Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - Printable Version

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Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - J.W. - 08-03-2020

Dear fellow Wanderers/seekers,

With love and light, I greet everyone in this community. And if you are reading this, it might be a "coincidence" at play. Maybe you are meant to read this, maybe not, I leave the decision to you.

If this resonate with you, please let me know.

The message:

  Fellow Wanderers/seekers, as you may, or may not be aware.. but The Law of Confusion (L.o.c) has been very strong and disruptive lately on all fronts. I don't know if the Orion group is the culprit behind this, but I wouldn't be surprise, since we are going through a major shift, also, from my understanding.. Our planet and the harvest here is like a recruiting ground for the Positive/Negative entities in the 4th density and beyond. Due to the fact that we have the Confederation/Orion waging war beyond our density. My guts tells me, both groups has direct influence here on this planet at the current time due to this "recruitment/harvesting season." from the 75,000 years cycle this planet has/is going through, and we are the crops. If harvest is not possible, or lean more towards positive polarity, I imagine Orion group wouldn't mind us nuking ourselves into oblivion, so no harvest can be made at all for either side. (this is for another time/discussion.)  Sorry to digress.

Please keep in mind, what I am about to say below is a deeper layer of the L.O.C. to the ones that we already dealing with. (The Pandemic, tensions between superpowers, civil unrest, natural disasters etc. etc.)

This deeper layer of l.o.c. seems to be targeting a specific audience though, which is us... Because many Wanderers and Seekers like you and I are awakening to the Law of One and to simply put, we are starting to understand the rules of this cosmic game (as Carla's way of putting it) graduating from one density to the next.

But to many of us, this re-awakening and realization is making us becoming similar to a new life hatching from it's egg, we are seeking for guidance/reassurance/protection and "home/community" in almost a somewhat desperate fashion. This is giving opportunity to those that I believe are "service-to-self" oriented individuals a way to exploit the spiritual community on Earth.

Here goes,

The "teachers" of the metaphysics community and these "degrees" in metaphysics "academy" are becoming a new booming con-business (this is due to the growing of awareness and yearning of knowledge from the current human population towards spirituality and extraterrestrial) also, possibly due to Earth being or becoming a 4th density planet.

There is a very fast growing trend, look around, from Joe Rogan to a lot of mainstream outlets constantly talking about metaphysics/E.T. and beyond.

These "teachers/coach/gurus/spiritual leaders" are using the knowledge and information passed down from other densities like Ra. "self-help" gurus or institution that will supposedly "helps" you understand the materials and show you how to be "more/lifted/powerful/successful/happy."

The tactics that I have witness recently (I am not going to name names, but one of them worked with L/L Research.) Are using this "guilt trip" method of asking for "donation." They even go as far as "recommending" the amount that you "should" donate... in the range of hundreds or thousands of dollars. They defend this tactic by saying "oh, when people donate to us, this is how much they would gives us." which further exploiting the motive of guilt tripping someone that is sensitive or gullible into submitting that amount of "requested" donation.

I am going to use some explicit language here, so excuse me... but this is some f***** up s***. This is the same crap that Ra mentioned about the nature of the "people" on this planet having the tendency of using anything, literally anything.. to have monetary gain, and/or power over other-selves. Like the people of Alantis, Old Egypt, and Aztec.  

My fellow Wanderer and Seeker, please listen to me and pass this message/warning/caution to those you believe will receive it with understanding and clarity.

1. Don't fall for any "guides/coach/medium/gurus/teachers" that are using any methods to capitalize their "business" for monetary gain. Listen to your heart and see through these deceitful intentions. Remember Ra did not ask you to "donate" him Benjamins for the information that he gave to Don, Carla, and Jim.

- The money that is used by L/L Research are to produce hard copies of the books and the website, and this is all it should be.
- The information Ra left us shouldn't need the "help" of someone else to show you, or obtain through an "academic" curriculum courses. You are suppose to find your own understanding and light. Let alone, paying/donating to a "teacher" or an institute.
- Be aware of the cunning, and sweet words these gurus/institution are employing to lure you in. One of the biggest red flag is MONEY. The moment you start seeing $$$ and "hey let us help you for this X amount of donation."    etc. etc. Start putting on your thinking hat and don't get suck into it.

2. An effort of rendezvousing and regrouping Wanderers/seekers is in motion. I am pushing forward to establish strong principles and counter measure towards the negative polarity. Let just say, Orion can go f*** themselves into the seventh density and realize that we are all in this together.

In the eye of the Infinite creator, I stand to agree that neither the Confederation or Orion are wrong or right about their ways to reach "home." But from my own perspective, I don't feel like enslavement/and dictatorship is healthy or efficient, it honestly hurt a bunch of souls, creates pain and suffering.. so a few can enjoy power/greed... then once they reach 7th density, a big "oops" and a "oh, I didn't realize that we are all in this together and I need to switch to positive to move forward." mentality... kinda like that guy that cuts in front of everyone at the airport, just to come to realization that the airplane doesn't arrive any faster or leave any sooner just because they were being selfish.

