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The Weed Thread - meadow-foreigner - 01-16-2021

Disclaimer: the content presented here is not an attest of truth. Life experiences vary from individual to individual. Use your own discernment to process life yourself.

The following topic is a collection of research data collected throughout the years, by the contribution of many individuals.
Use it or discard it as you will. Compare to your own personal experiences and see what suits you.

Let's begin with the following preambles:
I don't particularly recommend its usage, it is too risky and variables soon increase in complexity.
• The material world is only a very small part of The Creation. Just because one isn't aware of things it doesn't mean they aren't there.

The usage of certain substances, such as THC, modulate the hardware (physical body soul receptor) consciousness perceiving and manifestation, therefore enabling one to feel, perceive, and interact in a more direct manner with metaphysical realities.

There are spiritual entities that hang around your whereabouts just as there are persons that live in 3D besides you. It might be shocking for some to realize this first-hand, and some end up broken due to a lack of ability to reconcile the expanded perception and the "common", baseline perception of the world. Which is why there are always a team of helpers besides each incarnated individual, so as to appropriately guide them in the 3D lanes.

Quote:90.2 Questioner: Could you tell me the situation with respect to our fourth- and fifth-density companions at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. The fourth-density league of companions accompanies your group. The fifth-density friend, at this space/time nexus, works within its own density exclusively.

90.3 Questioner: By what means do these particular fourth-density entities get from their origin to our position?

Ra: I am Ra. The mechanism of calling has been previously explored. When a distortion which may be negatively connotated is effected, this calling occurs.
In addition, the light of which we have spoken, emanating from attempts to be of service to others in a fairly clear and lucid sense, is another type of calling in that it represents that which requires balance by temptation.
Thirdly, there have been certain avenues into the mind/body/spirit complexes of this group which have been made available by your fifth-density friend.

90.4 Questioner: Actually, the question I intended was how do they get here? By what means of moving?

Ra: I am Ra. In the mechanism of the calling, the movement is as you would expect; that is, the entities are within your planetary influence and are, having come through the quarantine web, free to answer such calling.
The temptations are offered by those negative entities of what you would call your inner planes. These, shall we say, dark angels have been impressed by the service-to-self path offered by those which have come through quarantine from days of old. And these entities, much like your angelic presences of the positive nature, are ready to move in thought within the inner planes of this planetary influence working from time/space to space/time.
The mechanism of the fifth-density entity is from density to density and is magical in nature. The fourth density, of itself, is not capable of building the highway into the energy web. However, it is capable of using that which has been left intact. These entities are, again, the Orion entities of fourth density.

Most usually, people live in an auto-pilot type of way, under direct influence of such spiritual entities. Call these entities angels, guardians, spirits, ghosts, whatever you want to name them. Because of their metaphysical (and often privileged) standpoints, one might think that they are wiser than incarnate individuals. This is not always the case. In other words, acquiescing to their guidance might not be the wisest idea. Also, there is a difference between your own Higher Self guidance and the usual metaphysical chit-chat and hanging around that occurs on a daily basis. Note that certain technologies, such as wireless connections, are indicatives of human activity, thus human emotions, and therefore, of metaphysical, aetheric activity as well.

In auto-pilot mode, your conscious mind is pretty clueless about what your subconscious mind. Its inputs, its programming, it's all oblivious to the auto-pilot-mode conscious mind.

This auto-pilot mode is convenient for herd-managing, at the expense of drastically limiting the individual productivity on a given social environment.

Among many spiritual and psychic abilities that are blasted open due to THC substance is telepathy. Now, most of people already have this faculty developed to a limited extent. The "inner monologue" that so many have inside their own minds, the so-called voices in the head, isn't actually a monologue, it's more like a group chat between you and the spirit entities that hang around you. Telepathy knows no boundaries.

The implications of this are that there is no room for deceit and hiding when it comes to mental communication because it "bypasses" the conscious mind and your pride construct, or ego barrier. Think about this very carefully. What would you do without your so esteemed 3D "privacy", when you realize you had none of it to begin with?

This overwhelming sensation may break individuals that are not prepared to deal with this new reality.

There are many, many different entities and they often prey on awakening individuals to play with and drain them psychically and emotionally.
To achieve this, many types of telepathic imagery, mental projections, aural breaches, psychic attacks, mental loops, and more tactics are employed.

Quote:43.22 Questioner: What is the purpose of ingesting food in fifth density?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a somewhat central point. The purpose of space/time is the increase in catalytic action appropriate to the density. One of the preconditions for space/time existence is some form of body complex. Such a body complex must be fueled in some way.

The most common way that people are affected by these entities and thought-forms is by thought suggestions, suggested to them as if they were their own. These thoughts may be very appealing, and function like a lure to a desired behavior of the receiver of such suggestions.

For instance, the classic "it was all your fault" suggestion, received by the person in the form of "it was all my fault".
Another very common one is "no one [verb]", such as "no one cares" or "no one asked for it" and so on.

Pay attention to these thoughts patterns, be they verbal/linguistic or in another form, such as through imagery or impulses or energy centers' over/under activation.

There are disempowering thoughts and/or suggestions, regardless of their make-up, and there are empowering thoughts and/or suggestions. Empowering may be of self only, which is an imbalance, and of both self and other-self, which is balanced way. It takes work to learn to discern them.

You don't have to be in an altered consciousness state to have these thoughts suggested to you. This is when class and grace comes, and why many individuals who abuses drugs are often deemed irrecuperable, apparently seen talking to nothingness and often found mumbling incomprehensible and disconnected sentences. Such may be an example of an unbalanced individual with psychic overactivity, without a proper equipose in the physical, psychological, and emotional counterparts.

As a matter of fact, your mind is always receiving inputs from external sources.

The only detail here is that these sources don't come solely from the 3D world, but also from the 4D, 5D and beyond, all the way to your own Higher Self up there in mid-6D.

There are many ways these suggestions can mislead you, which is why it is paramount to know your own self in order to discern what comes from within from what comes from outside you.

It may be easy to discern the sources of 3D conversations because there is a clear physical sensory input of their origins. It may not be so easy to discern a "long-distance" telepathic source. It is often the case that ill-intentioned beings often suggest thoughts as if they were your own, even adjusting the verb and pronoun conjugation. Which is why meditation is absolutely important to know the limits of your Self, so you are better prepared to deal what comes from outside your Self.

"Oh, but we are all One so there's no division besides the confusion and the ignorance".

Sure thing. This might be a neat concept to live up there in mid-6D. However, down here, you have to know how and why stuff works, and to be prepared to deal with them. Down here, every individual is delimited by a body. Have you ever wondered where are the boundaries of your mind?

Take a close look at how others express themselves, and pay attention to the keywords used by them. This works not only in regards to other 3D individuals, but also to beings in 4D, 5D, and higher densities.
Each output is of importance when knowing and discerning the sources that influence this world.

Usually, the psychic influence on a 3D verbal output takes form in the tone modulation of specific spoken keywords. Such tone modulation might be done unconsciously through the 3D instrument. This difference of tone is the 3D effect of an energetic movement with intent, directed towards a receiver much like a magnet is attracted to a ferrous material.

There are many cases in which certain spiritual entities try to negatively influence certain individuals, most specifically those who do not clearly, concisely and intently ask for help (for this sends a clear signal that tears through the darkness, much like a flare gun can serve as a beacon in the darkest of the nights). Therefore, you should always strive to defend yourself, and this means being aware of not just the physical environment, but also the spiritual as well. After all, your life is intrinsically connected to other individuals'. Your extent isn't just limited to your physical environment. There's the family, the energetic dynamics that you are your body influences, as you are an energetic receptor and broadcaster.

3D beings can be sometimes directly influenced by other beings and/or attached entities, and this is a very complicated and complex matter to delve into, so firstly we'd like you to be aware of your own mental environment and to not be a tool of negative entities. That'd be a great start. Things get rough? Cry for help. Call your guardian angels, your spirit guides, whatever you name the assisting forces. However, do it intently, with your heart on your words, for there is no actual deceit on the spiritual perspective, especially when it comes to 3D beings. The spirit world can see right through a façade, and they don't necessarily explicitly tell you your "honest-o-meter", as that would be an infringement and yadda yadda. So, it's up to you to discern very well your own limits, to know without a shadow of doubt what comes from you and what does not come from you, so you can stand your own ground psychically as well.

These abilities will be very much necessary after the Harvest (which actually might occur in this lifetime for some here), and you don't wanna end up in 4D clueless, not knowing how to do anything, not knowing who to believe, who to discern, and so on.

