Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - Printable Version

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Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - AnthroHeart - 04-09-2020

I just met with a shaman lady.
She says that the pandemic and what's going on is being caused by a Kundalini awakening
for everyone, starting at the root chakra.
There are actually more than 7 chakras.

Here is the chakra chart she showed me.

[Image: Chakra_Chart.jpg]

It starts going up the front chakras, reaches the crown, and then goes up the back chakras.
We go through physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies.

I am at the Earth Star, beginning work on my mental body.

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - sillypumpkins - 04-09-2020

hmmm.... my understanding is the kundalini process is "complete" once the individual has opened up the Heart enough and is able to rest there, for lack of a better phrase. This indicates to me that STS beings don't qualify for a kundalini awakening, therefore, not everyone is going through one.

if i am wrong, someone please correct me.

though i do think you are correct in that K awakenings are becoming more and more common as we inch towards 4th density

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - AnthroHeart - 04-09-2020

The process I'm learning takes it farther, to where you are one with your Higher Self. You embody your higher self at completion.
I'm not there yet, though my shaman teacher claims to be after a lot of hard work.

Resting in your heart makes you harvestable.

Perhaps people are beginning to start their awakening.

I don't know if STS beings are prevented from Kundalini awakening. They just skip their heart and blue-ray.

She told me that Kundalini comes from divine source rather than Earth. So it's her own definition of Kundalini.

I'm slowly opening up to cosmic knowledge. I'm working on my mental aspect.

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - sillypumpkins - 04-09-2020

are you and your higher self not one and the same?

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - AnthroHeart - 04-09-2020

(04-09-2020, 03:00 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote: are you and your higher self not one and the same?

Is your focus now at "higher self" level?

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - EvolvingPhoenix - 04-09-2020

"Kundalini awakening"?

I'm by no means an expert on the subject but I am HIGHLY skeptical if that claim.

I would LOVE it if my kundalini were awakening, but I doubt it.

And real talk, does mass hysteria, selfishness, fear mongering and fighting over selfishly and irrationally hoarded resources seem like a "kundalini awakening" to you?

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - EvolvingPhoenix - 04-09-2020

How about the constant media propaganda, lying, sensationalism and outright stupidity that has intensified to new levels in at least this country? (USA)

An Alzheimer's ridden candidate competing agains a reality TV star for supposed leadership of the free world?

Men ans womens' u healthy intergender dynamics heating up in ways that only exarcerbate preexisting issues?

People getting more and more desperate?

Constant fighting over issues revolving around the crisis?

Celebrities breaking down and doing and saying outrageous things they normally wouldn't just because the isolation of the crisis forces them to go without the stability provided by constant public attention?

The European Union countries acting in ways that destabilize their unity, such as refusing to reallocate resources to neighbouring countries?

China exploiting the West's situation while blaming everything happening on foreigners in their media?

The USA and China becoming increasingly adversarial with each other?

Workers on Korea being furloughed over financial concerns, causing thousands of Koreans to be without work and American Military in South Korea to be compormised?

Venezualan ships attacking American cruiseliners?

US government trying to sneak insidious cybersecurity laws under our noses while everybody is distracted by the pandemic?

More corporate bailouts for corporations that openly admit they don't actually NEED the bailout money?

Politicians arguing over how many pennies to dole out to the people while preparing to give thise choosing beggar corporations the obscene bailout money?

Economic collapse? Workers displaced?

American companies profiteering off of the crisis by selling hundreds of millions of masks to other countries while our country remains in shortage and the lockdown drives our economy into a second Great Depression and Trump STILL doesn't sign the Defense Production Act?

Etc. Etc.

Does ANY of that sound like "kundalini awakening" to you?

I mean, seems to me like catalyst which has the potential to lead to kundalini awakening but the RESULT of kundalini awakening?

That sounds... Unlikely to me.

But hey, what do I know? I'm no expert on kundalini awakenings.

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - AnthroHeart - 04-09-2020

Yes, Kundalini symptoms are rather unpleasant until you open up.
It was terrifying for me early on.

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - EvolvingPhoenix - 04-09-2020

(04-09-2020, 05:34 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: Yes, Kundalini symptoms are rather unpleasant until you open up.
It was terrifying for me early on.

What makes you so sure those were ACTUALLY kundalini symptoms?

