A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Printable Version

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A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - wisdom seeker - 06-22-2020

Hello my brothers and sisters, Hope you are well during these absurd times.
This is an essential era in spreading truth/ wisdom and honestly Ra inspired me to write the document/ article because I see it as being of service to others. I have covered all aspects that you need to know regarding the crisis including an energetic analysis with over 600 references and 600 hours of painstaking dedication.
This is where you can understand everything in one go and i urge you to read it and share it.

Document available :
View and Download free PDF:

Each and every one of us are directly affected by the far reaching consequences which you may not be aware of.
I have taken the responsibility of informing others to the best of my abilities as I feel that it's not only the right thing to do but a crucial one.

People need to make their own mind after reviewing uncensored information, simply reading my report will benefit you in numerous ways that you simply cannot imagine.

It has led to my expanded awareness, being able to see the unseen and see through the chaos of propaganda and confusion.
There are yet to be many twists and turns of bizarre events in the near future and I want to psychically prepare you and help you make wiser decisions and progress as a human being.

If you have any doubts, questions, enquiries, feedback or additional information that you think is relevant, I am open to learn/teach or teach/learn and broaden our knowledge.

If it resonates with you, please share with others.
Knowledge Protects ~ Ignorance Endangers

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Navaratna - 06-27-2020

I don't think people would be afraid of covid-19 if they werent told to be.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Diana - 06-28-2020

I have started reading your document, and will comment later. So far it is really interesting. Very well documented and researched.

I finished your analysis. Thank you for the exhaustive research you did, connecting many dots, and for this alternative view of the situation we find ourselves in.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - moyal - 08-26-2020

...and on it goes...
BOMBSHELL: WHO Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA

This article is so short, and such a stunner, that I cite it in full:

This was important enough that I wanted to get it out immediately. My research into the NCBI database for nucleotide sequences has lead to a stunning discovery. One of the WHO primer sequences in the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 is found in all human DNA!

The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences are what get amplified by the PCR process in order to be detected and designated a “positive” test result. It just so happens this exact same 18-character sequence, verbatim, is also found on Homo sapiens chromosome 8! As far as I can tell, this means that the WHO test kits should find a positive result in all humans. Can anyone explain this otherwise?

I really cannot overstate the significance of this finding. At minimum, it should have a notable impact on test results.

In other words, those who began to notice the peculiarity of the tests for the virus, and how they might be used to (1) collect human DNA, and (2) possibly covertly insert things into people's nasal cavity, may have had a point, and then some. Again, assuming the article to be true, and given the vast amount of "positive" tests, are we really witnessing "false positives" that are, in fact, genuine in the sense that the patient is being shown to be human? And is this why there is such an emphasis on testing everyone?

Years ago, at the Secret Space Program conference of 2015 in Bastrop Texas, I offered the idea that the sudden rise of DNA testing corporations that will, through genetics, "show your ancestral history" might be a covert way of searching for people that look fully homo sapiens sapiens, but aren't. The only way to determine whether or not such a population exists among us ala the old late 1960's science-fiction TV show, The Invaders, would be to test for genetics. So why put a primer for a virus into a virus test that, essentially, is common to all humans, and then insist that everyone get tested? It might be exactly what one might do in order to search for such a population. This isn't to say that the virus is not real, and that positive tests are ipso facto suspicious.  It is to suggest that maybe, under the guise of the planscamdemic, they're really looking for something, or rather, someone else. And it might be that this is an underlying reason why the numbers "cases" as a percentage of the population appears to be so high, while actual deaths as a percentage of population appears to be so low.

