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Hypnotic Regression - AnthroHeart - 02-26-2020

Has anyone here had a hypnotic life regression, like to look at in-between lives?

I found that the reason I came into this life now was because I didn't have structure in the afterlife,
and there wasn't really anything to grab onto.

I found that in this life that I prefer grounding stones more than high-frequency crystals.

Maybe to get away from my past experiences of higher densities or vibrations.

I wanted to be like rock. To enjoy the third density life.

I wanted to be more earthy and less celestial.

There's something to be said about how amazing the illusion is.

RE: Hypnotic Regression - flofrog - 02-26-2020

Gem, I think recently a new poster very generously gave an account of his regression under hypnosis.

On edit : here is the link

RE: Hypnotic Regression - AnthroHeart - 02-29-2020

I'm still reading Michael Newton's Journey of Souls book.

I wonder if after this life if there will always be things we regret.

One person in the book did suicide in a past life and they regretted that.

The spirit guide wasn't happy.

I don't know if I shouldn't care what the spirit guide thinks about what I do day to day.

Should we live our lives so that we have as few regrets in the afterlife as possible?

How do I know I'm not wasting my life not doing more?

I am on disability and don't do much through the day besides meditation, reading and stuff.

I make my mom mad at me in ways that I can't control. I can't make her happy and she says in my next life I'll be a slave to other people.
I've given her a place to stay for free for the last nearly 20 years, and she likes to keep insulting me.

She says when the war breaks out I'll have to suffer.

I might seem nice on this forum but I'm not that great. I get mad at one of my mom's dogs, and the other I really like.

Can my mom decide my next life because she gets upset with me a lot?
At least I'm not Hollywood cause then I'd be possessed by a demon and be a transgender according to her.
It's hard listening to her threaten the lives of everyone in Hollywood.

I bought her a computer and later she told me she doesn't like to be bought. Then she complains I didn't give her $25,000 when I had it
for her to rebuild her condemned house.

Sometimes I don't know what to do.

RE: Hypnotic Regression - AnthroHeart - 02-29-2020

I don't know. Being drawn to the Law of One would say I'm an old soul.
But being immature in life, and threatening to  get fired like 3 times at my last job
and not being able to handle pressure would say that I'm a young soul.

I'm 42 and my mom says I act like a child.

She does good things like fixing food and stuff.

But her health isn't the best so I guess I can understand why she's angry so much.

I know I will have to repeat lessons I didn't learn.

I am not assuming there is even a harvest, so I'm trying to live like I may have to reincarnate
many more times before I evolve enough to not need to any longer.

I think a spiritually mature person won't get too excited or too upset at anything that happens.

Sometimes I feel like we don't really have free will because it's the Tao that is the doer.

There is a saying that everything is predestined. Yet there is also free will to an extent.

I can only try my best and my mom is trying her best. I need to realize more that she is Creator too.

I wish I didn't get mad like I do, even though it's only a couple of seconds when I do.

RE: Hypnotic Regression - flofrog - 02-29-2020

Gem. It seems to me and always did since I am on this forum that you are always trying so hard to cover as much ground as you can...

Your mom is probably just pretty fearful of what could happen to you, and yet it seems to me you nearly are more the parent here for her. I don’t see much to regret for you as your life is not simple. As to anger we all sometimes have some fit when pressure gets too much. The gem I know here is someone quite generous to all... please do not worry. What is more we all have a dream to have an unconditional loving mum and i think yours perhaps might not show this a lot due to whatever pressure she has.

You can stop worrying gem, you work hard everyday to resolve things, it’s what we are supposed to do about the lack of regrets...

Your are creating a hard working life here Wink

We love you gem

RE: Hypnotic Regression - AnthroHeart - 02-29-2020

Thank you flo, and congrats on crossing 1000 posts.

I am doing alright I guess. I can only do my best.

I've given a lot of valuable stuff away for free, and even my book is for free on Academia.

When it didn't sell well, I just offered it for free, though it's still for sale.

