvest. (Those willing)

A speculative point I have considered. The 100-700 year time frame(beginning in 1936) may be dictated by the potential life spans-AND {awareness} of all 3d beings currently incarnated.(certain beings and communities once lived so long. Is it possible for an [isolated] 3d being to do the same today?)

Considering all this, I see that the Harvest may have already begun at the 2011 period. I cannot be certain though, logically it is possible.

I know it isn't as sexy as splitting realities and rapturous events.... but from what I have seen it is gradual.

The illusion is so incredibly convincing and subtle, why wouldn't the harvest be as well?


I suppose this quote answers my question.

Quote:In the case of those with whom you, as entities and as a group, are not in resonance, you wish them love, light, peace, joy, and bid them well. No more than this can you do for your portion of the Creator is as it is and your experience and offering of experience, to be valuable, needs be more and more a perfect representation of who you truly are.

(You are the company you keep ♾♥️☀️)

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Minyatur - 02-15-2021

I think the space itself is polarized, so you become somewhat bound to it. Harvestability then really is how resonant you are with the energy of that density.

Found this on the subject of a positively oriented entity ending up in 4D negative, which kind of goes along what I said:
Quote:69.10 Questioner: Now, has a Wanderer ever been so infringed upon by, shall I say, a negative adept or whoever and then placed in negative time/space?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

69.11 Questioner: Can you tell me of the situation that the Wanderer finds itself in and why the path back cannot be the simple moving back into the same value of positive time/space?

Ra: I am Ra. The path back revolves, firstly, about the higher self’s reluctance to enter negative space/time. This may be a significant part of the length of that path. Secondly, when a positively oriented entity incarnates in a thoroughly negative environment it must needs learn/teach the lessons of the love of self thus becoming one with its other-selves.
When this has been accomplished the entity may then choose to release the potential difference and change polarities.

However, the process of learning the accumulated lessons of love of self may be quite lengthy. Also the entity, in learning these lessons, may lose much positive orientation during the process and the choice of reversing polarities may be delayed until the mid-sixth density. All of this is, in your way of measurement, time-consuming although the end result is well.

69.12 Questioner: Is it possible to tell me roughly how many Wanderers that have come to this planet within this master cycle have experienced this displacement into a negative time/space? Just wondering if there have been many.

Ra: I am Ra. We can note the number of such occurrences. There has been only one. We cannot, due to the Law of Confusion, discuss the entity.

69.13 Questioner: You said the higher self is reluctant to enter negative space/time. Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The incarnative process involves being incarnated from time/space to space/time. This is correct.

69.14 Questioner: Then the positively polarized entity (I will make this statement and see if I am correct), when first moved into time/space of a negative polarization experiences nothing but darkness. Then, on incarnation into negative space/time by the higher self, it experiences a negative space/time environment with negatively polarized other-selves. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

69.15 Questioner: It would seem to me that this would be an extremely difficult situation for the positively polarized entity and the learning process would be extremely traumatic. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Let us say that the positively polarized individual makes a poor student of the love of self and thus spends much more time, if you will, than those native to that pattern of vibrations.

69.16 Questioner: Is there no process or way by which the entity, once misplaced, and I am assuming this misplacement must be a function of his free will in some way. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is absolutely correct.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - MrWho - 02-15-2021

This is very relevant, much appreciation.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Patrick - 02-15-2021

Here are my notes regarding the process of the harvest per se. Q`uo Wrote:...We would suggest that the possibility/probability vortices at this time indicate that each entity to whom we speak shall live out his natural physical life, die a natural death, and then walk the steps of light to see whether he has graduated from third grade or density in this school of souls, or whether he shall have to repeat the grade... Hatonn is within the self that the transition shall truly occur. That which occurs at harvest is within the self; that which occurs within the planet, although interesting, is a separate subject from the one which might well be considered far more interesting to the self. And that is that it is likely that this lifetime or at the very most, for those who die soon from the physical body, one more lifetime, shall be the last opportunity before graduation to refine the polarity of self to the point at which you the seeker might accept the quality of light which is the native light in fourth density... Q`uo Wrote:...One reason there is no need to fear these changes is that these changes are largely non-physical. As the questioner expressed the question, it was clear that the questioner was aware that they take place in the unseen realms, the inner planes. Therefore, while these changes are absolutely radical and revolutionary, they are not changes that will affect life as you know it on planet Earth. Consensus reality shall reflect only shadows of these changes... Q`uo Wrote:...It is very likely—and we are looking only at probability vortices, not actual predictions—that your people will not only be able to live out their current incarnations here but that there will be enough energy within third density to maintain third-density bodies and the energies of evolution, in terms of the spirit, for some of your time, perhaps as many as a hundred or a hundred and fifty of your years. It is difficult but not impossible to predict with any accuracy what shall occur with your people. However, the time of third density for doing third-density work is virtually over... Q`uo Wrote:...Eventually, your planet will no longer be able to sustain the evolutionary energy necessary to live a third-density life. Once this has occurred and there are no longer any third-density entities dwelling on the planet, fourth density will indeed become able not only to interpenetrate third density but to appear. At this point in its development, all of fourth density chooses not to appear. It chooses to remain as an unseen energy in order to allow the third-density entities to complete their patterns... Hatonn Wrote:...we may use an analogy further utilizing the concept of the school with the grades that represent the levels of understanding or densities of experience. In your third-density illusion, each experience is a question—each experience is the same question. There is only one question on this test which you call life. It is reflected in each experience. The question is, “Do you see love in this experience?” In some degree the seeker will see love in each experience; in some degree the seeker will not. As the seeker is able to answer each experience question with an answer that approaches one hundred percent “Yes,” the seeker is polarizing in the positive sense. We may report that the good news of the test is that fifty-one percent is passing. When the seeker is able to answer each answer to a level of fifty-one percent of experiencing and seeing love, the seeker is then of a polarized enough nature to move into the fourth-density grade in the octave of creation that you now experience. The seeker, then, has achieved the minimum polarization that will allow it to withstand the greater intensity of energy available within the fourth-density class.