Spiritual entities have an energetic imprint, much like you should have a unique fingerprint. Think of it like a Chat ID or something like that. In 3D, you can customize your username, your avatar, and even your writing style; though your energetic imprint remains the same. It's different than your current frequency as much as the same musical instrument can play different notes, yet it remains the same instrument.

So, you want to be mindful and aware of these psychic dynamics so as to make the most efficient use of catalyst possible, in order to not unnecessarily repeat any lesson, whilst also helping other-Selves in the process. Discretion and grace matter.
Keep in mind that you live in a social environment, and not everyone is willing or even able to handle this type of reality without completely breaking down. We're doing our part, by making this available to you. Since "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them", and there are many unsolved problems on Earth, we're offering you a new level of thinking. Feel free to accept or reject what is presented, as this is no imposition.

Marijuana, especially the THC component, enhances an individual's feeling centers (more specifically, the first three rays: red, orange, and yellow) whilst also opening (sometimes blasting it open) the heart — the green ray. There are countless other substances that also influence an individual psychically, but since weed is the most widespread and known substance, it does good to know more about the effects of THC in the body.

This effect might be fruitful in social situations, where bondings can occur between individuals on multiple levels (most often than not on a subconscious level). It can also greatly improve the so-called creativity and productivity, because individuals can better tune in to the Cosmic Mind with a greater factor of clarity and spontaneity, which is correlated to creativity and unprecedentedness, so to speak.

However, indulging in smoking alone and by yourself is more often than not a shipwrecking experience, for it may unravel deeply rooted traumas, alternative lifetimes, and intense repressed emotional states (in the first three chakras), and without a proper energetic flow with other individuals on 3D, the individual might end up either unwilling to participate in the daily, "worldly" affairs (for it may be unbalanced and biased towards the spiritual and the retraction), and/or might be attached to the heightened consciousness perception of the world and be unwilling to function socially in the normal consciousness state, therefore clinging, becoming attached, and perhaps even addicted, to the sensations brought out by the substance influx in the physical body.

Not to mention the tolls that such substances uses have on the body, manifesting usually through tolerance and neuroreceptors' modulation and change.

So, be aware of the psychic reality, for it was always there to begin with, and may manifest more prominently after the Harvest. Learn to discern what comes from within yourself from what comes from external influences.
Detect suggestions and their patterns; analyze their origins and their energetic imprints.
Notice how other-Selves might unconsciously fall prey to these spiritual influences, and stand your guard.
Know yourself, and maybe lend a hand to other-Selves who might be struggling on the areas you have more experience on.

So, what are your experiences with either marijuana and/or any kind of consciousness-altering substance? Do share your experiences here, if you will. Build a network of knowledge so not only you but everyone else may also benefit from it.

RE: The Weed Thread - AnthroHeart - 01-16-2021

I don't smoke weed, but I made a video that has the energy of weed in it that can simulate its effects.

RE: The Weed Thread - sillypumpkins - 01-16-2021

So I'm 22 right now (23 in a few months) and I've been smoking more-or-less regularly for 7 years now.

My experience starting out at the age of 15, was pretty groundbreaking to me at the time. I was depressed, feeling very detached to the world around me, not in touch with my emotions, apathetic towards most things. The first time I ever smoked weed (by myself at least,) I listened to music and it completely blew me out the water in a way that I had never experienced before. From that moment on, I was in love.

I continued usage throughout high school. Never really going "full blown stoner", usually just smoking at night with my brother. I was really psyched on how different it was, and how connected I felt when I was on it. Especially having dealt with childhood trauma, depression, etc, it was a nice change from the usual monotony. It added color to things. That's the best way I can describe it.

Since I was 15, it's always sort of been there. My dad smokes weed, so it was very normal in my house growing up (at least at my dad's house.)

My relationship with it has definitely changed. Over the last few years I've entered periods of abuse with it. Instead of it being a way for me to connect to the world around me, it was now a way to disconnect from it all and just feel something other than the pain I was experiencing. There was a while there (I can't even remember when it was) where I was high basically 24/7. Started off my day with a smoke, smoking during the day, and at night.

She's an old friend, that mary jane, I am grateful for the experiences she's offered me. Though, I have been getting the feeling for a few years now that I've outgrown that relationship, and perhaps we need some time away from each other. I've taken a couple month-long breaks in the last couple years but they never lasted longer than that.

I do still enjoy it, especially when I'm with friends and we're watching a movie/listening to a record, however I just don't feel it's the same anymore.

I've often struggled with "well if you don't want to do it, why are you still doing it??" but now I feel more equanimous about it, in that like, obviously there is still a part of me that is attached to the plant, so I just try to be present with that part of myself, because I feel as though it's emotional pain that I am feeling which drives me to continue to smoke weed. So I just try to be conscious of the pain I feel now. That seems like a more effective and holistic way to address the "problem", imo

Apart from that, I've had a couple 'psychic' experiences on marijuana. Super jarring when they happened. I'll briefly list them here:

1.) One time was about March last year (when the pandemic first hit) and I had just smoked, it was late. I went into the kitchen to get water when all of a sudden I felt every fiber of my being just perk up, like something was coming. I looked out the window, and I could hear like this really low noise, and I perceived like a ripple in the fabric of space/time (that's the best way I can describe it.) It was really heavy and it almost felt like there was an invisible spaceship flying right past my apartment. I ended up going to bed, and as I was laying down, there was tapping on my door! Like playful, tip taps! It was just me and my then girlfriend in the apartment at the time. I remember going up to the door, opening it, and closing it. They stopped when I did that, but once I got back into bed it started again. It all felt very silly in a way :p

2.) I had just smoked last summer and I had been going through a really tough time. I was in an unfamiliar environment for a prolonged period of time, and I was doing some digging into certain behaviors I exhibit when I feel disconnected. So I smoked one night, went into bed, and I went into a sort of trance and it came to me that in a past life, I was stabbed/shot in the stomach, and I bled out at some point. It was visceral and almost traumatizing having that feeling again. I made the connection to the orange/yellow rays and where they are on the body and started working on addressing my issues in those chakras.

3.) Another time, last fall, I smoked weed and went to go lay down in bed. Sometimes, when I lay down to go to bed, my third eye will just start.... flexing, hahahaha. If that makes sense. So that happened as I was laying down, and all of a sudden I started vividly remembering some traumatic events from my childhood. Parents screaming, hurtful words, etc. It was like they were in the room with me, it was pretty intense. I just let the memories play out, and afterwards I felt much better.

In addition to these experiences, I've also had paranoid experiences on weed. Like suuuuuper paranoid. It doesn't happen frequently, but when it does it's pretty intense. Things like, smoking at night, then going down to the basement to put my clothes in the dryer has made me paranoid. My old apartment had a similar effect at night. I've heard things that weren't there, and I've felt bugs crawling on me.

I feel like I am playing with fire sometimes when I smoke weed.

Anyways, that's my experience!

RE: The Weed Thread - Black Dragon - 01-16-2021

I think you covered all the bases pretty well and accurately. This is still an issue I'm dealing with myself. I'll share my experiences, but first I'd like to clarify my opinion about weed in a nutshell: It can be a useful thing for opening up new avenues of perception by smoking on a few occasions, learning from it, and then moving on with your life. After an individual has "gotten the message", though, it's wise to "hang up the phone" and not become a regular smoker like I did. Occasionally smoking in social situations can also be harmless/positive overall. I smoke alone often and can vouch 100% that it usually takes one to dark places. Not in the beginning so much, but after you've been smoking for a while.

It was probably seven or eight years ago, I started smoking. I told a story about it on another thread involving the friend I used to smoke with making STS decisions in his life and me burning my bridges with him. Not going to go into that here, just the weed and other topics addressed here. At this point in my life my spiritual perceptions were beginning to open a tiny bit on their own, and I was doing pretty decent mentally speaking. Still, I was just a little too grounded in 3d at this point, and I didn't remember/realize at the time 90% of the weird wanderer crap that's happened throughout my life and how I shut down/suppressed my third eye in my childhood.

I had some bad experiences as a small child. I tried to explain seeing fractals when I closed my eyes to my dad, who started acting like an a****** and saying basically "either your imagining it or your sick and there's something wrong with you and you have to see a doctor". I knew there was nothing fucking wrong with me, so I just went with "yeah must just be my imagination". That built resentment and the beginning of me shutting down some of my own "extra" faculties that had become nothing but a nuisance and pariah for me in 3d. I had many odd dreams and probably ET contact, too much to go into detail and no specifics anyway. There was one time at night it must have been that specific time between 3 and 4 when the third eye was most active, I was awake looking at shadows in my room and felt scared and watched/saw floating little eyeball things popping in and out of visibility.