If that sounds already off-the-end-of-the-speculation-twig, it is to be sure. But there's an even worse implication, and this is where is gets completely crazy, because it might mean "testing negative" could be interpreted by the wilder and crazier sort, as testing not negative for the virus, but negative for humanity.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Jow - 08-26-2020

Moyal, thanks for posting this. Got me into thinking the real motive behind the "planscamdemic"

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Jow - 08-26-2020

Wisdom seeker you have done a good job with the research and insights beyond what people regard as normality
Am still reading this article.
I had to come back here to thank you first

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - David_1 - 08-26-2020

   Thank you, Wisdom Seeker for your article.
   I read it.
   It obviously took a lot of work.
   The virus is a part of the global population reduction program.  Its original intent was to also destroy the economy of the U.S. so that they hoped Trump would not be re-elected as president.  That is why medical professionals who point out medical treatments that work, are so violently attacked in much of the media.  That is also why some politicians are so viciously against allowing small businesses to re-open.
   However, light is shining into the darkness.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Diana - 08-26-2020

(08-26-2020, 07:45 AM)David_1 Wrote:    However, light is shining into the darkness.

How so?

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - David_1 - 08-26-2020

   Diana asked, "How so?"
   When I close my eyes and try to see what is likely to come, I am enormously optimistic.  I don't know how so.  But I feel encouraged.
   I think that what we can each do is to try to personally make the day better than it would have been if we had not been there.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - unity100 - 08-26-2020

(06-27-2020, 10:46 PM)Navaratna Wrote: There's something called agenda 21 which was hatched decades ago by the U.N. about population control

That's conspiracy theorism. American alt-right one to boot.

UN is a multinational organization and cannot 'hatch' anything in lieu of its members. There are ~200 countries who vote on everything, on top of there is the security council with 15 members who have veto rights on everything. So there is absolutely no way in which any such delirious plan could be conceived, decided on, and then passed in front of the eyes of representatives from 200 countries.

Thats something only uneducated conservative segments could buy, and thats why it originated from alt right conspiracy forums and spread from there.

And it follows the general pattern of making up external enemies and blaming things on them instead of the leaders at home.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - unity100 - 08-26-2020


For some delirious kookery like 'agenda 21' to happen, the below must come to pass in the order given below:

- One or more of the two hundred UN members must propose the plan in UN general assembly, in public in front of the representatives of other two hundred countries even as all the sessions are being recorded per UN rules
- Each country's representative must communicate it to their own government
- Each country must gave their approval and tell it to their representative
- The plan must be debated and agreed on detail by representatives of two hundred members
- Details must be communicated again to each 200 governments by the representatives
- Each country must approve the final details and tell their representative
- The plan must be voted in general assembly and accepted by a majority and be turned into a resolution
- Then the resolution must come to 15 member security council which is comprised of many countries
- Majority of these members must agree on the resolution
- No country that is a security council member and has the veto power must veto the resolution
- Resolution must end up passing
- Instructions must go out to the relevant UN departments to acquire funds to put the plan into motion
- UN departments must be allocated the funds from the public funding that comes from UN which comes from budgets of 200 member countries
- The allocated funds must be distributed to sub departments and designated organizations to be spent according to plan

Only a delirious kook, a clinical paranoid schizophrenia patient, or a pig ignorant extremist could believe that during this entire process, there would not come up ONE single country which would oppose such a plan and speak against it. Leave aside any vetoing it. And so much that this could somehow have happened among many countries which are historically mortal enemies of each other and not even one of them must desaire to use it as a political weapon against its enemies to discredit and delegitimize them. Moreover, this would need to happen with the acceptance of US, since US itself has veto right in security council and can veto anything it wants.

So its as crazy as it sounds.


Whenever you see some grand claim, just do a little research.

"What is UN?"

"How does UN work?"

Just these two google searches would tell you that such a delirious conspiracy is just not possible to happen in this particular reality. You dont need to be a political science expert.

Be aware that selling conspiracies is now a big business in US and numerous talk show hosts have to come up with a sufficiently engaging conspiracy that can be dragged long enough to fill one or more 45 minute time slots each week. And sell enough books. So they will just keep producing these as long as there are people clicking their websites, listening their talk shows, buying their books.