Without at least the ability to see love in fifty-one percent of one’s perceptions and experiences, the energy available in the fourth-density class would be too much for the circuit of the seeker who had not yet sufficiently regularized or polarized its being in order that its circuits not be blown, shall we say, as the greater intensity of light became the reality for the seeker...

Quote:63.8 Questioner: I would like to continue with the questions about the fact that in fourth-density the red, orange, and green energies will be activated; yellow, blue, etc. being in potentiation. Right now, we have green energies activated. They have been activated for the last 45 years. I am wondering about the transition through this period so that the green is totally activated and the yellow is in potentiation. What will we lose as the yellow goes from activation into potentiation, and what will we gain as green comes into total activation, and what is the process?

Ra: I am Ra. It is misleading to speak of gains and losses when dealing with the subject of the cycle’s ending and the green-ray cycle beginning upon your sphere. It is to be kept in the forefront of the faculties of intelligence that there is one creation in which there is no loss. There are progressive cycles for experiential use by entities. We may now address your query.

As the green-ray cycle or the density of love and understanding begins to take shape the yellow-ray plane or Earth which you now enjoy in your dance will cease to be inhabited for some period of your space/time as the space/time necessary for fourth-density entities to learn their ability to shield their density from that of third is learned. After this period there will come a time when third density may again cycle on the yellow-ray sphere.

Meanwhile there is another sphere, congruent to a great extent with yellow ray, forming. This fourth-density sphere coexists with first, second, and third. It is of a denser nature due to the rotational core atomic aspects of its material. We have discussed this subject with you.

The fourth-density entities which incarnate at this space/time are fourth density in the view of experience but are incarnating in less dense vehicles due to desire to experience and aid in the birth of fourth density upon this plane.

You may note that fourth-density entities have a great abundance of compassion.

Quote:20.6 Questioner: Speaking of the rapid change that occurred in the physical vehicle; the change from second to third density: this, you said, occurred in approximately a generation and a half. Body hair was lost and there were structural changes.
I am aware of the physics of Dewey B. Larson, who states that all is motion or vibration. Am I correct in assuming that the basic vibration, which makes up the physical world as we experience it, changes, thus creating a different set of parameters, shall I say, in this short period of time between density changes allowing for the new type of vehicle? Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - zedro - 02-15-2021

It's just the passing grades into the next school level, the school being the planet of the specific density/polarity.

The planets polarity is based on either the majority of the graduating harvest polarity (or the decision of the logos), and only those of that polarity can remain. The opposing polarity will get their own 4d planet (maybe Mars lol) and the non graduates will incarnate on a new 3d planet (or maybe wait until this one becomes vacant again).

The thing is, there are two harvests happening right now, one for positive, the other for negative. Both polarities are present here right now, doing their thing, trying to 'make the grade'. The notion of the planet being split is more metaphorical, it's the consciencnous between people in existing societal frameworks that is experiencing a schism, so while we can share the same physical space with the opposite polarity (during this transitional period), the 'operational space' is diverging more and more. Eventually there will only be the matching polarity between the planet and their inhabitants.

Of course this will mean (most likely) some depopulation will occur, and depending on how (un)harmonious the years leading up to the shift, we could see catastrophic events culling large swaths of people, or a more peaceful attrition. So let's say we are 9 billion people, and 1 billion of those could be made up of wanderers and new graduates, if you had a 5% positive harvest, that would be 5% of 8 billion earthseeds, or 400 million remaining. The only way you wouldn't see such a population drop is if wanderers started replacing that population, but that's alot of wanderers and would make them the overwhelming majority so I'm not so sure if that would make sense.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - MrWho - 02-15-2021

Patrick, I greatly needed your seasoned knowledge on Q'uo and others. My studies have been exclusiy on the Ra material.