Yes, sometimes I try too hard to do good.

But sometimes I do wrong/borderline stuff for the greater good.

They say no good deed goes unpunished. So I don't know how it will go.

I've been very lucky in life. Though I've hurt people when I was a teen, I'm like not in jail or anything now.
I'm very fortunate. And I didn't physically hurt or kill anyone. I've never hit another person.

Though I did get close once to punching my mom because she berated me and turned off the tv when I was watching it.

Meditation has helped me feel clear inside. I don't have constant burning anxiety like I used to.

But things still get to me.

I wish I could be more spiritual and live like a spiritual master who has put the world behind them.

But taking care of my mom I can't just go join a monestary.

I energetically help people remotely that I don't know like almost every day.
I can shift energy to be higher vibration and more positive. That's the service I do.

I don't know what it does exactly, but I intend for it to do good. And it is sometimes hard work.

I'm not one for serving at the soup kitchen. But I do shift energy for the highest good,
often working with my spirit guide and sometimes Ra.

Though I may be full of myself for thinking that Ra actually does anything through me.

I sometimes worry that by me calling on them it forces them to have to work through me.

I sometimes worry that I'm violating Ra's free will.

RE: Hypnotic Regression - Dallas - 03-07-2020

Great Central Sun,

You've got a lot of thoughts in this thread.  I would encourage you to take a mental step back and remember the essence behind what you/we have learned:  That all is One, that loving yourself more fully and loving others more fully is the path of progression, that we grow through service, and that all is well.  

That last one is one of my favorites.  Sometimes we can get bogged down with questions and thought.  Yet some of my most comforting moments from Ra involve hearing that "All is well."  Indeed, it is.  Find peace in that.  Love and be of service to your mother, and to all who you come into contact with.  Commit to whatever highest and best use of this incarnation that you can.  And love all that comes your way.  That is the way of your spirit guide(s), also.  I would fear no judgement but your own.  Your guide merely has perfect understanding and wise discernment, gifts which are available to you as well.

As for hypnotic regression, I think it is an incredible tool when done with an expert hypnotherapist.  I loved Michael Newton's "Journey of Souls" but the sequel "Destiny of Souls" is better still.  And there are a few other titles following that.  If you truly feel compelled to do it yourself after that much reading, you might have a great experience with it, as I did!

As far as I know, everything that shows up in a regression is third density experience.  The spirit world that is veiled from us is still a third density spirit world.  This is congruent with statements from Ra as well as the beautiful descriptions of the other side by Sri Yukteswar in Chapter 43 of Paramahansa Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi."  (Another incredible read!)  

But don't be disappointed that all this is "just" third density.  In my own experience, all of this is much, much bigger in timescale and scope than many other folks seem to think.  Third density offers nearly endless opportunities and experiences whether you are wanderer, a third density "native", or a "new" third density being.  My own regression has led to me being much more at peace with and in the world and I am excited in the new ways I will participate in it and broaden my experience/service here.  None of us needs to be a wanderer to feel that way.  The farther we progress the more we realize I am you, and you are me.  That will lead to fourth density.  And then fifth.  And so on, until we know with our whole being that the destination of our journey is back at it's infinitely perfect beginning.  Remember, we are One.  All is well.

RE: Hypnotic Regression - sillypumpkins - 03-07-2020


I agree with Dallas and flo. There’s no need to worry, and there is no rush to get anywhere, because you are already exactly where you need to be :-)

Perhaps it’d be beneficial to take a break from meditation/spiritual practice. I sense that you think a lot about these things and engage in much energetic practice. This is all well, but we all need to ground ourselves sometimes. Just a thought

Take care and most of all



RE: Hypnotic Regression - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-08-2020

Gem, some of the s*** you say is fuckin baffling. Like this:

"Can my mom decide my next life because she gets upset with me a lot?
At least I'm not Hollywood cause then I'd be possessed by a demon and be a transgender according to her.
It's hard listening to her threaten the lives of everyone in Hollywood."