The principles and counter measure:

I am not saying we are dragging the war of other density onto our world/density. This is not our fight (yet)
But at the present time, what we can do is identifying the cunning/tricks that the negative polarity uses to inflict confusion, or deviate/blocking paths for souls/light to progress towards positive polarity.

I strongly believe that my incarnation and journey has led me here not by pure coincidence, but to establish a bastion for everyone in the midst of chaos and confusion. As dumb as this may sound, but I can not do this alone.

Strength in numbers, my friends, my brothers and sisters, and my fellow light beings.

To conclude my message, I am going to leave words, and short foot notes to serve as a starting point of identifying these traps and mischievous tactics.
Please understand that this is only serving as a starting point/foundation, if you are confused about what I list below, please feel free to communicate.

1. Money (subscription, untraceable donations) (charged services) etc.
2. Power (re-making self) "life coach"
3. Politics
4. Cults/Religions    Please do not make Ra's conversation with Don into a Cultist or religious movement for the love of Adonai.
5. Exploitation of one's trauma, or incarnated karmic lessons.
6. Internal conflict and discord.
7. External Conflict and discord.
8. Beware of "good" conman/conwoman that boast about their special power are here to help.. but with a price  
9. Conman, and Conwoman may actually possess special psychic ability, but their polarity might not be align. Which makes them the most dangerous type, imagine they were suppose to incarnate with special ability to help others... but instead they use it to become rich or powerful... the entity "Rasputin" in our human history comes to mind..

10. Negative Authority figures (from rigid minded parents to mentor, educator, to police, and politicians.) beware of leaders that are a little way too passionate on taking side of a belief, or ideology on how to shape future society norms, or ethics/moral. For example, a politician stand passionately towards animals cruelty to the point they push for passing laws that allow animals to legally marry humans. etc etc. Or to simply put... Adolf Hitler complex. Nazi Germany didn't see him as mad, they thinks he was "passionately" trying to bring old Germany off it's feet. There's so many examples on this...

The most recent are the ISIS group who uses the Shariah Islamic Law in a extreme fashion to radicalize their beliefs and agenda.

That is all for now, my last word of advice is be careful about who you idolize in these times, either Strong/famous Celebrity or "righteous" activists/politicians that are pushing for extreme changes/movements for the greater good of mankind...

Love and Light to all, and I am grateful/appreciate if you have read my message to this far. I humbly and personally thankful for your time whether you resonate or did not with what I said.


RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - sillypumpkins - 08-03-2020

I agree with a lot of what you said.

I do think that these "conmen/women" you speak of do offer a great lesson to those who would "fall for" such a thing, the lesson being that of there being no shortcuts...... among other lessons too RollEyes

RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - Higherself777 - 08-03-2020

(08-03-2020, 08:26 AM)J.W. Wrote: Dear fellow Wanderers/seekers,

With love and light, I greet everyone in this community. And if you are reading this, it might be a "coincidence" at play. Maybe you are meant to read this, maybe not, I leave the decision to you.

If this resonate with you, please let me know.

The message:

  Fellow Wanderers/seekers, as you may, or may not be aware.. but The Law of Confusion (L.o.c) has been very strong and disruptive lately on all fronts. I don't know if the Orion group is the culprit behind this, but I wouldn't be surprise, since we are going through a major shift, also, from my understanding.. Our planet and the harvest here is like a recruiting ground for the Positive/Negative entities in the 4th density and beyond. Due to the fact that we have the Confederation/Orion waging war beyond our density. My guts tells me, both groups has direct influence here on this planet at the current time due to this "recruitment/harvesting season." from the 75,000 years cycle this planet has/is going through, and we are the crops. If harvest is not possible, or lean more towards positive polarity, I imagine Orion group wouldn't mind us nuking ourselves into oblivion, so no harvest can be made at all for either side. (this is for another time/discussion.)  Sorry to digress.

Please keep in mind, what I am about to say below is a deeper layer of the L.O.C. to the ones that we already dealing with. (The Pandemic, tensions between superpowers, civil unrest, natural disasters etc. etc.)

This deeper layer of l.o.c. seems to be targeting a specific audience though, which is us... Because many Wanderers and Seekers like you and I are awakening to the Law of One and to simply put, we are starting to understand the rules of this cosmic game (as Carla's way of putting it) graduating from one density to the next.

But to many of us, this re-awakening and realization is making us becoming similar to a new life hatching from it's egg, we are seeking for guidance/reassurance/protection and "home/community" in almost a somewhat desperate fashion. This is giving opportunity to those that I believe are "service-to-self" oriented individuals a way to exploit the spiritual community on Earth.