I see no need for or potential for a major depopulation event. In fact I will use all of my powers and manifestation to ensure such a thing never happens. Not while I live. (Thoughts become things)

All is well.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Dtris - 02-15-2021

The reason is due to the extremes not allowing the others to exist.

Extreme Negativity is a gravity well which pulls all into it. The positive polarity is unable to be maintained in that environment. If the 4th density STS occupied the same planet as 4th density STO they would attempt to enslave them ceaselessly.

The other reason is that it is necessary in 4th density to form a social memory complex. That requires the society to be at least minimally unified in seeking toward STS/STO.

It should also be stated that Ra mentions that only new 4th density planets lack 3rd density entities. Once the 4th density matures to the point they can maintain their dimension where 3rd density cannot easily see it, then 3rd density can return to the planet. There would then be most likely some 3rd density STS entities even on a 4th density STO planet. While in the case of 4th density STS they would likely enslave the 3rd density entities and STS would be the natural outcome in all but the most rare cases.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - MrWho - 02-15-2021

Dtris, I agree largely and that spawned my thought process for this post. A Positive being incarnated on a negative 4th density planet would have ample opportunity to serve in the positive. (Unless the negatives demanded the positive being be self serving only, denying any potential gain in positive.)

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - zedro - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 05:28 PM)MrWho Wrote: I see no need for or potential for a major depopulation event. In fact I will use all of my powers and manifestation to ensure such a thing never happens. Not while I live. (Thoughts become things)

How so? Death is a part of life, and sometimes a forest needs to burn down to rejuvenate. Everyone here present on Earth will eventually die anyways, so what does the timing really matter? This was one of Ra's lessons, something they were preparing us mentally for. Souls will always filter to their right place and time, the 'physical realm' is merely a temporary placeholder for learning.

That that being said, my attachment to outcome lies in the reduction of suffering if it can be helped (and like you I would rather not experience such catastrophe), but that's another hard pill that Ra gave us to swallow, that the potential suffering is a choice on a higher spiritual level, and is a temporary illusion the creator bestows upon itself. It's a mind f*** for sure, and very hard for me to accept (especially having suffered to be here), but it's not a reality our egos can just will away. It's about how we interact with such catalysts and accept them (acceptance here being a paradoxical term that changes between the spiritual and material contexts).

The world can be on fire, and all can be well. And I can both believe and reject this at the same time.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - MrWho - 02-15-2021

Because each life is infinitely precious.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Glow - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 05:28 PM)MrWho Wrote: Patrick, I greatly needed your seasoned knowledge on Q'UO and others. My studies are exclusiy have been on the Ra material.

I see no need for or potential for a major depopulation event. In fact I will use all of my powers and manifestation to ensure such a thing never happens. Not while I live. (Thoughts become things)

All is well.
Is it the event you dislike or the depopulation?
In the thoughts become things category, neither need be a traumatic thing.

An event actually could be less traumatic as everyone's incarnation would simply end. It may actually be the kinder path than the slow depopulation path but ultimately both could be completely peaceful processes.

I do not for see an event but the full depopulation of 3D
to my understanding this is an inevitability.

3D bodies at some point will not be supported here. Early 4D is unable to veil itself so would infringe if they started incarnating before 3D incarnates had all left their incarnation.

I do not see a way that 4D could start incarnating then until the population of 3D m/b/s complexes dwindles down to nothing.

It doesn't mean a mass death event. 3D bodies not being supported could mean a shorter life span, and less fertility bringing in new 3D m/b/s complexes. The 3D m/b/s complexes will incarnate on a planet still in 3D vibration itself so it can support 3D life.

Nothing dramatic or traumatic necessary. The planet has moved into 4D vibration and so the 3D population will incarnate elsewhere.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - flofrog - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 06:15 PM)MrWho Wrote: Because each life is infinitely precious.

Totally MrWho each life is precious, but none of us knows really the incarnation plan of others, and’’’ we barely know ours sometimes... Wink BigSmile

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - sillypumpkins - 02-15-2021

i echo zedro glow and flo (say that out loud 3 or 4 times really fast)

my perspective: I don't know enough about what's best for anything..... really, I don't feel like I do. i don't know why these global catastrophes happen, truly, and the insinuation with seeking to prevent them from happening is that they are somehow "bad" or "undesireable". which i get. getting covid would suck, yknow? or getting caught in a high level hurricane. on a 3d level those things would suck. but I don't know what the higher powers at work are most of the time. as in, I don't know why most things happen, specifically the "why" that is on that soul-level if that makes sense.

yes, every life is precious and we should do our best to help each other thrive, but there is also the other side of the coin where it's like, we are all going to die in any which way, any time. and there's a sort of negativity that we're tasked with playing with on this plane. and that's a part of it too. the negative is as valid as the positive, or as invalid :p

love and light to ya

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - zedro - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 06:20 PM)Glow Wrote: I do not for see an event but the full depopulation of 3D
to my understanding this is an inevitability.