Like seriously, what the f***? How does one even answer this s***? I mean, the blatant answer to your question is obviously "No" but it's such a baffling question that I can't wrap my head around what would make you think your mom is some sort of god or something who has the power to magically turn your next incarnation into a tranny or a fucking slave. No, she can't do that, and no that most likely isn't going to be your next incarnation. Your mother sounds like an incredibly negative and selfish person who fucking hates herself and hates the self she projects onto other people. Been there, done that.

Instead of being one of the beautiful elites, like so many in Hollywood are, your mother is a broke, bigoted, single (or divorced), crazy old cat lady without the fucking cats, dependent on her schizophrenic, homosexual, 42 year old jobless son for basic s*** like money and a place to stay. This HAS to f*** with her. I have been incredibly negative, I KNOW how that mentality views such situations. I wrote a FAR more detailed assessment, but I thought it unnecessarily scathing, and realized it was, like all things, a reflection of an aspect of myself. Unlike your mother, I am willing to take an honest look at myself in the mirror. This does not mean I can't call a spade a spade or in this case an abusive, negative, angry old lady who mistreats her son because she's mad at herself.

It is not because there is anything wrong with you, or EVEN because there is actually anything wrong with her, but because of her PERCEPTION that there is something wrong with her which is in desperate need of "fixing" and her frustration with her inability to "fix" it. AGAIN, been there done that. Know what it looks like.

That is exactly the kind of s*** that would drive a mother to tell her son that he is going to be a trans or a slave in the next life. It is very telling what kinds of mean spirited fantasies she comes up with to make you worry: Slave, as in, somebody who is completely powerless and who has no status in society, not unlike herself. And Hollywood Trans, which is a very specific form of trans. I'm not going to get too into it, but if she's using Hollywood Trans as an insult/scare tactic, you can bet it says something about her she does not like enough about herself enough to willingly face.

Oh! I had originally overlooked the "possessed by demons" part and the "threaten the lives of everyone in Hollywood" part.

Here, let me break down for you what makes her do that:

1) she disowns the "demonic" aspect of herself, which causes her to lash out and say mean spirited s*** to her own son as he struggles with his own issues while trying to take care of her, even though he's not in the best position to. I am very familiar with self projection. This is exactly that. Am I ALSO projecting by perceiving it? Yes. But I am likely not wrong, and I say this BECAUSE I remember being in that boat. People don't just behave this way for no reason. There is an underlying impetus, and I am familiar with the struggles of that impetus. The demonic possession thing is just a projection of her shadow self.  

2) she resents the elite in Hollywood because they have everything she's angry she doesn't: looks, money, status, power, and people worshiping the ground they walk on. She is angry because they have everything she is mad at herself for lacking.

This is why she abuses you with vicious made up bullshit that few on Earth would ever take seriously, other than to take it seriously as a form of abusive nastiness. She is unhappy with her perceived powerlessness, dependence on others, financial lack, her low status and overall place in society, her unfulfilled and possibly non-existent  ambitions, her failing health, her probably non-existent suitors, her perceived incompetence in the face of adversity, her suffering and the horrific notion of the very real probability that this will not change within her lifetime unless she somehow manages to SERIOUSLY get her act together, somehow, which she doubts she can do. Again, been there, done that.

TL;DR your mom is full of s*** and just taking her nastiness out on you because she's full of piss and vinegar over her grievances in life. DO NOT BELIEVE ANY NASTY s*** SHE SAYS. Or anything else for that matter, now that I think about it.

"I don't know. Being drawn to the Law of One would say I'm an old soul.
But being immature in life, and threatening to  get fired like 3 times at my last job
and not being able to handle pressure would say that I'm a young soul."

Gem, we've been over this. YOU YOURSELF have even posed the question: "What even is an old soul?"

The concept is ludicrous. How can the soul be "old" or "young"? Old and young are terms applied to mortal beings and as such really only apply to the worldly illusion, not to the essence/consciousness of an infinite being.