Here goes,

The "teachers" of the metaphysics community and these "degrees" in metaphysics "academy" are becoming a new booming con-business (this is due to the growing of awareness and yearning of knowledge from the current human population towards spirituality and extraterrestrial) also, possibly due to Earth being or becoming a 4th density planet.

There is a very fast growing trend, look around, from Joe Rogan to a lot of mainstream outlets constantly talking about metaphysics/E.T. and beyond.

These "teachers/coach/gurus/spiritual leaders" are using the knowledge and information passed down from other densities like Ra. "self-help" gurus or institution that will supposedly "helps" you understand the materials and show you how to be "more/lifted/powerful/successful/happy."

The tactics that I have witness recently (I am not going to name names, but one of them worked with L/L Research.) Are using this "guilt trip" method of asking for "donation." They even go as far as "recommending" the amount that you "should" donate... in the range of hundreds or thousands of dollars. They defend this tactic by saying "oh, when people donate to us, this is how much they would gives us." which further exploiting the motive of guilt tripping someone that is sensitive or gullible into submitting that amount of "requested" donation.

I am going to use some explicit language here, so excuse me... but this is some f***** up s***. This is the same crap that Ra mentioned about the nature of the "people" on this planet having the tendency of using anything, literally anything.. to have monetary gain, and/or power over other-selves. Like the people of Alantis, Old Egypt, and Aztec.  

My fellow Wanderer and Seeker, please listen to me and pass this message/warning/caution to those you believe will receive it with understanding and clarity.

1. Don't fall for any "guides/coach/medium/gurus/teachers" that are using any methods to capitalize their "business" for monetary gain. Listen to your heart and see through these deceitful intentions. Remember Ra did not ask you to "donate" him Benjamins for the information that he gave to Don, Carla, and Jim.

- The money that is used by L/L Research are to produce hard copies of the books and the website, and this is all it should be.
- The information Ra left us shouldn't need the "help" of someone else to show you, or obtain through an "academic" curriculum courses. You are suppose to find your own understanding and light. Let alone, paying/donating to a "teacher" or an institute.
- Be aware of the cunning, and sweet words these gurus/institution are employing to lure you in. One of the biggest red flag is MONEY. The moment you start seeing $$$ and "hey let us help you for this X amount of donation."    etc. etc. Start putting on your thinking hat and don't get suck into it.

2. An effort of rendezvousing and regrouping Wanderers/seekers is in motion. I am pushing forward to establish strong principles and counter measure towards the negative polarity. Let just say, Orion can go f*** themselves into the seventh density and realize that we are all in this together.

In the eye of the Infinite creator, I stand to agree that neither the Confederation or Orion are wrong or right about their ways to reach "home." But from my own perspective, I don't feel like enslavement/and dictatorship is healthy or efficient, it honestly hurt a bunch of souls, creates pain and suffering.. so a few can enjoy power/greed... then once they reach 7th density, a big "oops" and a "oh, I didn't realize that we are all in this together and I need to switch to positive to move forward." mentality... kinda like that guy that cuts in front of everyone at the airport, just to come to realization that the airplane doesn't arrive any faster or leave any sooner just because they were being selfish.

The principles and counter measure:

I am not saying we are dragging the war of other density onto our world/density. This is not our fight (yet)
But at the present time, what we can do is identifying the cunning/tricks that the negative polarity uses to inflict confusion, or deviate/blocking paths for souls/light to progress towards positive polarity.

I strongly believe that my incarnation and journey has led me here not by pure coincidence, but to establish a bastion for everyone in the midst of chaos and confusion. As dumb as this may sound, but I can not do this alone.

Strength in numbers, my friends, my brothers and sisters, and my fellow light beings.

To conclude my message, I am going to leave words, and short foot notes to serve as a starting point of identifying these traps and mischievous tactics.
Please understand that this is only serving as a starting point/foundation, if you are confused about what I list below, please feel free to communicate.

1. Money (subscription, untraceable donations) (charged services) etc.
2. Power (re-making self) "life coach"
3. Politics
4. Cults/Religions    Please do not make Ra's conversation with Don into a Cultist or religious movement for the love of Adonai.
5. Exploitation of one's trauma, or incarnated karmic lessons.
6. Internal conflict and discord.
7. External Conflict and discord.
8. Beware of "good" conman/conwoman that boast about their special power are here to help.. but with a price  
9. Conman, and Conwoman may actually possess special psychic ability, but their polarity might not be align. Which makes them the most dangerous type, imagine they were suppose to incarnate with special ability to help others... but instead they use it to become rich or powerful... the entity "Rasputin" in our human history comes to mind..

10. Negative Authority figures (from rigid minded parents to mentor, educator, to police, and politicians.) beware of leaders that are a little way too passionate on taking side of a belief, or ideology on how to shape future society norms, or ethics/moral. For example, a politician stand passionately towards animals cruelty to the point they push for passing laws that allow animals to legally marry humans. etc etc. Or to simply put... Adolf Hitler complex. Nazi Germany didn't see him as mad, they thinks he was "passionately" trying to bring old Germany off it's feet. There's so many examples on this...