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - Agua - 04-09-2020


RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - Infinite - 04-09-2020

Honestly, that doesn't seem to me related with kundalini awakening. The kundalini awakening is an individual process.

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - sillypumpkins - 04-10-2020

(04-09-2020, 05:34 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: Yes, Kundalini symptoms are rather unpleasant until you open up.
It was terrifying for me early on.

Yes and that’s why it’s important to have the right supporting practices before beginning to attempt awakening K... IMO for most it’s not something to strive for but rather something that will happen on its own.

It ain’t a magic bullet people!!

(Not directing all this toward you sun, just my general view on awakening K)

Have fun

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - AnthroHeart - 04-10-2020

I'm using the Intention Repeater to purge toxic energy in me that's built up over the years.
It feels great feeling it coming off.

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - Navaratna - 04-26-2020

(04-09-2020, 07:01 PM)Agua Wrote:
(04-09-2020, 05:31 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: How about the constant media propaganda, lying, sensationalism and outright stupidity that has intensified to new levels in at least this country? (USA)

An Alzheimer's ridden candidate competing agains a reality TV star for supposed leadership of the free world?

Men ans womens' u healthy intergender dynamics heating up in ways that only exarcerbate preexisting issues?

People getting more and more desperate?

Constant fighting over issues revolving around the crisis?

Celebrities breaking down and doing and saying outrageous things they normally wouldn't just because the isolation of the crisis forces them to go without the stability provided by constant public attention?

The European Union countries acting in ways that destabilize their unity, such as refusing to reallocate resources to neighbouring countries?

China exploiting the West's situation while blaming everything happening on foreigners in their media?

The USA and China becoming increasingly adversarial with each other?

Workers on Korea being furloughed over financial concerns, causing thousands of Koreans to be without work and American Military in South Korea to be compormised?

Venezualan ships attacking American cruiseliners?

US government trying to sneak insidious cybersecurity laws under our noses while everybody is distracted by the pandemic?

More corporate bailouts for corporations that openly admit they don't actually NEED the bailout money?

Politicians arguing over how many pennies to dole out to the people while preparing to give thise choosing beggar corporations the obscene bailout money?

Economic collapse? Workers displaced?

American companies profiteering off of the crisis by selling hundreds of millions of masks to other countries while our country remains in shortage and the lockdown drives our economy into a second Great Depression and Trump STILL doesn't sign the Defense Production Act?

Etc. Etc.

Does ANY of that sound like "kundalini awakening" to you?

I mean, seems to me like catalyst which has the potential to lead to kundalini awakening but the RESULT of kundalini awakening?

That sounds... Unlikely to me.

But hey, what do I know? I'm no expert on kundalini awakenings.

I think the term Kundalini has been a little overstressed in spiritual communities Smile
There is a tendency to call everything a kundalini awakening.

And I also doubt this will lead to an awakened kundalini for everybody, seriously.

But all the symptoms you mention, well, I understand what you mean.
But any healing situation by whatever means it has been facilitated, will bring up unresolved issues, the more issues it brings up, and the higher the intensity, the greater the potential for healing.
And, viewed from a different angle, if you were to activate people ´ s kundalini, they would face all their isuues and problems but at a much larger scale.

Still, I highly doubt the Kundalini thing...

But no one can deny its massive catalyst for the majority of humanity simultaneously, bringing up things that simply HAVE to be solved now.
And I am pretty sure there is a divine plan behind it.

just let me tickle your kundalini after i tell the mayor and his neighbors they need kundalini stimulation. I can even whisper it so people know to take it seriously.

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - Agua - 04-27-2020


RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - sillypumpkins - 04-27-2020

(04-27-2020, 03:08 PM)Agua Wrote:
(04-26-2020, 11:21 PM)Navaratna Wrote: just let me tickle your kundalini after i tell the mayor and his neighbors they need kundalini stimulation. I can even whisper it so people know to take it seriously.

What do you want to say with that? I dont understand it, maybe because I dont speak the language good enough.
Could you explain?

I'm a native english speaker and I have no idea what this person is trying to say either

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - Navaratna - 04-27-2020

(04-27-2020, 03:39 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote:
(04-27-2020, 03:08 PM)Agua Wrote:
(04-26-2020, 11:21 PM)Navaratna Wrote: just let me tickle your kundalini after i tell the mayor and his neighbors they need kundalini stimulation. I can even whisper it so people know to take it seriously.