Concepts such as "Old Soul" "Starseed" "Lightworker" and "Indigo Child" are used ad nauseum within the spiritually woke New Age community because a lot of people have egos and like to think they're special. Do starseeds and lightworkers exist? As LOO seekers, we KNOW they do. But is there a tendency for every Tom, Dick and Hank who started delving into New Age spirituality to hear these terms and concepts and suddenly think they're a fucking higher being from beyond the stars, just because they read spiritual material, meditate and light candles from Gwyneth Paltrow that smell like "Tony Stark's fingers" as Cr1tikal once so eloquently put it? Yes. And it is far from conducive to their spiritual seeking. We've almost all done it from time to time, and then we grew out of it. Some people here still do it. It isn't good for them either. Especially if they just sit there, fantasizing about going to return to some alien homeworld instead of living on this one. Even if they ARE wanderers, they won't make harvest or fulfill their mission doing s*** like that. And they only fantasize about alien homeworlds because they don't want to be in this one. Again, been there, done that. Except I didn't spend time fantasizing on it, just really hoping it was the case, because I didn't like 3D life.

The few people I know who have pierced the veil enough to confirm that they are indeed Wanderers, don't seem to care.

Wanderers are not elite, yet people treat them as though they are, and then fancy themselves to be one so they can feel special and label people they like as being in the same category, just because they do stuff they perceive to be virtuous, as though mere mortals couldn't muster up the willpower. **coghcoughberniesanderscoughough** Even when they know of the polarization process and the fact that we are in a time of planetary harvest.

Do not waste your time jacking off your ego and concerning yourself with whether or not you have some sort of special spiritual identity. If being the One and Infinite Creator is not enough, literally nothing else is. Literally NOTHING ELSE exists.

"I'm 42 and my mom says I act like a child."

And yet she is dependent on you for food, money and a place to live. She is the one in the actual POSITION of a child. And the one in the position of a parent is her OWN child. And that child has a lot of problems which usually prevent people from being independent. And that is who she is forced into a position of dependence on. This is why she is nasty and abusive towards you. She resents this fact, among, I am sure, others.

"I sometimes worry that by me calling on them it forces them to have to work through me.

I sometimes worry that I'm violating Ra's free will."

This is laughable, Gem. You really think that from 3rd density, without having pierced the veil or done any work in consciousness, possibly as a 3D native, living off of the government dole, dealing with schizophrenia and getting bullied by your crazy ass mother, you somehow have the relative metaphysical power to infringe upon the free will of a magickal personality that was once worshiped as a god, built the pyramids and lives in the sun? Just what the f*** are you smoking, who and where is your dealer and how much does it cost? It sounds like some good ass s***. I wanna try!

RE: Hypnotic Regression - Alexis - 03-08-2020

hmm well I don't know how to address the previous post, other than someone recently reminded me to be a bit more selective about what I allow into my life, since all things are a reflection.

Keeping that in mind that all things are a reflection, the past, or what we would be perceived as the past, is a reflection of the present. This is the same for past lives.

I think you are hard on yourself Gem, there is no judgment on how you decide to interact with your surroundings. There really is only self judgment, and anything outside of that is just a reflection of what thoughts/blockages exist inside the creator.

RE: Hypnotic Regression - flofrog - 03-08-2020

lol EP, that was really sweet... you are the best friend. Smile

Yes Gem, he is right, you are just very ok whatever your mum says.

Dallas, I am so glad you mentioned Sri Yukteswar and Yogananda. Yulteswar for his incredible love and whatever Yogananda has written or said, it makes me melt anyway.

And yes, 3D is horrific and incredibly beautiful, and what we would do without getting through it.. much love to you all Smile

RE: Hypnotic Regression - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-08-2020

Alexis, by reading it, you have already ALLOWED it into your life.

It is ALREADY a reflection. Take a cold hard look, if it makes you uncomfortable, and then let go of it. No need to gawk it, but glossing over it ain't a good idea neither.

