I don't know how to categorize this... - Printable Version

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I don't know how to categorize this... - Lak T'eh - 12-10-2018

I've only in the last three months awakened. The synchronicities and resulting information have come almost too fast for me to digest, and it's leaving me reeling. I need to start studying the Law of One, and the only information I have gotten about it has come through David Wilcock (I've never met him) on Gaia television. I've been reading his books as well as other books, so I'm getting bits and pieces and struggling to put it all together and hold on to the knowledge and keep timelines straight. The last time I heard, there are 600 million (or more) of us on earth, and even our very presence here is enough to help increase the vibration of the planet. This is something that I want to be involved in so very badly, and have since I was a boy. I was protected, as a young boy and during my adolescence, and even saw people, dressed in white, out of the corner of my eye, quite often. After I read "The Celestine Prophesy" a year ago, and learned how to see energy fields, I began seeing the energy around trees and people (mostly trees), almost all the time.

I feel very confident, now, that I am a wanderer, from 6th density, and I've found that drawing in energy from the source field and broadcasting it back out seems to be an easy thing for me... almost second nature. So here's where it starts getting weird... and embarrassing to admit, for fear that it's my ego talking or that I may be losing my mind. Recently, a friend, who is an energy practitioner, told me, rather out of the blue, that as she watched me decorating the mantel for Christmas, she said that I was surrounded by a pure white light, blue tinged at the extremities. I looked it up, and it seems that having a white aura is very rare. What does this mean for me? I'm not looking for ego stroking, just some straightforward answers.

The other thing is that I've been very interested in where I come from (what planet), so I tried doing some pendulum work (Ive been able to dowse since childhood) for the first time, and after a series of questions, the answers led me to discover that I am Nommo from the Sirius star system. I have no idea if this is even possible, and was rather taken aback, because it was not what I "desired" at all. I wanted to be something like the Pleadians, because they are beautiful in human aesthetics, but found out that I was an ugly (by human terms) amphibian. It was a disappointment, but "oh well"... Could I really be a 6th density Nommo? Are the Nommo still around as a third density people?

I'm trying to be open to the possibilities, but oh, my gosh, why would I awaken at 63, and why so near to the transition to 4th? What will become of me at the transition or at death, will I go to 4th or will I return to 6th density? All of this is so overwhelming, but I'm keeping my head above water, so far, and I feel like I'm getting stronger day by day. I would appreciate some answers from people who really know about these things. I'm so anxious for the transition that I can hardly stand it!

RE: I don't know how to categorize this... - GentleReckoning - 12-10-2018

It's ok to be different.

RE: I don't know how to categorize this... - RitaJC - 12-10-2018

(12-10-2018, 12:14 AM)Lak T Wrote: I've only in the last three months awakened.  The synchronicities and resulting information have come almost too fast for me to digest, and it's leaving me reeling.  I need to start studying the Law of One, and the only information I have gotten about it has come through David Wilcock (I've never met him) on Gaia television.  I've been reading his books as well as other books, so I'm getting bits and pieces and struggling to put it all together and hold on to the knowledge and keep timelines straight.  The last time I heard, there are 600 million (or more) of us on earth, and even our very presence here is enough to help increase the vibration of the planet.  This is something that I want to be involved in so very badly, and have since I was a boy.  I was protected, as a young boy and during my adolescence, and even saw people, dressed in white, out of the corner of my eye, quite often.  After I read "The Celestine Prophesy" a year ago, and learned how to see energy fields, I began seeing the energy around trees and people (mostly trees), almost all the time.

I feel very confident, now, that I am a wanderer, from 6th density, and I've found that drawing in energy from the source field and broadcasting it back out seems to be an easy thing for me... almost second nature.  So here's where it starts getting weird... and embarrassing to admit, for fear that it's my ego talking or that I may be losing my mind.  Recently, a friend, who is an energy practitioner, told me, rather out of the blue, that as she watched me decorating the mantel for Christmas, she said that I was surrounded by a pure white light, blue tinged at the extremities.  I looked it up, and it seems that having a white aura is very rare.  What does this mean for me?  I'm not looking for ego stroking, just some straightforward answers.

The other thing is that I've been very interested in where I come from (what planet), so I tried doing some pendulum work (Ive been able to dowse since childhood) for the first time, and after a series of questions, the answers led me to discover that I am Nommo from the Sirius star system.  I have no idea if this is even possible, and was rather taken aback, because it was not what I "desired" at all.  I wanted to be something like the Pleadians, because they are beautiful in human aesthetics, but found out that I was an ugly (by human terms) amphibian.  It was a disappointment, but "oh well"...  Could I really be a 6th density Nommo? Are the Nommo still around as a third density people?

I'm trying to be open to the possibilities, but oh, my gosh, why would I awaken at 63, and why so near to the transition to 4th?  What will become of me at the transition or at death, will I go to 4th or will I return to 6th density?  All of this is so overwhelming, but I'm keeping my head above water, so far, and I feel like I'm getting stronger day by day.  I would appreciate some answers from people who really know about these things.  I'm so anxious for the transition that I can hardly stand it!