The most recent are the ISIS group who uses the Shariah Islamic Law in a extreme fashion to radicalize their beliefs and agenda.

That is all for now, my last word of advice is be careful about who you idolize in these times, either Strong/famous Celebrity or "righteous" activists/politicians that are pushing for extreme changes/movements for the greater good of mankind...

Love and Light to all, and I am grateful/appreciate if you have read my message to this far. I humbly and personally thankful for your time whether you resonate or did not with what I said.

Rightly put my friend you are 100% correct. And yes the time for us awakened Wanderers / Starseeds to shine is now. Its funny because when I awoke this year in March 2020 46 yrs old I thought I was from Orion with Yahweh attached before I bumped into the Law of One but I realized that even if that was true I am not AGAINST the Law of One for I now see I am a representative of the Law of One. Just like you are my friend I can tell by the words you posted. We have alot of work to do on Earth regardless if we are met by opposition by those who despise us and the Law of One but we shall shine our light like the many sands of the sea... Everything today is taking course to present an awakening war. good vs Evil lol. I am willing to communicate with you and other Wanderers still am in the process of awakening my partner whom is awake but not fully awake lol. My children understand very little of this but they will see what I see when their time arrives lol. Man I LOVE the Law of One. I see everything clearly now even your words were DEAD ON for you are an AWAKENED WANDERER. I close here for now but Shine your light my friend. I close with LOVE/LIGHT for ALL CREATION even though everyone has its purpose.

RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - Navaratna - 08-03-2020

I think out of all the things I've read, probably the most disturbing is Agenda 21 which was devised by the UN in Brazil in 1992 by over 150 countries. It was described as something along the lines as a "sustainable development" agenda...meaning controlling population levels by the year 2021. Weeks ago there was plenty of information about it on search engines but a lot about it has been scrubbed with pages and videos removed and replaced with "21st century" when 2021 was the ostensible target date. Think of it. If covid is engineered, and was a part of someone's surely does fit in to this agenda. how so? Look at the economic meltdown it has caused. It means people will not be raising families. Millennials have already been shafted by being unable to save or afford homes, but the idea of being able to sustain a mere 3 person family in this economic environment is difficult for the vast majority of people to imagine this year. I can imagine the richest people meeting together and "Our planet is doomed at our rate of atmospheric pollution...we've got to devise a plan to get a lid on our population but people won't go along with it lets force it." I usually don't care about these kinds of things but seeing how so much info about it was censored so abruptly it really makes me wonder.

RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - Wanderer Seven - 08-03-2020

If I could ask Ra about the planetary game, I wonder if they could tell us much given the LOC. However, in my awakening process, I had a deep yearning for the liberation of the human race before other events of awakening.
The STS elites wish to enslave the human race of their own free will. So they invented global warming which so many good and honest scientists know is totally un-scientific. I have done extensive basic science research on climate and it boggles my mind that they keep this fallacy going. So the amount of 'false light' is quite disturbing. Buying into green new deal for the non existent climate emergency. Don't. It's a ruse to enslave. So the same elites that prevent Tesla type free energy technology want everyone to believe that burning fossil fuels is bad for the environment. So, CO, is a pollutant but CO2 is not. it's the life of plants. Our planet has entered glacial periods with 17 time the levels of CO2 we have today. Yes, we need to take care of the environment but the current environmental movement has been hijacked by the climate nonsense. That's a key part of the UN agenda as this is an 'elite' controlled. Most importantly the human race needs to become aware of the international banking system and central banks that use a black magic system to harvest the wealth of nations and individuals as they create fiat 'money' out of thin air and every bank participates because every loan is 90% or more newly created money.

RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - J.W. - 08-03-2020

(08-03-2020, 03:10 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote: I agree with a lot of what you said.

I do think that these "conmen/women" you speak of do offer a great lesson to those who would "fall for" such a thing, the lesson being that of there being no shortcuts...... among other lessons too  RollEyes

Thank you, and most definitely, you are correct. I do want to apologize on how I expressed the souls that "fell for" such scheme, it is by no mean of seeing them as victims or weak. It is simply the nature of the progression. Similar to new born in 2nd density being attacked by predators that are taking advantage of the innocent nature in the process of rebirth, or like the soldiers who get sprayed down by the bunkers on D-day, before even having a chance to step off the beach/boats.

The brutality of this action and mischievous/selfish nature of it is difficult for someone like me to ignore and look the other way, if I can yell "look out!" and it would prevent one or two souls from suffering, to me that is better than no actions taken.

I appreciate your perspective and comment of "a lesson within itself."

RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - J.W. - 08-03-2020

(08-03-2020, 03:34 PM)Higherself777 Wrote:
(08-03-2020, 08:26 AM)J.W. Wrote: Dear fellow Wanderers/seekers,

With love and light, I greet everyone in this community. And if you are reading this, it might be a "coincidence" at play. Maybe you are meant to read this, maybe not, I leave the decision to you.