RE: Hypnotic Regression - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-08-2020

(03-08-2020, 02:48 AM)flofrog Wrote: lol EP, that was really sweet... you are the best friend. Smile

Yes Gem, he is right, you are just very ok whatever your mum says.

Dallas, I am so glad you mentioned Sri Yukteswar and Yogananda.  Yulteswar for his incredible love and  whatever Yogananda has written or said, it makes me melt anyway.

And yes, 3D is horrific and incredibly beautiful, and what we would do without getting through it..  much love to you all  Smile

I dunno if I'd call that post "sweet"

It was HONEST.

I thought it might be too harsh, quite frankly, and maybe it is. But Gem REALLY NEEDS to understand what's REALLY happening when his mother does this s***, or she is gonna be able to keep fucking with his head like this. This is a wake-up call, Gem: WAKE UP AND SMELL THE BULLSHIT.

Your mother does these things because she does not like herself and she is taking it out on you. Under these circumstances, YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BELIEVE A DAMN THING SHE SAYS, EVER. She has proven herself to be a liar, who lies in order to abuse. BY ALL MEANS feel free to LOVE HER unconditionally, but TRUSTING her is going to cause you unnecessary issues you do not need in your life. You have enough on your plate to deal with. DO NOT let this woman pile more s*** on top of your plate.

RE: Hypnotic Regression - flofrog - 03-08-2020

(03-08-2020, 03:06 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: [ DO NOT let this woman pile more s*** on top of your plate.

that's why it was sweet... Wink

RE: Hypnotic Regression - AnthroHeart - 03-08-2020

How can i make anyone happy? I gave my mom a computer and she told me she doeant like to be bought. Then she complains i didnt give her $25,000 before. My dad wont let me visit Bring4th when i am at his home because he sees it as occult. And my brother told me before that he doesnt know me.

Sorry to complain but my anxiety is causing physical pain. My mom may cause me to lose my disability and she doesnt care and instead screams at me and threatens me. Im a little scared of her.

RE: Hypnotic Regression - flofrog - 03-08-2020

Gem, we love you here, quite many, many of us. I wish I could box the brains of your family...

RE: Hypnotic Regression - sillypumpkins - 03-09-2020

Great central sun,

i enjoy reading many of your thoughtful posts.

I remember listening to a jordan peterson lecture a while ago, where he mentions that families often like to keep other members of the family "down" so to speak. it's an interesting phenomenon. i've had experience with it too

I think it's because, for example, if your mother were to see you thriving and doing really well for yourself, her reaction is "well.... if hes doing what he needs to be doing, then that means i need to put in the work and do the same.... well, we cant have that!" and then comes the gaslighting and cruelness.

families can be difficult to deal with when there's that kind of thing going on. because on one hand, we really care about what our family (especially parents) thinks of us. on the other, it is clearly toxic when the gaslighting starts happening and all that. so you're kind of left with a decision to make, do I want to keep subjecting myself to this oppressive behavior that will ultimately hinder my growth? or do I want to break free from it?

it's not an easy decision to make but I hope you have a sense for what your answer might be

i dont know why your mother behaves like she does. or your father. i'm not going to judge either of them. but it doesn't sound like a healthy situation/dynamic at all.

you can do something about it

hope that helps a little bit. i love you

be well and remember

RE: Hypnotic Regression - AnthroHeart - 03-09-2020

I like to remember what Ra said about "All is Well."

No matter what happens, it's all a learning experience.

I forgive others, and realize at times I need others forgiveness.

I'll try not to worry about my future and cross that bridge when I come to it.

RE: Hypnotic Regression - sillypumpkins - 03-09-2020

(03-09-2020, 05:05 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: I forgive others, and realize at times I need others forgiveness.

Have you given yourself forgiveness?

RE: Hypnotic Regression - AnthroHeart - 03-09-2020

(03-09-2020, 05:08 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote:
(03-09-2020, 05:05 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: I forgive others, and realize at times I need others forgiveness.

Have you given yourself forgiveness?

About my past as a child, yes.

Though I haven't done anything lately that would need forgiveness of myself.