There was a lot like this and over the years I suppressed it more and more, but it suppressed a lot of my creativity and spirituality and so many good things too. When I first started smoking weed and it "blasted the doors open", it's like the good stuff came back first, but then over time, weed started to lead more and more often into the fears, the pain body, the shadow, and just all the baggage, including from experiences I had at about 11 years old that were intense existential panic attacks that were so awful it  must have been psychic or psychotronic attacks. I don't even know how I got through it(though I have some idea and it involves something Agua said about wanting to leave and making an agreement with my soul where only part of me stayed). I could not handle the mental anguish, so at that point in my life I split more of my soul off and became more of a shell.

All of this is why I was so incredibly veiled/blocked by the time weed forcibly blasted everything back open. So, I want to quit but it's just another annoying and frustrating challenge/demand of myself on a long list of them and I don't have a lot of willpower and driving force right now. You talk about asking for help, and I suppose at this point in my life I've stopped doing that, because of how many times I asked for help when I most needed it in my life, and it wasn't there. When I was 11 going through those psychic attacks, I could have used help. So many times I've been betrayed, and then what do all these "materials" tell me? "You create your own reality. Nobody's going to save you. Can't break your free will. There's no such thing as a victim."

Alright so "toughen up your on your own" is the message I'm getting. Why would I even want to be dependent on fickle beings who abandon me at their whim when I need them most? They abandoned me, so I reject them. They can go 69 with the negatives and cancel eachother's polarity out into fucking nonexistence(I think to myself sometimes when I'm really angry). Ask for help and get silence. That's where I feel "I have to help myself, and I'm not going to nice about it". It's not a problem when crap blunders into my dream state looking for trouble, but but the waking world does not accommodate my will so smoothly and seamlessly as my own dream state, so I find it a lot harder to defend myself.

RE: The Weed Thread - sillypumpkins - 01-16-2021

I agree with you Black Dragon about the "hanging up the phone" part, especially in terms of more potent psychedelics like LSD or psilocybin.

I've gone through periods of time of taking mushrooms/LSD multiple times per week. When you get into that "chase", things can become....... rather ungrounded and it can take some time to reel back into reality.

Overall, my experience with psychedelics has been extremely helpful in my spiritual evolution, even marijuana has had that effect. However, it gets to a point where you really need to start practicing what these chemicals/plants/fungus are teaching you.

You can take 8 grams of mushrooms weekly for a month and that's all well and good, you might have some very mystical, enlightening experiences, however it doesn't really mean much if you are integrating that into how you live your daily life.

In October of 2018 I was doing a lot of mushrooms, very high doses and frequently. I would just take them, sit in my room and meditate in the dark. Then I would listen to music after a couple hours.

I LIVED for these experiences. Like, taking mushrooms by myself was my happy place almost and I was always chasing the next experience.

It got to a point where I just felt like a dragon sitting on top of a pile of gold..... I was hoarding all these things I had been learning, I wasn't even practicing them!!

So yeah, that's my experience with psychedelics and "hanging up the phone""...........

RE: The Weed Thread - meadow-foreigner - 01-16-2021

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: I had some bad experiences as a small child. I tried to explain seeing fractals when I closed my eyes to my dad, who started acting like an a****** and saying basically "either your imagining it or your sick and there's something wrong with you and you have to see a doctor". I knew there was nothing fucking wrong with me, so I just went with "yeah must just be my imagination". That built resentment and the beginning of me shutting down some of my own "extra" faculties that had become nothing but a nuisance and pariah for me in 3d. I had many odd dreams and probably ET contact, too much to go into detail and no specifics anyway. There was one time at night it must have been that specific time between 3 and 4 when the third eye was most active, I was awake looking at shadows in my room and felt scared and watched/saw floating little eyeball things popping in and out of visibility.

Since you mentioned fractals, do know that the THC component may actually fractalize inputs on your system; which is why time often seems to dilate when you use it — you're actually fractalizing your perception of every input, much like an overdrive, at the expense of immense energy compensation afterward: for instance, but not limited to, the so-called "munches"; and a somewhat compensatory perceptual fatigue due to the perceptual overdrive. It works in a similar way to caffeine, in which the body may get somewhat exhausted a while after its peak absorption.

This can be recreational, or even useful when used with intent, as you mentioned. However, since THC enhances psychic ability, negative experiences may inevitably occur, as there's the need for balancing within the individual, and also within The Creation.

Also, keep in mind that there should be a really good amount of care to evaluate the people and/or beings you interact with. Use your discernment. There are, for instance, individuals on 3D whose life plans are not related to transcendental experiences, so they will most probably — and comprehensibly — consider you to be wrong, as they can't possibly fathom that they might be the ones erring.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: There was a lot like this and over the years I suppressed it more and more, but it suppressed a lot of my creativity and spirituality and so many good things too. When I first started smoking weed and it "blasted the doors open", it's like the good stuff came back first, but then over time, weed started to lead more and more often into the fears, the pain body, the shadow, and just all the baggage, including from experiences I had at about 11 years old that were intense existential panic attacks that were so awful it  must have been psychic or psychotronic attacks. I don't even know how I got through it(though I have some idea and it involves something Agua said about wanting to leave and making an agreement with my soul where only part of me stayed). I could not handle the mental anguish, so at that point in my life I split more of my soul off and became more of a shell.

One of the ways individuals deal or cope with trauma is by compartmentalization and separation. This is done deliberately in some types of programming out there, such as — but not limited to — programming caused by certain spiritual entities, but may also occur as a survival adaptation for the individual during emotionally adverse situations in which there's no reassurance or comfort from an external source.

For more info in this regard, you may read the following book: Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and the Capacity for Relationship, by Laurence Heller and Aline LaPierre. It's very dense and maybe a triggering book, but it provides you with tools to overcome this by yourself.

Also, DeProgram Wiki is another good source to get to know better about negative programming.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: All of this is why I was so incredibly veiled/blocked by the time weed forcibly blasted everything back open. So, I want to quit but it's just another annoying and frustrating challenge/demand of myself on a long list of them and I don't have a lot of willpower and driving force right now.

The rational mind is often short-circuited in the dynamic of need(s) [ἔρως] and satisfaction(s) [ἀταραξία]. Breaks in this cycle may often lead to the impression of a lack of willpower or meaning in life endeavors.

The rewards you get are proportional to the struggles you go through, though.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: You talk about asking for help, and I suppose at this point in my life I've stopped doing that, because of how many times I asked for help when I most needed it in my life, and it wasn't there.

Take into account that, even for a 4D entity, the 3D time is easily manipulated. Imagine what 5D entities can do with 3D time?
A human lifetime is nothing compared to the thousands of years a 4D entity might live. So, your own stopping from doing that means the attack was successful in this regard up to this point, by effectively isolating you from other positive sources, and nullifying your own potential because of isolation.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: When I was 11 going through those psychic attacks, I could have used help. So many times I've been betrayed, and then what do all these "materials" tell me? "You create your own reality.

To a limited extent, yeah.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: Nobody's going to save you. Can't break your free will. There's no such thing as a victim."

Read the above quote's underlined part again, and then read the first post of this thread once again. Then think carefully about what "you" have been led to believe.

I had had severe and absolutely shattering traumatic experiences. Abandonment and betrayal became expectations from where I grew up. There was no human being on which I could truly rely: no family, friend, relative, nothing. I was left out to die, yet I ironically didn't die. Now I may be needed: there are people who seek me. But you know what? And this is what you may not usually be aware of: I, you, and everyone else also need everyone else. These needs may be explicit and may be met explicitly, such as with a formal request, or not, in more subtle ways.

During hell school, I also learned that there are other individuals who shatter and simply aren't able to fix themselves. We live in a social environment here, and this means that the Self isn't the only Self out here. Furthermore, because The Creation allows life to flow through me, I decide to somehow honor it and leave this world a better place than it was when I came here. Just because it is possible.

"Don't wish for another planet. Wish for another book."

Regardless all of this, there are simply some things and some assistances that insist on going unnoticed. It's just their style, so to speak. The mere fact that you are still here, and have had the opportunity to interact with other-Selves who went through similar experiences as you, is an opportunity to forge your statue in the fire of 3D. Why not make a badass statue, if you will?

Rejoice, there aren't many with this privilege down here. Be the master of your fate and cap'n of your soul; don't lean on anyone else. Be self-sufficient, and maybe then you can be the best possible version of yourself down here.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: Alright so "toughen up your on your own" is the message I'm getting.

Part of the message. Be attentive. Be better.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: Why would I even want to be dependent on fickle beings who abandon me at their whim when I need them most?

Well, I could be sweet and answer you sweetly, but that wouldn't be much effective with you, would it?