If this resonate with you, please let me know.

The message:

  Fellow Wanderers/seekers, as you may, or may not be aware.. but The Law of Confusion (L.o.c) has been very strong and disruptive lately on all fronts. I don't know if the Orion group is the culprit behind this, but I wouldn't be surprise, since we are going through a major shift, also, from my understanding.. Our planet and the harvest here is like a recruiting ground for the Positive/Negative entities in the 4th density and beyond. Due to the fact that we have the Confederation/Orion waging war beyond our density. My guts tells me, both groups has direct influence here on this planet at the current time due to this "recruitment/harvesting season." from the 75,000 years cycle this planet has/is going through, and we are the crops. If harvest is not possible, or lean more towards positive polarity, I imagine Orion group wouldn't mind us nuking ourselves into oblivion, so no harvest can be made at all for either side. (this is for another time/discussion.)  Sorry to digress.

Please keep in mind, what I am about to say below is a deeper layer of the L.O.C. to the ones that we already dealing with. (The Pandemic, tensions between superpowers, civil unrest, natural disasters etc. etc.)

This deeper layer of l.o.c. seems to be targeting a specific audience though, which is us... Because many Wanderers and Seekers like you and I are awakening to the Law of One and to simply put, we are starting to understand the rules of this cosmic game (as Carla's way of putting it) graduating from one density to the next.

But to many of us, this re-awakening and realization is making us becoming similar to a new life hatching from it's egg, we are seeking for guidance/reassurance/protection and "home/community" in almost a somewhat desperate fashion. This is giving opportunity to those that I believe are "service-to-self" oriented individuals a way to exploit the spiritual community on Earth.

Here goes,

The "teachers" of the metaphysics community and these "degrees" in metaphysics "academy" are becoming a new booming con-business (this is due to the growing of awareness and yearning of knowledge from the current human population towards spirituality and extraterrestrial) also, possibly due to Earth being or becoming a 4th density planet.

There is a very fast growing trend, look around, from Joe Rogan to a lot of mainstream outlets constantly talking about metaphysics/E.T. and beyond.

These "teachers/coach/gurus/spiritual leaders" are using the knowledge and information passed down from other densities like Ra. "self-help" gurus or institution that will supposedly "helps" you understand the materials and show you how to be "more/lifted/powerful/successful/happy."

The tactics that I have witness recently (I am not going to name names, but one of them worked with L/L Research.) Are using this "guilt trip" method of asking for "donation." They even go as far as "recommending" the amount that you "should" donate... in the range of hundreds or thousands of dollars. They defend this tactic by saying "oh, when people donate to us, this is how much they would gives us." which further exploiting the motive of guilt tripping someone that is sensitive or gullible into submitting that amount of "requested" donation.

I am going to use some explicit language here, so excuse me... but this is some f***** up s***. This is the same crap that Ra mentioned about the nature of the "people" on this planet having the tendency of using anything, literally anything.. to have monetary gain, and/or power over other-selves. Like the people of Alantis, Old Egypt, and Aztec.  

My fellow Wanderer and Seeker, please listen to me and pass this message/warning/caution to those you believe will receive it with understanding and clarity.

1. Don't fall for any "guides/coach/medium/gurus/teachers" that are using any methods to capitalize their "business" for monetary gain. Listen to your heart and see through these deceitful intentions. Remember Ra did not ask you to "donate" him Benjamins for the information that he gave to Don, Carla, and Jim.

- The money that is used by L/L Research are to produce hard copies of the books and the website, and this is all it should be.
- The information Ra left us shouldn't need the "help" of someone else to show you, or obtain through an "academic" curriculum courses. You are suppose to find your own understanding and light. Let alone, paying/donating to a "teacher" or an institute.
- Be aware of the cunning, and sweet words these gurus/institution are employing to lure you in. One of the biggest red flag is MONEY. The moment you start seeing $$$ and "hey let us help you for this X amount of donation."    etc. etc. Start putting on your thinking hat and don't get suck into it.

2. An effort of rendezvousing and regrouping Wanderers/seekers is in motion. I am pushing forward to establish strong principles and counter measure towards the negative polarity. Let just say, Orion can go f*** themselves into the seventh density and realize that we are all in this together.

In the eye of the Infinite creator, I stand to agree that neither the Confederation or Orion are wrong or right about their ways to reach "home." But from my own perspective, I don't feel like enslavement/and dictatorship is healthy or efficient, it honestly hurt a bunch of souls, creates pain and suffering.. so a few can enjoy power/greed... then once they reach 7th density, a big "oops" and a "oh, I didn't realize that we are all in this together and I need to switch to positive to move forward." mentality... kinda like that guy that cuts in front of everyone at the airport, just to come to realization that the airplane doesn't arrive any faster or leave any sooner just because they were being selfish.