What do you want to say with that? I dont understand it, maybe because I dont speak the language good enough.
Could you explain?

I'm a native english speaker and I have no idea what this person is trying to say either

All I'm saying is how you'd be hard pressed to make masses of people open minded to the idea. As much as I think the Ra material has a lot of truth in it, trying to tell these idea to everyday people would make you sound like a religious person. I'm just joking.

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - sillypumpkins - 04-27-2020

I am still confused.....

RE: Everyone is going through a Kundalini Awakening - Navaratna - 04-27-2020

(04-27-2020, 04:46 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote: I am still confused.....

Aren't we all?

What I try to tell people is that your body wants homeostasis. balance. Ra material says balance your vibratory complex.

Chakras are not made up things, they correspond to your endocrine gland system and nerve clusters in your spine.

I think you'd have better luck telling someone about homeostasis and how meditation balances their hormones and electricity and therefore is healthy, instead of trying to tell someone an extraterrestrial intelligence named Ra told you to balance your vibratory complex so you'd feel love and light. That sounds like religious cult jabber to people. Then again the point isn't to try to convert people to thinking the way we do, but in my opinion all these eastern terms like samadhi or param chaitanya really are just different words for the same thing. Balance, changes in body chemistry as a result of extended breathing exercises and tranquility.

I've long tried to get people to attend classes with me, but it's amazing seeing a roadblock that men generally have. In meditation groups you will mostly encounter women, a huge majority. younger and older. the few males in the classes will generally be much older, at least 30. or mid 20s, it's very rare youll see a 20 year old man going to a group meditation. why? his thinking goes along the lines of "How am I going to get laid if I'm wasting my time on something like this when women will only pay attention to me if I have a ton of money? I'm not going to bore myself looking at candle flames like a transient." at least that's how it is in the first world.

Trying to get females to go kind of goes the same way, well they better be attracted to you. Not necessarily in a romantic way, more like 'does this guy have the many, many, many thousands of dollars required to be an independent average adult in our English world? If not, this consciousness thing must not be doing a lot for him.." it's amazing how shallow our society pressures people to be. I am not some stay-at-home-son. The only reason I'm on here is because of the huge disruption as a result of plague that everyone is experiencing has given me time.

As much as I tried to bring people toward this form of spirituality, I think it sadly kind of boils down to if people think you're attractive. at least if you want to try and invite people with flyers or speaking to people in person you must be their idea of attractive. You can try inviting people in a non personal way by posting ads, but at least I alone can't help but think this way. Because a lot of people over the years friends of mine or strangers on the street that seemed open minded didn't really express a lot of interest in going, especially male friends. They would if they got paid to or if they had a good shot of getting a girlfriend lol. But -if- I was their idea of a physically attractive person-- male or female, OF COURSE they'd be so down to come and try out this chakra balancing. It'd be super interesting. Wow a hot girl or super wealthy man says this thing is incredible I should go! I've also read that even if people do attend these kinds of group meditations, it's pretty damn rare you'll find someone who will continue returning for months or years. "Not making a ton of money? WHAT? You must just be twiddling your thumbs what a waste of time!" Even this one artist girl I knew would say garbage like that "I don't have time to dilly dally" lol what a businesswoman. If someone doesn't want to go there's no need to try and persuade them, I can't help but think if someone wants to be left in the dark, then they're free to. I'm not a Mormon going door to door.

I mostly gave up on trying to bring people in to these groups because of how disappointed I was in their dullness. "WAT can you...DO with that?" Trying to tell someone about the law of thermodynamics being manifested by subtle changes in electrical currents and how your brain is the most densely interwoven system known on Earth sounds like a good way to get a groan, a sigh, and an *eye roll* from a very impatient westerner that DEMANDS *pounds palm with fist* immediate physically solid, or sense stimulating results. I've read about every religion and all kind of esoteric stuff, all kinds of different tribes, and they almost all have what is known as Chaoskampf. A dragon (human) and storm god (divinity) in legend or art. In my opinion if that motif is absent from a mystical orientation, it must be pretty dull. Even Middle Eastern people have the lataif e sitta even though the serpent appears to be absent, at least from what I've read.

I might be offending some people but in my opinion I'm just speaking from experience. I myself wouldn't have time to waste if our society wasn't non-functional at the moment. You can speak the purest truth and someone on the Internet can fling some parasite-ridden pork at it.