The reason why you ask why you would even want to be dependent on other-Selves is that you like other-Selves. Simple as that.

Your emotional self may look have looked up to some of them, and still try to justify this childhood desire through rationalization. Perhaps when you take into account that your own needs and desires are as important as other-Selves needs and desires and that each one is wearing their respective shoes in this road, you could reconcile these apparently dissonant centers of feeling and intellect, and come to the grips with the fact that people are different and struggling and broken just like any and everyone else.

Having said that, it is still necessary to emphasize that there are people like you out there, regardless of your belief in this or lack thereof. However, if you are biased, or programmed, to appeal to those incompatible with you, you may overlook those who are, in fact, compatible with you.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: They abandoned me, so I reject them.

You may think to do so intellectually, but you still hold them as a referential, emotionally. Therefore, your justification may be but an attempt to try to cry out loud until you are properly recognized, nurtured, and taken care of, as babies do, regardless of their chronological physical body age.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: They can go 69 with the negatives and cancel eachother's polarity out into fucking nonexistence(I think to myself sometimes when I'm really angry).

As a display of goodwill on my part, I'll warn you of the keyword you just used: nonexistence.
This keyword is associated with known patterns employed by 5D entities who wish to get rid of individuals thought to be annoying from their perspective.
Nonexistence is also known as negative time/space, a topic somewhat covered in The Ra Material.

Quote:68.9 Questioner: Incarnation in negative space/time, then, in a condition like that would result in incarnation into which density level for, let us take as an example, the instrument?

Ra: I am Ra. The answer to this query violates the First Distortion.

Use your own consciousness to think why Ra refused to answer directly this question, for it would be a so-called Free Will violation. Assess your own situation.

The Cassiopaean Experiment Wrote:Q: (L) Well, if a black hole continues to suck stuff in, is it possible that it would eventually suck in the entire creation?
A: No.

Q: (L) Why is that?
A: Universe is all encompassing. Black holes are final destination of all STS energy.

Q: (F) So, does this mean that we, or anyone else who is classified as STS, remains on said path, that we will eventually end up in a Black Hole?
A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, that is pleasant. And what happens to energy that is “total non-existence”?
A: Total non-existence balances total existence. Guess what is total existence?

Q: (L) Well, is it kind of like a balancing force?
A: “God.”

Q: (T) Are we talking about the creator god as in the Pleiadians?
A: Not Pleiadians. Prime Creator.

Q: (T) What is the difference between the Prime Creator and “God?”
A: None. As long as you exist, you are of the Prime Creator.

Q: (L) Now, this stuff that goes into Black Holes, that goes into non-existence, is that, then, not part of the Prime Creator?
A: Correct.

Q: (L) How can Prime Creator lose any part of him or itself?
A: Prime Creator does not “lose” anything.

Q: (L) Well, then, how would you describe this energy that was in existence and then is no longer in existence because it has become or gone into a Black Hole?
A: Reflection is regenerated at level 1.

Q: (T) How do we feed on the positive energy?
A: Progression toward union with the one, I.E. level 7.

Q: (L) In other words, you fuel your own generator instead of fueling someone else’s.
(T) You are at level 6, what do you feed on?
A: You have the wrong concept. We give to others and receive from others of the STO. We feed each other.

Q: (L) So, by feeding each other you move forward and grow but those of the STS path do not feed each other so must feed off of others.
(T) Now, you are talking to us now. This is considered STO?
A: Yes.

Well, Ra may have not wanted to disclose the information about negative time/space but someone else took the toll and provided some feedback about the possibility of what could happen (you know, hypothetically) when you end up in total non-existence, or negative time/space, in Ra terms.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: Ask for help and get silence.

Well, you just got something to process.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: That's where I feel "I have to help myself, and I'm not going to nice about it". It's not a problem when crap blunders into my dream state looking for trouble, but but the waking world does not accommodate my will so smoothly and seamlessly as my own dream state, so I find it a lot harder to defend myself.

Well, maybe because the waking world is spacetime, contrarily to the dream world, as relative stillness in space means relative movement in time and vice-versa, and when you sleep your body is actually relatively still in space.

You may want to re-evaluate your will or to tweak it a little better if you encounter so much resistance. Maybe letting go of rigidity and intransigence in order to progress further towards perfection would be intelligent to do. As it was mentioned before, there are people like you out there, though your own wishful thinking prevents you from seeing things outside your expectation cone.

RE: The Weed Thread - ada - 01-16-2021

Thank you for sharing and giving your thoughts and feelings meadow-foreigner. Smile

I apologize if this derails the thread, however because it seems like the main topic is discernment, and you seem to share quite a bit of philosophy from the Cassiopaean material, you do realize that they are not STO, right?

Quote:11.12 Questioner: Where are these three entities now?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities are in the dimension known to you as fourth. Therefore the space/time continua are not compatible. An approximation of the space/time locus of each would net no actual understanding. Each chose a fourth-density planet which was dedicated to the pursuit of the understanding of the Law of One through service to self, one in what you know as the Orion group, one in what you know as Cassiopeia, one in what you know as Southern Cross; however, these loci are not satisfactory. We do not have vocabulary for the geometric calculations necessary for transfer of this understanding to you.

RE: The Weed Thread - Daze - 01-16-2021

As ada said, the subject of discernment in this has been insightful. Thank you for writing this up.

Still, I think it does tie into weed and addiction in general pretty well.  When it comes to those really pleasurable experiences that also can offer a brief step into that realm of insight and realization, there seems to also be the danger of getting caught up in the feelings of those experiences and forgetting even the basics of mindfulness. We try to recapture or reenter into that world and pursue conditions to do so--chasing the dragon.

Personally, I've used weed for a couple years and with mixed results. It often really amplifies the feelings of love and helps shake up some of my normal patterns of thought. There are also times where I simply become stuck in a loop, like you said, and it takes some painful steps to release that cycle. And while I may feel in very intense moments of these experiences that I'm gaining quite a bit of insight about parts of myself, I often cannot follow those threads again while in a sober state; which gives the temptation for delving back into that state. Reducing both frequency and dosage and getting into the habit of writing my insights and generally being intentful has been very helpful for feeling like I'm getting something valuable out of the experiences without needing to then jump back into it.

Weed and psychedelics have been wonderful and helped me to really dive into my insecurities, accept myself, and accept death. But it's also made me face some things I just was not able to get past, as well.  And then I blame myself for being weak.  That's quite sad.

For those who might be having issues with addiction or escapism, I would offer the suggestion to try out just embracing it. If you know you're going to turn to those things again, why punish yourself with violent thoughts about how weak you feel you are, or how undeserving you are? This is not just for substances, but even for addictive thought patterns. If you're going to engage with this thing, then really lean into it and let yourself have it. If you're going to smoke weed and you know you shouldn't, try just accepting yourself and your thoughts so that you can really appreciate the experience. This way you can finally explore what you desire to, rather than running from how you think you should be. Be kind and playful to yourself even when weapons have been drawn.

(01-16-2021, 02:11 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: ...

I can absolutely relate with the feeling of being abandoned by those that "should" be helping me; both mundanely and spiritually. The suggestions to ask for help often just aggravated my sense of loneliness and worthlessness. This is still something I frequently experience. The only thing I've found to be helpful in this is just sitting with those destructive thoughts and trust that they will move on. Something like trusting that what I'm experiencing is just temporary and not intrinsic to my experience. Then I try to just connect with that self-trust that I can let it go.

RE: The Weed Thread - zedro - 01-17-2021

The OP is spot on IMHO, all these medicines are double edged sword, they can elevate or lower your vibrational state, they can bring positive or negative experiences and psychic exchanges, whether you are aware of them or not (negatives may present themselves as positive, and at the very least ingrain you into limbo and a deceptively codependent relationship that could feel helpful). There is a reason why the scientific orthodoxy is concerned about the onset of schizophrenia....we know what is actually happening and the threat is real. I have a long history with this right upto last year, I know that it is now completely off the table for myself, it played the role it needed to, for better and for worse

I urge people to not underestimate this, I have seen numerous references of those who believe pure positive intent and the belief in the light completely protecting you will shield you from influence. This is not necessarily the case, and this belief can be one of the traps that are set, where the naive may need to learn their lessons. I know from my own experience and from witnessing the folly of those around me.

If you do take this medicine, please obtain it from a trustworthy farmer who has the right intent and has a clean product. I do not trust the new 'corporate' leaf that has been warehoused is actually clean from pesticides and fungicides, even tho they claim it is.

And here's a practical tip, if you found yourself in a 'bad trip' situation, especially with edibles, keep an emergency supply of pure CBD oil, it'll help bring your vibration back up. But if you need to keep a fire extinguisher around, you might want to question why you are playing with fire so much lol.