The principles and counter measure:

I am not saying we are dragging the war of other density onto our world/density. This is not our fight (yet)
But at the present time, what we can do is identifying the cunning/tricks that the negative polarity uses to inflict confusion, or deviate/blocking paths for souls/light to progress towards positive polarity.

I strongly believe that my incarnation and journey has led me here not by pure coincidence, but to establish a bastion for everyone in the midst of chaos and confusion. As dumb as this may sound, but I can not do this alone.

Strength in numbers, my friends, my brothers and sisters, and my fellow light beings.

To conclude my message, I am going to leave words, and short foot notes to serve as a starting point of identifying these traps and mischievous tactics.
Please understand that this is only serving as a starting point/foundation, if you are confused about what I list below, please feel free to communicate.

1. Money (subscription, untraceable donations) (charged services) etc.
2. Power (re-making self) "life coach"
3. Politics
4. Cults/Religions    Please do not make Ra's conversation with Don into a Cultist or religious movement for the love of Adonai.
5. Exploitation of one's trauma, or incarnated karmic lessons.
6. Internal conflict and discord.
7. External Conflict and discord.
8. Beware of "good" conman/conwoman that boast about their special power are here to help.. but with a price  
9. Conman, and Conwoman may actually possess special psychic ability, but their polarity might not be align. Which makes them the most dangerous type, imagine they were suppose to incarnate with special ability to help others... but instead they use it to become rich or powerful... the entity "Rasputin" in our human history comes to mind..

10. Negative Authority figures (from rigid minded parents to mentor, educator, to police, and politicians.) beware of leaders that are a little way too passionate on taking side of a belief, or ideology on how to shape future society norms, or ethics/moral. For example, a politician stand passionately towards animals cruelty to the point they push for passing laws that allow animals to legally marry humans. etc etc. Or to simply put... Adolf Hitler complex. Nazi Germany didn't see him as mad, they thinks he was "passionately" trying to bring old Germany off it's feet. There's so many examples on this...

The most recent are the ISIS group who uses the Shariah Islamic Law in a extreme fashion to radicalize their beliefs and agenda.

That is all for now, my last word of advice is be careful about who you idolize in these times, either Strong/famous Celebrity or "righteous" activists/politicians that are pushing for extreme changes/movements for the greater good of mankind...

Love and Light to all, and I am grateful/appreciate if you have read my message to this far. I humbly and personally thankful for your time whether you resonate or did not with what I said.

Rightly put my friend you are 100% correct. And yes the time for us awakened Wanderers / Starseeds to shine is now. Its funny because when I awoke this year in March 2020 46 yrs old I thought I was from Orion with Yahweh attached before I bumped into the Law of One but I realized that even if that was true I am not AGAINST the Law of One for I now see I am a representative of the Law of One. Just like you are my friend I can tell by the words you posted. We have alot of work to do on Earth regardless if we are met by opposition by those who despise us and the Law of One but we shall shine our light like the many sands of the sea... Everything today is taking course to present an awakening war. good vs Evil lol. I am willing to communicate with you and other Wanderers still am in the process of awakening my partner whom is awake but not fully awake lol. My children understand very little of this but they will see what I see when their time arrives lol. Man I LOVE the Law of One. I see everything clearly now even your words were DEAD ON for you are an AWAKENED WANDERER. I close here for now but Shine your light my friend. I close with LOVE/LIGHT for ALL CREATION even though everyone has its purpose.

I am very happy to hear about your journey and your effort to bring your love ones to the light. Time is a construct of the 3rd density, and it has an effect on our soul/mind, we perceive the "journey" of self and the "journey" of others as inseparable with how fast, or how long for us to reach our destiny.

Knowing that the construct of time is not something that will govern the density beyond ours, or even in a sense of the universe as a whole. I hope with that understanding, it can buffer the illusion of hardship, or the perception of "a lot" to do in our lifetime. No matter if it is just one action or many, when we reaches the expiration of our current vessel, the all creator/(ourselves) will understand that it is enough, as the quantity/quality are both predetermined and chosen by our last incarnation.

Simply put, "Everything happened for a reason." or "What a coincidence that was." or "Wow, I just can't seem to get it to work in this lifetime."

All were meant to be, and there is no deadline, there is no definitive right or wrong. Only choices, and in mine, I stand my ground with the infinite creator on the determination that this 4th density WILL be a positive one, for that a negative polarize planet of enslavement and basically a path of loneliness and suffering that ultimately leading to a place realizing the destination is the same place for the positive, but the positive make it there with love and light...

This to me, could be a bias perspective since I am oriented toward the light and love of positive polarization, but it is a perspective that I find to be too pragmatic and logical to ignore.

My friend, I am more than happy to communicate with you explore our journeys, please feel free to dm me and/or add. I am new to this forum and website, so still poking around my settings and getting used to the interface.