3D bodies at some point will not be supported here. Early 4D is unable to veil itself so would infringe if they started incarnating before 3D incarnates had all left their incarnation.

I do not see a way that 4D could start incarnating then until the population of 3D m/b/s complexes dwindles down to nothing.

It doesn't mean a mass death event. 3D bodies not being supported could mean a shorter life span, and less fertility bringing in new 3D m/b/s complexes. The 3D m/b/s complexes will incarnate on a planet still in 3D vibration itself so it can support 3D life.

Nothing dramatic or traumatic necessary. The planet has moved into 4D vibration and so the 3D population will incarnate elsewhere.

This is where the description of dual activated bodies come in, 3d bodies that have 4d capability. The explanation given by Ra is a bit clumsy IMO as they don't quite explain the transition between the two, but merely describe the death of the 3d body, but not the transition to the 4d body.

There is a reason wanderers (including new graduates) are incarnating here, to both experience the shift, and to help in the transition, to preserve some societal infrastructure, to not have to start over from scratch. Keep in mind, early 4d will not be completely etheric bodies, that happens way down the line, the early form will still be a 'solid' state, just a different (higher) vibrational state.

The theory is changes are being made (or are already incoded) in our DNA, with is the vibrational anchor to the realm we exist in.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - flofrog - 02-15-2021

So interesting Zecro, a member of my family, searcher in genetics, said that infants born today have way more DNA threads than for exemple fifty years ago. Wink

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - MrWho - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 06:20 PM)Glow Wrote:
(02-15-2021, 05:28 PM)MrWho Wrote: Patrick, I greatly needed your seasoned knowledge on Q'UO and others. My studies are exclusiy have been on the Ra material.

I see no need for or potential for a major depopulation event. In fact I will use all of my powers and manifestation to ensure such a thing never happens. Not while I live. (Thoughts become things)

All is well.
Is it the event you dislike or the depopulation?
In the thoughts become things category, neither need be a traumatic thing.

An event actually could be less traumatic as everyone's incarnation would simply end. It may actually be the kinder path than the slow depopulation path but ultimately both could be completely peaceful processes.

I do not for see an event but the full depopulation of 3D
to my understanding this is an inevitability.

3D bodies at some point will not be supported here. Early 4D is unable to veil itself so would infringe if they started incarnating before 3D incarnates had all left their incarnation.

I do not see a way that 4D could start incarnating then until the population of 3D m/b/s complexes dwindles down to nothing.

It doesn't mean a mass death event. 3D bodies not being supported could mean a shorter life span, and less fertility bringing in new 3D m/b/s complexes. The 3D m/b/s complexes will incarnate on a planet still in 3D vibration itself so it can support 3D life.

Nothing dramatic or traumatic necessary. The planet has moved into 4D vibration and so the 3D population will incarnate elsewhere.

I believe that every soul incarnated from 2011 on is no longer of 3rd density. Every new incarnation in my opinion is 4th or higher.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Glow - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 06:38 PM)zedro Wrote:
(02-15-2021, 06:20 PM)Glow Wrote: I do not for see an event but the full depopulation of 3D
to my understanding this is an inevitability.

3D bodies at some point will not be supported here. Early 4D is unable to veil itself so would infringe if they started incarnating before 3D incarnates had all left their incarnation.

I do not see a way that 4D could start incarnating then until the population of 3D m/b/s complexes dwindles down to nothing.

It doesn't mean a mass death event. 3D bodies not being supported could mean a shorter life span, and less fertility bringing in new 3D m/b/s complexes. The 3D m/b/s complexes will incarnate on a planet still in 3D vibration itself so it can support 3D life.

Nothing dramatic or traumatic necessary. The planet has moved into 4D vibration and so the 3D population will incarnate elsewhere.

This is where the description of dual activated bodies come in, 3d bodies that have 4d capability. The explanation given by Ra is a bit clumsy IMO as they don't quite explain the transition between the two, but merely describe the death of the 3d body, but not the transition to the 4d body.

There is a reason wanderers (including new graduates) are incarnating here, to both experience the shift, and to help in the transition, to preserve some societal infrastructure, to not have to start over from scratch. Keep in mind, early 4d will not be completely etheric bodies, that happens way down the line, the early form will still be a 'solid' state, just a different (higher) vibrational state.

The theory is changes are being made (or are already incoded) in our DNA, with is the vibrational anchor to the realm we exist in.