RE: The Weed Thread - Jow - 01-17-2021

Weed is plenty in these parts but I have not tried it, I guess I have seen it wreck some people who dare to misuse it. Another reason is the random drug tests sometimes subjected on foreigners in that other crazy part of the world I happen to find myself in.
I definitely want to try some since am now confined here due to travel restrictions and I feel I have to try it sometime.
The only mind altering substance I have been using a few times lately is khat (Catha edulis) which grows plenty, is legal and cheaply available in kenya. It has a nice high but it's jawbreaking to chew the amount of fresh leaves that will give a peak stimulation, plus your mouth hurts initially due to inevitable bruises. Currently am finding it fun to chew khat every now and then mainly because it has helped be shed a few pounds, and also the euphoria. So far its a harmless drug but you remain alert for hours after chewing, its almost impossible to sleep.

RE: The Weed Thread - meadow-foreigner - 01-17-2021

(01-16-2021, 05:45 PM)ada Wrote: Thank you for sharing and giving your thoughts and feelings meadow-foreigner. Smile

I apologize if this derails the thread, however because it seems like the main topic is discernment, and you seem to share quite a bit of philosophy from the Cassiopaean material, you do realize that they are not STO, right?

Quote:11.12 Questioner: Where are these three entities now?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities are in the dimension known to you as fourth. Therefore the space/time continua are not compatible. An approximation of the space/time locus of each would net no actual understanding. Each chose a fourth-density planet which was dedicated to the pursuit of the understanding of the Law of One through service to self, one in what you know as the Orion group, one in what you know as Cassiopeia, one in what you know as Southern Cross; however, these loci are not satisfactory. We do not have vocabulary for the geometric calculations necessary for transfer of this understanding to you.

You actually brought up an interesting piece to the discussion, which has everything to do with discernment.

First of all, you claim that the Cassiopaean are X because someone else said they were X.
The source you provide is a claim that comes from a 3D instrument, which, regardless of the narrow-band used and all that jazz, is still an imperfect instrument as you and I, with limited tools to convey certain messages.

Okay. This is part of the story.

So, why don't we take a look at what the Cassiopaeans have to say themselves when asked what "spiritual ideology", so to speak, they are? You know, to take a look into the other side of the story?

Quote:Q: (L) Where are you from?
A: Casiopaea.

Q: (L) Where is that?
A: Near Orion.

Q: (L) I heard that the Orions are the “Bad guys.” Are the Orion group bad?

Q: (L) Do you serve self or others?
A: I serve both.

Q: (L) What is your philosophy?
A: One.

Q: (T) You talk about both STO and STS. Yet you tell us that we need to learn to be STO. Why is there a difference between what we have to do and what you are doing?
A: STO is balance because you serve self through others.

There will probably be this Matthew 6:24 quote on that "[no one] (beware when the keyword "no one" is used, as it was mentioned before on this topic) can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." So I'll anticipate it:

This is somewhat of a central aspect that's been really advertised throughout the ages as some sort of exclusivity between one servant and its master. Take into account that the original text was written in Greek.

Greece was a hierarchical society, in which those who had a certain title (such as citizens, for instance) had more privileges than others. Slavery was also cool in Greece. Now, use your discernment and think if this is a cool philosophy for you to have.

Let's take a look at the remains of the Greek version of this versicle, shall we?

Matthew, 6:24 Wrote:Οὐδεὶς δύναται δουλεύειν δυσὶ κυρίοις ἢ μισήσει τὸν ἕνα καὶ ἀγαπήσει τὸν ἕτερον ἢ ἀνθέξεται ἑνὸς καὶ καταφρονήσει τοῦ ἑτέρου.

δύνασθε δουλεύειν Θεῷ καὶ μαμωνᾷ.

Now, preliminarily, let's throw this versicle at Bing Translate to get a different perspective of this quote. The more different and diverse perspectives you have on the same subject, the higher may be your understanding of it.

[Image: matthew.png]

Hmm. That's a little awkward. It actually gives the opposite message of what is mainstreamingly portrayed by some sources.

So, what should one do when facing such a problematic situation? There goes the same old "is is true? Or is it a lie?" question all over again.

Now is the time you exercise your discernment. You have two sources claiming exactly opposite things, now it's time to untangle this and see where both opposite standpoints come from:

The word δουλεύειν is related to servitude, though keep in mind that this was written in the ancient Greek times, so this word has a contextual connotation in the form of Antiquity's "servitude": which means slavery. Back then, people could be bought and sold, and that was okay, it was legislated and socially agreed as normal, perhaps even traditional.

Since this is intrinsically correlated with a societal, hierarchy structure that is fundamentally segregational and stratifying — such as a pyramid, such as a STS structure — it makes sense to have only one apex whilst simultaneously hating, ostracizing the other one(s), doesn't it? Only one pharaoh, for instance. Only One Prime Creator and that jazz.

Notwithstanding this, if The One Infinite Creator is All That There is; if All Is One and One Is All; all service is To/From/For God anyhow, isn't it?
Then why is this versicle apparently known to falsely dichotomize stuff such as servitude?

• Well, one of the end-reasons: because of this titanic-ego little fight between the deities to see who's more powerful.
Guess why and how Hesiod's Theogony was made in the first place? Why do you think the titans were overthrown by other deities in a fight of colossal magnitudes?

Another end-reason: to gather more followers in the so-called one truer path. Reference to the "truth vs. lie" stuff and use your own discernment to differentiate between both. This is one of the reasons why the main, most popular monotheistic religions today (all based on true premises, by the way) all claim that the one true God is, of course, theirs, and all the other ones are false; the path they undertake is, of course, the best (and/or the only possible) path to salvation.

However, as the Scriptures were managed and passed throughout the ages by human beings, there are little clues in all of them that can be perceived, indicating where fallacies, corruptions, and other inconsistencies occur.

The presentation of a limiting binary output is one classic illusion tactics often employed by entities that wish to make you forfeit your free will and covertly force you to choose their presented paths instead of making you think on your own.

Beware and do not be led astray. Such attribute of leading astray, for instance, was attributed to Iblis, in the Quran, for instance. It is said that The Accuser also comes from wandering and erring through earth, in The Bible's Job, just to mention a couple of examples. As an amusing fact on how the mass media also portrays spiritual stuff, there is a whole spiritual dynamic in this game "World of Warcraft", more specifically in this Shadowlands place, an afterlife-like place, structured hierarchically, where people's living forces are drained and harvested to fuel the lives of entities in the other-world. Now where that inspiration comes from?

Also, there is a qualitative divergence in the behaviors of deities in all Scriptures, and also a difference in nomenclature, for instance:

• Yahweh and Elohim in The Bible;
• The One Infinite Creator in The Ra Channelings;
• Prime Creator in the Cassiopaean Material;
and so on.

If you abide to an external imposition, such as by choosing from a limited choice-pool from a technically infinite possibility array, then, according to the fastidious cosmic protocol, your free will was technically not infringed and you're, in practical terms, screwed: such is the Way of Confusion.

For instance: one present you with two letters: A and B, then asking and/or demanding you to choose either one, saying that the other one is terrible while aggrandizing their chosen letter. If you're not wise enough, you may overlook the fact that there are infinite letters in The Creation, as such is the Infinite Magnitude of The Creation. All letters that came to be, come from/to/for The Creation.

After all, The Creation wouldn't have a Universe in which there would be limitations to any extent: such is Infinity.

As means to the aforementioned ends, many forms of non sequitur may be employed, such as affirming the consequent, affirming a disjunct and/or denying a conjunct, among other fallacies.

As always: don't rely on argumentum ab auctoritate to found your own reasoning, for such authority may be wrong, even if sincerely wrong. And also don't dismiss something because someone said it is false. Check for yourself.

Quote:Q: (T) How can you be STS through STO if STS is imbalance?
A: STO flows outward and touches all including point of origin, STS flows inward and touches only origin point.

Now we have some mathematics (maybe to the dismay of some) to explain a spiritual dynamic. Interesting, huh?

Quote:Q: (L) So, it is necessary that we share this information?
A: Up to you, it is a free will choice.

A: Always “Network”. Networking is 4th Density STO concept seeping into 3rd density with upcoming realm border crossing.

Q: (L) Well that is pleasant...
A: We have told you this before, knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

And so on. This is but one part of the Cassiopaean material, which, by the way, comes from a variety of sources.

One of the many claims I've seen against such material is because of its so-called "negativity". Now, if you have discernment, you can weed out what is not needed for you and still benefit from what is beneficial to you, from any given knowledge transmitted.