That's how you end up with 'conspiracies' like 'elite led by Clinton' meeting in a pizza joint in the basement of a building which never had a basement. And thats how you end up with crazy people who go try to raid the building which never had a basement with guns in hand.

Dont waste your time and energy with such profiteering. Because, even if you enjoy reading such falsities, it drains your energy and introduces the chaotic and deceptive energies which the entire process carries.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - flofrog - 08-26-2020

Thank you unity100

Selling conspiracies definitely one of the least appealing sides of the Internet.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Glow - 08-26-2020

It borders on narcissism for a country to think the world is in on a conspiracy to make trump look bad. He does it himself with his twitter account regularly.

This pandemic has nothing to do with him except within his nation. He promoted these ideas it was a hoax and by doing so enabled others to believe and parrot that sentiment obviously slowing the adoption of scientific protocols to halt the spread.

Here a list of historic pandemics.
Feel free to look and see these things happen from time to time and it was time.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 08-26-2020

I understand why our forum members would post such information.  I found the Law of One by reading the Hidden Hand material and other conspiracies.  BUT once you're aware enough of the Law of One (hence able to find this forum), you should be able to SEE that the solutions proposed in such conspiracies are fear-based.

NOTHING positive can come from such proposed solutions.

Meanwhile, the positive solutions are seen as being too simple and inadequate.  LOVE is the solution.  LOVE is always the positive answer.

FORGIVE the Elites and all the people of the Earth.  This is where such conspiracies leads all spiritual seekers.  It leads to forgiveness.  Fighting them by denying science, vaccines and other positive accomplishments like UBI and Universal Healthcare is just playing in the hands of the Elites.

Science and spirituality will need to team up if we are going to win this game.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Jow - 08-26-2020

I also found the Ra material through the HH dialogue. Conspiracy theories can be a doorway for the awakening of a true seeker. Knowledge is power, take what resonates

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - flofrog - 08-26-2020

(08-26-2020, 08:27 PM)Jow Wrote: I also found the Ra material through the HH dialogue. Conspiracy theories can be a doorway for the awakening of a true seeker. Knowledge is power, take what resonates

You’re right, that’s true too...

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Black Dragon - 08-27-2020

(08-26-2020, 05:51 PM)Glow Wrote: It borders on narcissism for a country to think the world is in on a conspiracy to make trump look bad. He does it himself with his twitter account regularly.

This pandemic has nothing to do with him except within his nation. He promoted these ideas it was a hoax and by doing so enabled others to believe and parrot that sentiment obviously slowing the adoption of scientific protocols to halt the spread.

Here a list of historic pandemics.
Feel free to look and see these things happen from time to time and it was time.

I've been saying for some time now, Trump is part of the system and very likely more or less controlled by the elite, whether he's doing that consciously or just being played. Trump is a man of self-interest, and it's not good self-interest to completely defy those people.

The only way in which I can believe that Trump is undermining the elite or threw a wrench in any of their works is by complete accidental blunder, by blundering around pushing his own agendas(which may unintentionally compete with certain established elite agendas) in his own self-interest, either completely oblivious to or willfully ignorant of the real elite's agendas.

This would make him somewhat of an "outsider" and loose cannon, but far from the savior figure so many claim. He is an authoritarian, just like them, who values power and not empathy. In some ways, they can be seen as having competing agendas(whether that's real or just meant to appear that way...), but in the ways that really matter, they are the same.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ming the Merciful - 04-17-2021

I have believed that the pandemic has been a hoax from the beginning. When the news first broke in Wuhan, something did not feel right, (and it has never felt right). It was the way the various governments were reacting, (which was unnatural). I rely on my Intuitive Mind a large part of the time, and it never lies. It is all a system to bring in the New World Order, and to control the masses. Avoid taking the vaccine, (at all costs). Also, avoid mainstream media because that is obvious propaganda and misinformation. Trust no-one, only trust yourself. In reality, I think this is the final battle between when those who are seeking world domination are taking their last stand before the transition and the evolution that is coming. The time to evolve is now.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - confusedseeker - 04-23-2021