I actually insinuated similar on an earlier thread. But Minyatur found a reference to the 3D body actually being unsupported so having to leave the incarnation. I will try to find it. Or heck he is on thread maybe he will remember because I can't remember search terms at this moment.

Still going off that same dual activated bodies thing, my impression I didn't mention at that time was that dual activated entities could have their 3d form disappear and simply continue in the 4D already potentiated body. That though is just theory, I don't believe anything in the material is perfectly clear.

Either way I am not assuming drama. Ha we could just have a big CO2 cloud release and we all take a literal dirt nap going into harvest.

Personally I hope for the least stressful transition possible for all my other selves.  I am sure it shows a lack of full understanding but it seems people have so much catalyst already.  Tongue

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - MrWho - 02-15-2021

Things are better than they have ever been, and improving each moment.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - zedro - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 06:53 PM)flofrog Wrote: So interesting Zecro, a member of my family,  searcher in genetics, said that infants born today have way more DNA threads than for exemple fifty years ago. Wink

Yeah there's something definitely going on, just hard to get concrete info about it. It seems China has been all over this, their scientific community being more open about 'special kids' and their 'super-natural' abilities.

And when you hear about so called 'junk DNA', it's at the very least a misunderstanding of materialist scientists not recognizing DNA as being resonant structures, and not just protein codes. Like if you analysed a song by the individual notes, and failed to recognize the musical key/octave structure, and melody, and overall musical story arc.

Just an addition to my comments about Ra's 'clumsy' statements on the dual activated bodies, I believe this was most likely on purpose, perhaps some Law of Confusion elements in there. Unfortunately we can't get all the answers served on a platter.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Patrick - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 06:57 PM)MrWho Wrote: ...I believe that every soul incarnated from 2011 on is no longer of 3rd density. Every new incarnation in my opinion is 4th or higher.

Children are now dual-activated if I got that properly.

Quote:63.14 Questioner: You are saying, then, that for the transition from third to fourth-density for one of the entities with doubly activated bodies, in order to make the transition the third-density body will go through the process of what we call death. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The third and fourth, combination, density’s body will die according to the necessity of third-density mind/body/spirit complex distortions.

We may respond to the heart of your questioning by noting that the purpose of such combined activation of mind/body/spirit complexes is that such entities, to some extent, consciously are aware of those fourth-density understandings which third density is unable to remember due to the forgetting. Thus fourth-density experience may be begun with the added attraction to an entity oriented towards service to others of dwelling in a troubled third-density environment and offering its love and compassion.

Thread on dual activated

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Patrick - 02-15-2021

Also, the reason in favor of not having a quick catastrophic event is that it gives more time for those on the verge of becoming harvestable to polarize just enough.  Even if this helps only one person, I think it is worth it.  But yes many will continue to suffer in order for this to happen.  I believe we collectively agree with this on a subconscious level, otherwise something more dramatic would have already happened.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Glow - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 07:10 PM)Patrick Wrote:
Quote:63.14 Questioner: You are saying, then, that for the transition from third to fourth-density for one of the entities with doubly activated bodies, in order to make the transition the third-density body will go through the process of what we call death. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The third and fourth, combination, density’s body will die according to the necessity of third-density mind/body/spirit complex distortions.

We may respond to the heart of your questioning by noting that the purpose of such combined activation of mind/body/spirit complexes is that such entities, to some extent, consciously are aware of those fourth-density understandings which third density is unable to remember due to the forgetting. Thus fourth-density experience may be begun with the added attraction to an entity oriented towards service to others of dwelling in a troubled third-density environment and offering its love and compassion.

Thread on dual activated

That is the quote!

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Aion - 02-15-2021

It is somewhat more complex I think, but in essence my understanding is such entities will tend to move towards planets which are offering lessons in the polarity of their interest. So where you see this "split", it's not one that is of mechanical obligation but an outgrowth of the natural movement of choice of entities in choosing where they wish to continue their evolutionary growth. Thus, those with interest in the positive will tend to move on to planets which already have a predominance towards positivity, and the negative the opposite. I don't believe it is an absolute rule and I even think there are rare occasions where the entity may change their mind (or even be deceived in to the opposing time/space but that's another topic) 'enroute' so to speak.

The "graduation requirements" are really a philosophical way of describing a certain 'intensity of light' or ability to work with intelligent infinity.

Quote:47.3 Questioner: We chose the values of . . . or were given the values of better than 50% service to others for fourth-density positive and better than 95% service to self for fourth-density negative social memory complexes. Do these two values correspond to the same rate, shall I say, of vibration?

Ra: I am Ra. I perceive you have difficulty in expressing your query. We shall respond in an attempt to clarify your query.