I believe there is only one reason for fear ever: self-identification with some idea of a form. The fear is a signal that there is a believed self-identification that is far from reality/truth.

If you see that and connect back with your true being, there is nothing to be afraid of.

RE: I don't know how to categorize this... - Fuse - 12-10-2018

I would say "welcome to the team!" But of course, you've been on it from day one, whether you had "awakened" or not. You've been doing the work you came here to do all along, because that work is principally to serve as a localized conduit through which the Light of the Infinite Creator may flow into these [formerly] dark surroundings. That you are doing it now with intention only serves to make the process more powerful and effective. But even if you had not become consciously aware of what you were doing, you still would have succeeded in what you came here to do.

I will try not to inflate your ego, but if your soul has a lot of evolutionary miles on it, then frankly, there's probably not that much risk of ego inflation. My gifting is to feel energy, rather than to see it, so I've never personally been that confident in how auras work. But from what I have read, the aura tends to be a representation of what's going on in that soul/mind/life at that moment, more of a snapshot than a perpetual state. Even so, I suspect that the capacity to attain the state of balance, peace, love and joy that would display as a white aura, even for a moment, is suggestive of a soul that is fairly evolved, at least by the standards of third density Earth.

And that might also be the answer to your question about coming into this knowledge late in the game here. You may not have had that much karma to balance before the harvest, so there simply wasn't a necessity for the information to blossom forth into your conscious mind prior to this point. But as things crescendo, as that holy Light goes from a trickle to a stream to a tsunami, the veil of third density forgetting is dissipating and the knowledge of our true origins is emerging into our lives and our minds.

And don't for a second believe that nonsense about the Nommo being "ugly." I had never heard of the Nommo myself, so I looked it up, and probably found the same information you found. First, if a spacecraft landed in your yard and an amphibian Nommo climbed out, I highly doubt that your innate response would be "ewwww." Quite the contrary. Amphibians are, after all, some of the most beautiful creatures, even on this planet! But if you are a sixth density soul, then you have, in your true state, already passed beyond the need to be bound to a particular form anyway.

When that transitional moment arrives, whether by death or rapturous transformation, your true memories will return. You will return to your true, sixth density form. But sixth density entities are capable of projecting the form they choose into physicality. I personally resonate with information that I have seen that there will be some waves to this transitional process, that the first wave of transformations will be us wanderers, and most of us will choose to remain here to assist those who will come after us. Under those circumstances, it wouldn't surprise me at all to find that your chosen form is still fairly earth-human in appearance, though likely radiant (much as the Pleiadians are often described). This would enable you to interact more freely with the yet-unchanged populace in a way that causes them less fear and confusion. That said, it's also quite possible that after that moment of transition, a spacecraft WILL land in your yard, and a delegation of gorgeous amphibian creatures will climb out to greet you and say "Hey! Great to see you again! Come on, we have some TV interviews to do, put your native skin back on!" Ultimately, though, it will be your choice, and you will no longer be governed by the "programming" of having grown up on third density Earth, watching our "beautiful people" television commercials.

RE: I don't know how to categorize this... - auntiemable - 12-10-2018

I, too, awakened late in life. Always seemed to me that it would have been easier to awaken when I was younger so that certain beliefs weren't so ingrained in my mind, but that wasn't meant to be. Perhaps, we both had a lot to learn from 'regular' 3D life before we were ready to accept the spiritual and metaphysical part of life. The seeking that you now find yourself in is a wild ride, my friend, so buckle up and enjoy the journey!

We are energy beings and the bodies that we choose to live in to experience life whether it be on this planet or another are like hosts or avatars, if you will. Judging the looks of an avatar (ugly amphibian) may be part of your human ego talking. Everything that I've learned so far is that judgment of any kind is something to be avoided. I can't say that I don't do it myself, but it is something to be aware of and work on.

As eternal beings we have plenty of time to move from one density to another when the time is right for us. I tried to find the quote in the LOO about the steps of light, but couldn't seem to find it. Basically, after you transition you walk up these steps of light until the light is too bright for you and then you stop. The steps correspond to a certain density and wherever you stop is what density you will go to. This will be a direct correlation to your life here on earth and the vibrational frequency that you attained while here. You need to reach 51% service to others in order to graduate to 4th density from 3rd in the positive realm and 95% service to self for negative. We will have guides to help us determine where we go from here and we participate in that choice. Not sure if it is something that you can know ahead of time, but you could ask your pendulum to see if it'll answer.

I just learned to douse after my awakening and it really helps me to not feel alone in this world because no one that I know has awakened. When I asked my pendulum, I discovered that I was from Maldek and then was told Orion (maybe I lived in both places), so I'm really not sure where I'm from and don't think it really matters in the end.