(04-17-2021, 06:19 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: I have believed that the pandemic has been a hoax from the beginning. When the news first broke in Wuhan, something did not feel right, (and it has never felt right). It was the way the various governments were reacting, (which was unnatural). I rely on my Intuitive Mind a large part of the time, and it never lies. It is all a system to bring in the New World Order, and to control the masses. Avoid taking the vaccine, (at all costs). Also, avoid mainstream media because that is obvious propaganda and misinformation. Trust no-one, only trust yourself. In reality, I think this is the final battle between when those who are seeking world domination are taking their last stand before the transition and the evolution that is coming. The time to evolve is now.

I'm with you. However I don't think the virus is a hoax; I know people who have been affected by it. I DO, however, think the reaction to it was a hoax. It was a global injection of fear into the common human...simply unparalleled and from all angles, and it didn't match the data (specifically with children).

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Anders - 04-24-2021

(06-22-2020, 07:32 AM)wisdom seeker Wrote: If you have any doubts, questions, enquiries, feedback or additional information that you think is relevant, I am open to learn/teach or teach/learn and broaden our knowledge.

I have a question about how much science today actually knows. Science evolves and things that previously were considered scientific later became recognized as false views.

Particularly, I wonder how much science actually knows about COVID-19. For example, how can our cells supposedly manufacture viruses? RNA is merely a blueprint for proteins, and it's quite a leap to go from manufacturing a single protein to replicating and constructing an entire virus. I looked at what mainstream sources say about virus replication and usually they only mention that the cells assemble viruses from RNA.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ymarsakar - 04-24-2021

They have it mostly backwards
Viruses correlated to disease. Not causation.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Anders - 04-24-2021

(04-24-2021, 09:38 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: They have it mostly backwards
Viruses correlated to disease. Not causation.

That's an interesting take on it. I found this:

Quote:"Hildreth now proposes that “the virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.”" -

That's a mainstream source that makes a bit more sense to me. If viruses (not only HIV as in the quote but all viruses) actually are exosomes then it explains how our cells replicate viruses, because exosomes are message capsules that our cells can manufacture, transmit and receive.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ymarsakar - 04-24-2021

Look up "virus in batteries". It is a nanite scale machine that increases electrical conductivity.

Why would cells create specialized nanite machines to increase conductivity? Because there's a problem and it needs that extra bandwidth for chi/prana/vprill to heal the body perhaps?

Again, what humans recognized as causation, was only evidence backed for correlation.

Why would a person get sick slightly and then better?

Because the virus was not tailored for the body's specific DNA genome type, so it was like getting a blood transfusion. It could not adequately make use of the blood cells and had a reaction to it. The viruses cause the disease? Just like the transfused blood caused the death/reaction? We must now irradiate all blood and make it dead, before we can be safe? This is how "human logic" can go haywire.

But in the long term, the body received some of the message and began creating a reaction against it before it actually got the problem.

This is all based off of Atlantean DNA modification technology. What happened to Atlantis btw? Heh

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Patrick - 04-25-2021

(04-24-2021, 09:38 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: They have it mostly backwards
Viruses correlated to disease. Not causation.

Yes although the correlation is very strong.

As is explained in this thread:

All perceived physical matter is a correlation...

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ymarsakar - 04-25-2021

They think they are god. And humans obediently follow along with this delusion. For how long? Do people really think this will be tolerated for much longer?

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - AnthroHeart - 04-25-2021

(04-25-2021, 09:13 AM)Ymarsakar Wrote: They think they are god. And humans obediently follow along with this delusion. For how long? Do people really think this will be tolerated for much longer?