The vibratory rates are not to be understood as the same in positive and negative orientations. They are to be understood as having the power to accept and work with intelligent infinity to a certain degree or intensity. Due to the fact that the primary color, shall we say, or energy blue is missing from the negatively oriented system of power, the green/blue vibratory energies are not seen in the vibratory schedules or patterns of negative fourth and fifth rates of vibration.
The positive, upon the other hand, shall we say, has the full spectrum of true-color time/space vibratory patterns and thus contains a variant vibratory pattern or schedule. Each is capable of doing fourth-density work. This is the criterion for harvest.

Quote:71.2 Questioner: I have several different questions. In this session I hope to establish, by searching around with several different types of questions, a point of entry into an investigation that will be fruitful. I would first ask, is it possible to increase polarity without increasing harvestability?

Ra: I am Ra. The connection between polarization and harvestability is most important in third-density harvest. In this density an increase in the serving of others, or the serving of self, will almost inevitably increase the ability of an entity to enjoy an higher intensity of light. Thus, in this density, we may say, it is hardly possible to polarize without increasing in harvestability.

Quote:48.6 Questioner: Thank you. That cleared it up very well. A very important point.
Can you tell me how positive and negative polarizations in fourth and fifth density are used to cause work in consciousness?

Ra: I am Ra. There is very little work in consciousness in fourth and in fifth densities compared to the work done in third density. The work that is accomplished in positive fourth is that work whereby the positive social memory complex, having through slow stages harmoniously integrated itself, goes forth to aid those of less positive orientation which seek their aid. Thus their service is their work.

And through this dynamic between the societal self and the other-self which is the object of love, greater and greater intensities of understanding or compassion are attained. This intensity continues until the appropriate intensity of the light may be welcomed. This is fourth-density harvest.

Within fourth-density positive there are minor amounts of catalyst of a spiritual- and mental-complex distortion. This occurs during the process of harmonizing to the extent of forming the social memory complex. This causes some small catalyst and work to occur, but the great work of fourth density lies in the contact betwixt the societal self and less polarized other-self.

In fourth-density negative much work is accomplished during the fighting for position which precedes the period of the social memory complex. There are opportunities to polarize negatively by control of other-selves. During the social memory complex period of fourth-density negative, the situation is the same. The work takes place through the societal reaching out to less polarized other-self in order to aid in negative polarization.

In fifth-density positive and negative the concept of work done through a potential difference is not particularly helpful as fifth-density entities are, again, intensifying rather than potentiating.

In positive, the fifth-density complex uses sixth-density teach/learners to study the more illuminated understandings of unity, thus becoming more and more wise. Fifth-density positive social memory complexes often will choose to divide their service to others in two ways: first, the beaming of light to creation; second, the sending of groups to be of aid as instruments of light such as those whom you’re familiar with through channels.

In fifth-density negative, service to self has become extremely intense and the self has shrunk or compacted so that the dialogues with the teach/learners are used exclusively in order to intensify wisdom. There are very, very few fifth-density negative wanderers for they fear the forgetting. There are very, very few fifth-density Orion members for they do not any longer perceive any virtue in other-selves.

Quote:47.6 Questioner: Well, what I was actually asking was if 50% is required for graduation from third to fourth in the positive sense, 95% is required for graduation in the negative sense, does this have to more closely approach 100% in both cases for graduation from fourth to fifth? Does an entity have to be 99% polarized for negative and maybe 80% polarized for positive graduation from fourth to fifth?

Ra: I am Ra. We perceive the query now.

To give this in your terms is misleading, for there are, shall we say, visual aids, or training aids, available in fourth density which automatically aid the entity in polarization while cutting down extremely upon the quick effect of catalyst. Thus the density above yours must take up more space/time.

The percentage of service to others of positively oriented entities will harmoniously approach 98% in intention. The qualifications for fifth density, however, involve understanding. This then becomes the primary qualification for graduation from fourth to fifth density. To achieve this graduation the entity must be able to understand the actions, the movements, and the dance. There is no percentage describable which measures this understanding. It is a measure of efficiency of perception. It may be measured by light. The ability to love, accept, and use a certain intensity of light thus creates the requirement for both positive and negative fourth to fifth harvesting.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - zedro - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 07:13 PM)Patrick Wrote: Also, the reason in favor of not having a quick catastrophic event is that it gives more time for those on the verge of becoming harvestable to polarize just enough.  Even if this helps only one person, I think it is worth it.  But yes many will continue to suffer in order for this to happen.  I believe we collectively agree with this on a subconscious level, otherwise something more dramatic would have already happened.

I agree, and there is obviously a divine strategy here, otherwise why else would we have 'Confederate' STO sources, whether thru channels or incarnating wanderers interacting here.

Direct influence by the above sources on individuals still polarizing would be an infringement (although there may be balancing aspects if infringements were perpetuated by STS sources initially), so this should speak loudly on why it is happening: there is a steering committee for this planet to achieve the most ideal outcome, and to help the new earth and it's future inhabitants build.