Guess to whom is interesting that you are kept in ignorance about Earth's social structure and dynamics, especially in this period of transition between a raw 3D, purely physical standpoint, and a density of expanded possibilities, such as 4D is?

History is there for you to learn from it.
That's what you're supposed to be doing on your own, and maybe sharing it, so you don't incur the same mistakes that history has cataloged throughout the ages, and perhaps help others to not stumble on already known obstacles.

It is said that The Bible has been corrupted throughout the centuries by multiple and various interests. So what? Weed out the corrupted stuff and benefit from the knowledge contained within.

And just a tiny little caveat: from day one the beings who transmit the so-called Cassiopaean Experiment call themselves Cassiopaean, with this specific vocal ordering. Ra said that the STS ones were in Cassiopeia. There's a phonetic and also a written difference between the two spellings.

So, let's just think — you know, hypothetically — that there are certain alien factions that transmit through the locator known as Cass and to differentiate their frequency to those of a more negative orientation, they call themselves Cassiopaeans instead of Cassiopeians.

Furthermore, even if that's not the case, why would you limit yourself to not seek information, knowledge?
Why would you limit yourself in the expanding of your own individual (and, consequently, your social group and the planet, for we're all interconnected) capabilities by not trying to understand more complicated or even aversive sources to you?
In the worst case scenario (assuming that absolutely 100% of the material provided by them is absolute and utter horseshit) wouldn't you then learn how the so-called corruption works? Wouldn't you then know what to not look or want?

And if, by chance, you exercise your own discernment in order to untangle and weed out the corrupted parts, perhaps you may benefit from identifying the source of such material — such as this "networking" concept, as if it isn't a global tendency anyways, as we, as social beings, need social interaction to survive?

Another central point in your post is this over-reliance on an external source to process life by yourself. If you keep leaning on an external source (instead of your own experience) to guide yourself through life, would that be the most optimal way of living for you?

Wouldn't you, yourself, know how to carve your own path better than someone else who, despite the best of intentions, may have not set the best path specifically for you?

It's like comparing a mass-produced shoe with one specifically built for your Self, taking into account your own anatomy and stuff.

When you lean on external sources — without exercising your own discernment, which comes from a balance of intellect and feeling — to guide and orient yourself in life, you actually disempower yourself by forfeiting your own will and by unquestionably accepting anything that comes from this external source as being the best possible path for you to trail.

Live life on your own terms. Experiment for yourself. After all, you are The Creation in action knowing itself. Enhance this possibility with your own uniqueness applied in this world, with your own authenticity, and not someone else's.

How about that?

RE: The Weed Thread - Black Dragon - 01-17-2021

My thoughts on the Cass material, though I've never read it: Every planetary society progresses through a mixed 3d and splits based on polarity at 4d. Think of whoever: Orions, Cassiopians, reptilians or anyone: Their 3d planetary social complex split into two smc's at 4d. That means that there are positive SMC's from these "negative" star systems as well-maybe they harvested in the minority and the majority of their society even harvested negative, but they still must exist by nature of the polarity choosing process. That also means there are/(were before mid 6d) Negative: Venusians, Pleiadians, and anyone else generally associated to be STO.

Obviously this means: Not every channeled source from Cass, or even Orion, is negative. This being said, however, I am still wary of the Cass material, and especially the community obviously becoming corrupted by many people's first hand accounts. For however long the community/channelers have been compromised, is how long the material hasn't been completely trustworthy. I can't say whether that was from the beginning or happened at a certain turning point. Maybe those who are more familiar with the material and community could comment.

Also, anyone or anything that tell you that A.) something can happen to your soul that's completely irreversible/you stop existing B.) some other being can judge your soul and just "delete" it or send it somewhere it didn't go on its own based on your own vibrations.

The Montalk material sites the Cass stuff too a lot, and while I resonate with 80% of his stuff, there is some crap that wormed its way in that I've chosen to discard, or if not that, at least found suspicious. I did find his article that some incarnate people actually do not have spirits and are empty demiurgic holograms that don't progress up the densities to seem a bit ridiculous.

RE: The Weed Thread - Patrick - 01-17-2021

I think I am becoming quite picky about channeled material.  The Ra Material and Q'uo stuff really spoiled me. Wink

Now I nearly always find a lot of things to object to from other sources.  Sometimes I even wonder how anyone could resonate positively with some of the more popular sources out there.

But then I remember that we all see what we want to see and that we are attracted and resonate with the sources of information that we need at a given particular time in our evolution.  For example, if one is working on its ability to discern better then they need to be exposed to all sorts of sources and learn to figure out what is really good for them.

So all is well really.

RE: The Weed Thread - meadow-foreigner - 01-18-2021

(01-17-2021, 04:45 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: My thoughts on the Cass material, though I've never read it: Every planetary society progresses through a mixed 3d and splits based on polarity at 4d. Think of whoever: Orions, Cassiopians, reptilians or anyone: Their 3d planetary social complex split into two smc's at 4d. That means that there are positive SMC's from these "negative" star systems as well-maybe they harvested in the minority and the majority of their society even harvested negative, but they still must exist by nature of the polarity choosing process. That also means there are/(were before mid 6d) Negative: Venusians, Pleiadians, and anyone else generally associated to be STO.

Good point. Though, you should read the material to get your own conclusions about it, and not rely on second-hand opinions about it, as this may add more layers of biases to what is being said about a given referential.

(01-17-2021, 04:45 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: Obviously this means: Not every channeled source from Cass, or even Orion, is negative. This being said, however, I am still wary of the Cass material, and especially the community obviously becoming corrupted by many people's first hand accounts. For however long the community/channelers have been compromised, is how long the material hasn't been completely trustworthy. I can't say whether that was from the beginning or happened at a certain turning point. Maybe those who are more familiar with the material and community could comment.

Being wary is good, as long as it isn't its excessive form of over-cautiousness, which may prevent you from benefitting from what is there to benefit. Don't only study the roots; pick up the fruits as well.

RE: The Weed Thread - Raukura Waihaha - 01-26-2021

I feel like it depends on how grounded we are.
If you center yourself and are consciously using it to expand a sense of oneness, it's beneficial.
If you are using it as a means of escape or masking distortions, you'll get less beneficial results.

RE: The Weed Thread - Aion - 02-08-2021

*hits blunt*

But like... what if the dinosaurs were wiped out by the debris of exploding Maldek... dang, yo.

Plants are friends, but they must be respected. I think having a light heart and holding them in high regard is a good place to start. I think they are largely misunderstood.

I have interacted with the deva of the cannabis plant, at least in the form it appeared to me, and I consider it a 'plant ally'.

By and large, I believe these things act as distortion amplifiers and 'equalizers' in that they play upon a person's distortions, often drawing out those things which are 'quiet' and toning down that which is too loud. As an audio engineer I sort of view different plant allies like various forms of processing. Cannabis is like a compressor, it has that effect for me of quieting what's loud outside and making louder what is quiet within. (Sometimes a compressor can do the opposite, make the outside louder and the inside quieter, every plant is different.)

Other allies are like phasers and modulations that will completely warp and change your sound and if you're not careful it can be harder to stabilize in to something coherent.

RE: The Weed Thread - Raukura Waihaha - 02-08-2021

(02-08-2021, 08:59 AM)Aion Wrote: *hits blunt*

But like... what if the dinosaurs were wiped out by the debris of exploding Maldek... dang, yo.
What if the Dinosaurs were the 2D Maldekian race then 65 million years ago there was a war on Maldek which destroyed them?
What if they took until 700,000 years ago to get to a place where they went through it all over again, split their planet between the asteroid belt and earth and the ancient humanoid remains being found are actually Maldekian or those who lived on what we would call Maldek?

(02-08-2021, 08:59 AM)Aion Wrote: Plants are friends, but they must be respected. I think having a light heart and holding them in high regard is a good place to start. I think they are largely misunderstood.

I have interacted with the deva of the cannabis plant, at least in the form it appeared to me, and I consider it a 'plant ally'.

By and large, I believe these things act as distortion amplifiers and 'equalizers' in that they play upon a person's distortions, often drawing out those things which are 'quiet' and toning down that which is too loud. As an audio engineer I sort of view different plant allies like various forms of processing. Cannabis is like a compressor, it has that effect for me of quieting what's loud outside and making louder what is quiet within. (Sometimes a compressor can do the opposite, make the outside louder and the inside quieter, every plant is different.)

Other allies are like phasers and modulations that will completely warp and change your sound and if you're not careful it can be harder to stabilize in to something coherent.
Perhaps non coherence is a form of finding deeper understandings that not all experience is logical? Too much control is inherently negative and such experiences could be a way of our higherself removing the ability to rationalise what is irrational.
That s*** about compressors, phasers and modulation is awesome. I resonate with the production analogies you've been sharing.