None of us have all of the answers and much will depend on what resonates with you. Sometimes, it helps to have someone to bounce ideas off of. If you so desire, send me a private email and maybe we could exchange private emails and learn something from each other. In any event, good luck on your journey.

Peace, love and happiness.

RE: I don't know how to categorize this... - Stranger - 12-10-2018

Hey man (or woman),

Let go of fear. God loves you, and that's neither a cliche nor a platitude. You are going to be fine, and there is nothing to worry about. The initial shock wears off, and then you'll still be you - just looking at the world a little (or, a lot) differently.

When we find peace inside, we are allowing Spirit to do its best for us. The Creation is a harmonious Whole, and by letting go of fear and trusting God to take care of the details veiled from us, you can find peace; through peace, you can once again experience and come into that harmony, and all kinds of good things follow. In the immortal words of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Don't panic!" - all is truly well AND good.

Meditation can help you with that, if you don't meditate already take a class. Lots of people seem to like the Headspace app, though I haven't tried it personally.

Also helpful is the simple practice of appreciating and sending love to everything that surrounds you, because it is all God made manifest but never separate from Himself. Love is the Creation's harmonizing force.

Auras, chakras, etc are ultimately the nuts and bolts driving your subjective experience - what it feels like to be you in this multiplayer VR game we call reality. It may be more helpful to focus on being you rather the mechanisms behind it. So be you and allow yourself to rest fully in that.

As for "is it real" - well, everything you've expressed so far certainly sounds very plausible and not at all farfetched. Regarding "why now" - maybe that's how you wanted it, preincarnatively? Maybe you wanted the benefit of a fully immersive 3D experience through much of an entire lifespan, but wanted to ultimately awaken so you can make a conscious transition to your natural state. The reasons are yours to discover if they seem important to you. Whatever they are, it is never too late to awaken. It's an amazing gift whenever it comes.


RE: I don't know how to categorize this... - Lak T'eh - 12-10-2018

Thank you, ALL, for the encouragement.

As soon as I understood who I was, the fear all melted away ("for fear that it's my ego talking" is more of an expression than a real fear). It's true that I am having to adjust to a new paradigm, but it's fun and exciting. As for my previous planet, well, that's more to satisfy my curiosity than anything. I know it really doesn't matter, in the long run. Referring to the Nommo as being "ugly amphibians" is truly a human feeling, and I'm only going by how the Dogon describe us. Frankly I picture myself looking somewhat like Abe Sapien from Hellboy, only bluer... lol. I think he's very handsome.

I do meditate, but not consistently. I'm getting better at it, and can alter my psychic state now. My goal is to meditate consistently, daily. A couple of times, I've really connected to... something really good, that made me feel amazing, and opened up my view to my place in the universe. Material goods seem unimportant, now, beyond maintaining this form and having it be somewhat comfortable. I have reversed my autoimmune diseases, and though I have essential tremors (opposite of Parkinson's), I embrace it and have chosen to keep it, for now, to help me to not get caught in an ego trap. I keep a couple other physical problems for the same reason. I also look at it as a method of balancing my Karmic account (third D is so replete with weakness and fault, fear and frustration), and keeping it balanced.

I've noticed, lately, that there are a number of people/groups which use the same language as is found in the LOO, but seem to be making up ideas and details which maybe don't agree with Ra. I'm very careful to accept only what resonates with me.

I think that it's interesting that we talk about reality in terms of sound. It seems that since we are vibrations, and part of the prime vibration (Infinite Creator), using "sonic" terms are appropriate. I remember reading one of Tolkien's books, where he talks about the creation of the universe, and he speaks of it being "sung" into existence. Perfect analogy.

I think that one of the reasons I chose to incarnate as a 3D human was to learn to balance service with wisdom, since I have subjected myself to others in the past, and not in a good way. I'm learning to temper all of that. I guess even 6D entities have things to learn, too.

One thing that I'm trying to remember is how to use my 4D abilities and use them appropriately, to help those around me, such as when to manifest something and when not to. When to heal and when not to heal, and so on. It's not right to just haphazardly use them on a whim when, perhaps, it is better to let someone suffer for the purpose of learning and growth. Seems to me that it's part of maintaining free will.

Oh, and I AM male (at least in this incarnation), and I am married to a man who I admire, and love, a GREAT man who, it seems to me, must be a 6th density wanderer (and I think he may be from Maldek, to boot).

Wow, reality is so much different from how I was conditioned to perceive it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

RE: I don't know how to categorize this... - Infinite Unity - 12-11-2018

Welcome to bring4th

RE: I don't know how to categorize this... - ada - 12-11-2018

Hey there Lak T'eh, warm welcome and a hug to you.

Just something that I want to add, I don't think that anyone or anything can truly tell you where you are from (without leaving space for pondering). The whole idea of coming to a veiled reality becomes quite pointness. And the mystery is no more a mystery. Perhaps these thoughts and ideas are your catalyst towards universal love.

RE: I don't know how to categorize this... - flofrog - 12-11-2018

Welcome to bring4th Wink   beautiful name by the way  Heart