I see a tsunami of karma coming crashing back on the dark ones before too long.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - David_1 - 05-01-2021

A quote from

“My neighbor was vaxxed and then basically his family took his keys he was in such a brain fog. Nearly had 3 wrecks. Truckers and cops reported impaired people having many single car wrecks, weaving, acting drunk - only common denominator is a recent vax. The people know they are screwed up but don't realize how bad.

People also showing ambien-like effects where they are dream-walking: going to stores, have strange interactions and remembering nothing of it later. Doctor friend told me this has happened to SEVERAL patients and they have no answers. One lady approached her SIL for sex. She is not the type and remembers nothing of it. This crap can break up families. She later approached a neighbor for sex. ASLEEP THE WHOLE TIME. What a disaster. On top of that it will probably also wreck your immune system and kill you at some point.”

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ymarsakar - 05-01-2021

"Here is what just this small portion of this Pfizer document is saying:
1. If a man who was not vaccinated touches a vaccinated woman, or breathes any of the air she breathes, (in other words, walks by her in the office) and he then has sex with his wife, his wife can have an adverse event and she should avoid having children.
2. If a woman who was never vaccinated gets exposed to a woman who was vaccinated, she can:
A: miscarry,
B: spontaneously abort,
C. poison a baby via her breast milk
D: Have babies that have congitive difficulties.

This is universal, and very bad. Here is a small section of text I translated to English: Occupational Exposure
"An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an adverse event. These people may include health care providers, family members, and other people who are around the trial participant.

When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer saftey within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened, regardless of whether or not there is an associated secondary adverse event. This must be reported using the vaccine secondary adverse event report form. SINCE THE INFORMATION DOES NOT PERTAIN TO A PARTICIPANT INVOLVED IN THE STUDY, THE INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE STUDY."

TO CLARIFY: Vaccine study participants become super spreaders of something, they don't say what it is, but it triggers secondary adverse events in people that never had the vax, when they are exposed to people who did have the vax."

That portion from the Jim link is interesting.

Many of my clients are waxinated, and I do detect something similar to the reports. It is like a realm/vibration mismatch. It goes away for me when I recalibrate and stand off for around an hour or half an hour as my realm restabilizes. For other people, I doubt that will be as easy on them.

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - David_1 - 05-01-2021

   Some politicians have promoted the vaccines to the point of greatly restricting freedoms of those who do not get a shot.
   The two pervious posts should lead us to ask a question.
   What if the intent of some vaccines was to make those who were vaccinated become super-spreaders of something much worse than Covid?

RE: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis - Ymarsakar - 05-01-2021

Covid has never been isolated. Something exists, but it is not what humans think it is.

It is mostly Ascension symptoms. Whatever bio weapon 5g AI signal they cooked up at Wuhan labs using Atlantean hybrid technology (combination of animal tissue with human tissue, producing a "virus") is causing people to be more sensitive and allergic to the sun, meaning central sun rays and the ascension energy.

For the waxxines, part of it is an immune reaction, as the body is trying to "fight off" this foreign invader that pretends it is good and biological. Part of it is going to be mass insanity or zombie like behavior, because it causes massive overload of the body's meridian system as it can no longer absorb (Vitamin C) the sun's energy.

This is why previous "harvests failed". Everyone died before they could be harvested. This time the harvest is much larger, but people can be held back if they can choose not to accept the sun's change.

These rounds of waxes, are just the first part of the AI borg timeline. There will be many many more waxxines required to be "waxinated fully".

They are panicking. Literally flying to Mars and panicking. But a wounded hydra is just as dangerous as an unwounded hydra. More so, because I cannot predict what the central head is going to do, because there is no central head.

There are large forces already at war with the Deep State. It is first a civil war, as well as a rebellion of humans, child rescuers, ETs, lizards even. A true Rebel Alliance. This Rebel Alliance is new to power and does not have all the levers that the Cabal spent 6k+ years creating.