RE: The Weed Thread - MrWho - 02-09-2021

I just quit consuming cannabis about a week ago. I honestly have never felt better. This is mostly because I was able to shift my dependance away from the drug.

Pain and sadness were a burden I avoided. I covered it up with fake feel good. This is my perspective and I know the healing properties of cannabis are invaluable!

RE: The Weed Thread - Patrick - 02-09-2021

My natural state must be weird, because that stuff does not alter me much. Smile

RE: The Weed Thread - flofrog - 02-10-2021

Patrick, I think you are as robust as a tree, ( or flexible as a reed ). Or perhaps both ? Wink

RE: The Weed Thread - meadow-foreigner - 03-19-2021

Self-knowledge is a key.

RE: The Weed Thread - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021

(01-16-2021, 11:27 AM)meadow-foreigner Wrote:
Disclaimer: the content presented here is not an attest of truth. Life experiences vary from individual to individual. Use your own discernment to process life yourself.

The following topic is a collection of research data collected throughout the years, by the contribution of many individuals.
Use it or discard it as you will. Compare to your own personal experiences and see what suits you.

Let's begin with the following preambles:
I don't particularly recommend its usage, it is too risky and variables soon increase in complexity.
• The material world is only a very small part of The Creation. Just because one isn't aware of things it doesn't mean they aren't there.

The usage of certain substances, such as THC, modulate the hardware (physical body soul receptor) consciousness perceiving and manifestation, therefore enabling one to feel, perceive, and interact in a more direct manner with metaphysical realities.

There are spiritual entities that hang around your whereabouts just as there are persons that live in 3D besides you. It might be shocking for some to realize this first-hand, and some end up broken due to a lack of ability to reconcile the expanded perception and the "common", baseline perception of the world. Which is why there are always a team of helpers besides each incarnated individual, so as to appropriately guide them in the 3D lanes.

Quote:90.2 Questioner: Could you tell me the situation with respect to our fourth- and fifth-density companions at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. The fourth-density league of companions accompanies your group. The fifth-density friend, at this space/time nexus, works within its own density exclusively.

90.3 Questioner: By what means do these particular fourth-density entities get from their origin to our position?

Ra: I am Ra. The mechanism of calling has been previously explored. When a distortion which may be negatively connotated is effected, this calling occurs.
In addition, the light of which we have spoken, emanating from attempts to be of service to others in a fairly clear and lucid sense, is another type of calling in that it represents that which requires balance by temptation.
Thirdly, there have been certain avenues into the mind/body/spirit complexes of this group which have been made available by your fifth-density friend.

90.4 Questioner: Actually, the question I intended was how do they get here? By what means of moving?

Ra: I am Ra. In the mechanism of the calling, the movement is as you would expect; that is, the entities are within your planetary influence and are, having come through the quarantine web, free to answer such calling.
The temptations are offered by those negative entities of what you would call your inner planes. These, shall we say, dark angels have been impressed by the service-to-self path offered by those which have come through quarantine from days of old. And these entities, much like your angelic presences of the positive nature, are ready to move in thought within the inner planes of this planetary influence working from time/space to space/time.
The mechanism of the fifth-density entity is from density to density and is magical in nature. The fourth density, of itself, is not capable of building the highway into the energy web. However, it is capable of using that which has been left intact. These entities are, again, the Orion entities of fourth density.

Most usually, people live in an auto-pilot type of way, under direct influence of such spiritual entities. Call these entities angels, guardians, spirits, ghosts, whatever you want to name them. Because of their metaphysical (and often privileged) standpoints, one might think that they are wiser than incarnate individuals. This is not always the case. In other words, acquiescing to their guidance might not be the wisest idea. Also, there is a difference between your own Higher Self guidance and the usual metaphysical chit-chat and hanging around that occurs on a daily basis. Note that certain technologies, such as wireless connections, are indicatives of human activity, thus human emotions, and therefore, of metaphysical, aetheric activity as well.

In auto-pilot mode, your conscious mind is pretty clueless about what your subconscious mind. Its inputs, its programming, it's all oblivious to the auto-pilot-mode conscious mind.

This auto-pilot mode is convenient for herd-managing, at the expense of drastically limiting the individual productivity on a given social environment.

Among many spiritual and psychic abilities that are blasted open due to THC substance is telepathy. Now, most of people already have this faculty developed to a limited extent. The "inner monologue" that so many have inside their own minds, the so-called voices in the head, isn't actually a monologue, it's more like a group chat between you and the spirit entities that hang around you. Telepathy knows no boundaries.

The implications of this are that there is no room for deceit and hiding when it comes to mental communication because it "bypasses" the conscious mind and your pride construct, or ego barrier. Think about this very carefully. What would you do without your so esteemed 3D "privacy", when you realize you had none of it to begin with?

This overwhelming sensation may break individuals that are not prepared to deal with this new reality.

There are many, many different entities and they often prey on awakening individuals to play with and drain them psychically and emotionally.
To achieve this, many types of telepathic imagery, mental projections, aural breaches, psychic attacks, mental loops, and more tactics are employed.

Quote:43.22 Questioner: What is the purpose of ingesting food in fifth density?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a somewhat central point. The purpose of space/time is the increase in catalytic action appropriate to the density. One of the preconditions for space/time existence is some form of body complex. Such a body complex must be fueled in some way.

The most common way that people are affected by these entities and thought-forms is by thought suggestions, suggested to them as if they were their own. These thoughts may be very appealing, and function like a lure to a desired behavior of the receiver of such suggestions.

For instance, the classic "it was all your fault" suggestion, received by the person in the form of "it was all my fault".
Another very common one is "no one [verb]", such as "no one cares" or "no one asked for it" and so on.

Pay attention to these thoughts patterns, be they verbal/linguistic or in another form, such as through imagery or impulses or energy centers' over/under activation.

There are disempowering thoughts and/or suggestions, regardless of their make-up, and there are empowering thoughts and/or suggestions. Empowering may be of self only, which is an imbalance, and of both self and other-self, which is balanced way. It takes work to learn to discern them.

You don't have to be in an altered consciousness state to have these thoughts suggested to you. This is when class and grace comes, and why many individuals who abuses drugs are often deemed irrecuperable, apparently seen talking to nothingness and often found mumbling incomprehensible and disconnected sentences. Such may be an example of an unbalanced individual with psychic overactivity, without a proper equipose in the physical, psychological, and emotional counterparts.

As a matter of fact, your mind is always receiving inputs from external sources.

The only detail here is that these sources don't come solely from the 3D world, but also from the 4D, 5D and beyond, all the way to your own Higher Self up there in mid-6D.

There are many ways these suggestions can mislead you, which is why it is paramount to know your own self in order to discern what comes from within from what comes from outside you.

It may be easy to discern the sources of 3D conversations because there is a clear physical sensory input of their origins. It may not be so easy to discern a "long-distance" telepathic source. It is often the case that ill-intentioned beings often suggest thoughts as if they were your own, even adjusting the verb and pronoun conjugation. Which is why meditation is absolutely important to know the limits of your Self, so you are better prepared to deal what comes from outside your Self.

"Oh, but we are all One so there's no division besides the confusion and the ignorance".

Sure thing. This might be a neat concept to live up there in mid-6D. However, down here, you have to know how and why stuff works, and to be prepared to deal with them. Down here, every individual is delimited by a body. Have you ever wondered where are the boundaries of your mind?

Take a close look at how others express themselves, and pay attention to the keywords used by them. This works not only in regards to other 3D individuals, but also to beings in 4D, 5D, and higher densities.
Each output is of importance when knowing and discerning the sources that influence this world.

Usually, the psychic influence on a 3D verbal output takes form in the tone modulation of specific spoken keywords. Such tone modulation might be done unconsciously through the 3D instrument. This difference of tone is the 3D effect of an energetic movement with intent, directed towards a receiver much like a magnet is attracted to a ferrous material.

There are many cases in which certain spiritual entities try to negatively influence certain individuals, most specifically those who do not clearly, concisely and intently ask for help (for this sends a clear signal that tears through the darkness, much like a flare gun can serve as a beacon in the darkest of the nights). Therefore, you should always strive to defend yourself, and this means being aware of not just the physical environment, but also the spiritual as well. After all, your life is intrinsically connected to other individuals'. Your extent isn't just limited to your physical environment. There's the family, the energetic dynamics that you are your body influences, as you are an energetic receptor and broadcaster.