But there have already been ongoing localized catastrophe's in various forms (Western media has not been forthcoming with this reality), but I also believe outright Armageddon is off the menu, there is too much 'spiritual investment' here IMO.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Minyatur - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 07:01 PM)Glow Wrote: I actually insinuated similar on an earlier thread. But Minyatur found a reference to the 3D body actually being unsupported so having to leave the incarnation. I will try to find it. Or heck he is on thread maybe he will remember because I can't remember search terms at this moment.

This is an interesting subject. These quotes seem to imply the Earth will become inhabitable in 3D and that even dual-activated bodies will need to die.

Quote:63.8 Questioner: From last session, I would like to continue with a few questions about the fact that in fourth density red, orange, and green energies will be activated; yellow, blue, etc., being in potentiation. Right now, you say we have green energies activated. They have been activated for the last 45 years. I am wondering about the transition through this period so that the green is totally activated and the yellow is in potentiation. What will we lose as the yellow goes from activation into potentiation, and what will we gain as the green comes into total activation, and what is that process?

Ra: I am Ra. It is misleading to speak of gains and losses when dealing with the subject of the cycle’s ending and the green-ray cycle beginning upon your sphere. It is to be kept in the forefront of the faculties of intelligence that there is one creation in which there is no loss. There are progressive cycles for experiential use by entities. We may now address your query.

As the green-ray cycle or the density of love and understanding begins to take shape the yellow-ray plane or Earth which you now enjoy in your dance will cease to be inhabited for some period of your space/time as the space/time necessary for fourth-density entities to learn their ability to shield their density from that of third is learned. After this period there will come a time when third density may again cycle on the yellow-ray sphere.

Meanwhile there is another sphere, congruent to a great extent with yellow ray, forming. This fourth-density sphere coexists with first, second, and third. It is of a denser nature due to the rotational core atomic aspects of its material. We have discussed this subject with you.

The fourth-density entities which incarnate at this space/time are fourth density in the view of experience but are incarnating in less dense vehicles due to desire to experience and aid in the birth of fourth density upon this plane.

Quote:63.25 Questioner: Then at some time in the future the fourth-density sphere will be fully activated. What is the difference between full activation and partial activation for this sphere?

Ra: I am Ra. At this time the cosmic influxes are conducive to true-color green core particles being formed and material of this nature thus being formed. However, there is a mixture of the yellow-ray and green-ray environments at this time necessitating the birthing of transitional mind/body/spirit complex types of energy distortions. At full activation of the true-color green density of love the planetary sphere will be solid and inhabitable upon its own and the birthing that takes place will have been transformed through the process of time, shall we say, to the appropriate type of vehicle to appreciate in full the fourth-density planetary environment. At this nexus the green-ray environment exists to a far greater extent in time/space than in space/time.

Quote:63.14 Questioner: You are saying, then, that for the transition from third to fourth density for one of the entities with doubly activated bodies, in order to make the transition the third-density body will go through the process of what we call death. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The third and fourth, combination, density’s body will die according to the necessity of third-density mind/body/spirit complex distortions.

We may respond to the heart of your questioning by noting that the purpose of such combined activation of mind/body/spirit complexes is that such entities, to some extent, consciously are aware of those fourth-density understandings which third density is unable to remember due to the forgetting. Thus fourth-density experience may be begun with the added attraction, to an entity oriented towards service to others, of dwelling in a troubled third-density environment and offering its love and compassion.

Then, these two quotes say that the 4D bodies will be birthed from the 3D bodies and come as an extension of our experience.

Quote:63.27 Questioner: I will make this statement, and you correct me. What we have is, as our planet is spiraled by the spiraling action of the entire major galaxy, as the big wheel in the sky turns and our planetary system spirals into the new position, the fourth-density vibrations become more and more pronounced. These atomic core vibrations begin to create, more and more completely, the green, that is the green core vibrations complete more and more completely the fourth-density sphere and the fourth-density bodily complexes for inhabitation of that sphere. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. To be corrected is the concept of the creation of green-ray density bodily complexes. This creation will be gradual and will take place beginning with your third-density type of physical vehicle and, through the means of bisexual reproduction, become by evolutionary processes, the fourth-density body complexes.

63.28 Questioner: Then are these entities of which we spoke, the third-density harvestable who have been transferred, are they the ones who then will, by bisexual reproduction, create the fourth-density complexes that are necessary?

Ra: I am Ra. The influxes of true-color green energy complexes will more and more create the conditions in which the atomic structure of cells of bodily complexes is that of the density of love. The mind/body/spirit complexes inhabiting these physical vehicles will be, and to some extent, are, those of whom you spoke and, as harvest is completed, the harvested entities of this planetary influence.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - sillypumpkins - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 06:57 PM)MrWho Wrote:
(02-15-2021, 06:20 PM)Glow Wrote:
(02-15-2021, 05:28 PM)MrWho Wrote: Patrick, I greatly needed your seasoned knowledge on Q'UO and others. My studies are exclusiy have been on the Ra material.

