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Balancing love and wisdom - sillypumpkins - 03-16-2020

Hey all,

soooo.... coronavirus! people are getting kinda crazy. I've been feeling a little frustrated with people's nonchalance about it.

someone whom I love dearly and also happen to live with is going out all day. she's got a couple things to do which I understand need to be done, i.e going to her school and grabbing some things, mailing in a ballot. however, she's decided that she is going to stay at school for a while and work on a project (the buildings at her school close tomorrow.)

see... i understand the cleaning up, getting some things, dropping something in the mail box. but..... I just feel frustrated that she think it's okay to be out and about right now? I mean, she's just going to be in one building. a teacher and a student at her school were confirmed for the virus and it's just like.... idk..

I feel frustrated that people in general can't seem to handle inconveniences right now. It's just ridiculous to me. I get it, we've been conditioned in this way. but just... ugh

I expressed my annoyance/frustrated before she left. i didn't really go about it in a balanced way. i didn't yell or degrade her or anything. I just told her I think it's irresponsible, ignorant, and selfish to be going out right now and i'm disappointed that she thinks it's okay. we went back and forth for 30 seconds before she left

i'm having trouble balancing love and wisdom in this situation. can anyone help me out? it is so upsetting to me that people are just going about their business because they dont want to be inconvenienced, and in doing so are putting lives at risk.... this isn't a minor thing to me, it's life or death for a lot of people and i am just having trouble taking it anything less than deadly serious....

ahhhh... the times... they are... a- changin...... help?

thanks all

RE: Balancing love and wisdom - hounsic - 03-16-2020

It’s easy with all this time at home for our egos to want to be distracted, I just try bringing myself back to the present moment maybe try staying there more?

RE: Balancing love and wisdom - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-16-2020

I'm not the best expert on this subject, as you know. I myself am working on this balance.

That being said, here's what I've learned:

The elites who have been running this planet for millenia have a history of being arrogant a******* who think they kniw better than others what is good for them. And they would gey frustrated with others, trying to make them see the "wisdom" of their viewpoints. Eventually, this turned into trying ro MAKE them see their point of view. In their attempts, every scheme, even when successful would only make things overall worse for them.

Tens of thousands of years of karma and mere consequence of living in the world they created, as well as merely letting their own arrogance/hubris convince them to make ruinous decisions has lead to much suffering for themselves and others.

I have learned it is best just to let go. Don't try to control anything. That's where these guys went wrong.

Just focus on what's best for YOU and hopefully, it'll rub off on others. If not, don't sweat it. You are not theur babysitter.

Best perspective I can offer atm.

Hope it helps.

RE: Balancing love and wisdom - flofrog - 03-16-2020

Silly you are doing good, it’s just not quite easy to stay away from fear right now, and when we fear for someone, we tend to so want the situation better right away. You’re good Wink

RE: Balancing love and wisdom - sillypumpkins - 03-16-2020

hounsic phoenix and flo, thank you. i think I've gotten a little lost in the craziness

flo you are wonderful. just reading your response warmed my heart and made me feel more at ease... Smile

be well evrybuddy

RE: Balancing love and wisdom - Alexis - 03-16-2020

Yeah I understand where you are coming from. Someone in my family wants to go to Asia in June, and I'm scratching my head as to why they still want to go despite this global pandemic. I mean yeah life goes on, but they didn't seem overly concerned about what exactly was going on, or maybe they are waiting for the government to finally say they can't go.