3D beings can be sometimes directly influenced by other beings and/or attached entities, and this is a very complicated and complex matter to delve into, so firstly we'd like you to be aware of your own mental environment and to not be a tool of negative entities. That'd be a great start. Things get rough? Cry for help. Call your guardian angels, your spirit guides, whatever you name the assisting forces. However, do it intently, with your heart on your words, for there is no actual deceit on the spiritual perspective, especially when it comes to 3D beings. The spirit world can see right through a façade, and they don't necessarily explicitly tell you your "honest-o-meter", as that would be an infringement and yadda yadda. So, it's up to you to discern very well your own limits, to know without a shadow of doubt what comes from you and what does not come from you, so you can stand your own ground psychically as well.

These abilities will be very much necessary after the Harvest (which actually might occur in this lifetime for some here), and you don't wanna end up in 4D clueless, not knowing how to do anything, not knowing who to believe, who to discern, and so on.

Spiritual entities have an energetic imprint, much like you should have a unique fingerprint. Think of it like a Chat ID or something like that. In 3D, you can customize your username, your avatar, and even your writing style; though your energetic imprint remains the same. It's different than your current frequency as much as the same musical instrument can play different notes, yet it remains the same instrument.

So, you want to be mindful and aware of these psychic dynamics so as to make the most efficient use of catalyst possible, in order to not unnecessarily repeat any lesson, whilst also helping other-Selves in the process. Discretion and grace matter.
Keep in mind that you live in a social environment, and not everyone is willing or even able to handle this type of reality without completely breaking down. We're doing our part, by making this available to you. Since "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them", and there are many unsolved problems on Earth, we're offering you a new level of thinking. Feel free to accept or reject what is presented, as this is no imposition.

Marijuana, especially the THC component, enhances an individual's feeling centers (more specifically, the first three rays: red, orange, and yellow) whilst also opening (sometimes blasting it open) the heart — the green ray. There are countless other substances that also influence an individual psychically, but since weed is the most widespread and known substance, it does good to know more about the effects of THC in the body.

This effect might be fruitful in social situations, where bondings can occur between individuals on multiple levels (most often than not on a subconscious level). It can also greatly improve the so-called creativity and productivity, because individuals can better tune in to the Cosmic Mind with a greater factor of clarity and spontaneity, which is correlated to creativity and unprecedentedness, so to speak.

However, indulging in smoking alone and by yourself is more often than not a shipwrecking experience, for it may unravel deeply rooted traumas, alternative lifetimes, and intense repressed emotional states (in the first three chakras), and without a proper energetic flow with other individuals on 3D, the individual might end up either unwilling to participate in the daily, "worldly" affairs (for it may be unbalanced and biased towards the spiritual and the retraction), and/or might be attached to the heightened consciousness perception of the world and be unwilling to function socially in the normal consciousness state, therefore clinging, becoming attached, and perhaps even addicted, to the sensations brought out by the substance influx in the physical body.

Not to mention the tolls that such substances uses have on the body, manifesting usually through tolerance and neuroreceptors' modulation and change.

So, be aware of the psychic reality, for it was always there to begin with, and may manifest more prominently after the Harvest. Learn to discern what comes from within yourself from what comes from external influences.
Detect suggestions and their patterns; analyze their origins and their energetic imprints.
Notice how other-Selves might unconsciously fall prey to these spiritual influences, and stand your guard.
Know yourself, and maybe lend a hand to other-Selves who might be struggling on the areas you have more experience on.

So, what are your experiences with either marijuana and/or any kind of consciousness-altering substance? Do share your experiences here, if you will. Build a network of knowledge so not only you but everyone else may also benefit from it.

For some reason, I felt drawn to this site again this morning. Glad I did, cause thisnguy definitely knows what he's talking abou here.

Can confirm from experience that this is true.

RE: The Weed Thread - Sacred Fool - 03-20-2021

It might be worthwhile to note that the basic message in the lengthy exposition above is mainly about self defense, which is fine, AND, one can possibly take it a step further.

Certainly, anyone is well advised to keep an eye out for pernicious influences.  If one is of a generally neutral disposition, one may wish to adopt a defensive attitude to avoid being taken advantage of, and one may call upon spirit helpers to aid in the defensive operations. 

But I want to state the obvious corollary to this.  If one is actively attempting to increase positive polarity (capacity to serve, one may call it) in a dedicated way, then one also has the option of deliberately allowing positive spiritual entities to connect with one in very much the ways the above post warns against doing with negative entities.  In other words, one can go beyond focusing on self defensiveness to focusing on expansion and spiritual flowering by allowing positive spiritual entities to impress themselves into one's sphere of being, thereby allowing your own higher vibrations to be freed up to some extent.

Again, this is logically obvious, however, I find that many, many people who claim to be polarizing positively do not avail themselves of the easily available and highly potent resource--my own dear self included for long periods of time.  One reason for this is.........self-defensiveness.  I consider it a form of confusion inherent to our general situation here.  We sometimes reflexively cling to our established sense of self and don't wish to risk losing that if we hook up with potent spiritual elements.

In other words, just because it's logically apparent and not all that difficult, that does not mean it's easy, not by a long shot.  But then, if it were easy, then we likely would not benefit as much by the process.
Just a thought.

RE: The Weed Thread - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021

I wonder if there are RHP possession rituals?

Nit necessarily "channeling" but being possessed, like what LHP sorcerers and sorceresses do with demons. Maybe the channeling IS that level of possession?

RE: The Weed Thread - Sacred Fool - 03-20-2021

(03-20-2021, 03:18 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: I wonder if there are RHP possession rituals?

Nit necessarily "channeling" but being possessed, like what LHP sorcerers and sorceresses do with demons. Maybe the channeling IS that level of possession?

Generally speaking, positive entities respect another's free will entirely, and so wouldn't be into possession.  However, if one free puts self in the presence of strong positive frequencies and one's energies are tuned somewhat by this, I think would be considered an act of free will.

RE: The Weed Thread - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021

That sounds more like invocation to me. ?

RE: The Weed Thread - Sacred Fool - 03-20-2021

Can be, if one has the skill to do so.  Also, one can go to sacred places, visit high vibe people, etc.  The one point is that, if one puts effort into it, one can benefit from positive subtle energy as much as one might worry about negative energy.  The second point is that one often encounters significant internal resistance to doing so, unfortunately.

RE: The Weed Thread - Ymarsakar - 03-22-2021

(03-20-2021, 03:18 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: I wonder if there are RHP possession rituals?

Nit necessarily "channeling" but being possessed, like what LHP sorcerers and sorceresses do with demons. Maybe the channeling IS that level of possession?

The Christ rituals of Pisces, where the Holy Spirit penetrates into you and you submit to the process, allowing your heart to be "remolded" and be given anew, would perhaps qualify as RHP possession. You are possessed by the heart of compassion, no matter who you were before, you are born anew.

RE: The Weed Thread - zedro - 03-22-2021

(01-17-2021, 03:14 AM)zedro Wrote: .... I have a long history with this right upto last year, I know that it is now completely off the table for myself, it played the role it needed to, for better and for worse...

So it's been just over 2 months since I wrote that, and almost 1 year since I last consumed. I am now considering trying again for my meditations, although there is still the issue of unpleasant sessions since it really ramps up the psychic connections. My problem is I always end up pushing further and that's where it can get hairy. I was always warned to take cyclically and with purpose, but it tends to get away from me.

The last time I did edibles I took a significant amount (I'll omit dosage but it was 3 bunny gummies, one more than usual). The effects were so overwhelming, like my energy system was being smothered. While trying to stay calm from all the intense psychic activity, one voice really stuck out when he yelled (in French no less) "You took too many bunnies man!". It was pretty funny despite me writhing on the floor in regret lol.

So much is dependent on frame of mind/vibrational state, like when playing guitar alone, if I was confident and having fun, I literally had 'psychic friends' commenting how much they enjoyed it and were fans (note I have no knowledge of the source). If I'm feeling too self aware and not playing freely, well intro the peanut gallery.

I've done so much shadow work that the negative psychic interest feels mostly like nuisance at least, and if my s***'s together I can just treat it with disinterest, or use for internal work without getting sucked into any games. If there's any openings they will latch on and I'll have to deal with it, but sometimes it's just tiring when you just want to hang out with the positive friends.

RE: The Weed Thread - sillypumpkins - 03-23-2021

in the last few weeks my usage has ramped up to a point that I don't even bother elaborating on..... lol.

i realized the other week, hey, I just really like smoking weed. i just find it really enjoyable.

but sometimes i enjoy it just a little too much. especially when i'm listening to music, it's really easy for me to just go through all my stuff.

i've found it's great for getting inspiration artistically, but not so great for when i want to work on things.

such a complex relationship with such an unsuspecting flower