I see no need for or potential for a major depopulation event. In fact I will use all of my powers and manifestation to ensure such a thing never happens. Not while I live. (Thoughts become things)

All is well.
Is it the event you dislike or the depopulation?
In the thoughts become things category, neither need be a traumatic thing.

An event actually could be less traumatic as everyone's incarnation would simply end. It may actually be the kinder path than the slow depopulation path but ultimately both could be completely peaceful processes.

I do not for see an event but the full depopulation of 3D
to my understanding this is an inevitability.

3D bodies at some point will not be supported here. Early 4D is unable to veil itself so would infringe if they started incarnating before 3D incarnates had all left their incarnation.

I do not see a way that 4D could start incarnating then until the population of 3D m/b/s complexes dwindles down to nothing.

It doesn't mean a mass death event. 3D bodies not being supported could mean a shorter life span, and less fertility bringing in new 3D m/b/s complexes. The 3D m/b/s complexes will incarnate on a planet still in 3D vibration itself so it can support 3D life.

Nothing dramatic or traumatic necessary. The planet has moved into 4D vibration and so the 3D population will incarnate elsewhere.

I believe that every soul incarnated from 2011 on is no longer of 3rd density. Every new incarnation in my opinion is 4th or higher.

there's a dissonance with your language here, in that you say every soul is 'no longer of 3rd density', and then you say every new incarnation is of 4th density or higher.

soul and incarnation each connotate quite different things to me. which are you referring to? or am i completely misunderstanding? :p

i'm not sure densities (or many things in the Ra material) are as linear as you might make them out to be. idk. i sense an assumption in your words in how densities
"work" or whatever, and i just get the sense that there might be more to it than you (or me, or she, or he, or they) might know.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - zedro - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 07:35 PM)Minyatur Wrote: This is an interesting subject. These quotes seem to imply the Earth will become inhabitable in 3D and that even dual-activated bodies will need to die.


Then, these two quotes say that the 4D bodies will be birthed from the 3D bodies and come as an extension of our experience.


I guess this is why the transitional area between 3d and 4d is so long, so you could be in a dual activated body right now and still live out your natural life, but still witness harvest and mingle with 4d individuals on a 3d/4d transitional planet. And seeing how it was described the transition could theoretically take several hundred years to fully complete, those dual activated people could potentially live a very very long time BigSmile

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - flofrog - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 07:05 PM)zedro Wrote: And when you hear about so called 'junk DNA', it's at the very least a misunderstanding of materialist scientists not recognizing DNA as being resonant structures, and not just protein codes. Like if you analysed a song by the individual notes, and failed to recognize the musical key/octave structure, and melody, and overall musical story arc..

Lol, I remember reading a long time ago in Neal Walsh’s Conversations with God, that the junk DNA was precisely the interesting stuff... the thing that we should in fact learn to use, BigSmile. And that we would later on, most evidently in 4th, was probably what was meant.

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - MrWho - 02-15-2021

Sillypumpkins, I meant to refer "soul and incarnation" as "mind/body/spirit complexes".

RE: Do 4th density positive worlds only house beings of 51% StO or higher? - Ohr Ein Sof - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 06:06 PM)zedro Wrote:
(02-15-2021, 05:28 PM)MrWho Wrote: I see no need for or potential for a major depopulation event. In fact I will use all of my powers and manifestation to ensure such a thing never happens. Not while I live. (Thoughts become things)

How so? Death is a part of life, and sometimes a forest needs to burn down to rejuvenate. Everyone here present on Earth will eventually die anyways, so what does the timing really matter? This was one of Ra's lessons, something they were preparing us mentally for. Souls will always filter to their right place and time, the 'physical realm' is merely a temporary placeholder for learning.

That that being said, my attachment to outcome lies in the reduction of suffering if it can be helped (and like you I would rather not experience such catastrophe), but that's another hard pill that Ra gave us to swallow, that the potential suffering is a choice on a higher spiritual level, and is a temporary illusion the creator bestows upon itself. It's a mind f*** for sure, and very hard for me to accept (especially having suffered to be here), but it's not a reality our egos can just will away. It's about how we interact with such catalysts and accept them (acceptance here being a paradoxical term that changes between the spiritual and material contexts).

The world can be on fire, and all can be well. And I can both believe and reject this at the same time.

Agreed. This depopulation has been here before in other historical accounts and no one could do anything to slow them or stop them. The deluge, the holocaust, the Atlanteans, Mu...the list is lengthy. Plus, it may be a benefit as you made the comparison regarding the forest burning for rejuvenation.