Higherself777, thanks for reading and as always, love and light.

RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - J.W. - 08-04-2020


I have heard of agenda 21 and the UN eventually using water, or similar essential resources as a controlling tool of the population. It is an attempt of mass population control.

The sentence in it self is self apparent that "who" is controlling, and you bet yourself that it will be by a few souls. "for the sake of human survival." or "for the greater good!"

so the souls/population subtly submit to the "cause" believing it that is a "righteous" or see ourselves as a "martyr" like those who are positive polarize see themselves willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good....

you see, this is where they start getting people falling in line. Let's just take ISIS for example since it is recent. The world will not even blink for a minute to join forces and destroy this group, the men and women willing to sacrifice themselves to die fighting them, this is a noble and justify sacrifice/relinquish one self to great harm and danger.

Now stop, lets take this concept and situation and just change a few chess pieces around, Now you find these "brave" men and women willing to sacrifice themselves and put themselves into riots/protest to defend a cause, and the ideology and beliefs that might not have been true or was imposed on them by "leaders" and "misinformation." Hence, in this alternate reality (for the sake of example, not saying you are.) but now you find yourself agreeing with Agenda 21 and willing to "help" humanity by "voting" for it, as much confident as you would vote for the instant destruction of ISIS.

This is a tactic, that those who are for service-to-self would employ to "orchestrate" the entire population into "believing" it is a good cause.

Another fun example is, Lets say there is a deadly bubonic plague that re-emerge and there is no cure, the only option is funding our space program so we get gtfo this planet and go colonize Mars with Elon. BUT, you need to do your part and help us fund it! we get 30% of what you make to make this decision come to fruition for mankind.... now let's say, there is no "plague".... somebody just got you to fork over 30% for a project that most likely won't involve you in it...

Going back all the way to my initial motive and intention of broadcasting this message.

is that "we" as the souls that are not too fond of this slavery, and "fall in line" type of existence.... and I get it, negative polarity is probably right on their justification of that path, and I respect it. But "my choice" is to have a different, and more positive kind of existence while we all journeying toward the seventh density.

Our current priority is to identifying the l.o.c. and trace it back to it's origin, with that we can identify the source and the intention of the puppeteer.

just follow the string, and call them out, their actions will be so apparent that.. power and abundance is the motion hidden under the l.o.c. and illusion of a "togetherness, we need to give up our freewill for the greater good."

by the way, beware of this ploy noted above, the religious organizations that I've seen employing this tactic... you and I don't have to even paint this one to realize it is a couple of "self-serving" entities at the top of that religious body, asking for ludicrous donation from family receiving stimulus checks during a pandemic.

I am hoping this ripple I create, will be a wave that push back some of these simply.. in my opinion .. sad way to exist and learn our lessons.

Lets identify it together, and make sure, the identification, the principle of our values will guide us through some of these l.o.c. of the "shift"

as always, love and light.

RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - dexter101 - 08-04-2020

i dont understand why people here are so mad. earth is already 4th density positive. in a thousand years or so earth will be habitable for 3rd density beings again but only for beings on a positive path if i understand correctly. if thats the  case why get mad about the current endgame?
the things that happen these days are mostly just working off karma for humanity not the negative elite or aliens.

after the 4th density STO shift is completed the negative beings wont be able to prevent the harvests anymore. the influence of the positive aliens, humans, wanderes, angels etc.. will be too high for that to happen. just like we cant go to a 4d sts planet where 3rd density beings who chose the negative path overwhelmingly but have not yet polarized sufficently are living..

see this quote :
"There is a season upon your planet which shall be highly traumatic
within your physical illusion. The physical reasons for this are varied.
Your scientists will spend a great deal of time, while they can, in
attempting to catalog and describe each of the conditions which will
produce disaster on this physical plane of your planet. That which your
scientists speak of is quite so, and will be part of the program which has
been predicted by all of those holy works which you have upon the face
of the Earth.

It is not either permissible or possible for us to tell you precisely what
events will occur, or when they will occur, due to the fact that the
vibration within the mind and heart of the peoples upon your planet is
determining and will determine the precise events. There is within the
planet Earth a great deal of karma which must be adjusted as the cycle
changes, and these things will manifest.
Precisely when, and how, we
cannot say, nor would we wish to, my friends. For the rain, and the
wind, and fire, will destroy only those things which are in what you call
the third density of vibration. You may value those things because you
cannot imagine what a fourth-density existence will be like. We suggest
to you that you spend no time concerning yourselves with the effort of
maintaining your third density existence after the vibration change to
fourth density has been completed.

If, within your spirit, your graduation day has come, those things
necessary for your emergence into fourth density will be done for you.
All will be accomplished by helpers which you must be aware that you

It is extremely possible that damage will occur to those things which
you identify with yourself in the third density. If we may speak plainly,
you will observe the valley of the shadow of death. These very words,
my friends, have been spoken to you before, and yet you cling to that
physical body and those physical surroundings as though your spirit
were attached quite permanently to them."

RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - J.W. - 08-04-2020


Please do not misunderstand this as "mad." We are not taking hostile actions or negatively facing the "endgame" as you call it.

I believe you are confused with my original intention, and is minimizing it to what you project as "mad" or "rant"

The intention was to help Wanderers/seekers like myself and others that are oriented towards "service-to-others" to not fall into the deception and manipulation of negative polarity entities, that are using the Law of Confusion, and Law of Attraction to influence them towards the negative by hiding it under the..
"ooo I am here to help guide you towards the light and help you make lots of money, and the universe WILL WORK for you."

like this guy..

Look at it this way, the information from Ra and knowledge of our existence has been made available to almost everyone on this planet. People are slowly understanding the Law of One, either through their own religious pursue, personal values, meditation etc. or research.

But this information and the purity of it is suppose to be "self-learn" and understanding from your own freewill....

There are entities/souls/humans etc. that are taking advantage of this to infringe on the true freewill.

Therefore, I am here not to change the decision ones may choose for their polarity, I am here to point out the coy/deceitful tactics that are being used to manipulate others by those that are following the "service-to-self" path. By identifying the false influence, ones will regain the freedom to have a true decision made by themselves.

There were a few points that wasn't perceive accurately from your comment.

1. The planet stays in 4th once it progress through it's growth. In Ra's conversation with Don, those who chooses the negative path and successfully graduate will go to 4th density negative planets, and those who weren't able to graduate will go to another 3rd density planet.

2. The Karma that is being worked on by the planet is accumulated by.... to simply put..... Selfish people/souls that destroyed the environments for MONEY and POWER. Therefore since the planet moved on to being a 4th positive planet, anything that was 3rd density selfish-made-bull-craps will get destroyed.

3. This doesn't mean "everything is fine, just let things play out."
I agree/disagree with this perspective. I agree that, in the grand scheme of the cosmic as a whole... there is no definite wrong.
But I disagree that one should sit idly by and watch other-selves being tricked or misled without a fair chance for them to truly decide.

Just to be clear, negative polarity focuses on these things.

- Money.
- Self gain.
- Imbalance of wealth and power, (only few should be in control)
- Constant reassurance of abundance and positive gain if you follow a specific "path" or "teaching"
- Confusion.
- Manipulation by force/fear or wealth/work harder.

There are many more, since cleverness/slyness/ and intelligently manipulation of the Law of Attraction can produce different angles of attack on other-selves' freewill.

But all of these tactics and ploys all have on thing in common...

You are relinquishing/exchanging something for these "information" or "positive" things "they" can give you. (like making a deal with the devil in christian beliefs)

An example that you can clearly see under your nose of this tactic is the current state of Education.

Education SHOULD be free and open to everyone. But the system made it into a "business" and again.. MONEY was involved, it destroyed the true purity of learning,
people are working their ass off to PAY for education so they can MAKE more money to PAY for things....

not, going to education for the benefit of bettering mankind as a whole or to help others.

And the system also creates a HUGE fear/pitfall towards debts and the failure to choose the "right" career. You see, this was all created, the rules, the debt, the fear of living in poverty.... they are all "made" like rules on a chessboard, to restrict the player towards choices that they think are the only ones they have. But in reality, Freewill should not impose this "fear" of making a detrimentally false choice.

On a last point, I do appreciate and agree with the humble way of seeing things as "let all be all, and enjoy the ride." point of view.
But as you stated, there are a lot of light, humans, entities, the council of 9, angels etc. etc. that will take actions to maintain the positive of earth's polarity.

My question is, aren't you and I both exist right now, at this time/space? or is our existence merely just to wait for "graduation" or another "reincarnation" ?

There are no right and wrong, but only choices.

Thanks for reading dexter101, I really appreciate your comment and perspective.

as always, with love and light.

RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - J.W. - 08-04-2020

To all whom read this post,

I want to let you all know that I am very thankful for the time you have spend.

I also would like to sincerely apologize for poor grammar and/or the incorrect use of the English language in my sentences. It is not my native language and I sometimes find my errors from re-reading my post. This is a frustration for me because I wish to convey clearly and help the reader see my intention with the least inconvenience.

Also, if I could find more time to diligently re-correct my errors with the limited given time in my life, I will most definitely do so.

as always, love and light, and thank you for everyone's comments and stories.


RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - dreamoftheiris - 08-05-2020

Good stuff. Reminds me of this great article from

RE: Rendezvous, It's time to regroup. - J.W. - 08-05-2020

(08-05-2020, 01:41 PM)dreamoftheiris Wrote: Good stuff.  Reminds me of this great article from

This is very, very valuable for those who are in the state of awakening. Thank you my friend, I hope others will find this information and seek clarity in their path.

I appreciate your contribution.